Greatest love story ever told?

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The best relationship is not the main though.

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That would be Toradora.

>darling in the flop

I think you mean Tasogare Otome x Amnesia


You misspelled Boku no Pico.


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I'm still shocked at how normalfags enjoyed this trash pile so much.

More like biggest time flop ever told.

Is Yabuki doing anything new now?

Ikuno a best. A BEST.
Delta a fucking shit. A SHIT.

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You misspelled Golden Time

Their show was a trashfire, but their love story was 10/10

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When you realize Oreimo and SAO has a better love story than this, you've reached Twilight tier romance.

Built for ichigo

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no ass

Average, please.

>Perfect size 0 virgin butt
>Not best butt
Your brain isn't white.

Theres no way you think this mediocre seasonal trash is the best love story ever. This is bait.

Poor Fatty

It's a good love story but don't overrate it.

Kirino has a fine ass, what are you smoking

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Its not. Its Twilight tier shit romance sprinkled with the shitty last half of GoT. You'd be a braindead retard who goes to TvTropes with aspies to love this shit

>Its Twilight tier shit romance
I never watched Twilight. Did you?

They deserved better, which they got in the manga

The manga ending felt empty for me to be honest, even if the anime ending was awful in a lot of aspects.

>mfw I was rolling my eyes at the fat guy and the cutest girl paired up
>then she got curious about childbirth
>then she DROPPED him hard
>not only that but she fucked the pretty boy she dropped him for
>and got pregnant
>and married him

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Second best fucking development
First being Hiro growing horns

apart from obvious Clannad shit maybe them?

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I did. This anime is no different

trainwreck in the flops sucks

True. Didn't like pinkshit and the main guy (forgot his name).

>make top tier femdom girl
>she ends up melting to MC and subs to him
they couldn't stop at doujins, could they.

Twist unironically should've been oni was the one pegging MC.

A flop. Bigger than any piece of media. It will only be remembered by being hated upon

It could have been better but I'll take it.

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>I did.
So. Here are the questions, since you claim both are on the same level:

1. DitF's overarching theme boils down to "being incomplete is part of what makes us human". What's the overarching theme of Twilight?
2. Zerotsu struggles with her own nature, as evidenced by her actions (breaking mirrors, aggressiveness) and emotions (apathy, boredom, ire). Eventually, as part of the character development, she accepts herself for who she is. Considering Twilight has also a non-human character as part of the main romantic couple, how does he deal with his own non-humanity?
3. DitF often employs sexual symbology. What's the symbology found in Twilight?
4. The beta couple in DitF (Kokoro and Mitsuru)'s role is to show love from a different point of view than the alpha couple (Zerotsu and Hiro), but still romantic. What's the role of the beta couple in Twilight, if any?

Bear in mind that, if you claim both are on the same level, you should be able to answer those for Twilight with something *at least* as interesting as in DiTF.

no thats made in abyss ...which come the 3rd movie you shall know love... darth vader loves himself very much

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Do you mean Ichigo and Goro or Mitsuru and Kokoro?
Because neither I would describe as "Greatest".

The problem is that the last half throws all those themes away to rush to the ending with no payoff, so no, there is no difference between it and Twilight as DiTF here threw all those themes/questions for a quick run to the finish line.

Nice to see a Franxxtard contrarian still living like a dumbass

Same, literally made me look at the show in a whole new light. It's even better when you go back and notice all the hints in the first episodes.

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>The problem is that the last half...
Aaaaand he runs away from the questions. That's a pity.

I made those questions to highlight something extremely simple and easy to understand: Darling in the FranXX is flawed. Not garbage, not a masterpiece, but flawed.
While this, odds are Twilight is garbage from the beginning to the end, with no overarching theme, interesting internal struggle, symbology or romantic relationships besides the main couple.

Thus saying "hurr durr its twilight tier shit" is fucking stupid. It is not, deal with it.

>Nice to see a Franxxtard contrarian still living like a dumbass
"A Franxxtard" would consider the show perfect. That is clearly not what I am doing, and this should be obvious since the start of this discussion () for anyone who, unlike you, is able to read and understand simple sentences.

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In franxx case Dominic & Anemone were literally Hiro & Zero Two but more interesting with less screen time.

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The manga ending was "better" because it effectively stopped after the anime's episode 15, which was the high point of the anime.
But, as a consequence, the manga was rushed which kills a lot of the ending's impact. There should have at least been an epilogue, if not 10-20 more chapters in the bulk of the series.

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Based NTR

Any other recent anime with insane production value like ditf? Regardless of the story the anime looked and sounded great


have sex fatty

based shoujo protagonist

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Lol a seething dumbass

Plebbit accepts Franxxfans, why not stay there faggot?

I think the scraped versions of 001 and Papa potentially has the best love story. It starts out a tragic fairytale, which is retold in a in-story picture book. They both get lost from their grief, which is caused by the same purple Witch/Virm, and have gained emotional support from those will likely die in the war (the snakes and the Nines). Their losses in their loved-ones push them into more monstrous states that encase themselves further towards self-destruction, Apus and the giant spear that represents Papa’s masculinity/penis. What stops both of them from killing each other during their most critical states is another monster-human couple to open up their eyes, lifting up the masks off from their faces (001’s mask is metaphorical while Papa’s mask is physical).

However, Nishigori thinks that these literal world rulers are pointless in comparison to Mitsuru and Kokowhore. It turns out that a human learning to be a father for multiple non-human children and has spent centuries trying to avenge a “dead” wife, whom is quickly engaged during his first day with her, is worthless because he isn’t a badly-written bad boy character, Mitsuru. A beast princess, who places sacrifices for her “weak” human prince and has always felt incredibly guilty on almost killing him, can’t possibly match the high quality wife material of a soldier whore that gets irresponsibly pregnant in a middle of fucking war.

Fuck you, Nishigori! And fuck your love-less neet writers, too!

>her boyfriend is a self-insert
>greatest love story ever
You can't have both

fuck those 2 for literally taking up more than half the show's air time, the longer it went on the less I cared about them