I think I might be suffering from a condition known as the Alice Complex

I think I might be suffering from a condition known as the Alice Complex.

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Doesn't seem that complex to me seeing as how Arisu is an easy girl.

I know exactly what you need.

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The cure isn't strong enough. We need a double dose.

Oh look, a gay.

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OP will be cured before this thread dies, maybe even some other anons will be cured.

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I'm not gay. I just can't get off to girls who are older than 12.

A gay manchild then.

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Cowtits are for cowards who are insecure about their sexuality and closeted homos trying to act straight.

Sure, I bet you never fucked a real girl you gay.

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>hurr u virgin xd
Cowfaggots, everyone.

It's always you faggots that come up with these ass backwards levels of mental gymnastics.
shoo shoo

Please explain the symptoms in detail user.

>no counter-argument
I knew it.

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I'm only sexually attracted to girls aged 7 to 12 who are under 150cm and have flat chests or small buds at most.

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That's fucking sad man.

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My wife arisu is the cure

This. And the asshurt replies support this claim

>needing a counter-argument for name calling
Why are you so retarded?

That's okay. It's scientifically proven that elementary schoolers are the best.

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The fact that you are not denying it says a lot, that's all.

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user...you just mean ANIME girls right?

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Not the other user, I was just pointing out how retarded you are

Unironically based and redpilled

Ok. If that makes you feel better about yourself.

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I want to travel back in time where posts like these weren't acceptable on Yas Forums.


Imagine still being attracted to 3DPD


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My gf


Why would you being retarded make me feel better about myself?

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Looks like a kid

Imagine still being attracted to humans in this day and age

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Well, you're obviously butthurt about something.

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I prefer nekos

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That's the quickest route towards furry-hell.

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I'm not a lolicon, but fap to her doujins and Noise.

A fine choice, but abominations from beyond time and space need love too

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Sex with Arisu

>w-well your obliviously butthurt about something

Seems I've branched away from animals and towards warships instead, oh well

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>still replying
Yep he is butthurt.

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>not fapping exclusively to human male x female anthro

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Is okay to Bap JY sachiko?

>still replying
Yep he is butthurt.

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Ryonafags are disgusting.

I have an Alice Complex, I can't stop thinking about Alice and only Alice.

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It’s never ok bap Sachiko

I was just trying to help OP.
>posting Tomoko
Fucking disgusting.

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Kill yourself.


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Explain how.

Ok retard

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Ok incel

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All the nutrients used in breast development are being wasted instead of properly utilized in bearing your child, therefore it's no different that being gay.

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I prescribe you a healthy dose of tits. 3 times a day, for 30 days. That should cure your ailment.

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cowtit coomers have brain damage if they can't also coom to DFC

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I have a thing for slutty lolitas.

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Who fucking thinks about nutrients and shit when looking at a hot girl?

>implying I don't fat to both

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I for one carefully consider breeding potential when I nut to anime girls on the internet

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How to get a girl like her? As girlfriend I mean. How can I do it?

That's just you, man.

You could have just made a loli idol thread.

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how can I be held responsible when modern technology can't even discern the age of JC idols?

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Is it autism?

Die Pedo scum

flat chests are superior

Get the fuck out, Yas Forumstard. Just make it easier to rip apart retarded contrarian flatfaggots.


You have to go back

Alice pleases producers for fame, ohohoho...

You have to go back

>no u
For disliking lolis, normalfags sure are fucking children

I went through the same thing. To cure it, you need to fap to hor or to other girls with the same "Alice" quality at least once a day for 2 weeks.

Purge the fatfags

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When did I say that I don't like lolis? I like both ways.

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Fence sitters belong on reddit.

You sure know a lot about reddit.
You have to go back.

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>uses pedo as an insult
>but I like lolis I swear ecksdee
Fuck off, ironic weeb.

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Go to Gensokyo and ask the portal manager to kindly direct you to the exit. There, you are now in the 2D world. Enjoy being a fat hentai otaku.