Would you be an eunuch for this goddess?

Attached: Athena_1.png (553x850, 201.68K)

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Her closest Saints, the Gold Saints, don't need to castrate themselves though, they are just like some types of priests, just swear a chastity oath.

Athena has been deflowered so many times by cosmos that she's not worth worshiping.

Are saints the ultimate white knight simps


Attached: Jabu.jpg (280x210, 22.65K)

What happens if she fugs?

Only Jabu was her little bitch, all other bronze saints didn't think anything of Saori, and after they knew she was Athena for real, they just swore professional loyalty, none just suddenly start kissing the ground Saori walked on.

The possibility was never presented since even her closest to "romance" was just her most loyal saint being suicidal to save her. Athena is always pure.

Definitely thought this nigga was gonna be part of the main cast but he completely disappears from the first cour after getting BTFO in the tournament

>Athena is always pure.
Does she shave down there?

>Athena is always pure
She has lewd thoughts though

Anime filler, which gave birth to this romance bait to begin with, Saori and Seiya acted strictly as Knight and Master in the manga before the Anime had them act as if they had pending sexual tension towards each other, and since shippers ate that up all following spin-offs accept what was once anime filler to be the actual canon.

Like I give a shit, Saori lusting over Saint cock is hot

tahts retarded

Post boobies

I rather ass

Attached: saori_kido_taking_a_bath_by_locofuria_d6q1gnn-fullview.jpg (1024x1425, 233.29K)

Not really if you one pays attention to the fact that Kurumada didn't really know a thing about greek mythology and how deviants its figures are, Saint Seiya in practice is a hot pot of mythos that only has greek figures in-name-only.

Are they specifically stated to be asexual or homosexual? If not, you bet there was sexual tension between them. How much of that you choose to depict is irrelevant.

Filthy secondary.

That argument doesn't apply for '80s shounen

is anyone still playing saint seiya awakening global ver?

Attached: sede.jpg (720x720, 84.63K)

funny how thicc sendai and sasha are compared to saori

got damn leftmost is made for raw fucking

It only doesn't apply for people out of japan who actually started watching anime in the late eighties, without any means for reading the manga first, not today where the manga can be easily found and read beforehand watching the anime.

Saori is as big as Sendai in Awakening's animated scenes, that is just a matter of style, Kurumada only draws one standard female figure.

you mean the game? that's Sasha, at least the animated fight with Hades.

shit quality i know

Attached: a1.png (816x430, 662.18K)

I want a goddess to give me a handjob

last one, here's the video, there is a good quality one but is on the game's official FB page

Attached: ufuyfj.png (848x480, 823.65K)

Why did Netflix Seiya feel the need to use this scene? Was it pandering?

Attached: 1583043736845.jpg (540x304, 29.11K)



Not even old enough to have pubes

Isn't that the game that uses the OG cast but drawn in the style of Lost Canvas? How can you tell if that's not Saori?

watch the video, it clearly says that happened 200 years ago

Love hurts

Attached: Saint Seiya - To The World Where Light Overflows.avi_snapshot_19.49_[2020.02.14_05.02.52].jpg (640x480, 71.69K)

from thicc to stick

they want the USTacos audience

>Would you be an eunuch for this goddess?
Pffft no.
I have been placed on antidepressants that utterly destroy my sex drive. Ne sex drive, no erections, no arousal, not even any sort of sexual desire or need. Sex has become a concept that no longer exists. It's horrible.

It's going to take a couple days to get my affairs in order, and after that I'm going to put the gun to my head and pull the trigger. I don't want to live anymore, and now that I no longer have a sex drive or even a desire to form any sort of lasting attachments to anyone, there's literally no point in going on- just marking time in a body that does nothing but turn food into poop.

Also, the cancer is terminal and current treatments are ineffective.

Middle one is the besto

Loli Sasha was the best.

wat, she's definitely a teen
Am beaner

>there is a good quality one but is on the game's official FB page
Care to share a link to it? I am looking through both official Facebook pages I could find but no dice. The closest I got is a trailer from the official SEA YouTube.

Sendai was about 25, Sasha was about 15 and Saori was 13 in the original series

the one in the Awakening op isn't Saori but a "generic" Athena so she might well be on her 20s

I stand corrected: shows she's literally the 1700 Athena(aka Sasha's equivalent in the Awakening continuity)


>Saying that doormat Athena is the best.

Sasha was great as a loli

Aria was a good Athena stand-in, as well-

> Chastity oath
Shiryu has a girlfriend, user.

no she was Dohko fucktoy

>Loli Sasha sealed a freaking Aztec god.
>Teen Sasha got her cheeks slapped by Pandora.
What the fuck happened?

getting boobs was a mistake

I really doubt he can fuck in his midget form.

he can and he did cucked blindShiryu

Pandora was hotter, while Sasha was helped by the much-hotter-than-her Calvera\Tezcatlipoca

Why does anyone agree to being one of her saints?

Calvera\Quetzalcoatl, sorry

Tezcatlipoca is Anthrasax's pseudonym when working in other manga

no i found mine

Attached: iu.jpg (1400x2702, 691.92K)

Did you miss GOLD FUCKING SAINTS before replying? The only time Shiryu was a Gold Saint and had a relationship with Shunrei was in the non-canon Omega anime. Gold Saints only live for Athena, they have no lives outside their palaces.

>Not Minerva

Attached: Roman_Empire_Trajan_117AD.png (1200x729, 430.85K)

There are no special rules for Gold Saints.

Strictly speaking, though, Saints don't take a chastity vote but a celibate vote: they are supposed to devote their lives and hearts to justice and peace, represented by Athena.

Like Mars and Ares are different Gods in Saint Seiya, Athena and Minerva are likely different goddess as well
...and now I want a Saint Seiya season against Minerva, Goddess of Keikakus, the last battle being basically Saints vs the Goddess version of the unholy fusion of Joseph Joestar and what the average normie thinks of Kira from Death Note

Attached: Seiya vs Jabu.jpg (603x226, 34.89K)

for a 13 year old oppailoli?

i failed to see them

>There are no special rules for Gold Saints.
Gold Saints cannot even leave their palaces without a reason to do so, that's a special rule right there, and Kurumada is fresh from revealing Saga was born out of the damn star; Gold Saints never made a family for themselves, and never will unless Kurumada has a change of heart.

Athena is Kannon-sama with a Greek name, maybe some Japanese bullshit throw in the mix though

>''The religious mentality of the Japanese is —just as it was at the time when the people accepted Buddhism—responsive to one who "suffers with us" and who "allows for our weakness,"...In brief, the Japanese tend to seek in their gods and buddhas a warm-hearted mother rather than a stern father" (Shusaku Endo)

Attached: kannon1.jpg (324x500, 116.69K)

You must be damn blind, Saori is not titty monster but her breasts are very much there, she is no flattie.

do people actually take his "canon" seriously?
are the bronze saints still half brothers through the loins of a pervy old geazer?

>You must be damn blind
if they are smaller than thatyes

>>Gold Saints cannot even leave their palaces without a reason to do so, that's a special rule right there
Gold Saints are usually away most of the time.

It was A WHOLE PLOT POINT they don't meet together except in times of crisis

>Saints never made a family for themselves, and never will unless Kurumada has a change of heart.
exactly ALL Saints never made a family, at least as long as they were living as Saints

it was the whole point of Shiryu, he had to leave "family" because he was Still A Saint.

>are the bronze saints still half brothers through the loins of a pervy old geazer?

Weird that they didn't get along with Christianity then since Jesus is basically warm-hearted mother with a (circumcised) dick.

>exactly ALL Saints never made a family, at least as long as they were living as Saints
>it was the whole point of Shiryu, he had to leave "family" because he was Still A Saint.
GOLD FUCKING SAINTS, you purposefully ignorant bitch, why do you keep bringing Shiryu into this, he still isn't a Gold Saint in canon.

>bronze saints are all half brothers
This never stop amusing me.
Graad foundation had 100 kids about same age being prepared to be a bronze saint, so the old geezer traveled the world and got laid with 100 womans within a year o so.
And since they are all fuckin orphans, the old man killed all they mothers.