Carole and Tuesday

Who will get dicked first?

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Tuesday is sheltered to the point of borderline retardation so she'll get date-raped by some random good-looking guy.

And Carole?

She probably already had to suck dick for money, but that doesn't count as getting dicked.

Are the 11s okay with a chocolate waifu in their anime?

With her track record of keeping jobs I could see her doing that.

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The what?

Carole probably got pumped and dumped a few times already.

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Nips were called Elevens in Code Geass.

Didn’t that lesbo get dicked she was married to Gus at one point.

Probably, unless Gus has erectile disfunction.

Oh shit yeah I completely forgot about that.
Anyways I don’t think they care about the show in general.

Wonder if he’ll ever get to dick Carole

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Poor Roddy clearly wanted to fuck Tuesday but the story just wouldn’t let him.

The lack of any lewds for them sucks I actually started writing a few fapfics for them.

>this thread again

>again and again and again

Any good artists to commission some good Carole lewds?

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Tuesday she’s pretty naive, Carole already got dicked for money a few times.

I like Carole’s dick sucking lips

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look at her blush. AAA

I legit forgot that the black chick WASN'T named Tuesday.

Best girl coming through.

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Don’t you mean best slut

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Aren't they gay for each other?

Nah they’re just really good friends. Yuri fucks just think they are because of some lyrics or some shit.

She can be both.

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Carole’s probably taken more dick though even after Angela’s drug binge.

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Angela was a child star though, and everyone knows what they usually go through.

I’d stick my dick in crazy

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True, but Carole’s a poorfag from Earth who can’t keep a job. That she hasn’t fucked or sucked for money a few times would be surprising.

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Carole, with and they invite 's delicious pink butthole to join them, who proceeds to seduce Roddy, who had previously given up on courting her after that ordeal with that crazy bitch featured in .

>Best druggie slut girl coming through

>Carole’s probably taken more dick though even after Angela’s drug binge.

Doubt it, considering who Angela's handler was growing up. I'm sure a few of the shady people they've dealt with in the TV and then music industry did plenty of unspeakable acts to her, which ultimately resulted in their untimely deaths once Tao did a background track. At worst, Carole ended up in a situation where she had to suck dick, but in ended in the person going to the hospital with teeth-marks on their dick and Carole moving to another part of the city after robbing them. That said, I'm sure she's have more than a few handjobs by the local laundromat to make rent.

Who do you think is better at sucking dick? Carole or Angela?

Imagine Tuesday’s reaction to her first bbc.
I’m sure a Carole’s done more than handies for cash.

Reminder to watch the BD release

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Anymore BD screenshots?

>Who do you think is better at sucking dick? Carole or Angela?

Carole easily, she has the lips for it, while Angela could easily had some of the best deep-throat game on Mars, after minimum practice due to her superior genes.

>Imagine Tuesday’s reaction to her first bbc.

She's probably a squinter, though I could see her as the type to faint on her first experience. Roddy is a lucky guy.

>I'm sure a Calrole's done more than handies for cash.

It wouldn't be unbelievable to think she's taken facials and let guys dry-hump her for money, but one would think there wouldn't be that many degenerates on Mars, since they actually have money and a stable economy. Now if it was Earth, I could see her getting spit-roasted on the daily, since apparently Earth is a shithole.

Yep, posting below (overall there weren't many changes at all, just a few shots in episode 6 that had characters off-model a lot).

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Is the second cour out?


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This one's probably the funniest.

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Guy in the back has seen some shit.

SCRATCH THAT, this one's the best change.

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These all look like improvements until you notice their necks.

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Last batch of episode 6 changes.

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Their necks really are wonky but I guess that's the designer's fault.

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Also, they made Cybelle stick her tongue out in this one scene in episode 10 BD.

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So there are actually people who watch this westaboo trash ?

90° turn from the shoulder. They were fine before, why did they change it?

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>Is the second cour out?
Looks like it, didn't check it out yet.

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She cute. A shame about her mind.


Cybelle deserved better.

Saluting my Angelabros.

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Actual best and cutest girl.

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