Kengan Omega

Raws out today, stuff is happening.

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Other urls found in this thread:>No

Ryuki is going to freak

"if" spin-off with shota Ohma and shota Kiryu having adventures in the inside while faceless old men try to capture them as sex slaves fucking when?

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I wonder how will the niko style surprise us this time.

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You can dislike ohma coming back, i dislike it, but you cant deny that it wasnt heavily foreshadowed

We are here.

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Where? The clone stuff doesnt has any relation to old Ohma being still alive

I'm at work, could someone post raws in mobile friendly version, please?


I'm not even supposed lmao

Seconded Kogabros>No Koga
>Hanafusa transplanted a new heart into Ohma
>Angry Yamashitakazuo
>Apparently very angry Ryuki

Ryuki is about to transcend and ask Akoya whether he can join his secret justice society

Ryuki (enojado) s+ tier.

>it really was hanafusa
is there anything this fucker can't do

Nah, now that Koga has experienced the worm menace firsthand, he and his boyfriend will create the worm purging party and maybe recruit Akoya on the way.

Heart transplants are hardly extraordinary.

Make my penis bigger.

on someone who's already dead?

We both know there was a lot more wrong with Ohma back then.

>Ryuki storms into the operating room
>This is all that's left

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>author says Ohma went to sleep
>people are surpised when he wakes up

By foreshadowed they mean magic doctors can fix snapped necks so they can fix anything.

Are you lost or something?

they sent me here from Yas Forums

I also want works and franchises that are not the purpose of disney crap

Spiderman and Marvel are for idiots and gays

I like Spider-Man.

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Nah, he is going to right to Akoya and go 'I want them DEAD, NOW'

These threads are rapidly approaching dbs tier with all the "u mad" shit.

i hates disney, i hates marvel, i hates star wars, i hates fox, i hates alien, i hates avatar (not avatar nickelodeon) i hates the simpsons, i hates bluesky, i hates pixar and i hates all companies owned by the walt disney company?

I'm looking for 100% anti-disney franchises

that have only stories that the disney bitch would never think about performing

Hes not Koga, he doesnt need others help

Any Karla updates?

Ryuki should be smart enough to know he can't take the entire force on alone and he seems pretty hell bent on full force murder


Nice dubs. But, he's never had a friend like Koga before, so he likely doesn't know how to react to this kind of situation.


I am honest, the thing is a major dick move from Ohma towards Kazzy and many other fighters. It really undermines the bond Kazzy and Ohma developed. I hope Sandwich will give some more backstory and explanation (it was already hinted at that Ohma was on the run from the worm) why he was in hiding without even informing Kazzy but this leaves a bitter aftertaste of asspull in my mouth

funfact, the scene with Hanafusa was already hinted on in Asura

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Ohma didn't fuck her and has no interest in fucking her.

boku no pico

It's nice to know sandwich planned to ruin his own ending from day one and wasn't pressured into bringing ohma back or anything.


Fucking hell Sandwich...

Its pretty fucking retarded especially because hanafusa made the point that advance not only damages the heart but ALSO the blood vessels leading to hemorrhaging and memory loss with hallucinations. just getting a heart transplant shouldn't reverse the damage done to his circulatory system and brain

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Just pull the vessels out and replace them, how hard can it be.

Doc could've just been called to confirm Ohma's death. To claim that this has been foreshadowed so much is beyond retarded.

>call specifically the best doctor on the island to confirm a corpse is a corpse.

Just check the similarities of the scenes you big brain

Now this is some next level cope. They wouldn't even have bothered with that detail for something so banal.

>no Koga
when does the suffering end?

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This is only the beginning of the mindbreak arc.

Believe in his power user

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I am starting to feel there are two types of anons that like Koga, the ones that like him as a protag and the others that are into ryona/watching him get bullied.

For me its 70% enjoying Koga as a protagonist,
30% enjoying his suffering.
Cohma cant compare

>I've had enough
>Now it's my time to kill, now it's my time to die

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Which one would Ryuki be in?


Wait hold on is this a kure heart?

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>Ryuki prob. makes the most fucked up face ever seen in Kengan
>We dont see it


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Isn't that the point of pages like that?

Nah, it just looks weird because daromeon got lazy and used a photo again.

is this the start of Gaoh "One-man Nanking" Ryuki?

Even if you don't read JP, you can understand, right? Xia two chapter ago said Ohma owes him his life.
Cut to now that cuts to a flashback on the tournament island, where the doc finds a heart just LAYING there. 2+2 this is a cloned heart fromt he original tiger vessel, that Ohma and Ryuuki are clones of.

i want hanafusa to cum inside me

>ashita no joe reference
>all the death flags throughout the manga
>dude he's alive lol
The lengths you people go to defend this is amazing. Just accept that it's poor writing. I still like Kengan and I acknowledge this.

Thank you,keep bulking bro

We've gone from 1 page of koga to 0 pages of Koga bros, this trend is not looking good

Is the heart... beating?!

it's fine he's just getting more scoops

Ohma wasn't out when the nurse went to get Hanafusa.

Yes probably for transport purposes. Usually when you stop the heart and freeze it, you have a 4h time limit before transplanting it. Hard to find a compatible heart on a island.

It's both for me

Losing 50% of your blood definitely at least slightly hurts your gains