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Burger King is shit who the fuck eats there?


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>he doesn't eat at burger king

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has the best poutines

Burger King is canadian btw
so if you talk shit about it you're anti canadian

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anime girls

Yes and?

Oda sure know how to make a burger look disgusting

Burger king isn't Canadian user, are you mixing up the fact that bk bought Tim Hortons?

Hi, facebook.

It's owned by a Brazilian bank.

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>2 for $6 Whoppers
I hope this stays forever.

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>there are people on Yas Forums right now who are not wearing their Burger King crown while posting

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I like their fries.

Can I get uhhhhh Freddy's Original Double, with everything on it, fries, and Freddy's chocolate frozen custard?

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Imagine working at Burger King as a shift manager...

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Loli love pizza?

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You do? I'd flirt with you while you're working, user.

Please don't be a tranny...

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I'm a real male, user. With a big cock.

their fries are better than kfc, but otherwise i agree

Pizza hut should sponsor more anime. I don't even like pizza hut.

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why do murrifats love mcdonalds but shit on burger king

You're total will be 16 dollars

>Burger King is canadian
It was founded in Florida you retarded sodomite apeling

I'd rather grab a Snickers®.

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But who was Burger Queen?

Burger King fries are amazing but everything else is pure shit. Whataburger is where it's at.

Uh... nope. I have a wife and daughter.

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>Literal Twitter meme OP

Gay, you should become a boiwife yourself.

>Whataburger is where it's at.
This, or a Texas Dairy Queen.

Sorry but I hate fags.

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Kino Tier
Shake Shack
Five Guys

The rest

>here's the burger you ordered, user

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I could live on Bacon Kings for the rest of my life.


I prefer burger King and don't really care for wacarnolds, but burger King and their heavy vegan push makes me not want to eat there


Burger wise
>In n Out
>Carl’s Jr

Chicken wise
>Chik Fill A
>Jack n Box

>Carl’s Jr
>Jack n box

BK has the worst fries and burgers. Chicken wise they’re meh.

not saying much considering you'd probably die of heart disease at 40

Thanks, Jack.

Based redditor.

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*blocks your path*

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My local BK has full of niggers and the McD is full of Mexicans. The Mexicans have better service.

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>tfw I am going to eat some food right now

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Take pics of what you're gonna eat user, I'm starving.

Freddy's > Whataburger. But whataburger is still great.
Better than "In n' O*t"

I don't eat at McDonald's either I usually go to Whataburger

This isn't your blog, don't you fucking dare unless it is an anime larp.

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Is it weird that I watch food/cooking videos whenever I'm hungry?

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It's actually Brazilian, retard

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Stop consuming meat, it's destroying our planet.

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I didnt order charcoal

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I'll take a burger with a side of bean salad and what the hell throw in an aunt myrnas cheese salad too.

Who the fuck eats a steak raw.


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its clearly been seared. thats more than enough cooking for any steak. No need to ruin the meat

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McDonalds wishes their burgers looked that appitizing. I rhink i've managed to avoid eating anything from McDonalds save for a sausage biscuit for like 10 years.
Thanks, Super Size Me.

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How the fuck do people eat burgers? Whenever I try I always get the shits

Removal of surface bacteria is not the same as killing of parasites. Enjoy your eye worms subhuman.

>Thanks, Super Size Me.
i can see you're telling the truth because that slogan stopped decades ago

what meat are you eating thats festering in parasites? Surface bacteria was taken care of when they flash froze the meat for transport

Slogan of what? The slander campaign that was Super Size Me?
Looking back on it it seems like it was just an anti-fastfood thing especially because Morgan and his wife became vegetarians afterwards, but it still made an impact.

Me if the nearest one wasn't 40 minutes away while McDonalds is just 20 minutes

>Thanks, Super Size Me.
>if I eat 3000 calories in bread, mayo, and cheese a day, I'll get fat
Wow, what an amazing message that is limited entirely to McDonalds and isn't just leftist shill pseudointellectualism.

Hey I never said it was McDonalds fault, senpai. Just that the video had the impact. They showed it to middle school kids in health class.

>40 minutes away while McDonalds is just 20 minutes
do you live on the 5830945803th floor of a building and it takes you that long to get to the bottom floor and walk next door?

>what meat are you eating thats festering in parasites?
Meat that was grown in a pasture. The only way to keep your cattle parasite free is to never expose them to dirt, field, or wind; either firsthand or secondhand. There is no facility in the world that produces parasite free beef.

one sweet and spicy bacon borger kudasai

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wait what

Can confirm, watched it in health class in 5th or 6th grade. But it is leftist propaganda shit, as most public school shit is

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theres plenty and only a fraction of some parasites effect humans. People work outside all the time and theyre not festering in parasites. You're talking about a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of people that get anything by being knee deep in muck

hamburg steaku? which i assume is meatloaf?

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If shitty chinese buffet sushi that's probably been sitting out for 3 hours hasn't given me parasites then a properly cooked mid rare steak won't.

It's closer to a salisbury steak than anything.


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And this is why Japs are manlets. That shit is for babies. I'd need a serving 6 times larger than that to be satisfied. They eat like shit.

I have extreme doubt. Are there really clean rooms that people use for raising cows?

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cant have anime burgs without pineapple

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Whataburger is based desu

Absolutely shit, just like the other meme fastfood In-N-Out. 5 Guys is vastly superior

>crumpled bun
>a pound of mayo
>shredded lettuce
>no cheese
Cuck burger.

What are you? a fucking femslut? get the fuck out american

the bun has been seared with garlic butter

I love paying 500% more for a 2% increase in quality. 5guys is the best.

That's why you're fat

Dudes that's plenty, you're just fat.

It's also why american boys are stronger than japanese men.

and die at the age of 23 from diabetes

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My friend just got me 2 McDoubles. It was delicious.

Did you reward him with a blowjob?

Did you want one?

Why is hiabchi/Shichirin used for fish, but not hamburger?

Dreeb we need to make borglar



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Five guys is literally dog shit

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