Chapter 167: Crazy Party Quiz Show
Big text: Beyond this lively group...
Small text: Haru gave herself to Melon as a promise. The true meaning behind this is...?

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Other urls found in this thread:

He used his nails to picked the corn peel between his teeth

It was for a moment...
but it seems like he showed me what behind his mask on purpose.

Melon: I just had corn soup this afternoon

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Melon: I don't think we will ever meet again
Melon: After all, I got fired because of the rumor based on my self-harming. This is the last time I can see you.
Haru: Is that so... Sorry about that
Melon: Ha ha ha

Melon: You don't look sorry at all ~ You're one hell of an expressive girl. It's fine though.

Haru: I just saw his carnivore fangs... no wonder...

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Haru: Perhaps you're a hybrid...
Haru: ...of an herbivore and a carnivore?

Melon: ...It's hard to answer

Melon: But the person to ask this usually has a frown on their face

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Haru: You're a hybrid, yet you're still growing this big!? Awesome!! I'm so glad!!

Louis: Hey, hey, wait, that guy, he's...

Haru: ...awesome, isn't he... because I'm in love with Legosi-kun, I was so happy

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Melon: I feel strange seeing someone celebrating my birth... You really are weird after all
Haru: What?! It's normal, just like celebrating your birthday

Melon: But no one ever celebrate for me, everyone are busy at the end of the year
Haru: Next month huh? Your birthday...
Haru: should reward yourself with a present you like.

Melon: That's right. What I wish for huh...
Haru: Yep yep, what do you wish for?

Louis: And he replied with "I want to eat your meat"?!
Haru: Er... It was my motherly instinct

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Haru: ... Ahaha... Pinky promise? I see I see

Louis: Are you a chocolate at the convenient store?!
Haru: No way... Chocolate are expensive... at least I could be an ice cream

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Haru: I can only give what I have!!
Haru: Herbivores are supposed to be eaten (need confirm on this)
Haru: It's much more fitting for me than being specially treated by Legosi-kun

Louis: Looks like it's time to sooth her pre-nuptial doubts/wedding blues... (and it's being that severed)

Louis: You're not just an herbivore or a prey... You're Haru.

Louis: I saw you before you met Legosi!
Loius: That's how you've always been!

Louis: You've been living this way for years, that's why you met Legosi!

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You can complain, you can cry, you can depress yourself as much as you want!!
But you have to live!!

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They’re all so fucking stupid.

We promise to make a society...
... where small rabbits can freely depress themselves

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Legosi: Well...
Legosi: This isn't good!

Legosi: This marker is all out of ink!
Legosi: How can I write down all the names like that...

Big text above: Safety is first

Board: December Meat-loving Day - Turf War Participants

(Right to left) Shishigumi
Inarigumi, Madaragumi, Dokugumi, ...

Text on the capes on the left: BAM Management

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Melon: What a surprise reunion. You're going to settle with me in front of the public
Melon: You want to be stand out or what?

???: What's with that wolf...?
???: Er...
???: He joined the turf war on his own?

Legosi: You have a lot of influence in the BAM
Legosi: If I have to defeat you, it should be where everyone are watching

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Legosi: I don't mind the attention no matter what occassion... you've always been very charismatic
Legosi: By the way, do you have other marker?
???: Nope.

Melon: This place is an abandoned construction site.

Melon: Back then, it was here for repairing the road and fixing the buildings in the BAM
Melon: But now... the streets are a mess

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Melon: So I'm taking over this sorry state of the BAM. Has there been any complaints about that?
Legosi: You're just too brutal. Cut it, I want to settle with you right now.

Melon: Heh~? it seems it's okay to fight here
Melon: Looks like third time the charm.

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???: Stop!

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???: Today is the day to decide the participants, not to fight each other!
???: Then you can fight all you want to death (need confirm)

Legosi: I didn't know there's even a proper format for this...
Legosi: ...even though you gave me an out-of-ink marker.

??? #1: There's an explanation for this
??? #2: We bought those pens from long ago
??? #2: It's been ages since the last new participant joined.

???: Every animal who controlled the BAM had ferocity and "intelligence"!
???: To become the new participant of the turf war, you must take an exam

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???: It's been 20 years
???: I hope it still works

Text changed to "Quiz tournament"

Melon: Hey hey hey

???: We're preparing! Make way! Make way!

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???: It's the quiz showdown for Animal Society Basic Knowledge!

Sign: Applause

Melon: For real?
Melon: This is too much

Legosi: Eh!?

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Was Melon about to rip off his shirt? We yakuza 0 now.

???: The rule is simple
???: Just answer some common quiz about the animal society

- What kind of music do rodents like?
- What is the best insult to the birds?

- Due to their short life: songs that less than 1 minute
- Chicken bastards

???: Legosi, the new challenger, will face off Melon, the representative of the top ones.

???: If Legosi win, he will get the right to join the turf war

???: If he loses however, he will be impaled with this iron skewer and grilled!
???: And this young wolf meat will be sold at the BAM!!
???: With this brutal punishment, you can quit the show right now if you want ~ !!

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Melon: It's your choice

Legosi: Of course I'll win!
Legosi: I have a lot of social experience!
Legosi: (Which is less than a year...)

Last word: Next week, the quiz showdown!

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Lol wut?

That's all folks, enjoy the ride

The fact that he's just planning the turf war out like that is just... so Legosi of him.

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we are kaiji now boys

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Turf War Exam? Turf War Exam.

So from what I can get here, Haru made the promise on accident because being around Melon makes her feel like a mom? How the fuck..?

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I believe we can all agree that El Grande Pollo has once again, duped us.

You guys can bitch all you want about Paru losing her touch, you losing your stake in the characters etc. etc.

This stuff is crazy fun fucked up shit that nobody ever could predict.

I have given up trying to predict anything anymore and just enjoy the wild wild ride.

Also the fuzzy KKK is somehow adorable even though you only see the ears.

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>I have given up trying to predict anything anymore and just enjoy the wild wild ride.
I think that's the best way to approach the series from now on.
Beastars has always been it's own thing and if Paru wants to dial up the craziness to a thousand, so be it.
I'm not going to stop reading at this point anyway, so whatever happens, happens.

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>"What is this, Leopardy?"

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every fucking time i start thinking this shit can't get more absurd, paru pulls out something new from her asshole

Hidden BAM gang Nekogumi confirmed?
The size would fit.

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Next Chapter Theme

>They don’t beat the shit out of each other

I like this

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Well now people can stop saying Itagaki locked his daughter in a basement and screctly took over Beastars, after the imaginary stands fight.

Cute but retarded rabbit.

This nigga paru is fucking retarded

>and this is the legend how Legosi unintentionally founded the Okamigumi because he didn't think things through...

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Paru won the Stand fight by summoning Tezuka's ghost.

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Melon a shit

are those little shits the same species as little hitler?




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>Implying it’s even over

Paru looks so frail and smol. How do you even have sex with girls like that without breaking their bones? how do they even give birth without the thiccness?

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You have all of your limbs broken by her dad first.

Shark is somewhere over Neptune right about now.

>An army of shit-coffee milk eaters

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wasn't it a whale?

kek this is gonna end with haru letting melon eat her a bit and then melon will realize that what he lacked all along was genuine motherly love

>Juno is still here, and she is still thirsty
>that fucking minihalo

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>impaled, grilled and sold at the BAM!!
I guess it's the BAM, but still what?

Idiot sandwich

>Oguma DBZ training in the afterlife on big gravity planet confirmed

I would genuinely love it if Louis gets a near death experience (collapsing from hunger or getting shot) and then meets with Oguma and Ibuki at the same time.

Having that genuine father son chat that he needs that reconciles his bright side and dark side represented by Ibuki and Oguma having an argument about Louis but agreeing that they love the bastard.

Also love how Kyus and Gohins smoke intermingles.

This cover is like the Brady bunch.

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The glances say a lot

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Someone edit Melon as the puppet from Saw

the fuck just happened

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So she's as retarded as Legosi then since he got shot for a similar reason, jesus christ she caught his disease.


Now this is more like it. Keep the crazy train rolling Paru!

Well in her defense if she said no he'd likely just kill her right then and there. At least now she could ask for help.

>We promise to make a society...
>... where small rabbits can freely depress themselves
my feels

>Legosi loses
>The skewer drops, about to make Legosi-Kebab

>Shadowy silouette flying jump kicks the skewer away at last second

>"WAIT! Legosi already IS the member of a gang."


>IT'S MOTHERFUCKING GOSHA "Legosi is my grandson!"


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I want an Inarigumi shrine priestess that does burial rites for the dead but uses trickery to secretly sell the bodies on the back alley market without the relatives knowing about it.

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next week, guest chapter by FKMT

shit could you imagine if she arbitrarily drew the entire next set of chapters in FKMT style

I think you and your mom should go to therapy


>tfw surprise Japanese game show arc

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This seems like a funny chapter. If you're going to be absurd, I guess you might as well lean into it as hard as you can.

>Melon is awesome because I love Legosi
she's clearly making shit up

Melon you idiot those don't help against the corona virus!

I think she's implying she is happy to see her future hybrid children might be able to grow big and strong.