ID: Invaded

Would you drill a hole in your head to play 4D Chess while pretending to be Retarded?

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I just watched the first 5 episodes of this trash before dropping it, not surprised Yas Forums likes it

>shot through the head
>0 dmg

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I watched 10 minutes of the first episode then figured out it's a trash

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Sign me up!

If it was well received critically there probably wouldn't be a general for it on Yas Forums. It's the quickest I've ever dropped a anime in my life no wonder the majority who watch it hate it



Yas Forums doesn't like it

What's your favourite anime this season?

Did you have a stroke while typing this?

I would drill a hole in my head to kiss Hondomachi's belly.

> Stroke
> Caused by lack of oxygen in brain
> Increase ventilation
> Can't be stroked

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I hated the Perforator at first but he somehow has grown on me.

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>acts super serious in real life
>the instant he pretends to be a detective he becomes LE WACKY MAN
How does he keep getting away with it?

>This season
Kys trash

>trying to fit in this hard

What a nice maximum security prison to give the inmates removable showerheads.

But I do really, really want to know what happened to the rest of his face.

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He's the wildcard. He's great.

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so this is the bad guy huh

how predictable

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it isn't the who, but the WHY
I remember a previous user theorizing that what they want is a permanent brilliant detective, another fixture of the wells just like Kaeru

Can't remember, does Anaido have a hole on his head?

Healing when?

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>Remembering the companion image of this

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I think it's pretty much settled that the director and his project has their eyes on Kiki.
For some reason she's the key part that makes the Mizunahome work. If the cameras are his doing, then he knew about her before the project was started and somehow she didn't know she was a target.
My guess: Kiki escaped and the current situation is a way to draw her out.

Hmm a permanent anti-kaeru to deal with Serial killers before they become a problem? I guess hondo is the best bet for that.

Thanks user!

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If this post ends in a 5, then John Walker is an alien and it was aliens fucking with people the entire time.

nah but Kiki is

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So what does Yas Forums think?
Is Perforator the John Walker, in kahoots with JW, or just fucking around to see what happens?

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The last two.

he is john walker but john walker is working with the real mastermind

He's not JW but he either receved instructions from him or someone working with him.
The last scene reveal form ep.10 doesn't make much sense otherwise.

>Kiki escaped
Did she fake her illness then?
Two days before her disappearance she was barely able to stay conscious, week or two before she couldn't even sit on her own without support.

What I want to know is how they know John Walker's name. Did the dapper guy ever say a word?

As she gets "worse" her abilities surface more and more.
So at the very least, she was tipped over the edge. Her subconscious took over and took out the nurses.
What had changed is the killers stopped coming to her dreams. If I had to theorize, her dying in her sleep suppressed her unconscious desire to kill herself (and going from other themes in the show, her desire to kill people). When that release was taken, she got worse.

I think they just made it up, like every other serial killer name.

>For some reason
She's able to project and draw people into her dreams.
>If the cameras are his doing, then he knew about her before the project was started and somehow she didn't know she was a target.
Doesn't make much sense that he'd know years in advance about JW made killers and only then finding her.
It would have to start with Kiki, her revealing who is killing her and whoever is running the show installing cameras to watch them and pick next target.

>So at the very least, she was tipped over the edge. Her subconscious took over and took out the nurses.
I think this is a given. Once she couldn't stay conscious anymore things went all fucked up just like she described to Nari when she asked him to kill her.

Pretty sure Japs just called him John Walker because of Black Label icon is wearing the dress he's using.

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>imagine what it would be like to have a family
>imagine what it would be like if I was Narihisago

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We don't know about her history before the Challenger.
There might be other reasons someone like the director would take interest in her. Like her past.

Just marathon it and it’s pretty interesting. Though I feel a little weird that the main boy and main girl barely interact


>We don't know about her history before the Challenger.
But we do, not really in day to day detail but enough to know how she spent her first 18 years, till her first suicide attempt.
Episode 8, right at the beginnig, wellside staff was going through Momoki's files with Kiki info.

it reminds me that there are probably many widows and widowers out there who have lost their entire immediate family

I guess it's a possibility something was revealed when she was institutionalized.

It is one thing to lose your entire immediate family from like a car crash, and another is to have your fourteen year old daughter beaten so badly her organs liquefy, her face is smashed in. Then to top it all off, your wife kills herself after blaming you for it all.

Possible but unlikely.
She got 'locked up' even before her 18 birthday when her parents didn't want to take her back after she was expelled from school.
Tried to kill herself when 18.
Lived by her self till 21 (while she tried to kill herself 3 more times) before Challenger abducted her.
If she was a test subject from her early adulthood then those running the project surely didn't give much fucks about wellbeing of their only esper guinea pig considering they let her try to an hero 4 times and then get abducted.

Same thing as the killers, they don't really register until they have committed multiple homicide (or in her case suicide).
So she might have only caught attention later. The particle detection stuff might be a different kind of technology, the type that identified her.
I'm not saying she was a test subject for the project before she was taken into the hospital.

Working with JW. May not be working with JW knowing him.

The idea is probably inspired from the book Kafka on the Shores by Haruki Murakami where Johnie Walker is a supernatural antagonist who dresses exactly like the whisky brand logo. Colonel Sanders is also in the story but he's on the protagonist side.

>inb4 director is actually Colonel Sanders and not JW


John Walker here looks like both Johnie Walker and Colonel Sanders. So he's both good and evil or what could this mean?

willing to do seemingly evil things for a hopeful good end goal

>acts super serious in real life
He's been a cocky shit from the moment he got arrested.