Who's your favorite character from Hunter x Hunter?

Who's your favorite character from Hunter x Hunter?

Mine is Kurapika

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>SS = Leorio
Kys, Leoriofag.

My wife Neferpitou

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>Morel only S
Damn, SHIT taste bro

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Morel McCarnathy for me

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Phinks & Youpi

It's coming back in March bros. I can't explain it but I feel it.

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Hey there! You posted the same image in the previous thread! Also you take your fucking words back about the people of Brion!


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Ooo woof woof!
Hehe, a doggo with glasses, haha aha.
Woof woof! Good girl. Woof woof!

I miss him bros..

But Shoot McMahon for me!

for me, it's Shaiapouf

Morel will survive the end of Hunter x Hunter.

hmm, cringe dude

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Sometimes in another universe, I wish Kite was a woman from the start.

Togashi made him a girl so Gon can have a love interest later.

Morel will die of old age.

Hunterbros, I just bid on those convenience store editions of the manga.
Did I do good?

>Bloster above Ikalgo and Meleoreon
>Alluka being that high
Not terrible besides those

Alluka is a good character though you fucking retard

Feitan's not my favorite but he and Pouf are the most based

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based Togurochad

Bitch, woof woof!

literally the worst character in the series bro

Good taste.

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Morel Sr
Morel Jr
Morel III

Where is the user who claimed he looks like Feitan aka edgy manlet (his words) I want to ask him something.


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For me? It's Bisky, of course.

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Pitou, of course!

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For me, it's Smolpouf.

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SeƱor Tohashi, nuevos chapters por favor.

Neferpitou was a mistake!

True, she shouldn't have died...

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I like Leorio, Pitou and Kortopi. Thinking back about it I like Uvogin a lot as well. I liked the woman who could mind control men with a kiss for what she represents for the versatility of nen. I like the woman hunter in medical attire with a mouth protector for what she represents for the diversity of professions in the Hunter association. I think most of the Zoldycs, pre-royal guard ants and most of the phantom troup are somewhat boring. Most of the princes so far have been a little disappointing as well. I rooted for Hisoka in his fight with Chrollo, but was disappointed that Togashi didn't kill the loser off after that fight. I like the theory that the Kurta fucked with someone from Meteor City and got killed as a for of retaliation. I dislike Gon as a protagonist, but like how he relates to most of the characters and functions as the heart of the series and pretty much is the thing that unites the main cast.

I like the cute bee girl from the exam arc so far

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Fuck off!

My brother of excellent lung capacity

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You are a half boring person

If you had to grade the taste in what would it be, 5/10?

5,5/10 it would be.

How can you justify putting Leorio on the same level as Pitou, Youpi, Tserr, Uvo, etc?

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100% factual. Proud of you user

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>the living plot device with hardly any development besides "tranny" and "big brother" is a good character
Call me when Togashi has the balls to admit she's possessed by something from the Dark Continent

Leoriofags think the character is for intellectuals for some reason

Is Kurapika meant to be feminine/androgynous?

>Ging in Masterclass

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In Feitan's situation I would've fucked a bug, becoming leader of the Troupe be damned

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Kurapika is my wife!

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The word androgynous makes me want to puke. Such a garbage puke word. Anyway Kurapika is a twink trap. Maybe a tranny but who knows?

His artwork always reminds me some what of frank millers art, very angular but also very detailed and expressive, it really matches the strange tone of the series, I like it

Youpi should be the one who survived!

i know you want to see this so i'm helping you out: you're retarded

He already admitted it, speedreader

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Whatever you say and make you sleep easy at night, mentally ill tranny.

Sorry I don't remember the sketches of a lazy, year-long hiatus taking sloth retard-kun

Everybody and their moms know about it, if you're such a clueless retard then just stfu instead of talking shit

I guess the retards got out of detention.

niggas mad as shit

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