Team B > team A. Prove me wrong.
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I can't.
team A a shit, anything is literary better
Anons, I think I'm in love with Chiyoko.
Of course a monkey would prefer a monkey fight.
Team A was barely a play.
>the girls when you ship them with the boys
I need to see more of team B to make a fair judgment, but I feel their play is going to be better, simply because I don't see the lead actress barely hanging on and everyone having to bullshit their way through.
>I don't need him.
>I only need her.
literally objectively correct
It's over Yoganikeks. Acknowledge Momoshiri as your princess, your GOD.
Amachi and Emet did nothing wrong btw
>Viz fucked up the font
Still preordered
Araya masturbating on stage and nothing else would make a better play than Team A's shitshow
>literally made in MS Paint
I would be mad if I was a burger, god damn.
The fucking fanmade one was literally perfect. Why is Viz so incompetent?
And there are people that dont think this is yuri.
Just like Jujutsu's. All that's left is for Viz to fuck up Chainsawman's
They're brainlets.
>Delicate movements
>Portrays the vulnerability of a woman beyond her anger and rage
>And her desperation in trying to hide it
>Extreme expressions
>No feminity
>Shitty dialogue delivery
>Trying to cover it up with dynamic movement
Team A already won.
>t. Kuro
>"Muh subtlety" shit doesn't work in theatre, teamAshill. Stick to movies.
Enough of the shitty pointless generals
>Team B
>Better than anything
>With that dialogue delivery
This is the first AA thread we've had since the chapter dump on sunday, are you retarded?
>t. Arisa
A fucking kid and the members of Iwao's theatre club understood it. Your fake angel doesn't understand the difference between a furious women and a ragetard. Give up. You were BTFO hard.
I am pretty sure Galactic Railroad didn't need such level of exaggeration at the expense of actually good acting.
That's because it was completely different story which had little to no action, and was mostly dialogue.
Chiyoko a shit, but Araya and Kuroyama alone are enough to make Team B the best.
Both are plays. Same medium. Damage controlling won't work.
He was exposed to be just another hack. Iwao is laughing from the grave.
Iwao is dead, just like Riku's career.
Princess Iron fan is a story where the conflicts and emotional states of the characters are told through the characters battling each other out; it requires a completely different approach of acting than Galactic railroad where the character's had no battle of ideals with each other, only dialogue of grief. Not hard to understand.
>t. Arisa
Chad Riku will go to bollywood. Meanwhile Chiyoko's career will die in the next two years.
>implying that makes it any better
Oh man, I sure love stale memes and people misunderstanding what's happening because they're shitposting non stop. Maybe I'll post about who I voted for again.
>implying I give a fuck about slutiyoko
>t. Retard
Acting like a Saturday morning cartoon villian with extreme exaggeration doesn't equate good acting. Exaggeration shouldn't come at the expense of the character. The character in question isn't just a ragetard. Sadly Chiyoko can't tell the difference.
>Maybe I'll post about who I voted for again.
Well the voting ended, who was your last vote?
Based. Chiyokotard BTFO.
Nice trips though.
>Exaggeration shouldn't come at the expense of the character
The character requires exatteration to sell it off to a stage. When you act in a big stage, you don't have cameras to zoom in on your facial expressions so you will have to utilize every limb to pull off your emotional state. Not everyone can see your le epic subtle emotions on your face on stage like its a movie.
I think it has more to do with the reason behind Chiyoko's anger. Her reason for competing was to beat Kei where as Kei anger was far more personal and was more in line with the anger the goddess felt.
Exaggeration shouldn't come at the expense of the character. Why should I care if I can't sense any woman in Chiyoko portrayal? Also even the movements in the OP are good enough to showcase those things. And those are seen and understood by those 5 characters that are shown watching kei on that page. Better luck defending a retarded audience next time.
>Araya will fade to irrelevancy once this arc is over
You love to see it.
>Why should I care if I can't sense any woman in Chiyoko portrayal?
What are you sexist?
>The character requires exatteration to sell it off to a stage
>Implying kei didn't capture everyone's attention from the beginning.
Chad Riku was even able to chage the audience's perception of his character midway through the play. Exaggeration is a factor yes but that doesn't decide the quality of a role, especially if that's all it can offer.
italianon here, my volume 1 finally arrived
How does everyone but viz get great covers?
>Y-You sexist!
Really? She is portraying a furious woman searching her cheating husband who left her in all her misery. Chiyoko IS playing a woman. Expecting to see one in her is the most basic requirement from me as an audience.
>Keifag can't detect obvious sarcasm
This. Chiyoko herself was angry that kei didn't think of her while performing.
Jelly of you europoors.
Nice, I went to buy my copy yesterday. Seems like the publisher has high expectations for it. I asked the store owners if they can give me the poster once the promotional period ends, they agreed.
As for the edition itself, it's nice how the bonus jacket comes with a different title design so you can choose how to display it.
Why the using different fonts?
The first volume comes with two dust jackets, a paper one with the cover art that uses the red font () and a second one you can put around it that's made of clear plastic except for the film roll design on the top and bottom and the clapperboard design for the title that covers the red chalk one.
Nice. This release is good. I hope it will helps manga get some popularity.
I'll do my part and shill it around as soon as conventions stop getting cancelled due to coronavirus.
Stay safe out there pastabros.
Anime when?
After TOM releases the PV for MAPPAkaisen.
When the Rakugo/Kaguya-sama director is free hopefully.
A fake flower can't compete with a real one