Mugen no Juunin - Immortal

Episode 21 out.

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The manga is god-tier. I finished it and managed to get all the volumes around two weeks ago or so.
This really needed 50 episodes, at least.

Some beautiful shots this episode.
I wish they gave it more time. More production to remove QUALITY and more episodes for plot reasons because it has the potential to be incredible but it's just too rushed.

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From the point of view from someone who hasn't read the manga this doesn't really feel rushed to me at all. It's a super enjoyable show. Shame nobody is watching it anymore apparently.

I just realized they skipped Baro's last stand.

Oh it's extremely rushed.
The manga is 31 volumes. Show is like going to be 24. That's less than 1 episode for an entire volume.
I think it's a huge shame.
Could've been an incredible show given more time.

Rating out of 10?

Compared to the manga?
For me the manga is a 10, and this is like a 6.
The adaption is not horrible. The direction is pretty good, it looks quite nice and faithful as well, at least surprisingly faithful considering how good Samura's art is in the manga, but there is such an enormous amount of moments and story missing here. It's just not as impactful.
I do not see the final episode being anywhere near as impactful as the manga was for me.
The manga's final volume really hit me, I think the finale was tremendous, but only because of everything that came before, and this adaption is missing a lot of what comes before the finale.

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I was anime only at first and I felt the same, it’s still really good. Then I went onto read the manga and holy shit it became absolutely incredible. Even though I was following the story properly as an anime-only, reading it through the manga made me understand things so much more.
The author’s art is cool too he perfectly has this bridge between real-life faces & stylized faces. He also has a great grasp of body proportions and all that technical stuff I don’t know the terms for since I don’t study art but what I got from reading is that it’s a pretty much perfect manga

I’m currently on the part where Anotsu has met up with Habaki&co and Manji/Rin at the port. So far I’d give the manga a 9-9.5/’s been EXCELLENT I can’t really find a flaw but something is stopping me from pushing it to that 10? Honestly the only parts I found myself slightly uninterested was during Giichi and Abayama’s fight. I’m really looking forward to this final battle I hope it has that thing/moment that pushes it to a 10 too desu but I definitely absolutely loved reading this

I'm really happy you are enjoying it so much.
For me personally, it was definitely the finale that pushed it to a 10.
I think the winter arc in general is tremendous.
While reading the last volume or so I was listening to this track: I don't know how you feel about music while reading, but I would be lying if I said this didn't put me in a certain mood while reading, it elevated the experience for me.
Any favorite characters user?

>Any favorite characters user?
Not him, but this lovable dork is the best character in the manga for me.

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I can’t open the link right now but are there lyrics in the song? I’m usually good with listening to music as long as there are no lyrics.
There are way too many characters I love for me to pick so I don’t have a solid favorite but I generally like Manji of course, and I quite liked Giichi & Hyakurin individually too. I think I mostly loved Giichi because of how much of a beast he was when fighting though lol. Also I don’t normally find myself favoriting the villains in stories but Itto-ryu as a whole were amazing. Anotsu, Doa and Makie being at the forefront of my favorites mostly but I also liked Baro(?) I’m shit with names but the huge one who looked like Manji and died during the castle invasion. So yeah, no solid one favorite but a handful of characters I loved. You, user?

Oh he was definitely best boy

Magatsu is cool!
There are no lyrics, it's purely instrumental.
Good taste user, Giichi is very awesome and Hyakurin is great as well. Of course I love Manji too, but I think Rin and Anotsu are my absolute favorite characters. However, Doa is by far the cutest and Baro (you got it right) is awesome as well.
I do think Habaki becomes quite amazing as the series goes on.

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I find it funny that Samura basically recycles his characters in all his other works, even when thematically they're miles apart.

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this i loved the main history. From my favorites.

Rin’s growth was so thrilling to see. I really felt proud watching her (and Doa) when she went to save Manji in the castle. That entire arc was probably one of my favorites ever. I really liked her and Anotsu’s relationship too lol despite their awful history, they always felt like bickering siblings in some ways.
Habaki is detestable to me right now but I guess that’s the point as another antagonist

kek she still has that depressed face and didn’t even change the name, why? did boti mean that much to him or laziness?
also what are his other works like? anything worth reading?

I was really thrilled with Habaki's overall arc and role in the story by the end.
Rin and Anotsu are my favorites particular because of how they develop and their relationship with each other through the story.
Prison arc was fantastic. I love how the extreme and utter depravity of the experiment is contrasted with the rather lighthearted and endearing sisterly relationship between Rin and Doa (the cutest!)

Ohikkoshi is 1 volume of pure brilliance. Reading that after BotI was kinda mind-blowing, that he's able to do light-hearted but not infantile or fanservice focused rom-com stuff.
Wave Listen to Me is also very much worth reading (and hopefully watching in a few weeks, it can't be worse than the BotI adaptations). If nothing else it's educational about radio stuff.
Bradherley's coach is a nightmare.
The rest seems sporadically translated or not at all. That one western oneshot he did was good.

>The adaption is not horrible. The direction is pretty good, it looks quite nice and faithful as well, at least surprisingly faithful considering how good Samura's art is in the manga, but there is such an enormous amount of moments and story missing here. It's just not as impactful.
The anime provides absolutely zero added value to the manga. None of the fights that remain are animated particularly well (and most of them are downright poor), which is the least you would expect with all the shit they've cut. The art is paired down though that's obviously to be expected, but I think the color palette is just so incredibly boring. Everything is grey and washed out.

BoTI is his masterpiece by far, I don't think anything else really comes close to it in terms of his other work.
The rest of his works are either pretty Ero-Guro-tier stuff or slice-of-life comedy and drama stuff with some more concept-based one-shots.
Check it out if you like his art I guess, because his art is really great, but in terms of the overall work nothing in his catalog comes close to Blade of the Immortal.
I kinda think that Samura knows that BoTI is his masterpiece as well, he hasn't done anything or attempted anything else that is anywhere near the scale of Blade of the Immortal.
Check out Emerald and other stories for one-shots and Nami yo Kiitekure for a more light-hearted slice-of-life series, and then just go from there.

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty excited for Wave Listen to Me actually.
I read Bradherley, I really didn't like it.

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Hamasaki should do nothing but Samurai shows from now on, he's great at it.

>The anime provides absolutely zero added value to the manga.
I'd take extreme issue with that. The anime feels like its own thing just with the unique tone that Hamasaki brings, and I can't look at even a few highs of the show (Ogiso's corrections and flourishes in the first three eps, ep 9's interrogation scene, Shira vs Magatsu, Brando losing it) and say it's been poor quality or adds nothing. The Eiko Ishibashi OST which has been fantastic all the way through deserves special credit on its own. The anime's resources are obviously limited but to say that it brings zero added value to the manga is pretty odd considering how atrocious the Bee Train one was.

so is the author a radio otaku or something? i dont get how he went from this to the radio manga. the other work seems mostly in line with boti no?
thatd be amazing

Let him go nuts on the occasional darker story too.

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I don’t know if my heart can take another Texhnolyze, just thinking about the ending hurts.

Fuck is wrong with you niggers? You need to be mentally ill to still be anime only at this point

More like manga is an 8 or 9 and the anime is a 3

Dropped this shit before the prison arc, did they skip Baros's death?
What inthefuck is the point of adapting a manga is you skip half the content especially the important characterization moments and several subplots? It's just scene after scene of shit happening with no breathing space therefore making it impossible to care for.
If youw atch this shit and like it you need to fucking kill yourself just proves how subhuman anime only fags are

I disagree!

I disagree with your disagreement!

Its sad that after Steins;Gate, all he's been put on are rushed manga adaptations that are carried by his directing but dont reach the full potential of a Hamasaki show like Texhnolyze

Whats stopping the manga from being a 10 to you?

No manga is a 10.

Let’s just hope he never does something like Orange again
Fire Punch is


Fire Punch is probably the most overrated manga on Yas Forums these days. It really isn't that good.

Have tried to read the manga a couple of times since 2015. But I cant go beyond chapter 3 cause I dont get used to the sketch-like artstyle. Anyone went through the same thing?

You might just have shit taste, because Samura's pencilwork is brilliant.

What said

a 10/10 implies "utter perfection", ie without flaws
i believe such a thing is impossible

Got a link to read that? It's not on mangadex or mangasee.

I never said it wasnt good, the guy is incredible. But it kind of distracts me when Im trying to read it? I dont know how to explain it, but I dont seem to get used to it

>a sword
>inside a sword
>INSIDE a sword

I think that is a weird understanding of 10/10 to have.
Nothing is perfect so inherently a 10/10 does not mean that it's perfect, it just means that to you as an individual this work was so enjoyable to you that it stands above the rest of everything despite any flaws it might have because everything has flaws.
To me Blade of the Immortal is a 10/10.
It's because I enjoyed the work more than most other works. The work excels in all aspects of the medium it's conveyed through, art, story, writing, it's top notch, and despite flaws here or there, maybe a couple chapters that dragged on, my individual enjoyment of the work raises it from the field of 9/10's, that i do enjoy very much as well, to a 10/10 simply because the level of enjoyment I got from it is unprecedented.
When I say enjoyment I mean whatever you got out of the work.
Any sort of emotion or thematic understanding that you resonated with you leading to a more involved experience of reading.

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Nice post


Nah, it’s fucking great

He no more than a background character in this adaptation so it makes sense. We also don't see what happens to the masked man that was with the Ittou Ryuu.

The anime does at decent job being accessible. Had tried watching the previous adaptation of the manga, but that never even came close to tempting me to read the manga. I think the biggest weakness of this anime is that it's a little hard to follow. So for example in the manga you get a run down of Brando's findings regarding Manji's immortality before the Shira fight so you understand that there's reason to the two immortal madmen hacking into each other and it helps you understand the respective advantages of both combatants.

>What inthefuck is the point of adapting a manga is you skip half the content especially the important characterization moments and several subplots?
Speaking as a former anime-only viewer the story was fine, and the characterization of recurring side characters never felt jarring until Anotsu's biwa-playing whore came back. Of special note was the direction of the Edo-invasion fight were it's presented as if Magatsu is by far the weakest of Anotsu's 4 chosen.

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It always annoyed me that Magatsu was such a jobber despite being like Anotsu's right hand man
>Anotsu's biwa-playing whore
Hey, put some respect on Makie's name

Fair enough but the story itself is worth pushing through the art for desu

Isn't Abayama the right hand though? He's the second in command of the Ittoryu, Magatsu is just a bro.

True I figured Magatsu basically was since he got a lot of screentime but I forgot that Abayama was the actual second in command

It's ok, it's easy to forget about that aspect of the ittoryu

Anotsu is attractive. Did he have a lot of female fans when this was publishing?

Is this show any good or is it another Lidenfilms tax dodge like Arslan or Berserk?

it's ok if you're an animeonly
completely inferior as a manga adaptation though, rushed to fuck

It's pretty good but the production is clearly limited