What is the saddest moment in anime that you’ve seen?

Did any of them make you tear up?

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Please answer honestly, OP. Did you really make this thread just to showcase your disgusting fetish?

>Did any of them make you tear up?
No, they tend to make me angry instead. Now badass moments make me tear up.

>badass moments make me tear up.
My man

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Go back 2 reddit

where on earth do you think you are right now

no u
I thought I was on Yas Forums, not gurochan.

As long as it has a happy ending, it'll be alright.

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thanks Yas Forums


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The whole welcome to the nhk was very depressing, apart from the comedy and cringe humor it was almost all very sad, I can't choose a scene though. Maybe Yamazaki leaving or Sato trying to kill himself in the island.
It's very difficult to make me tear up though. I only cried while at the same time laughing at the end of Kintaro arc in Gintama. That scene was so hilarious and sad at the same time I lost it.
The scene of Kyon and Yuki on the rooftop of the hospital in the disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya might be the other one but it wasn't really sad.

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This baka desu senpai.
It can go as dark as it wants as long as the outcome is happy.

Based Yas Forumsirgin


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Didn't stop best girl.

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Nani the fuck?


Oh shit, same message same time.
Also, dubs

>tan lines



First time I was watching this episode I was with other people so I did it with stone face. 3 hours later I watched it alone and I cried like little kid.

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Wtf m is going on??

based Yas Forums bro giving us hope.

based Yas Forums

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>the projection

Looks like she can’t run away from her problems now.

The only anime that made me choke up in the last 5+ years was VEG.

You should read the lN, THAT will make you choke up

>running around in a video game is the same as running around in real life
based unathletic chads who never experienced the high of actually running, playing sports or physical combat

What about Oscar Pistorius?

it's not a videogame but bionic legs you absolute moron

She just hasn't reached her potential.

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>equates Yas Forums to amputees continuing to compete after getting prosthetics
>thinks Yas Forums could give her bionic legs
in a video game. typical fucking Yas Forums-tards deluded into thinking they're the same thing

Best girls don't do anal.

Only one thing can stop her.

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> delusional Yas Forumsirgins
That should be /sci/

>LOL I drew da cute girl and then I drew da cute girl sad

Why are they giving her such a wide head start? Cheating astards


Same energy

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>edgy cringe fetish
yikes dude

She's not cute
You have pretty shit taste my dude

>being this mad because some ruined your miseryporn

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Then you need to watch Hokuto No Ken. You’ll love it.

>being this mad at being rightfully called a jackass
I don't even like misery porn, but assuming you faggot crossboarders from Yas Forums as a whole actually do anything useful for anyone is hilarious.

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Never ran on a track?
The outer circles are put farther forward to make up for the longer distances they have to run.

Just because your sadism got snuffed out doesn't mean you have to get salty.

Boo hoo, someone edited your suffer porn

where's the one where she loses her arms too

Someone drew the Boston Marathon?

Some 20 year old is putting themselves through college drawing that trash while cursing you people in their head.
I don't even know what kind of shit you have to go through to get to the point where that is arousing.
At least scat fetishists are probably just coping with that time they shit themselves as an adult. This I don't have any idea.
Here: youtube.com/watch?v=WM8bTdBs-cw

Who are you? Fuck off.

Hey bro is this your first day on Yas Forums? You need to lurk for a few months before posting

>no u

whoa you sure showed me

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Well she won't do it ever again, thanks to God damn Nakai

+10 C Y B E R L E G S

>drawing that trash while cursing you people in their head
Most guro drawfags are into it. They usually have free material on pixiv and deviantart.

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something eating a girls body parts especially sexual parts and having her comment about not eating it is my fetish

>t.doesn't know what staggers are

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I don’t like guro, but I like in ryona when they beg to not be assaulted anymore.

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For my fellow anons.
