What's your opinion on Kumiko?

What's your opinion on Kumiko?

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shoe's is a lucky guy

they break up

She's gay.

exactly, that's why shoe's lucky


Reina is so lucky to have a girlfriend like Kumiko.

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Cute fluffy lesbian

She's hot, she's funny, she's cute, she's fluffy, she's musical talent.

best girl

My opinion is that she should press the soles of her feet against my face.

Peak floof.

Cute boy

The peak of perfection.

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Shuichi got her perfect soles around his cock everyday.

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She's hip

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They broke up in the same movie they got togheter

fucking seethe

Stop being a delusional yurifag.

>he hasn't read the novel

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Why do I feel like the watch is a very important part of her character design?


They took a break because her tiny pussy literally couldn't handle more of his huge cock, yuritranny.

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>>he hasn't read the novel
You certainly not shoe kumiko isn't a thing

>shoetrannys deluding themselves after getting BTFO
The cope is strong with this one

I've been taking part in the yuri vs het banter since this started airing but i gotta ask: Do people actually get mad over it? I know there will always be one or two that will take anything seriously and get triggered, but what about the rest? Do you actually defend anything yuri (or het) related on any thread or you just join the discussions for giggles?

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>hey took a break because her tiny pussy literally couldn't handle more of his huge cock,
Sucking on shoe rod like there's no fucking tomorrow lmao COPE TRANNY

>Kumiko shut down shoe so she can go on a date with Reina
HAHAHAHAHAHA how can you be so confident after this ? This is ultimate BTFO

I could fap to either because Kumiko is the only one I care about

She has cute feet.

>Sucking on shoe rod like there's no fucking tomorrow
I'm not Kumiko, yuritranny.

I only visit these threads because the angry posts make me laugh.


tag your spoilers you faggot

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cute feet.


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They did not.

She is not. It is just a phase.

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Where did the people who post like this come from? Why won't they leave?


And a ching chong to you too

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>girl with no romantic, let alone sexual experience is awkward around the guy she likes and feels more comfortable with a female friend
>yuriniggers take it as proof that she's gay
You literally can't make this shit up.

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I can respect that.
That too.
This is one of the things that basically disappeared from shipping wars these days: shitty edits and funny oc. I recall enjoying scrolling through the oregairu threads just a few years ago but recently when i tried lurking some gotobun threads it was basically "X better than Y, cope, seethe, Y tranny, X niggers will never recover". Needless to say i didn't stick around for very long.

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Despite it being meh the Nisekoi threads were pretty fun too, creative shitposting is a dying art.

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Shoe being slightly off screen is the best part of this edit.

go back to twitter faggot

There's plenty of Kumiko for everyone, no need to argue.

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>"X better than Y, cope, seethe, Y tranny, X niggers will never recover"
This has always been a thing to an extent but the escalation in recent times is really depressing. Especially the low-effort "cope, seethe" etc. ones. What's even the point of posting if you're not communicating anything?

Today I came on Yas Forums looking for a Kumiko thread. I found this one. This is a good thread. I love Kumiko. My Kumiko folder is named "Miracle" because Kumiko is a miracle. That said, her friend Asuka is a miracle too. Just less fluffy.

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More, I need MORE Kumikos

She's cute!

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Summer Kumiko > Winter Kumiko

thats a long kumiko

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Kumiko is very talented with the Air Keyboard

I wonder how many oneechans she seduced with this dress ? How many oneechan juices she gobbled up

It's the Liz & Blue Bird special edition Noodle Kumiko. This guy can draw Kumiko's of all shapes and sizes.

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>That asuka hip
No wonder why she wanted to dive on that thing

We can go longer.

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Kyoani gifts all their shows expect Nichijou with HIPS

>those pits

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That too was one of the last shows to generate massive oc.
I'm starting to think that people actually enjoy that kind of exchanges and find it funny, they wouldn't come back for more everyday if they weren't.

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Keep praising my gf.

Kumiko can bend space and time to satisfy everyone

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When will Kumiko put her foot inside Shoe?

Eupho, not even once.

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become koomigo

I wish she would put her feet on ME

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i love yuuko

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Hot lesbian

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Infuse a piece of clothing with chlorine and kumiko could be all yours.


I wanna burn all /u/posters like how Aoba burnt Kyoani

Love the Kumiko totem.

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Is the movie out already?