
Chapter 174 is out

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And that's it. Next chapter on the 19th.

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this arc is becoming kino

translations for the sounds effects?

danke schön op


It's the sound for female ejaculate

>pio pio pio pio

Remember when Fuuka looked like a perfect girl? Smart, confident, Athletic, Asuka's equal in all respects?

How far has she fallen.

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>I don't eat that much in the mornings
No wonder Yuri ate all the fries, she doesn't have much for breakfast.

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they are going to become good friends right?
tomoko is gonna break her to a point where fuuka cannot pass the exams of whatever college she wants to go to and will end up working as a casher in a supermaket while tomoko succeds in life.

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I didn't notice Tomoko was taking a pic of Miho there. Absolutely based.

Is that what the sound effect implies? I thought it was the sound of the bathroom door.

>it's a Fuuka mindbreak episode

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yeah I don't think she's actually doing that

She could join Yuu as a hostess in a shady bar

Shuu = steaming
Pipipi = Cheap cheap

Wait when did this happen again?

This hair joke has run its course.

Chapter 161, when they all went out to eat after Tomoko's suspension.

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Could anyone post a working mega link for 2ch fanarts? Previous one is kill.

It’s technically the conclusion; now Fuuka is moving on to Yuu for more information until she assaults Tomoko under false pretences

Will Tomoko ever have sex?

Is this the first time the manga actually showed Tomoko on the toilet? I know there's pic related but as far as I can tell this scene is anime-original.

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That was her accidentally bumping into Fuuka's bed which woke her up to lead into the bathroom scene you braindead tripfag.

I hope she doesn't reach Emoji's level

Another one bites the carpet.

I want to see more scenes of Tomoko using the toilet!

I want to give Yuri-chan a big breakfast.

In the very least Watamote seems to be keeping up the comedy.

Fucking Sherlock Levels of deductions by Fuuka

It’s honestly weird to see how many lives Tomoko has legitimately ruined. The only ones who actually improved are Yuri and Nemo

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wow it's fucking nothing

These fucking women

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Fuuka Holmes the perverted super sleuth has solved the first mystery of the Mojyo, but is she ready for the rabbit hole she's just found herself in?

And after she flunks her enterence exams, will she take up the job of detective or professional carpet muncher?

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I didn't like her at first, but she's becoming cute by the time.

Is ucchi into scat

remember when this manga was about spilling your spaghetti in public in ever more bombastic fashion?

Tomoko just spilled her spaghetti over people almost finding out she poops.

Is Miyazaki rooting for YuriMoko over UcchiMoko? The Ucchigang is divided, or perhaps setting up an OT3.

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Never underestimate Kayo! KAYO A CUTE! KAYO BEST GIRL!

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You mean what Fuuka is doing? The better way to say is that since everyone is friends with each other, it doesn’t matter since they’ll try to forgive the person in the end. They make fools of themselves but ultimately it doesn’t stick anymore

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>Tomoko folded up her skirt
>She probably doing more than peeing
Why is this allowed?

Whatever gave you that idea?

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She's using her byakugan to cheat.

>flanked on her left right and back by crazy lesbos
shes not leaving this classroom with her virginity intact

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>Will Tomoko ever have sex?
Tomoko already canon sexually experimenting with her female classmate beyond just groping them. She will realistically canon lose her virginity before majority of her fans.

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I really like the idea of Tomoko and Fuuka having an vitriolic relationship

Komi is too lame

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>literally only yuu and fuuka on the last level
how shit they are
how hard are they gonna fail?

Tomoko has a roastie vagina due to all the masturbating.

Yuu still has some hope but Fuuka isn't even trying

Poor Yuu.

Tomoko is breaking their minds without even realizing it.

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>Miho wears Umbro clothes
Confirmed lesbian.