100 girlfriends/kanojo

Chapter 9 is out.
Will Karane reveal her swimsuit?
Will Hakari and Nano awaken their powers to beat the beach boys?
Will Shizuka learn how to swim and save herself?
Or will our MC, yes, the chaddest romcom MC of them all, save his 4 girlfriends while obtaining a new girlfriend?

Let's find out.

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>while obtaining a new girlfriend?
So far each time he gets a new girlfriend the girl gets the whole focus for the chapter it in order to do her justice. Only exceptions were the first two in order to hammer home the idea that there is no "first girl" to get special treatment, and in exchange they got double length chapters.

The in-between chapters seem to be about improving the relationships between the girls in order to keep the harem stable.

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Rentarou used Protect!

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Rentarou : "Those two are my girlfriend!"
Beach Boy A : "If it's true then show me that you can kiss them now!"

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Yep, Rentarou is a psycho.

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Karane : "What are you doing at this time...! Hakari and Eiai is in a pinch..."
Rentarou : "NAAANIIIII!!!!?"

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Rentarou : "Don't do something impossible. If something happens to you, I...."
Nano : "Un. I'm sorry... Thank you..."

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Rentarou : "I've just noticed it when I was talking with the others. Karane... You fiercely peeked at Hakari and Nano's breasts, aren't you?"

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She's so cute

This is why we carry portable chargers

Stop shilling this shit

You don't need portable charger as long you charge it before you sleep.

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You are thinking of another manga......

what a chad

Anjo the absolute mad lad.........


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Karane will win. Screencap this.

Isn't the point of this that all the girls win?

She's actually bigger than I thought. Still smaller than preferred



Sorry last page took so long since I tried to harness my shitty photoshop skills to merge pages.
5th girl will be introduced on the next chapter.

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Do you actually believe this will have a harem end?

>Isn't the point of this that all the girls win?
Ah, to be young again. I was full of optimism once, too.

Cute kisses

No, just to mutually fall in love.

thanks dump-user
>5th girl will be introduced on the next chapter.
please my dick can't take much more

Second best girl after Ai.

This is the era of subversion

>Isn't the point of this that all the girls win?
All 100? No, the number makes it obvious that there will be a massive culling if it even reaches that point before being axed.

We've already have four major kisses to reaffirm relationships in this chapter alone. This is the age of dreams, baby.


Yes. Just because there's nothing for the author to gain from making one girl "win".

None of that waifu war shit hear

God(Abe) will make it happen

5th girl is going to be a crazy

This fucking references.

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Just because they start dating and kissing doesn't mean they'll actually end up in a polygamous relationship where they all bear his children and stay together forever.

>regular romance MC -> one kiss with main girl after 250 chapters
>ChadMC -> 20 kiss in a single chapter

Yandere this soon?

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Go back to your cuckoo threads.

They a harem protector for when the entire male student body realize MC-kun going take all the most beautiful and successful girls in the school for himself.

Just one or two spreads with the babies is all thats needed

Rentarou was divinely chosen to have 100 soulmates. He will pull it off.

The polyamory will work because any girl who would fall for Rentarou would naturally have the personality and character to get along with the other girls.

>she's been packing D-cups this whole time

I feel betrayed

That was revealed back in chapter 4. There was a whole fuss about it and everything.

It's not like I am against it, I just doubt the numbers. Maybe one of them has 50 split personalities. Or all of them join into one person at the end. Or get reborn as his children. I have been hurt by harem authors too many times, now I only trust isekai authors to deliver polygamy.

It would be kind of interesting to see as the harem grows bigger and bigger if they start separating into different groups or factions within the harem.

100 in all on each page

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>cowtits faction vs flatty faction

He needs a Novem to carry his harem.

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Yes. The harem genre will be subverted by making only one girl win the mcbowl. A girl which happens to be Karane

Why wasn't her kiss shown unlike the other girls kisses?

Nigger please. Cuck fiancee is shit.

>100kano thread
Blessed time of the week.

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>Sorry last page took so long since I tried to harness my shitty photoshop skills to merge pages.
I'm very grateful for this

This is not Cuck's Fiancee though

Hey look guys, I found Waldo.

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What did Nano see?

When you stare at the mole long enough, the mole stares back at you.

>four girlfriends
I don't know what to feel about this.


Read KanoKari instead

What? 4 isn't enough?

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Am I the only one who imagine Saori Hayami voice when Nano speaks

You can follow more than one series at a time.

What will the 5th girl get first?

>so chad he repels NTR in a single page
Damn, i bet the guys went home alone, crying and masturbating in their dark room.

They are two vastly different series and should not be considered in competition with one another.

The only other series I can think of that can be considered in competition with 100Kano is Kanojo mo Kanojo, but 100Kano is fifty times better than that one.

he's a total slut
Yas Forums used to hate sluts, ntr, cheating, impure relationships etc, back in the day. but I guess times are changing

Don't forget Cuckoo which better then all of them!

Fuck off shill

his sanity

Is she letting them grope her
What the fuck Hakari

Real love and end game

Karane with this hairstyle is 10/10
Fuck twintails


She is doing it to protect Nano

One who betrays him and has him mentally reverted to the equivalent of a 6 year old? No thanks.

Nano and Hakari get stupid ideas about "sacrificing themselves" so the other can go help Rentarou.

Why are girls so dumb sometimes?

This is my first time seeing the raws, but damn
>Aijou can be interpreted as "Love City"
>Rentarou can be interpreted as "Love's Great Gentleman"
He really is the chosen one

If you're going to shitpost then go do it in cuckoo threads instead.

But can Rentarou defeat the endgame boss Fat Bald Man?

Shut the fuck up already

There is a JB shill thread up but no dedicated thread yet so cuckoofags are looking for a place to rest

That explains why we're suddenly getting shitpost bait this week.

There will be a senate made up of his wives to decide matters regarding the community that he builds from these relationships.

Has the children of the trough come to pass?

Sounds like some people are jealous of success

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>2 panel character

If you want to talk about cuckoo go make a cuckoo thread

Can he really do it bros, can he make it to 100? Even after so many chapters, Komi still hasn't even reached 100 "friends", and in all of b gata h kata the femc only ever did it with one guy.

She did it for him and to form a harem, so it's all good.

>Autists helping each other in the pool

No its not because unlike Rentarou he doesn't even really like most of the girls Novem forced on him. He would have been happy with just Miranda, Novem, Shannon, Aria, and the merchant girl and I guess the book girl. Every other girl was purely political in nature.

>Love's Greatest Husband
He is the chosen one. He will do it. He must.

They also needed a harem to fight his sister

And then he was stuck with them after they won. He couldn't even spend time with most of them due to all the infighting going on in the harem.

As long as it's popular enough, they'll definitely try to get to it.

He'll need a secretary gf to help him organize his schedule and remember important dates.

desu if it can gain traction and make it past 20 chapters it won't get axed


So what asked for

>"If it's true then show me that you can kiss them now!"
I hate this trope but hats off to Rentarou for not hesitating.

Hot takes on 5th girl?

They don't even love Lyle though lol, they just want to be #1. These girls actually CARE about Rentarou.

Red ponytail.

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He will get 100 girlfriends, fuck them, impregnate them and have quintuplets with each of them, all for the glory of Nippon.

It's going to be a running joke how these guys appears and sees him kiss at least multiple girls at the same time

Sporty girl maybe? Kendo? It's not exactly a hot take, though.

Love and girlfriends are temporary, medieval fantasy wives are forever.

Can he keep it up bros?

Shame the number is fucking retarded ass 100.

Kill yourself.

If anything we need the Yandere that protects them from the NTR boys

50 girlfriends, fuck them, impregnate them, get the other 50 girlfriends out of his children once they get older.


Actually, are there even enough female archetypes to fill out the roster? I feel like after a while their personalities will start repeating or blending into one another. You know, let's make a game, can we list off 100 distinct female archetypes/personalities?
I'll start off with spergy anime dweeb, where's glasses, has freckles, maybe some bags under her eyes cause she spends all night playing vn.

fuck off my comfy thread cuckoonigger


Pure Gyaru girl

There isn't enough

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I hope Rentarou gets a martial artist girlfriend later down the road. It'll be increasingly difficult for him to keep protecting his harem by himself.

He needs someone like her.

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You think too small

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I didn't try that because he has to get them all in a short time. If he gets them pregnant soon enough they can give birth before graduating.

i guarantee kekoo is gonna get axed within 20 chapters

Knowing the world we live in the opposite is probably going to happen.

Are you saying we're gonna venture out of the school? He's not only gonna seduce and teacher and the nurse, but an OL, a widow and her children (one older than mc, one younger), and so on and so forth? Also, does this count as ntr? Thing is, the mc got 100 soul mates given to him on accident, but if you think about it, those girls were originally supposed to be with other guys. Does that mean Rentarou is cucking 99 other guys? Is that what's happening to us? Did some asshole get assigned all of our soul mates?

Cope 100keks your shit is already on the chopping block

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You can get like 5+ distinct girls out of the otaku archetype alone.
>Fujoshi doujin artist
>cosplayer (with or without personality changing gimmick)
>Kirino/Umaru-style popular girl who's a closet otaku
>stereotypical moefag male otaku except female
>computer nerd (may or may not be internet idol)
And that's not even getting into things like sports or gun enthusiasts.

Maybe have a pseudo-harem situation where you have an actor girl who embodies ten distinct personalities and switched between them.


You can cheat by having twins or quintuplets

Cuckoo has the bad luck of being JB's chosen toubunfag bait. This one has been drama-free so far even tho it's JB as well. Let's see for how much longer it can hold.

What if it slowly becomes an amalgamation of all harems in existence? His right hand transforms into a girl, a goddess and her two sisters join the harem, he moves into an all female dorm and all of the girls want to fuck him, he and his entire harem get isekaied so that monstergirls get added as well (or conversely they come to or are already in his world). What if one of the girls is mother gaia herself? Will we reach the logical conclusion of harem?

>waifuwar retards having the gall
Blow it off.

How the fuck is this manga going to handle 100 love interests? Even if the series survives 200+ chapters, at the rate of introductions is going to need more than 150 episodes to introduce all. And that's if the series actually survives 100+ chapters and it's not axed before that.

Gotta have the loud Hansin Tigers fan from Kansai. I expect her to pop up within the first 20.

I have literally no faith in this not going to shit and showing harems need a hard limit of members.

Author is taking a gamble

>tfw it's 100 girls friends who really love you but in base 3 instead of base 10

He's a fucking idiot.