Redo of Healer

>most anons would kill for sex
>he gets free sex daily, complains about it
I’m sorry, but he’s just not a very relatable character.

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Sex without love is just peepee friction

This scene convinced me that he is secretly gay.

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Probably because his typical encounter looked like this.

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I'd complain if some random nigger raped me too

He was raped. He is literally me!

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Based Avatarfag

All he had to do was act like he believed her motivation, enjoy the sex, and still plan on how he was going to use her for the rest of his goals.

Why it's always a nigger? Are niggers in Japan gay?

You have to wonder how gaping was his asshole after months of constant ass rape from thirsty soliders wanting to boost their level.

He didn’t really have much use for her.

He can heal himself, so he was probably able to keep it ripe and tight.

>Are niggers in Japan gay?

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Would the occasional semen demon make it worth taking all those dicks? What does Yas Forums think?

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Or he could have killed the princess after dealing with the demon lord and lived as the only surviving hero
He instead choose to go back in time to be raped and drugged again


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OR he could kept the princess's memories intact while raping her over and over until she has 4 kids with him.

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His plan is to restore her memories after everything is over so her two personalities clash and ultimately mind fucks her.

That sounds like a horrible idea

He’s not exactly the most mentally stable person.

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Horrible for her maybe, which is the entire point.

But at that point you're basically creating a third person who is the mix of Princess Bitch and Sexslave Waifu.

This third person is the one you are punishing, not Princess Bitch OR Sexslave Waifu. You don't get revenge on the person you want to get revenge on, you essentially just created another crazed person who suffers for no reason.

Maybe the universe gives her a new power too to create some horrible causal loop.

>sex without love
No thanks

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If all they need is his cum what good would him taking it in the butt do? He needs to be the one who gets off not them. Their cum is useless. They would have to suck him too or let him use their ass.

New chapter when I want to see what he will do the crazy man hating dyke

They’re just gay, it’s not too complicated.

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The wiki says he cross-dresses, since she's a rapist of cute girls, triggers her by having her fall for his cross-dressing, and then leaves her to become dinner and a show for a trio of, uh, cannibal rapists.

Based where does he find the cannibalizes

>be character in healing hero
>walk outside in broad daylight

it didn't go like that, but given this series is like Yas Forums's version of crossed, it might as well

Why does he always have such a puncheable face?

Why 4?


dropped this shit 3 chapters in,im too old for edgy trash

There isn’t any revenge until like chapter 6, retard.

I guess because of his exaggerated expressions, though that applies to most characters.

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Cause her vag will be a roast beef flap by then.

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What would Naofumi have to say to Healing Hero?

god i wish that were me

Nah, you know what? I don't want any part of this you go have fun.

I hope Aqua voices her.

He would probably take his raccoon, and his birb, and get the fuck out of dodge

He would want nothing to do with him; maybe Rance would get along well with him though.

Aquafags would seethe if anything happened to a character voiced by their waifu’s seiyuu.

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>another male with a harem
>the sex is a means to an end for him not an end in themselves
>gay mind control and keikaku shit

They probably wouldn't get along

On second thought, you’re probably right.

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If you kill them you'll be just like them!

>If you rape them you’ll be just like them!

This series is just one long shitpost. Don’t try to think too hard about it.

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In this case it's more apt a critique than usual.

But he dindu nuffin, he’s a good boy! He said so himself!

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>MC is edgy faggot but inside still BETAMAX

Nah, he’s based. At least he gets revenge on his rapists.

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Sora Amamiya should voice Freja.

Isn't the skill system the culprit of this series? To a degree...

Im still not gonna watch it just to spite these threads

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Based Aqufag

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season 3 never.

Do you think this series would have been better if the MC was female? The scenes of her getting raped would be hotter at least.

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He later said he didn't mind having sex with her

Well he did turn himself into a trap and this happened

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>anime announced in late November, 2019
>usually takes a year for anime to be released after announcement date
>we are still in fucking February
Are we really gonna keep seeing these threads every day for NINE FUCKING MONTHS?? Or will the autist finally get bored of making them?

>we are still in fucking February
No we’re not, dumbass. Open a calendar.

It's probably some discord tranny trying to make people hate it before it even comes out.
