I'm getting into Jojo just this year and i just finished reading part 5 and i'm probably a brainlet but, how the fuck does King Crimson works? i still don't get how skipping time and the interactions between people/things while skipping time works, and what the fuck does Golden Experience Requiem even does? Did the death loop have something to do with King Crimson's power or was it just Golden Experience's Requiem thing?
Also, Giorno alone was meh, but the gang as a whole was best.

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Other urls found in this thread:

it's just the world with more steps lmao

Both King Crimson and GER have abilities based around cause and effect. King Crimson's time skipping allows Diavolo to be immune to anything that was supposed to happen during the period that was skipped, whereas everyone else carries on as normal. For instance:

>Someone shoots a gun at Diavolo -> Diavolo gets hit by the bullet -> Diavolo dies

This is a normal chain of events. Enter King Crimson removing the middle part with time skipping:

>Someone shoots a gun at Diavolo -> Time skips through Diavolo getting hit -> Diavolo is fine

In other words, while an events cause remains intact, the effect of the cause is nullified. GER is different. The effect of GER will always remain, but the cause itself changes constantly. So, at the end of part 5:

>GER attacks Diavolo -> Diavolo takes it like a bitch -> Diavolo dies

Ended up becoming:

>Diavolo dies

Where every possible cause that could come before >Diavolo dies occurs. Forever. Diavolo is going to experience every single way he could be killed, and we don't even know if Part 6's bullshit will save him.

tl;dr, it just works.

King Crimson erases "everyone's perception of time".

Which means that, essentially, Diavolo uses Epitaph to see the future up to 10 second. Once he sees the future, it's fixed. Nothing he does can actually changes it. By activating King Crimson, events will play out exactly as they would if Diavolo didn't use his Stand. Bullets will still fly around, for example. Everything will be exactly the same, except Diavolo himself, who is able to move around. Diavolo cannot interact with objects or others while KC is active, but what he can do is walk behind his opponent, and ready his Stand for single-hit kill.

Presumably if he gets a premonition of him killing someone (like Narancia in Giornio's body), he can lets that future plays out on its own, which explains why Narancia gets killed while under the effect of KC.

Haven't seen this thread in a long time

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Diavolo sees a premonition of the future and skips time forward. During skipped time, everyone acts out exactly as they did as in the prediction, except Diavolo who is intangible.
It's unclear if he can actually hurt or influence people during time skips.

>Both King Crimson and GER have abilities based around cause and effect.
No they don't.

The anime might actually help you with that. I think seeing it in action makes it a little clearer, given that "time" is something you can actually observe in animation. Go watch the appropriate episodes (or the whole thing if ya feel).

>Finishing reading

Watch the anime retard.

>jojotard can’t figure his own character’s ability

I can’t imagine you reading hxh that may seem like college level to you

He can't, otherwise he'd just kill people that way instead of readying KC's arm.

>open Adobe Premiere / Windows Movie Maker / Vegas Pro / DaVinci Resolve / etc
>import a video
>drag the video to the timeline as a clip
>make two slices on the clip., it will become three separated clips
>select the sliced clip in the middle and delete it
>stick the remaining clips together to close the gap the other deleted clip has left
>render and export
>play the exported video
pretty much this with the addition that also erases the memories of the deleted clip on everyone except the user, aswell as laws of physics will also be ignored (meaning that you can delete the time on the clip where a bullet pierces you and the result ends up with the bullet having already passed through you but without piercing you as the peircing part was deleted or skipped).

>In other words, while an events cause remains intact, the effect of the cause is nullified. GER is different. The effect of GER will always remain, but the cause itself changes constantly.
so we keep the vectors but remove the objects themselves? if so, King Crimson can freely in that time? like he floats or what? because if he can ignore material things, how does he stand on the ground?

or things just keep moving like they should but they don't notice?

this kind of make it clear, but can King Crimson interact with things happening on that skipped time? because if so it's not erasing time, it's more like skipping time whitout people noticiting, but for some reason matter also doesn't notice?

He removes himself from fate for 10 seconds, so whatever was supposed to happen in the future he predicts, he can just take himself out of it. Smaller mini details are that no one remembered what happened during that time and he can predict what fate has in store. So if he is fated to be shot, he removes himself from that equation, but if someone else is fated to die by his hand in 10 seconds, they still die because it was fated, he just wasn't there for it. GER makes it so whatever fate you attempt to achieve, you will never reach it no matter how hard fate tries to make it happen, in Diavolos case it was his fated death that was prevented and continues to be attempted by fate over and over again, or his fated use of his power which just got undone.

Also, why this didn't trigger requiem?

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Araki didn't think of Requiem yet

The requiem arrow is unique, it has a beetle on it, read slower.

>read slower
The beetle isn't written about anywhere. Did you mean "look at the pictures slower"?

weren't the arrows supposed to be each the same as they trigger stands?

They are all carved out of the same meteor and carry the same virus

The beetle arrow is somehow still special and more powerful.


I meant that they say that arrow is unique every 5 seconds and have a specific name for it, the requiem arrow. Even in the anime it's a different shade of yellow from the rest, further differentiating it from the others
Why do you say that? All that is known is that a power hungry dude made them from an alien meteor.

Only according to fans

>I meant that they say that arrow is unique every 5 seconds and have a specific name for it, the requiem arrow.
They don't

I just checked, they are the same color
In this section of pages it is stated that this arrow is different and has a special use, specifically listen to giorno.

That is not stated in that chapter, user. It's quite the opposite. Polnareff says that they gained their stands after being struck by "this arrow" and that Diavolo has been using "this arrow", meaning that they are just talking about the stand arrows in general.

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>Why do you say that? All that is known is that a power hungry dude made them from an alien meteor
Because every arrow was carved from the same material and hace the same virus, nothing is said for that arrow to be special. The narrator actually just says that there were 5 arrows and five were sold to Enya and he kept one, but there is no particular reason to explain why he kept one, not that he would even know what those arrows could do on that time neither.

The arrow Diavolo kept wasn't even the one with the beetle, it was the arrow used by black sabbath

so, knowing the end, could Black Sabbath trigger requiem on stand users but Araki just didn't thought about it on that time?

Giorno literally says no its similar to the statement that that is one of the stand arrows.

He makes the people around him lag, reads their key inputs to avoid their actions, then disorients them when the lag ends and all their attempted actions instantly take effect at once.

Ping Crimson.

Attached: pingcrimson.jpg (1280x2880, 667.74K)

No, he says it's similar to "THE ARROW" because he's only ever seen one arrow before, the one used by Black Sabbath. The arrow Polnareff showed him is not the arrow used by Black Sabbath, but it is similar, because it is another one of the stand arrows.

Maybe you need to read slower?

All the stand arrows look exactly the same except for this one.

Doesn't change what Giorno or Polnareff said. Your claim has been proven wrong.

No, Giorno says "no, it's similar" to the statement that it's BS arrow, Giorno doesn't know what Polnareff's arrow looks or if it's more special than the already special arrows.
do we know that?

We don't see all the arrows at once. The two arrows in Morioh and the one used by Black Sabbath all look similar, and Polnareff's has a beetle carving. Part 6 also features an arrow with a beetle carving and another that is broken into fragments, but it's not stated which arrows these are in relation to other parts.

My claim is that this arrow is unique from the others, and thus has different properties. It is both said to be unique and looks unique, unless you have proof that there is a beetle on another older or newer arrow that has appeared.
How wouldn't we know? You have seen all the other arrows right? Just look at them, they're all the same design.

What is gold experience reqiuem’s ability?

Your claim was that "they say that arrow is unique every 5 seconds and have a specific name for it, the requiem arrow" which is not true. The arrow is never said to be unique by any character and is never referred to as the requiem arrow.

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>How wouldn't we know? You have seen all the other arrows right? Just look at them, they're all the same design.
then why do they change it in the anime? the arrow no longer pierces golden experience but he grabs it instead

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I was exaggerating about the 5 seconds, and you're right they don't call it that my mistake. But they never say that arrows in general can do this stuff, they always say "this arrow" and refer to it only when talking about hidden powers. And giorno says it is different, and it literally is look at it with your eyes, it has a big fat beetle on it.
It still cuts him, he bleeds from that iirc.

>they always say "this arrow" and refer to it only when talking about hidden powers.
No, read the page again. Polnareff says "this arrow" in reference to all arrows. I mentioned this specifically in my post. Read slower.

ok its confusing but i will go slowly. first he activates the ability. then he walks to the corner gas station and buys a scratch off lottery ticket. and then he scratches off shit and he finds he won no money. so then he erases the time from that moment to the time he left to buy the ticket and doesnt waste time on such matters again. that is how you win never loosing... that is crimson kings power

let's just forget that part 5 existed, can we?

>then he walks to the corner gas station
no, he predicts his fate to walk to gas station
it's not the same because he can't erase time


That would still result in Requiem being awakened if that arrow had the capability.

This in english refers to 1 in specific. You can't use this when talking about an object to mean all objects of the same type. Look it up in the dictionary if you disagree. And did I really make you that mad with the speedreading accusation? You've brought that up twice now. I'm sorry if you're that annoyed by it.

so who is speed reading and who is over reading? or are they both the one and the same?

"speedreading" is one of the worst accusations in this board user, you should know that

user, Polnareff literally says "this arrow" to refer to the arrow which Diavolo used to give them their stands, despite showing them a picture of the arrow with a beetle. It's right there on the page that you linked to the thread. How can you deny that? And you absolutely can use "this" to refer to multiple objects of the same type. "This fruit" in reference to a species of fruit. "This car" in reference to a model of car. "This arrow" in reference to a set of arrows that give people stands.

The reason why I keep bringing up your speedreading accusation is that I think it's funny that you said that before exposing yourself as a speedreader yourself.

Why do jojofags try to defend Araki's plot holes so badly? To the state of literally inserting headcanon and presenting it as canon to every inconsistency and plot hole?
This really isn't anything new, as Araki actively retcons stuff all the time. Trying to defend what is indefensible seems stupid, especially considering Araki does this multiple times every part.

Him saying this arrow in the way the words are structured does imply that the arrow he is showing is the one in specific that gave them their powers. It is an inconsistency that is either the translators fault or araki himself. But in context this cannot mean all arrows, that's just not how the word works especially when showing a unique beetle variant of the stand arrow. Why would araki make a special beetle version of a stand arrow that makes it completely different looking than the others and have that one arrow be the only ever shown to have requiem capabilities, he could have just reused the same design he has been, maybe he wanted to show that this one was specific? To make this unique arrow being different not confusing for the readers?

>Him saying this arrow in the way the words are structured does imply that the arrow he is showing is the one in specific that gave them their powers. It is an inconsistency that is either the translators fault or araki himself. But in context this cannot mean all arrows, that's just not how the word works especially when showing a unique beetle variant of the stand arrow.
But it is how the word works. I already proved it in my last post.
>Why would araki make a special beetle version of a stand arrow that makes it completely different looking than the others and have that one arrow be the only ever shown to have requiem capabilities, he could have just reused the same design he has been, maybe he wanted to show that this one was specific? To make this unique arrow being different not confusing for the readers?
Maybe he wanted to make the arrow look more interesting since it would be the focus of the final arc. If it was supposed to have new powers, he would have said so. Why would he fail to mention it despite dedicating several chapters to exposition about the arrows?

Look, at this point we're just arguing over literally "this and that". Let's just agree to disagree because now we've reached a "this means this, no it doesn't, it does, no it doesn't..." stalemate. Truce?

I'm not going to agree to a truce if you still think what you said is true and that I'm wrong.

Ignore the other posters. Think of it as the ever so present sleeping slaves and fate theme in the part.
Diavolo's power works in two separate parts: Epitaph and King Crimson.
Firstly Diavolo activates Epitaph to discover what fate will happen in the next 6(?) seconds. If whatever future he sees is unfavorable for him, he can activate King Crimson.
King Crimson bounds everyone to follow the paths they would take to the fate he saw, accomplishing their goals as sleeping slaves while Diavolo, the king of fate can change the course of his actions independently from that fate, changing the future by his actions alone, while the sleeping slaves continue their roles unaware. When King Crimson ends causality continues and others are free to act on their own. That is, if they survive.
That's the theme of Giorno invading Diavolo's space and becoming a fate shaper himself, no longer a sleeping slave. And further than that, Gold Experience Requiem denies the fate that Diavolo would corrupt/change, making him unable to ever reach the true fate he had, dying infinitely in fates different from his own death.

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What? You do know what agree to disagree means right? It wouldn't be a truce if I agreed with you, a truce is a ceasefire. I guess look up truce in a dictionary as well.


A truce is "an agreement between enemies or opponents to stop fighting or arguing for a certain time."

So my statement is perfectly valid. I'm not going to agree to stop arguing if you won't admit you were wrong.

But you are the one who is wrong. And if you're not going to stop, then goodbye. You can keep fighting nothing for as long as you like, this tab is now closed. Speedreader.