Ahhh, the duality of Yas Forums

ahhh, the duality of Yas Forums

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Normal anime watchers vs cumbrains

>Yas Forums likes to make threads about shit anime.
where's the so-called duality?

actually good show vs ecchishit
what is this supposed to prove again?

it's not supposed to prove anything, i just liked the juxtaposition of the 2 pictures

seethe more redditshits

Let people who didn't remove their balls be happy.

You're literally watch the reddit meme anime of the season. Please kill yourself.

you people are crazy interspecies reviewers is the only good show this season and the funniest comedy in a long time, plus it has hands down the best op and ed song and videos in anime history.

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Think you missed r/Yas Forums there, stupid fucking faggot fucking OP

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Okay look Invaded is probably my second favorite anime this season but you fuckers better stop pretending like the threads aren't filled with hondomachi rape fantasies

Haha sex for money.

Reviewers is literally a masterpiece that will go down in the history as the best ecchi anime ever made but both of them are good, just watch them and don't be a faggot forcing stupid console wars.

I'm watching and enjoying both.

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Please don't compare an actual good show like ID: Invaded with the boobs benis lmao xd reddit show.

You can like both.

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ishuzoku reviewers is a masterpiece i don't even know what the show on the left is, i just thought the juxtaposition of the two pictures and captions was hilarious so i took a screen shot

Back to your Discord

id rather coom with the sinners than cry with the saints

>i don't even know what the show on the left is
Good then.

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>showing titties and girls having sex is a masterpiece
it's a good show but this is a meme propagated by normalfags who think sex is funny in an ironic way. reviewers plays like a watered down rance with half the charm

>ishuzoku reviewers is a masterpiece
This is how I know you are a newfag redditor

>i don't even know what the show on the left is
Thank God.

As proved, the contrarians who hate the show are all crossboarders. Don't pay attention to them.

I watch and enjoy both.
Now you have to come up with a new buzzword, idiot.

>but you fuckers better stop pretending like the threads aren't filled with hondomachi rape fantasies
Not really.
It was more about fucking her head hole, consensualy.
Also she was gone for like 2 episodes and faggots started to shit on her and sing praises to Mr.Driller because he's a funny guy when he actually survives more than 20 seconds in a well.

been here since 06, im too old to get worked up about "muh deep plot and artstyle" in every show i watch anymore, not everything has to be berserk manga level, im just trying to watch lighthearted stuff while i smoke a blunt after a long day at work

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>been here since 06
Sure buddy. I'm moot btw and right now I'm laughing at you.

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>OP tries to make a funny thread about how similar two threads look
>Yas Forumsermin who are obsessed with hating obsessed things somehow feel offended by it and start vomiting buzzwords and forcing fanbase wars
2016 was a mistake.

go back to your google hole, Mr. Poole

A lot of hate lately for Ishuzoku Reviewers, I don't know what's happening but I don't like it.

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Brother, may I have some mayonnaise?

thank god at least one person understood...
this wasn't supposed to be anything other than laughing at crying vs blowjob

>Cuuumer responding to himself

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same. im OP i have no idea why this thread started up so much hate, i just thought the two threads next too each other was funny.

reviewers is a gift from god and i can't wait for saturday

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Nice buzzword that proves the level of your intelligence by showing how much you're willing to follow recent trends which are built on at least three levels of cancer, including the fact that it's a literal forced discord meme.

Ishuzoku Reviewers is easily one of the worst anime ever made. I'll lose my faith in Yas Forums if it doesn't rightfully tear this piece of shit apart after it ends.

you're in for a rude awakening

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Maybe the crossboarders who insist in hating everything that becomes popular will keep shitting it up just like you just like you, but the real Yas Forums has loved this show from day one and will never stop loving it as it caters to the board's tastes perfectly.
If you don't like that, there are many other anime communities where you can vent your frustrations. I suggest twitter's echo chambers.

Ishuzoku Reviewers is easily one of the best anime ever made. I'll lose my faith in Yas Forums if it doesn't rightfully praise this piece of art together after it ends.

Just the usual backlash popular things get. The excitement has died down enough for the shiposters to take over.


Reviewers is one of the most based Yas Forums related shows ever made what the fuck are you talking about?, lewd monster girls have always been loved here.

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Imagine having this garbage taste. This is what happens when ironic weebs that spam jojo memes come here.
The people that like this trash ARE the crossboarders retard.

As always, FPBP.

ok cuuumer

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So the people that like this show are people that watch rick and morty and smoke weed. As expected.

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a crossboarder
Cope more

>spic loves prostitutes
Go get a job pedro

is reviewers the best bordeline hentai show since Qwaser?
Or there was better stuff?

Look at all the assblasted used goodsfags replying.

I don't even need to do anything. Your kind just keeps proving you aren't from here since you can't go two posts without spewing crossboarder buzzwords, it's hilarious.

OP is a Yas Forumsermin retard.

Sadly this, the remainings of what Yas Forums was held the threads calling off the outsiders, but the hype died a bit and the subhumans lurking "Yas Forums" this days are on full force. Discord and social websites were a fucking mistake.

I don't hate reviewers, it's one of the few shows I'm actually watching this season, but like most anime the fanbase is fucking retarded and while that doesn't lessen my enjoyment of the show itself, I'm going to be the first one to say it's not a fucking blessing from god that there's an anime with titties and ass and fucking. People with the memory of a hamster tend to think everything happening right now is the biggest even of their lives because they missed out on everything considered a classic big event and want to get in on something. It's good. It's not a miracle, it's not a masterpiece, it's good.

Except there are constant IR threads on Yas Forums. This is a Yas Forumscore anime.

As far as I know, Yas Forums also likes to breathe a lot. You might want to stop breathing since that's a Yas Forumscore activity.

Yeah, and rapists love to both rape and breathe, but as a human with the ability to reason I know one of these things doesn't make me a rapist

Nice defense of your ironic weeb tier anime.

>Yas Forums enjoys something so I can't enjoy it
Get filtered

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How does one little word disrupt an entire thread?

I guess Naruto is A-OK. Retard.

I fucking wonder. I'm more shocked at how being told off caused so much butthurt in someone that he keeps getting new IPs in an attempt to shit on Yas Forums, but since he's so fucking retarded he keeps doubling down on his mistakes.

That's how you know it's true. If it wasn't, people would have just ignored it and move on.

There isn't a single Naruto thread on Yas Forums as we're speaking.


>told off
Half the posts are congratulating him. And for good reason. This show is fucking garbage.

>it keeps fucking happening

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>why does my forced Discord raid garbage pisses people off?

you don't belong here

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Holy shit absolutely based. Look at the complete anal devastation this post caused.


Nice damage control Discordfag
Are you trying to push your garbage on Yas Forums because it didn't work on Yas Forums?

the remnants of Yas Forums trying to keep the crossboarders at bay vs the Yas Forums circlejerk trying to bait. Its only natural for this to occur

>hxhtard telling anyone to go back
Hilarious. It's completely okay to recognise Interspecies reviewers as a bottom of the barrel meme anime of the season that is liked by the likes of youtubers and "ironic" culture. Disliking it shows you aren't a retard that's easily swayed.

The problem is that people tend to disregard a show only for the genre or simply because the "old > new" mentality, why can't Ishuzoku be classic of the ecchi genre? I've watched a lot of ecchi anime and Ishuzoku Reviewers is a breath of fresh air in the genre, good art/animation, likeable characters, great VA work, lots of creativity, interesting world, decent OST... An anime doesn't need to be a big event on Yas Forums to be a masterpiece or a classic and even if it's not as popular as whatever the most popular anime is right now I can asure you that this one will be remembered for a long long time.

this bait attempt is pathetic

How would I know if whatever worked on Yas Forums or not? I don't go there. Seeing as you're clearly a crossboarder, you should stay there.

will you accommodate the angel's girth?

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Why does Yas Forums fall for bait so easily?
Too sheltered?

So you mean you don't know enough about Yas Forums to be sure that some bait didn't work there, but you know enough about Yas Forums to be sure they have constant threads there as you admitted on ?
Suspicious suspicious.

You spend so much time obsessing over what a board does and doesn't and you want me to believe that you don't go there?
How silly of you.

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I just know that mention of that shot belongs on Yas Forums. Anything that isn't related to Yas Forums, I just tell the poster to go to Yas Forums - that's the shitpost board.

First post is always the best post.

Absolutely redpilled.

>that's the shitpost board
Thank you for admitting to be Reddit cancer at least.

I like both though, also I love Hondo

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>this show is Yas Forums because I said so!
I see. Thanks for confirming your intention here.

>people fap to Ishizoku Reviewers
Strangest thing. I fapped pretty regularly before I started my now record-breaking no fap (26 days, can go more) and got some shots off with the cow girls. However, I didn't fap to anything else and no, its not due to the flatline you experience during no fap. I watched the episode in the moments where one is most horniest in no fap and had no desire to release at all.

Don't get mad at me, it's the truth. Just look at which originates from that place. Look at that, and then tell me with a straight face that Yas Forums isn't a shitposting board.

Even reddit likes Kino Reviewers. Only twatter and tumblr hate it, which goes to show you where the tourists are coming from.

Fucking based. This anime is the DitF of this season: cancer, loved by crossboarders and people who like jojo ironically.

>which was spammed on that place by off-site immigrants

ITT: M/a/L vs Yas Forumseddit.

So none of you have anything to say? Your show is fucking garbage. Without the softcore porn, this show has absolutely nothing going for it at all. Shallow characters, shallow interactions, cringe humor - no substance.

I go on twitter and people love it there, what the fuck are you smoking lol?

>Even reddit likes Kino Reviewers
You don't belong here

I'm not disregarding reviewers because it's not as good as some arbitrary "classic" and I haven't seen anyone else do that. Right now the show isn't even finished and you have people calling it a masterpiece, which is just plain fucking retarded and a big tell for someone wanting to be a part of some sort of spectacle. I'm disregarding the argument that reviewers is something legendary for retarded reasons like the ones you give, seeing as good art/animation, likable characters, creativity interest and the staff doing a good job isn't a sign of a classic they're requirements for something to be baseline good. Just because the genre is garbage doesn't mean the first good thing to come around should be put on a pedestal, unless you want the industry to believe they can keep shoveling cheap garbage at you and you'll eat it up as long as something alright comes out of the trash heap every now and then. Ecchi as a genre is itself redundant if it's not interesting, because you'd just watch porn if you wanted an experience where all you get out of it is sexual gratification - and if you're looking for something interesting AND sexually gratifying, there's at least fifteen million anime that do that to a higher level of quality than just "good". Rance is the ultimate reminder that porn can still be fucking GOOD, that just because something is in a genre that gets overlooked doesn't mean it can't still be outstanding even compared against classics of the entire medium. Just because it's memorable and actually watchable doesn't mean it's in any way a classic or a masterpiece, especially since it's not even fucking finished, unless you want to fall into the hell of not having any fucking standards

the enlightened third position rears its beautiful head

Ah, so these are the types of people who like this anime.

post cooooom memes

>uses "cringe" as an argument
Exactly, I have nothing else to say to a contrarian teenager like you.

there's people who like jojo unironically? yikes...

based and breadfilled

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>Right now the show isn't even finished and you have people calling it a masterpiece, which is just plain fucking retarded and a big tell for someone wanting to be a part of some sort of spectacle
Don't bother, they're just crossboarders who like to watch the meme anime of the season. Last one was Franxx, etc. you can see where I'm going with this. These people just come for the "hype" threads and then leave when the anime is over.

How can people watch ecchi? All it does is just dilute the story with porn, which is also diluted because it has to air on tv. Just watch straight up porn.

i pity you

Based and FPBPpilled.

>coom posting is allowed
Based ABIB



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Are you fucking retarded? All the ones in those reviewes threads are all Yas Forumstards that talk about whoring and how they can't have sex IRL

Yeah, but I'm autistic and like to write my thoughts out, it helps me consolidate my ideas on a subject

>literally advocates for ditching plot entirely to watch porn
room temperature iq

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Ishuzoku Reviewes is literally a MAL&Reddit flagship

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You know all these where made after it spread on Yas Forums right?

One thread has a faggot crying like a bitch while the other has fine gentlemen shitposting, what's new?


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both threads suck. look at the R:I ratio.

this is a fucking image board.

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I started playing Azur lane cause there was this thread on Yas Forums full of lewd pics god it's awesome


>he doesn't know
Bro they tried to raid all boards in august. You can check archives. Maybe this is fake but raid was real. So yeah someone spammed entire Yas Forums with coom shit enough so it was worldfiltered in Yas Forums. Discord is really exist. During Rance SR release they "raided" Rance threads at specific time.

He didn't say COOMbrain
how are you supposed to tell the people that only watch anime to jerk off?

Cumbrain isn't filtere anymore?

This is most Yas Forums friendly word. Not sure but I heard japs use it.

The show is unrefined but it has stuff going for it. The character designs are cute, just look at the faces. Its gimmicky for sure, i don't know if the manga gets more into some plot later but just relying on the novelty of the premise alone is not enough to carry it forever. Also, it doesn't look consistently good though, thats inarguable.The manga is better from what I've read.

it was never filtered in Yas Forums
you can post basically all Yas Forums buzzwords except wojak posting and screencap
wojaks and screencaps are only for shonen generals
you can actually make thread with INCEL or something in OP without any problems 99% of time

I can confirm, they tried to spill this shit everywhere, not even /an/ was safe.

The fuckers messed with reptile threads.

>durr durr friendly words
Back to redd*t please

Being a cumbrain is normal for anime watchers.

Dangerously based

I enjoy both plot driven and plotless shows, theres so much more than the plot in anime and media in general, i pity that you'll never enjoy such things because you are addicted to the dopamine release that plot driven elements like plot twists give you.

Based department?? w got an emergency

It's simple, you stop acting like lewdness is a bad thing as your o/v/erlords memed you into believing and then you kill yourself for using buzzwords that should never have made their way into Yas Forums.

Obviously the show can go to crap in the coming episodes but so far it's really really good at what it does, and in my opinion the requirements for this show to be a classic are there, not everything needs to be deep or tell us an important life lesson to be regarded as a classic, and as you said Rance is a proof of that. In the end neither of us can prove anything, the time will do the talk.

Why are you so offensive for no reason? I give you advice if you don't want to be RNG banned. But all you can say hurrr durrrr redd*t. It's not even nigger. Why you didn't post nigger? It's clearly you're not from Yas Forums. Just say nigger. It's badass. You can't call your classmates niggers after all. Dumb nigger

>words hurt me! I need my safespace!
>p-please don't call my show garbage!

>s-safespace safespace!
Of fucking course it's a 2016 immigrant.

>Why are you so offensive for no reason?
peak reddit moment

You remember that one screencap that compared Yas Forums to furfags? Replace Yas Forums with cumbrains and you'll understand.

>It's clearly you're not from Yas Forums
Have you ever been in a reviewers thread? it's crossboarding core

sounds better than dilating over childrens cartoons

Loving how assblasted some people are ITT



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Why would I know anything to do with Yas Forums? Why are you using cancerous buzzwords?

But user, every time I see wojak/twitter screencap thread brave anons start dubbing it and celebrate victory over evil Yas Forumsermins. How can all of those brave Yas Forums miss entire catalog of Yas Forums threads, generals full of Yas Forumsposting? Where are all of them? Waiting for wojak threads to strike them down for glorious Yas Forums community? Or they're just part of this cancer and yes they are for sure

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It has the low IQ sexually starved teen appeal, ofc chadlets and betties making up the bulk of ironic weebs watch this shit over how vulgar and controversial it is.

Based balls owner.

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I don't deny that I'm a cumbrain.

Shit bro we need more mature animes

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>a meme that demonizes having a libido (as Yas Forums has always done) got popular soon after Yas Forums's most populated boards became obsessed with telling trannies to get out
Wait a fucking second

Dorohedoro's a comedy though

>halfwit STILL can't comprehend what a post is saying

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Id Invaded is my AOTS and I don't have strong feelings towards Reviewers, but you really need to kill yourself.

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It's the first ecchi i actually enjoy so i would definitely say it's special and stands out from the rest

He's still right though.

Fp is bp

>coomer is a crossboarder word
>cumbrain is a crossboarder word
I guess "Ishuzoku Reviewers fan" can be the Yas Forums term for these people. But it seems to me that they just don't like being called out more than anything.

Yes, "he"'s right in that "he" should commit suicide.


Holy fucking shit it's been a while since I've last seen someone samefag this desperately. It stopped being funny some time ago and it's just depressing now.

>still trying to fuel "fanbase console war"
it's all tiresome


No, he isn't. It's thriller fan versus ecchi fan.
I hate this new mentality where people are turning against ecchi, lewd and perversion despite these being some of the original things this website was built for.

If you were to tell me a decade ago that Yas Forums would be filled with prudes in 2020 I'd laugh at you.

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Now post this in all other Yas Forums threads in catalog, coward.


No, "he"'s right in that ID is a good anime and IR is a meme anime for porn addicts.

Both are great in their own ways, reddit-kun.

Not that you'd know since you don't watch anime.
Both are good shows, by the way. Sperg out more, Yas Forumsermin.

This is what happens when you ban cunny

Mate, ecchi has always been hot garbage. Don't tell me highschool dxd is good now. Just go get out your favorite doujin and get to fapping, instead of wasting your time on mediocrity.


What a fucking garbage thread.

You can post wojak in shonen generals?

Except this is loved on reddit, MAL etc. The ironic crowd love this shit. Try again.
>Yas Forumsermin
There's practically an Ishuzoku Reviewers thread on Yas Forums everyday. They love this shit. Try again.

>If you were to tell me a decade ago that Yas Forums would be filled with prudes in 2020 I'd laugh at you.
And look at all those "mature anime watchers" crossboarders. Back in old times we made fun of them.

Half the posts are samefags. Stop typing in third person.

COOOMERS have shit taste

And of course you'd be very well versed in what reddit and /v love, right? Now go get a new IP so you can quote the first post again, clown, and don't forget to honk.

Every time.