Shingeki no Kyojin

>It started with "I like your hair"
Amazing how much they have grown

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>Amazing how much they have grown
Not really. They've barely grown at all. Mikasa went back for the scarf and Jean is still hung up on Marcos bones.

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JMchads, I cannot believe we actually won...

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I don't care if it's Jean's daydream, I just don't want him to die bros.

Quads of basedness, EM ship just cracked, bros!


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They've had so many great and meaningful interactions since then

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This is not a dream, this is Eren Redfield sending him visions of the future so Jean fucks his sister

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>Hongo is sweating nervously

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Jean seduced Mikasa with his big horse cock

Simp cuck faggot.

Jean is better for Mikasa anyway, Eren treats her like garbage 80% of the time

Jean delusion grow for sure.
Hell you have to really be a creepy fuck to iamgine marrying a girl and have kid with ehr while fully knowing she will never be into you at all.
I really hope isayama will kill jean off now cause it's just sad.

You gotta be desperate/ autistic to genuinely think those are the same babies and that Jean is the dude in the final panel

How the fuck could you confuse a bang/beard with a shaved style.

>Would genocide the world for

>Also a chapter where we look back one by one on the pasts up to now so it's a very serious/solemn chapter
Are we finally getting the flashback?

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You sound nervous.

Unclezekefags, EMfags, EHfags and JMfujos UTTERLY BTFO

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And the 20% that he doesn't is still far more than any interaction Jean has had with Mikasa.

Armin's so tiny kek

>goes away
UH? Did Hango forget some ingredient?

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But Jean has never been as big of a freedomfag as Eren. If he was the final panel guy, what would cause him to use that phrase?

Possible but more than likely a red herring or way to cop out.

WHOstoria doesn't deserve Eren.
Horsecuck doesn't deserve Mikasa.
End of story.

You are the one confusing two different hairstyles.
For what? For your ship that was killed years ago?

>Enko’s sideship got confirmed before EH
Well wouldn’t you know it.

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>"You're free, Eren Ackermann"
Also it being Eren's old friend who repeats his iconic line is poetic

You seem to be mentally ill

The last panel is what people have used to argue that Eren will survive

Where can I read all the High School AU shots?

>Jean pov
>Isayama acknowledges JM
We're getting closer and closer to EH pov

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Because you didn't.

Then shouldn't it be Armong instead of the horse?

The jawline of the woman in the bottom panel is Eren's kek

>character who barely sleeps
>sleeps profoundly with the enemy so close
Is this bad writing?

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>Armin look at Annie
Yes. AA soon.

Sounds like you need reading glasses

>completely butchers what little beautiful hair she had
Can this fugly ass shit get worse?

No, because Jean was always more of a rival

>The title of the chapter is “night of the apocalypse”

Last page is Floch holding a gun behind Kiyomi

Jean punched Reiner in the face until he’s covered of blood

Fist page is Jean daydreaming he has a baby with Mikasa

They still haven’t reached an agreement but they all blame each other.

Hanji went somewhere everyone talking about their pasts.

Someone is watching them, Levi has troublesome nightmares .

the ones gathering one after another vs Eren Army
there's no way they can come to an agreement but I feel bad for everyone ganging up *cry*

Hanji sure has grown

They're still going on about talking it out...

Also a chapter where we look back one by one on the pasts up to now so it's a very serious/solemn chapter

but they're still ganging up/completely beating up

Laughed at the question and answer this month. Levi looks like he's having nightmares

>Vol31 on sale 4/9

Eren and Levi's sub story 16 ep published booklet included in special package

Cover is profound/suggestive/pregnant (with meaning)....

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He sleeps because he knows Hange is close

Bros I don't want Jean to die.

Pretty sure Reiner has that role now

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I hope none of you have forgotten 105. Isayama must never be trusted

What? Sasha dying so Gabi can take her spot?

He sleeps like a baby knowing that Hansi is going to grim reminder via the stew. I hope Yellena feels a little deja vu.

Imagine your friend committing genocide to save you all from destruction and all you can think about is fucking his girl. Come on Jean wtf.

Cute and canon

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>Hanji went somewhere when everyone was talking about their past
Hanjo's design looks marleyan to me. Maybe her dad was a spy and impregnated an eldian


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Will we see their first kiss soon?


My wife (male) is so cute!

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Doesn't look like the same baby to be honest

>his girl
Eren has never shown romantic interest in Mikasa, stop that meme

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Twitter trannies are probably sitting on the finished scanlation already and we don't even have the cover.
The fuck?
Don't tell me cover is hard JM.

That guy looks Yas Forums while Jean is sadly a confirmed belly beer & bald

This will ultimately be a Zeke chapter. Screencap this.

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Isayama showing us a pleasant SCJ moment before Gabi shooting her

>Why yes, I support the earthen rumbling for the sake of protecting my lover and child. How did you know?

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Jeanbo will get injured during the final battle and Mikasa will finally find some actually use for the scarf when she rips it up to dress Jeanbo's wounds.
Jeanbo bites the bullet and fesses up.

Jean isn't much cover material

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>Dad was a secret Ackerman spy from Marley
>Mom was Rod's unnamed sister


Isayama would never. Might be EH tho

shit this would be incredibly based, because of that i know that isayama wont do it.

The Rukia and Renji of SnK.

It's a Hange chapter according to the incompetent nip leaker

>Someone is watching them,
Not this shit again

not so fast jeancuck

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The scarf will finally become red color


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I don't get it, the babies don't look similar at all?

The cringe alliance.jpg

Is it? I thought he was referring to her character development when he said "Hange has grown a lot"


Jean is going to die “protecting” Mikasa. It’s fucking obvious now. So sorry for Jeanfags, he deserves better.

She always tends to mention the most important part of the chapter. With 124 she said that Annie comes back and that it was a Gabi chapter

He was sleeping in 125 126 and 127, does it matter?


This. He’s beyond pathetic.

The worst end


Uh oh the new volume begins with Jean dreaming of a family with Mikasa. This of course does not mean anything, and in no way does the author want his readers to think that 104 have already grown. And yes, poor unfortunate Historia was raped by some faceless farmer, although I absolutely do not understand why to keep her pov together with Eren's pov. And fuck, it’s not at all obvious that “creating a family” was also related to Eren in chapter 89.

Seriously fucking, someone believes that Eren is not a father? Do such autistic people even exist?

And of course Floch is based

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Nah, see: and prepare for peak kino.

>Jean is going to die “protecting” Mikasa
>Mikasa doesn't notice

He sleeps so Isayama doesn't have to write a frontal confrontation with Levi and Annie

Then Mikasa should die too because her feelings will never be reciprocated

Hanji is Xaver's daughter (or son, before the transition).
That's why she is understands about the titan science: she inherited her father's talent for it. And also his myopia.


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Nah hes definitely starting a family with Mikasa. This was a preview

I kind of want to start ignoring this series until it finishes, just to bypass all the bullshit.

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>Seriously fucking, someone believes that Eren is not a father?
With so much focus on bringing up forgotten plot points from 2013, Hisu getting knocked up by farmer while thinking about dykemir the entire time doesn't seem that far fetched.

>the real reason Hange never drank the wine was she was apart of the euthanasia plot
>sent to Paradis by Kvaser to wait for Zeke
Imagine the manlet’s face when