Why is everyone obsessed with this girl?
Why is everyone obsessed with this girl?
Fit, hot as fuck and child bearing hips. Hori designed one of the best breeders body.
Because she's the new Yoruichi, the patrician man's waifu.
Why wouldn't they when she is perfect?
Have you looked at her, you giant faggot?
Your post makes so much sense
fuck off tourist
receding hairline
Deliscious brown, cool color combination, shes a badass hero with cool personality and gets fucking agressive and i love her face.
Bunnies are a miracle of the universe.
fuck off to leddit shounencuck.
High test for one.
I don't watch this garbage. I just enjoy the delicious fit brown girl
She takes many traits that are considerably less common in Japanese series, larger female, dark skin, musculature, aggressive nature, sanpaku eyes, and combines them all into one package. It makes her really stand out from a lot of character designs in popular series.
cheap yoruichi ripoff
>reverse search
>it's a character of My Baby Academia
makes sense
>having no bangs means your hairline is receding
Brown and sexy. The perfect woman.
She's more intense than Yoruichi. She always seemed as the chill cool cat type. The rabbit is the opposite.
Join me in the annals of forgotten history.
If you still remenber her then she isn't forgotten
How fucked up are her feet?
>doesn't understand neither planes of the head or how hair grow
your waifu is going calvo at least in this pic
It's pretty pathetic that you had to jump back to your first babytalk word because your "coomer" shit never took as you wanted.
You must be the most castrated faggot of your discord if you don't understand the difference between men and women hair.
Define fucked up.
>nitpicking at some fanart
Retard confirmed
Why do you think
She is the only good thing that came out of this series in a long time
She deserves to be the MC instead Fagku
That top one is official.
The age of the strong girl has begun, snu-snu is embedding itself in series after series, the Japanese have received a higher calling from god and bring us their great works. At last Japan has good taste.
>"hurr cringe"
>no actually you're wrong and I'm right because X
cope retard, you tried to play smart and you lost because you don't have a clue, we're done here.
She sticks out quite bluntly.
I don't mean this as an insult but Japanese men clearly have a 'type' the way Americans do to. Most hot girls from any given anime have roughly the same look, generally svelte build, usually somewhat hourglass but a bit top heavy since Japan is more into boobs then tits. Any hot girl that breaks that mold is usually going to get a bit of attention based on that alone. That gridman girl who was more focused on thighs and ass then tits, muscle gal from OPM, the like.
Same appeal as Tsuyu. Legs and ass.
The world needs more muscle girls.
female Bakugo
Ff12 did it before
>Buzzwords Buzzwords Buzzwords
It shows your innability to actually prove your point retard.
only zoomers and coomers. she literally has no personality or even any change of emotions, just a garbage fapbait character.
>seethe about buzzwords meanwhile he is the first one to use one
>not a single buzzwords when I explained why he was wrong
You're so pathetic
Dude no. Bakugo is an edgelord with tourette syndrome, the bunny is badass
That's not me
> I explained why he was wrong
But you are wrong
Anyone would be better than that cuck as MC
But the reason she is liked so much is the same reason that girls like bakugo
>hatefag ITT
Abandon thread repeat
Abandon thread
Only hard fags like Bakugou
she gives dubs to her true believers and then rapes them
Is she a virgin?
she's a rabbit. what you think?
Izuku doesn't even have a father fuck off.
looks like you are getting HOPPED tonight
I see. Makes sense that she likes to fuck a lot.
>No hot fit gf to breed into a hot fit wife
>gyaru of version of She-Hulk
Someone please give Horikoshi the nobel prize, unironically
Based bunny moma
Incel pandering for an incel manga
>being so devoid of substance that you need to pander to coomers
wherever you came from, you have to go back
>muh coomer
It's not like the series doesn't have other types of fanservice, she's not the first one
ha bullshit, she couldn't do anything to not make me want it
t. whale
Plz break my pelvis by giving me good snu-snu
I'm not, I don't even like the Heroes.
I prefer Shigaraki and the League, much more interesting.
Are you faggot? Look at the pic that you used and you will know the answer unless you're a faggot. Hell, even faggots would understand.
BnHA, just like Bleach, it's worth watching only for the girls. I can't blame Hori for getting inspiration from the master.
god i want to breed this fit bunny even if it leave my legs broken
make me bite the pillow, bunny-sama
Godspeed, anons. May you meet her again in whichever Heaven guys killed by snu snu go.
She's an aggro (wo)manlet who just wants to fight and cannot be stopped. She's really more of a Fem Gyaru Wolverine
The 'bunny_girl' tag gives a bunch of non bunny-related bullshit. Fuck that.
just the coomers flavor of the month
Enjoy your bunny pegging, user.
that word should be banned
is it worth reading this entry level pleb shit just for her? how much of in it is she actually featured in?
can't rape the willing
Based post
Bun haters will never recover recover
Probably because she's gonna die real soon, and we got to pour as much of our love as we can before she gets dusted to show off Shigiraki's new power.
>The female rabbit (doe) does not come into heat (oestrus) as do other animals. The doe will accept the male (buck) at any time of the year.
>Rabbits usually possess eight mammary glands
>Rabbit milk is very rich, so rich in fact that the doe needs only nurse her young once or twice a day
>They don't have a menstrual cycle, either, so there's no special window during which pregnancy can happen
>Once the babies are born, the doe can mate and get pregnant again as soon as the following day.
Lucky you
Almost nothing besides the latest 3 chapters and the next 2 chapters
Worth it
Fixed her.
>brown hair instead of white
that's objectively worse color scheme
Mha is shit, please stop flooding theads
jesus fuck that pose and face are so fucking HOT
A bit, but I still like the white hair though. But it's better than the previous one
Why aren't you?
I want the bunny to ride me to a sweet death.
Last decade was the decade of thiccness and fat acceptance. The 20s are going to be the decade of swole and body improvement.
I don't want rape, I want her as my test booster.
What kind of rabbit is blonde?
At least it made cucks admit that Bakugo should be popular.
of course a homo like you would ask questions like that
Sad there wont even be body left.
only spic niggers
>should be popular.
He is popular though. For the wrong reasons among certain crowds maybe, but he is.
She's Okinawan. Pretty much all brown girls in anime are.
>Bakugo's mom -- who is literally just Bakugo but a girl in terms of looks -- is immensely popular and well-received.
>Miruko -- who is literally just Bakugo but a girl in terms of personality -- is immensely popular and well-received
If Bakugo had tits he'd be everyone's waifu.
Why couldn't Deku have killed himself? We could have Bakugo as the MC?
I read that doujin.
Brown girls are ugly.
>Being an agressive and hype hero is the same as being a bully on highschool
what kind of mental retardation do i need to compare Bakugo with Miruko
You fools have no idea what kind of power you are channeling. This thing from beyond created the circumstances where you worshiped bun, it is manipulating you for your sexual energy and worship. On the other hand this entity has been proven to vastly improve MHA's series quality over all so keep going, I want to see this become the best arc since Kamino. Offer your cum to your goddess and you will be rewarded with Kino.
Neck yourself
Being brown will lead to her death.
Bakugo is an aggressive and hype hero
Deku is to blame for the bullying and deserved it
>light skin
You ruined her
user, this isn't 3D
>On the other hand this entity has been proven to vastly improve MHA's series quality
That is just Deku's absence
thats a WOMAN
>Im gonna kick you
>"omg they are sooo similar"
liking muscular women makes you gay
Women with dark skins aren't hot. That's why they need to be whitewash like that Nessa character.
bunny cunny
If this is gay then I don't mind being gay.
>can't see the charm of healthy, athletic girls
Seethe harder, homosexual.
>athletic girls
Not normal.
Hey sexy mama, wanna kick some villains?
>and more
endless sex
That art is disgusting looking.
She killed the best Nomu and will pay for her crimes.
>liking women who are physically fit and healthy makes you gay
go back to chasing landwhales faggot
Fuck Hori. 100% he has some art of her fucking like a maniac but the bastard will never release it and just keep it for his personal fap material. What a cunt of a man.
I'm just a simple coomer, I see huge thighs, I fap.
truth witnessed. based beyond all comprehension
me on the left.
me on the right
me on the right
She's like the Sonia Malavisi of manga.
Based and thispilled
>strong brown chick is muh yuruchi rreeeee
get fucked faggotinos
I'm too young - why was everyone obsessed with Yoruichi?
People were heterosexual and had high test back then, zero fujos around and very few faggots
Aisha is peak brown muscle wife too, but It's a clear Yoruichi tribute, in part. Hori sucks Kubo's cock clean, read the interview.
oversexualized chocolate fit catgirl who was also a badass
You're all dead men.
I salute you.
How nice of you to join their ranks. I pray for you to last longer than them and protect us all from the hopping.
god this horny bunny is insatiable
And now you're going to the hospital for a broken pelvis and acute dehydration, I hope you enjoy yourself.
>why was everyone obsessed with the best waifu
You aren't the brightest bulb on the porch, aren't you, dummy?
Can't rape the willing, etc
oh no D: .....
I have a hard time fapping to characters I like.
>brown furry
This user is gonna need a new dick, a new pelvis and a new skull, someone get a Doctor!
Is there going to be anything left of user or will he just look like a fleshy empty tube of toothpaste?
I'd give all my coomy for bunny!
>"IT WAS WORTH IT" -user's last intelligible words
Damn. But I didn't get dubs.