Shingeki no Kyojin

Jean is a god.

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cringe shitrenfag

Race traitor scum


>gets jobed by a normal human

Jesus, reiner.


based EldiaNorf

shitkasa a shit

He has no will to fight back


how tf does she keep getting away with it?

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Is she going to save him from his depression?

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Isayama is so easy to crack holy shit. I'll tell you what is happening: He is obsessed with Armin. He wants to make Armin the ultimate hero but it's clear that everytime he finishes a chapter he goes read the comments in the internet
>Levi sleeping in 125
>Fans: WTF that's it?
>suddenly Levi was awake and he said he exposed himself
>After 126 he read fans being upset with the alliance hypocrisy
>Makes Yelena says things so Isayama can say he didnt forget (while conveniently leaving Magath and Kiyomi's roles in the Eren attack)
>Levi is conveniently sleeping
>Hangi is more moralfag than ever and Isayama is testing if fans would like Armin through Hangi. He uses poor Erwin again
By the way how convenient Hangi said to rely on Armin and Pixis, like Isayama is shy to write armin alone and after this chapter is really weird how Hangi didn't say to rely on Jean

I can even predict the next shit:
>Floch (who conveniently could dodge all of Kiyomi's bodyguards) will kill Hangi, making Levi aka a popular character side with the alliance and kill Floch and Eren
>Next chapter will be more boring fight with filler Yeagerists who of course will be hilariously ugly, fat and bad drawn
>Isayama will use Erwin AGAIN
>He will try to make Armin the savior of humanity somehow
The drama of all of this is that fans will still dislike Armin

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>I want Eren to win, so I'm gonna sperg about Isayamas competence as a writer and make myself look like a hysterical jackass if everything doesn't go erens way.

I just summed up this thread for you, there exist sub-humans stupid enough to make such criticisms for an unfinished story.crazy isn't it?

I bet it's gonna turn out that they're siblings.

Welp, looks like i'm giving this manga the tokyo ghoul treatment, i will drop it until the final chapter and check if something interesting happened, it's obvious where the story is going with Eren getting defeated and suddenly the rest of the world love the Eldians and wants to suck thier cock people who can turn into literal human eating monsters.

And before someone says you only care about Eren, i will be perfectly fine with Eren dying then people raping his corpse as long as the rest of the world doesn't suddenly fall in love with the Eldians and continue with their genocide.

She look’s so gentle.

Ahahahaha pies and Annie! Im brilliant

>Eren, why are you doing this rumble thing?
>Y-Yotsuba? W-what are you doing here?
>Stop rumbling around big guy Eren, enjoy everything!
>Yotsuba... y-yes, you're right
And then Eren stopped the rumbling and and and!

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She probably envious of the damage Jean did there


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>two of them run in to stop Jean
>still can't restrain him effectively
Based raging tree

I miss the Jeager brothers my bros

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I can't believe I'm so glad that Erwin is gone

>"D-damn it, we're losing"
>"Eren is too strong"
>"Is it really ending here?"
>"Alliancefriends, it's been an honor fighting with you"
>Just as despair overcomes our fallen heroes, a figure rises from the smoke
>"W-who's that?"
>"It can't be!"
>A pair of glasses sparkle from the sunlight, illuminating a single point in the darkness with the light of hope
>starts playing: [YouTube] [Open] (embed)
>"Yes, it's me, my heart was once lost in the depths of despair, but now I realize what we have to do, we must save my brother whom we all love so dearly! Everyone! Let's do it!"
>"D-do what Zeke? There's nothing we c-can do... we're defeated, what's options are left for us?"
>"Isn't that obvious Armin-friend... COMBINE!"
>Armin, Reiner, Falco, Annie and Pieck all converge onto Zeke's illuminating light of hope and an enormous titan incorporating the Colossals' size and steam, the Armored's armor, the female's flexibility, the Jaw's speed, the Cart's ability to carry large loads and the Beasts' basedness into one powerful titan, the last chance to rival Eren's Forma Final de Apocalipsis. It towers above the field of destruction and death, symbolizing the last hope of humanity Tengen Toppa Último Titán de la Esperanza!
>"Let's finish this, BROTHER!"
... after the battle...
>Heh, so this is Spira-uh Titan Power

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Why is this the only numbered page in the whole manga?

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See you next month!

shes a girl, user

Not him but Annie biological parents are unknown and she was abandoned, so its not impossible

>Yelena x Pieck is now canon

>When Eren talk no jutsus their universe equivalent of god and makes her abandon her slave mentality after knowing her for 2 minute against all goods, it's okay
>When his friends try to do the same, it's suddenly MUH ASSPULL and "bad writing"

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>Would genocide the world for

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shhh, she's sleeping.

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because it's the most important page in the whole manga

Why can't those fuckers just admit that they are sacrificing the island to save the world.

Can't tell, but is that ocean behind vision!mankasa?

Based and Zekepilled

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same desu
wasted potential. I should not have expected something more than shonen trash from a shonen mag

against all odds*

You can also that in Ymir ending. Basically, it relates to ymir.

he also has a weird fetish for amazon women

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because ymir had nobody to talk to for 2000 years besides some asshole kings who bossed her around
makes sense she'd want some company and for someone to treat her as a human

God I wish I was Reiner.

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>obsessed with Armin
Yet the only alliancefags that did anything in this chapter were Hange and Jean

Yes, please.

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its the grass that they're standing

This, sex with Gabi would be awesome

>knowing her for 2 minutes
>totally ignore the 2000 years from now theme
Of course it work for Ymir. She waited for him for fucking 2000 years and he is her only hope while the alliance is telling him “masscare bad, but the possibility of them killing us is okay”

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God, at this pace the cover of Mikasa facing dinoeren and a sea of colossal titans won't happen until volume 33

You'd like your face stabbed into hamburger with a spoon? There are easier ways to go user.

Alright here’s a reminder because some of you really need to understand it. Isayama is not fucking tricking you, or playing 4D chess or whatever. If you’re expecting some M Night shit where Jean betrays the alliance or Eren murders them all, just stop. You’re only setting yourself up for disappointment. The story is going to go and end exactly how it’s currently being presented. The alliance will confront Eren and defeat him. Some possibly die, maybe even most of them. But in the aftermath of Eren’s defeat a “miracle of peace” will be established between Paradis and Marley/the world, despite the fact both sides were on a path of mutually assured destruction. Like Isayama foreshadowed with Kenny and Uri. If you hate the current chapters and are only pushing yourself forward in the hope of kino genocide ending, just stop now, for the sake of not wasting your time and energy. There is no salvation waiting for you at the end.

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JOBnnie got lucky.

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>"kills shasa"
>im sorry gabi for hitting you

>Ymir has only ever known cruelty and slavery her whole life, each one her descendants treats her as a tool. Finally some ragetard shows kindness to you after eons of assholes. Speedreaders get the rope

Because they don't want to sacrifice the island, they want their cake and to eat it too

First panel, at the horizon line, beyond the grass, looks like light reflecting of off gentle waves.

because they ate together

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you know why, dont ask a dumb questions 2013fag

Hange deserves the most to be one of the people to die in the raid

If she believes that strongly that saving countries trying to wipe them out is worth more than the survival and safety of her own people then she should lead by example and die while trying to save the people who caused all her comrades to be eaten by titans.

Thanks to Isayama's shit writing.

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Butt kissing?

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>Mikasa will betray the Cringevengers to protect the person she loves the most
K I N O is back on the menu

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It wasn't about kindness, it was about being given a choice to end the hell she was living in for an eternity

>>Isayama will use Erwin AGAIN
>>He will try to make Armin the savior of humanity somehow
This is depressing

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1st:She's the one who led Eren to her
2nd:TnJ Ymir didn't solve anything, we know that when Eren and Zeke touch Eren will take control of the founding, so Ymir wasn't even needed.
3rd:Ymir is a non-character a plot device, so TnJ can't hurt her.

>what about me?

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>Hange deserves the most to be one of the people to die
How about Reiner or Armin who have slaughtered, mercilessly, countless of men, women and children?

its always good to see reiner getting a fistful

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Magath still with the MUH PARADIS DEVILS shit, despiste KNOWING the paradis eldians had their memories wiped out.
And Annie challenging Mikasa was cute. She has NO IDEA of how current Mikasa would make short work of that bitch even if she transformed. Mikasa would've won alone against the warhammer titan several times if the shifter was in the nape.

this manga ends in june there are only 3 more chapters of snk everything here will feel rushed


It feels more like a setup for the eventual moment where she properly stands up to him more impactful.

Can't believe she is going to end the genocide by confessing to Eren

>seem like they sense that we are moving in order to stop the rumbling
>Jean went into the forest while yelena is suspiciously staring at him
>the very same yelena who tried to break the alliance
>Jean coming back the next day while acting like nothing happen
>it only takes them a few hour (it wasn’t night) to reach the port while Jean was gone for a night
Anyone who doesn’t see Jean betrayal coming is the same faggots who think Eren isn’t in Marley.

Completely different situations and scenarios and you fucking know it.
Eren embracing Ymir and proving that she isn't a slave is not an asspull or talk-no-jutsu(at least not in the way you're implying). Ymir had a slave mentality and needed someone to affirm that she's a person. This is an example of good writing with proper setup that's in character.
Talk-no-jutsu only applies to villains. Eren being talked out of the genocide is completely out of character and annihilates and delegitimizes his entire arc. It renders everything from the Marley arc onwards completely meaningless.

Where is he bros?

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He’s going to show it trough his actions

t. Reiner

he doesnt, your overthinking... jean is a moralfag and will always stay like that

I want Gabi to be on top of me.

Based dogkasa, proving that shecs a true slave.

says who?

He will die off screen

Lol, they're gonna board the plane by then if you're lucky.
This January, Isayama said that he hopes he can wrap it up before the end of the year. Keyword, hopes.

next month is an eren chapter there are only 3 or 4 more chapters since 32 is the final volume. i figure from now on its shards and eren POV

But Armong hasn't done anything yet. Hange hogged all of the parts of being a naive optimist, made the battle plan and even got the Erwin parallel

And Mikasa seems to be the one built up more to stop Eren at the moment

I don't want to say what Eren would do to Yotsuba because I don't wanna be banned.
But let's say that Eren has no issues killing children.

> has no ability to argue without autistically resorting to physical violence
> falls in love and is sated by any minimal display of kindness
> maintains attachment to her master, even after being hurt by him
> follows his order at the exact moment he commands
Mikasa is literally a dog

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