ShingeKI NO Kyojin

>Please provide arguments why Eren is wrong?
>Ummm, killing is bad
Both in manga and in life

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shitren should just kill himself

>ErWiN wOuLd HaVe SuPpOrTeD tHe RuMbLiNg


Genocidefags on suicide watch.

>Annie will kill Eren
EAbros oh no no no no no.....

Shut the fuck up with your headcanon Hanji.

If killing is not bad, explain what Marley did wrong.

The black character is the best one IMO we see him a lot

after you, trannoid

Losing despite having all the advantages possible.

>the self inserter is here

seethe, shitrenfag

"If you kill your enemies, they win" the chapter.

I hate this nigga like you wouldn't believe

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armongfags are pedos and mods defend this

>I've had enough of all these rats running through my island
>Now it's my time to kill, now it's my time to die

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Betrayal soon.

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Pii strikes again!

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It's obvious talking with Eren won't work, so this is really just foreshadowing that they're going to have to kill him.

Eren is neither right nor wrong. The Avengers are neither right nor wrong as well.

Why are you seething over characters having different motivations and opinions? Right now it would be logical to assume you're all erenfags mad that he could possibly get killed, either way you're retarded if you're seething. Stop making yourself look so stupid

no shit
it's just more and more panels of Armin saying "let's talk" which has been going on for years now and it's really fucking boring and repetitive

So why didn't Floch and the patriots destroy the plane and boats?

This is bad writing. If Floch and co got there ahead of time in order to prevent them reaching the founding titan then what possible reason could they have not to destroy the plane and boats and thus make 100% certain there is no chance of them reaching the founding titan?

>Ambassador Ogweno

wait, what the fuck was the magazine cover? leaker said it was important but we never got it this time

>ok Hange let's all go and stop Eren. But first tell me what will happen to Paradis After that
>K-killing bad
>I know but how do you plan on dealing with armies coming from multiple countries attacking all at once
C'mon Isayama at least try to come up with an actual argument

I guess but wouldn't it be more jarring if they were instantly on board with killing him? Everyone would be screeching even louder about how they're shitty friends. Their hesitation is normal.

Eren is the god of Paradis and Floch is his prophet!

>So why didn't Floch and the patriots destroy the plane and boats?
So they don't have to reconstruct them? Why would destroy your weapons just because you're winning?

tangible assets?

raws anywhere?

>Yii patting Pii
Why isn't the Yelenafag talking about this?

Killing is wrong

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>Annie is just worried about her dad and doesn't give two shits about Eren
It was suppose to be EA(nnie) vs EM and not EH vs EM...

Is Isayama ruining memorable scenes on purpose?

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They probably want to capture the alliance members. If they simply destroyed everything they'd run away to somewhere else on the island.

>muh everything is morally gray
I kinda agree with you, but a full blown genocide would be more fun to see

Isayama gave armins character to hangi

If they hadn't made assumptions and projected so hard they could have talked to Eren in 112

>this guy wants to do something bad , we need to kill him to prevent that!
>These people want to do something bad, we need to talk with them to prevent that

alliance fags are such blatant hypocrites
By resorting to killing Eren they're proving Eren right.

>EHfags five hours ago
>EHfags now
>seething, just like after every fucking chapter release

It never ends does it... yare yare.

And that solves nothing


Why would you keep a weapon that gives you no advantage whatsoever but gives your enemies the only shot they have at beating you?

I love her so much

>but a full blown genocide would be more fun to see
Well, duh. That's not the point. The point is that Eren is doing something horrible for arguably good reasons. The Avengers are doing something righteous for arguably dumb reasons.

Enter GODkasa

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Eren's mind can't be changed. The mainlanders can have their minds changed.

post imgur

it's more about that he actually got the chance to talk to Eren, promptly got gaslighted, and then Eren beat the shit out of him.
Now, he's back to "if we just t-talk"

>oh my sad akatsuki flashback
Poor Historia reduced for this shit.

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dude EM is deas let it go, Eren impregnated Historia, you are not going to change people's mind. Now let people discuss the chapter

Don’t let the dissuasion about whether or not Eren is justified distract you from the fact that Historia still isn’t relevant and wasn’t even mentioned this chapter.

>More Walldians AMJC and co get to kill without remorse
Good to know they have morality on there side other wise I would have to call them enormous hypocrites.

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She really didn’t have to get so triggered...

It's on mangadex

Does anybody has the link to the chapter ?

Why are they forming an Empire if there will be no one left in the world to dominate? It's the same reason, they want the power.

which one is worst?

sasha parallel
or erwin parallel

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Magath won't stop for a second to genocide the entire island as soon as Eren dies, mark my words.

wait when did Yelena find out about Marco's death?

Eren isn't even coming back to her.

Nobody is posting about eh, you're obsessed

The scouts are literally traitors to paradis right now. In the end all they care about is feeling good about themselves and their own feelings but what about the people of paradis that they doom? How can Hange speak for every single SC member that died?

Eren should just pityfuck Mikasa with some verbal and physical abuse mixed in.

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Erwin, the guy who literally send hundreds of people to death just because he self admittedly wanted to know what was in the basement, would be against the rumbling?

Idk what you mean. Any scene that BTFO’s genocidefags or antigabofags is automatically a great one.

And I only think about my Father's cock too!

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Are they going to kill them? They haven't killed any Yeagerists yet, have they?

Sasha and avengers are tied for me. I was a Sasha fag so it hurts to see her being dragged through the mud like that

Avengers is possibly the worst panel in manga history

Because he's still lying to himself that Eren's mind can be changed and they won't have to kill him, just like when he lied to himself that Eren would never do a full rumbling. 112 should be proof that Armin will come to accept they have to kill Eren to stop him.

Levi Squad is not entirety of scouts. The real scouts led by Floch are still fighting for their lives

probably from Zeke after Zeke probably learned about what they did on the island

They violated the NAP. Paradis is merely retaliating.

Isn't it still genocide if paradis gets wiped out? They just care about numbers. Fucking hell

Eren should just control Jean's body and just pityfuck Mikasa with some verbal and physical abuse mixed in. Now both of them can be happy together

Wait untill they start killing Yeagerist left and rigth next chapter showing maybe one or two panels of remorse.

So hange is planning to gather all 9 titans?
Does that mean Zeke soon?

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Nevermind found it.
The link for anyone or the lurkers who may be interested.

The entire series is about ruining memories.


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Sasha would have forgiven Gabi if she were still alive, I don't see what there is to be mad about.

it would be a different Genocide but yeah

Because she is needed for the UNEXPECTED BIG TWIST
Something like this

You realize if Sasha was alive she just be in the alliance as well right? Hell, Considering she was eating marleyan cock she probably would of tried to kickstart the alliance even earlier.

Still it's fucking stupid to trivialize certain victory for a plane they can't even pilot.

Sasha and avengers are equally worse

Yeah. And Annie's father will be kill by Marleyan solders. And Jean will never have a happy life with Mikasa and their children. And Mikasa will need to kill Eren. The world is cruel.

shitren is so FUCKING dead lmao

>Eren, why are you doing this rumble thing?
>Y-Yotsuba? W-what are you doing here?
>Eren... stop the rumbling, enjoy everything!
>Yotsuba... yes, you're right
And then Eren stopped the rumbling

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Zeke is inside the FT acting as a battery so that Eren can stay connected to Ymir. They kill Zeke they kill the Founder.

He knows they'll have to kill him, he's just coping.

Annie knew she was going to act stupid

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Imao they are going to kill the poor yeagerists who fight for their country.

avengers assemble with Connie trying to look badass while Mikasa and Annie don't give a shit and the other three looking unsure.

No she wouldn't have don't group Sasha with retards she was a tactical thinker. Everyone knows eren is the right one here

So Hange's whole plan is they'll stop Eren and hope the world won't murder them for a couple years after. Amazing. I'm sure Eren will agree with that after they just talk and Erwin would be on board as well.


>let's stop eren from killing our enemies because killing is bad
>but it's okay if they kill us afterwards lmao

They could simply remove several crucial internal parts e.g. transmission pipes

Then if they manage to kill/capture the traitors they can replace the parts after the battle is over.
But if the traitors, composed of 5 fucking titan shifters including the collossal titan manage to kill them (which is obviously very fucking likely and Floch would know that) then removing the mechanical parts from the boats and planes would mean that the traitors would have minimal chance of ever leaving the port.

There is 0 reason not to do this. It would take as little as 10 minutes to order your soldiers to go in with wrenches and remove all steering wheels, parts of the transmission ignition system and send the parts away somewhere .

So no, this is bad writing. There is no reason for Floch and his forces not to destroy/scuttle/sabotage the planes and boats if he arrived there ahead of time. , which they must have since they're all in position.

Rather than this plothole, Isayama should have just written it that the alliance arrived first or at the same time.

If Peacefags are gonna win, I need those fuckers to determine that they have to sacrifice themselves and the rest of paradis to save the rest of humanity. Because the rest of humanity is determined to kill all Eldians now that the rumbling is activated. Considering when Grisha was a kid they had airships, the world is only few years away from a nuke. Either dedicate yourselves to die for the world outside Paradis or fuck off.

>Why yes, of course I will kill the very people Eren wants to protect

Lmao sure thing buddy

yes, he's been coping for a very long time now. Chapter 112 was 15 months ago and nothing changed except for him coping even harder after getting btfo'd hard

The Avengers is cringe, just a terrible page. The Sasha one is distasteful but also kinda minor, I don't care too much.
This chapter's one is contextually the most jarring and dishonest though because she's twisting the bravery of her dead comrades and coating her weak moral argument around it. I say it's the worst.

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SHITnnie got lucky.

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the warriors and magath certainly will.

Still a pathetic end for her character. Honestly at this point I’m pretty sure hisufags(not EHfags and Erenfags who pretend to be hisufags) would prefer her to have just been farmed rather than being reduced to just a plot device for Eren.

You are delusional. Like said she was friends/lovers with Nicolo and wouldn't have wanted his homeland to be destroyed. She would have been fine with Gabi like everyone else.

>nothing personal, niccolo...

Just like cats and salami the gang would be cool with eren having a little genocide if it meant madagascar would be free, but he's going beyond that and going literal scorched earth.

It's no longer retaliation or fighting for freedom.

She was literally dating a marleyan you moron.

not the user you responded to, but I also believe this to be true. Eren needs that battery to keep commanding.

yet if they kill Zeke or somehow kill Eren they will still have a problem: the mindless CTs released will now revert to mindless form, but they'll still be rampaging. They need a way to stop them too and at this point it seems logistically impossible

So who kills Floch? Mikasa or Hanji?

so are his titan healing powers still intact or what?

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>This man would save the rest of humanity over the Island.

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Jesus fucking christ Ymirfag stop talking for Historiafags, se get it, you want Historia to be farmed and for some reason thats better than she bonding with Eren.
Seriously we get it

That's fucking silly. A better choice would to just have people take the ships out of the port for a little while. No need to take it all apart when you can just use it as you would normally.

>All those Yeagerists that are going to get killed
>Isayama will make all of them ugly as fuck

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why wouldn't they be

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You would think you'd learn not to scream "plot hole!" after this chapter. The Yeagerists obviously have ulterior motives that we will find out about shortly.

did they forget to draw the blades/spears?

These brave soldiers fighting to protect their homeland against traitors and people who are seeking to wipe out their island are the true heroes of Paradis.

Most of them will be new recruits and soldiers who have only ever had 2 real battles as combat experience (liberio and the battle that's just happened) and yet they're still moving out to fight against 5 titan shifters.

They've lived for longer than Eren did and didn't change their minds, what makes you think their minds can be changed? And even if individuals or large swathes of population become convinced that cohabitation with Eldians is possible do you think the reigning governments will simply allow for this to happen, given just how resource rich Paradis is, in addition to it being the perfect geopolitical scapegoat?

Basically proves that Eren WILL win and rumble the world. Isayama proved that he has disdain for idealistic peacefags by showing that they have literally NO ARGUMENTS lmao

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Regardless of how you feel about the chapter as a whole, you must admit that pic related was done extremely well.

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>Eren has deep complex reasons why the world will never stop hating his people and made the hard choice of the rumbling
>cringe alliance has literallly no arguments besides killing is wrong

Annie will remember that Jean

>but what about the people of paradis that they doom?
Yea it would be a shame if the literal demon people are killed.

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>would prefer her to have just been farmed

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because Ymir builds the Titans so I assumed that she also heals the Shifters

Easily Avengers, Maya was seeing things due to PTSD, Hanji knows they all died trying to protect humanity. Avengers are fucking retarded just standing like they are posing for a movie poster.
ofc Connie is the lead cause he's the dumbest one around. Its quite Kino that he represents the group in that shot, but peacefags fail to see how even the author is calling them stupid

>He thinks a guy who mass sacrificed his own organization in order to acquire intel would destroy the entire world just to save his people.

Nothing about this chapter was good

I love chapters like this because the pure cringe makes peacefags look fucking retarded

That's not what's happening. None of them are okay with being killed. They just don't have a good alternative right now. By the end they'll have figured something out.

dude just wait until next month, why are you already bitching about a plothole? for all you know, floch already did this.

Too bad. The avengers that don't die fighting Eren will be made honorary marleyans and live in Liberio

After this chapter

Eren Father Theory chances?

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Jeanchads rise up

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Yaaas queen


Why did the alliance never mentioned Historia in this chapter? Did they care about her and her existence? kek

Historiafags don't even exist at this point, it's fucking pathetic how she got reduced to Eren's set trap card.

All the marelycucks said the same thing during tybur's speech about the eldians. Stop being retarded they are done for

"Killing is bad" is the ultimate argument. Peace will prevail.

next chapter something is finally gonna happen, right? right? please no more Jerry Springer shit

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Also they have no plan outside of stopping Eren lol
Hango straight up mentions how stopping Eren may just delay Marleys scorched earth campaign, which is exactly what genocidechads have been saying.

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He'd have supported the breeding plan

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Can you believe it? AMCJH are now going to kill their own people because Eren killing people is bad.

either she's still doing that or Shifters don't entirely need Ymir.
Ymir herself shifted/healed/etc and theoretically Paths Zone was empty when she did all of that.

80% because the late chapters have been pushing EM thus reducing the chances. Still high since it makes the most sense

It goes up every time we get a chapter closer to the final panel without seeing Historia's POV. Hisu shard and Mehmet shard are going to be the single biggest turning points in the story at this rate.

One ugly guy doesnt mean anything.

So what can you say about Jean's POV this chapter? Is it an ultimate 10/10?


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The only way Historia can become relevant again is if Zeke dies. And in the end it never really mattered who the father is it could go either way.

If you kill your enemies they win!

U need to just switch the word user...


Her character isn't being hidden because she got farmed. Jean's dream makes it even more obvious. He was thinking of doing what Eren is doing right now.

did you all skip 123? isayama says it himself. im honestly surprised at the amount of moralfags here. its gonna be pretty funny when all of you get btfo then come up with excuses on why eren didnt fail

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that man would have fought for all of humanity. undoubtedly, he would have done it better than hange -- she fully admits she fucked up -- and they wouldn't have been in that situation. because erwin wouldn't have coddled eren as much, and he'd already be dead.
no wonder eren so desperately pleaded for armin to be given the serum, his subconscious future memories knew it was essential for his plan for erwin to be out of the picture. he knew he could handle armin as another titan shifter and wouldn't lose his value.

When did Yelena become so fucking based? Professional shit stirrer.

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hahahah paradis is so FUCKED lmao death to island kike devils

So, despite Ymir not being a slave anymore the shifters can still somehow regenerate their wounds. I guess then even the bullshit of Eren needing Zeke to use the Founder is still possible, and there you have a chance to defeat him.

Both Yelena and Jean were the only ones that didn't cope but spoke nothing but facts. Jean is just coming along with them to see where it goes, I don't know what Yelena is going to do though.

it automatically dropped down to 5/10 because of his interactions with Gabi

Shadis when he shows up with the recruits.

>there's no one among them who would say something so narrow-minded
>proceeds to show Erwin looking at her
Really, user? It's like if you guys doesn't know what the basic of irony in comic is.

This just slightly confirms the theory that Erwin would actually be a Erenfag, but doesn't lose hand of the ambiguity to maintain the mystery.

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Eren has no hope of living a comfortable life after this, nor has he even expressed interest in it unlike Jean.

Hange a shit.
Gab a shit.
Marley a shit.
Jean was right.

Alliancefags kept saying all month she was next on Armong's quest list and they all cared deeply about her, but I guess not.


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dont care doesnt matter has 0 impact on the story and serves no purpose

>old enemies sit around the campfire and tell stories

gabi stark ending soon

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Says who? Paradis has been trying to talk to them and change their mind for 4 years and they were not interested and still decided to wipe out Paradis.

but Annie was so nice to Reiner this chapter

That comment was just flavor text written by editors, it means absolutely nothing.

10/10 if he ends up betraying them
5/10 otherwise

They have Armin, realistically they can force Floch to cooperate with the threat of a nuke.
Likewise Floch should just destroy the plane before it turns into a battle he can't win.

Hange a best!

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>I will never experience the final reminder for the first time again.

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Floche is like 500IQ and that at his age