Is Kimetsu no yaiba overrated?

Is Kimetsu no yaiba overrated?

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I liked it, a nice 7/10 shonen
sure doesn't deserve to be in the MAL top 30, but that site does consistently have pleb hypefag taste so it's to be expected

Finished the anime and I loved it
Kinda bummed the sequel is a movie instead of another season

lol Fornite streamer like it that's so cringe

I watched like 4 episodes and the story seemed very rushed. I didn't feel attached to any of the characters. The only thing I enjoyed was the art style.

I enjoyed it (the anime, haven't read the manga). The story is sevicable and I like the setting. Animation is really nice with some good music too, which is a nice bonus.

My main issue is with the characters
Not terrible all things considered but no great
>His sister (can't remember her name)
She doesn't do much but she's alright, cute design if there are points for that
>Boar head guy
I dont hate him and he can be funny. He's better when he isn't speaking
Literally ruins the fucking show. I would gladly give the show an 8/10 instead of a 5/10 if he just wasn't fucking in it
>The demon Slayer captains or whatever
A pretty resounding meh. Earth guy is cool alongside Him and the Blaziken looking one. The rest haven't been fleshed out enough for me to care

I agree the start is pretty bad (very rushed and generic indeed), but it did get better and better with every arc
goes from a 5/10 to an 8, there's a reason why it only got really big in the spider arc

It's 4/10 being praised as 10/10

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Why is that?
What's the trick?

The manga keeps selling out everytime I try to find it. I don’t actually see people watching this compared to a few months back.

Just like Kaiji

The story of Kaiji is pretty unique

>What's the trick?
Ufotable animation

Nah, ufotable did a good job and they deserver the attention.
This ugly bland bitch is what's really overrated. Normalfags have shit taste as always.

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Cute girl

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nezuko is literally perfect

I see that Zenitsu has become the ultimate pleb filter.

No, I can see it being regarded in the future as something like YYH. A kinda generic shonen with a comfy cast and a lot of asspulls especially in the latter parts.

yea it's kino AOTY

kimetsu is just proof nips have horrendous taste

for other examples of overrated trash see one piece and attack on titans



Unironically episode 19 and that's it.

I'm enjoying it, i don't find it overrated.

Yes it didn't deserve AOTY

Yes. Just about every popular series is overrated. Some fand will enjoy and rate a series way more than the norm. A series being overrated doesn't automatically make it bad though.

Only for the anime. It seems like it’s an issue with voice acting. I have yet to see a manga only complain.

Nop for not at all

uh the animation and direction is pretty decent.

Its a little edgy with violence, but theres no deeper meaning like in Shingeki.

So yeah, its alright. 7.5-8/10

zenitsu is a western pleb filter
it's like the homo kiss in SSY
filters filthy gaijin

It's definitely overrated, as most popular battle shounen are, but it's still a good series overall.

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Its like a consistent Tokyo Ghoul, but the really good moments in TG kinda made the manga worth existing even if there was some awful moments that followed. In KnY I can barely remember 90% of the story

It depends on whether or not he fucks his imouto.

Fortnite zoomers like this show.

Sell out where? United states?

Yes. The manga and the anime are good but by no means masterpieces.
Characters are rather flat, and it's your typical "good vs. evil" story.
8/10 or so.

>shitty moving manga direction
>it's good

I drooped it
didn't like the humour

Remember that time that Tanjiro watched his sister get tortured by the group he was a part of

And then he just goes on like nothing happened. No apology, no revenge, no comeuppance, no nothing, just poof like it never even happened. Why'd they put it in the story if it wasn't going to have any emotional consequences for the characters, huh?

>I like screaming and crying
>10/10 character

You mean the shit with JUST Senami? He literally says he never forgave him for that day

Sanemi, fuck

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>ultimate pleb filter
No. Fujos eat that shit up and regular anime fans are used to over-the-top personalities. Ultimate pleb filter is pic related

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It's a WSJ battle manga
The anime is well made
That's enough for the teenagers who have only ever known battle manga (with a few exceptions like death note) to worship it.

>Plebs can't see anything past the screaming and crying
Everytime. Back to the Deku complaining thread.

I haven't seen one person filtered by this though?

>Muh fujos
Zenitsu isn't that attractive according to fujo standards. Someone like giyuu or Inosuke would fit more the bill.

Every anime is overrated

>Pleb Filter
That series attracts plebs.

tough to say
it's only really getting the attention cause ufotable treated it like a newborn baby and made the anime gorgeous to look at, so I hesitate to call it overrated cause it certainly is a good show though the amazing art can only carry a 6/10 plot so far

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How do we know something is overrated? Were the standards set in stone somewhere?

Even if Fortnite ninja like KnY doesn't mean it's shit series

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Manga is where it's true charm is

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if you seriously believe that KnY is a below average shonen then you need to see more anime

I've seen over 400 anime in the last 12 years that's why I think it's below average.

It's overrated but it's also good.
It's not anime of the decade, but it's better than average, especially for a shounen.

Will basically be worthless after Muzan dies. Even if the author comes up of a "greater evil," it will all come out as shit because he pulled it out of his ass.

So it's all about how long can he make Muzan live while milking money from cucks.

fucking bullshit i wish that the average anime would be half as good as kny but that is not the case

Sometimes a story can end, user.