
I just finished Part 6 and what the fuck was that bullshit.

It was pretty great up until they broke out, at which point everything kind of went to shit - though the Bohemian Rhapsody fight was GOAT.

>Giorno doesn't show up despite Dio's other sons being key antagonists
>Josuke makes no appearance despite the fact that the entire Joestar bloodline is in danger and he'd also be a target
>Hermes basically stops being a character and mostly just exists to shout at things and sometimes use her powers before being proven useless again
>Weather Report doesn't get another decent fight and just has his final showdown with Pucci cut short
>Pucci's entire plan makes no sense whatsoever and is seemingly entirely random and ridiculous, and though his backstory is great his friendship with Dio still feels underdeveloped and his ranting about Heaven and Gravity lacks any impact because its so poorly explained
>Jotaro jobs
>Jolyne dies pointlessly
>The final showdown with Pucci is overall pretty shit since its mostly just everyone getting their ass kicked and accomplishing nothing, and Emporio killing him - while satisfying - feels like a shit finale
>Annasui is terrible everytime he talks with or about Jolyne and still winds up with her in the new universe (well, okay, his double does)

What the fuck, Araki.

Also does the ending mean that even if Irene and her dad aren't Jolyne and Jotaro that Josuke and Giorno are still themselves in the new world since they never died?

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fuck you, part 5 shitter

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It was hard to wrap my head around the ending, but I think that no one died except for pucci while everyone remained. However pucci was actually deleted from existence so everyone was rewritten as if he never existed, so all parts 1-5 still took place. Irene is still Jotaro's daughter, but she's not Jolyne because she doesn't have a JoJo fate anymore.

I'm glad Araki actually respected the villain's time bending powers and killed off the main cast instead of Jojo pulling another power out of their ass. Would've been lame seeing another Gold Experience Requiem.

I dunno, man. I hated Bohemian Rhapsody. Sky High was a great fight though.

>I'm glad Araki actually respected the villain's time bending powers and killed off the main cast
It doesn't count when you bring everyone back to life in the next chapter.

Pucci literally created the SBRverse


I find it funny how everyone that complains about Part 6 doesn't understand the ending and how Made in Heaven works. FILTERED.

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Not the same people

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Most of the people who praise Part 6 don't get it either, but they get a free pass.

This but unironically. If not for Pucci destroying the OG universe, Steel Ball Run would have never been written.

>>The final showdown with Pucci is overall pretty shit
what awful taste

>>The final showdown with Pucci is overall pretty shit
Get the fuck out of here, Part 5 fag. C-Moon is the most based Stand in the series and Jolyne's fight with it is the most clever a JoJo has ever been (Mobius Strip).

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If Johnny shot his infinite spin at Jolyne, would she be able to counter it?


Araki forgot and has referred to Irene and Jolyne aa being the same person.

Not confirmed in the story.

But confirmed by Araki.

But not the story.

The story is decided by Araki.

Only if he writes it.

And he did.

He didn't put it in the story.

Which chapter?

Yes he did.
The final chapter of Part 6.

No he didn't.

I can't find it. I looked through all 21 pages but it's not there.

He confirmed it himself, so he did.

You just read it, even if you weren’t able to get the message that he intended.

So it wasn't in the story.

That's a weird way of phrasing it. I hope you aren't trying to be dishonest. Now please, help me find the page where Araki wrote that he forgot and referred to Irene and Jolyne as being the same person.

It was, but you just weren’t able to grasp it, which is why he clarified things later.

The “Araki forgot” part was obviously a joke.
>Jolyne Cujoh’s memories might be differcent in the reset of the
universe but her love and her feelings are still there, they became something eternal and I’m sure she’ll
keep growing wiser and stronger.
This is a direct quote from Araki.

>This is a direct quote from Araki.
Where in the final chapter of Part 6 is it written?

It wasn't in the story, so Araki had to explain it outside the story.

Araki explaining it later does not mean that it isn’t part of the story, since he is the author of the story and decides everything that happens in it. What he describes is what we see in the final chapter, but many of us just weren’t able to understand it, so he had to clarify.

You told me he wrote it in the final chapter of Part 6. I would like for you to show me this writing.

It wasn't in the story, so Araki had to explain it outside the story.

He wrote it in a way that he understood, which is what matters.

It's the opposite, part 6 sucked until they got out of jail

If you insist on saying that it wasn't explained in the story, that's ok, but it was explained and it is part of the story.

So he failed as a writer and wrote it in a way none of the readers would understand and had to explain it outside the story.

It's the author's afterword, it's in the last volume of the second printing of part 6.

It wasn't explained in the story so it's not part of the story.


That sounds an awful lot like backtracking to me, user. Why can't you show me?
That can't be right. Author's afterwords aren't part of the story. That's the author talking directly to the readers about his process writing the story. It's impossible for that to be part of the story, as we are not characters in Stone Ocean and Araki writing Stone Ocean is not part of Stone Ocean's plot. Plus, the other user already confirmed that it was written into the last chapter.

Araki decides what counts as the story because he's the author.

He didn't write it into the story.

I wasn't the original guy but Jesus cut him some slack he had 10 chapters to write an ending it got kinda vague.

He retroactively confirmed that it was part of the story, which he has the power to do.

Cut who some slack? I don't have a problem with Araki, I'm talking to an user about the posts that he made in this thread.

Unless Stone Ocean gets republished with edited final chapters that includes this information then it's not part of the story.

Part 6 is just melancholic part 3

In what conceivable way?

I like how people will simultaneously get angry at headcanon and also ignore things the author said that they dont like

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Almost all of this is retarded
>Giorno doesn't show up despite Dio's other sons being key antagonists
The other sons of Dio were established to be directionless retards who Pucci needed to boss around, Giorno is not
>Josuke makes no appearance despite the fact that the entire Joestar bloodline is in danger and he'd also be a target
Pucci never cared that much about the Joestar Bloodline beyond needing the memory disc from Jotaro. He used Jolyne to get at him. He never said anything about 'wiping them out' or anything like that, there are no allusions to him targeting Josuke, Holly, Joseph or Giorno
>Jotaro jobs
He did so in DIU too, Joseph jobbed constantly in SDC, previous Jojos being less capable is not a new thing
>Jolyne dies pointlessly
Jolyne died to save Emporio who completed her work of killing Pucci and saving the universe. This also bookends the original series by having the Jojo sacrifice themselves heroically to save an innocent child, who later (though sooner in Emporio's case) continues their legacy. Legacy is a pretty fucking big deal in the series in general, genuinely amazed you managed to miss this.

All the other whining is just subjective opinions

Will Jolyne stil look like a massive tranny in the anime or will they actual change her design a bit?

Nobody will read this.

They're going to pretty her up to pander to coomers in the hopes of scraping up enough money to break even.