Are we ever gonna get new Akagi or Kaiji anime?

Are we ever gonna get new Akagi or Kaiji anime?

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I dunno lol

Never ever

I hope so.

We got that Middle Manager Tonegawa spinoff....

Yeah, no, it's over.

Akagi would be a whole season about one single mahjong match, so no, lol.

Wasnt the Pachinko game like half the season

>Akagi would be a whole season about one single mahjong match
And that's a good thing.

What's the matter user? Dont know how to play mahjong?

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They had a chance for it with the new "final" live-action movie but didn't do it, so probably never.

I would kill for another Akagi season

I feel like the Mahjong match could be condensed.
And leave enough space for Kazuya-hen.

But seriously isn't FKMT supposed to be popular in Japan? Why is the Kaiji anime being ignored?

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if i understand yakuza mahjong am i ready to jump into the akagi manga or is it completely different?

I didnt play Yakuza yet but I asume it uses standard Riichi rules so yes I would say

Absolutely. You should, it's the author magnum's opus.

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Based Akagi.

Why the fuck did Kaiji S2 not get a bluray release?

I want more Tonegawa anime.

Anime adaptations are pretty much always done to promote the source material or in Kaiji's case the live-action movies. Unless a series is a huge hit (like over 30K BDs sold for every volume), doing more anime sequels is financially risky since the previous seasons already used their advertizing potential and producing anime is expensive as fuck.

>or in Kaiji's case the live-action movies.
Who the fuck watches those? Everyone just wants the anime.

>Who the fuck watches those?
Japanese people

Do they really? I've only seen hate towards live action adaptations.

is Kaiji getting fucked over for trusting people the main shtick or just a pleb filter

Normal people don't watch cartoons.

For me, it's Kurosawa

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The amount of regular people who watch random movies completely overwhelms the amount of anime otaku who follow late-night anime. They also pay up at the entrance whether they end up liking the movie or not which is the opposite of nerds watching TV and recording shows they like (not to mention pirates).

Just the fact that they made a new Kaiji OC movie this year should tell how much more profitable live-action stuff is.

There's nothing wrong with that at all.
It's not like it'd be filler or anything.

>Just the fact that they made a new Kaiji OC movie this year should tell how much more profitable live-action stuff is.
Another example is how Death Note got a TV drama and has a movie universe going in its own direction.

Anyone bought the new English volumes of Kaiji that have started coming out recently? How is the quality (both of the book itself, and the translation)? I was looking in to importing the Jap tanks awhile ago and they seem to be out of print, and I don't particularly like buying used books, so I've been eyeing the new English ones.

He deserves an anime.
So many here will relate to him now.

Japan's been growing increasingly tired of him milking his series and dragging out the pacing. Remember, part 1 of Kaiji did 4 games in 13 volumes. Nowadays, each game goes on for 13 volumes.

Kaiji part 1 had the worst games. Part 3 is the peak.

>better than classics like Restricted RPS and E-Card
It's better than part 4, but that's not saying much.

You're a retard if you think RPS and E-Card are any good. The rules are far too restricting for actual tricks and tactics, and needed a few asspulls to work. Even Chinchiro and Pachinko are a lot better.

Minefield Mahjong had fantastic writing and actually deep tactics that needed to take defense, reading opponents tactics, and dealing with RNG. The number of possibilities was a lot higher, allowing for actual reading and strategies to take place.

Pretty sure that's reserved for Ten. I'm on the last chapters of Akagi right now. What a fucking drag it's been, gotta say.

What was he thinking?

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How can you be an otaku and not know the basics of their popular culture? Yas Forums keeps disappointing me

>can't appreciate FKMT's best gamble

Used books are probably the way to go if you can read the language. The Japanese typically keep their things in good condition. Book-Off even shaves the very, very ends so it'll still feel new.

Your mistake was thinking that Yas Forums is primarily filled with otakus.
A larger portion of anons are those with just a passing interest in anime, hence all the ever-increasing amount of Yas Forums-tier shitposting.

I do feel you, though.

I'm fairly certain it's the hardest Fukumoto's ever wanked himself. Every big hand becomes the same drawn out shit.

Pic related (not to mention the main strategies boiled down to "just peek at the opponents hand lol" and "paste a piece of paper onto a tile and there you have a haku lol"). Chinchiro was the peak of Kaiji, with the pachinko arc being where the decline into glacial pacing started.

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My Japanese is pretty bad, I can struggle through stuff but I tend to read English translations more than stuff in Japanese. The only reason I was looking at Japanese Kaiji to begin with was because there wasn't any English version available.

>Oh man this is obviously such a good hand
>but it's not good enough
>that's right, it's not over until the 70th discard or someone calls tsumo or ron
>you have no other outs now
>it's all over now
>wait, I can survive just a little bit longer
>just one more turn is all I need
I can go on and on, which is exactly what he did. I also play mahjong myself so the last few twists were pretty expected, so as the onlookers narrated over the wrong things, I saw where the games were headed.

Just because you can't understand it past "LOL DEMONS" doesn't mean it's not one of the most well written FKMT gambles, in which he delivers most of his philosophical views.

>not to mention the main strategies boiled down to "just peek at the opponents hand lol" and "paste a piece of paper onto a tile and there you have a haku lol"
Absolute brainlet. Kaiji sometimes spends like 4 chapters analyzing the discards in order to chose the safest discard. It's way above any other gamble in Kaiji in regards of tactics and readings.

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meant for

>Kaiji sometimes spends like 4 chapters analyzing the discards in order to chose the safest discard.
Is that supposed to be a good thing?

>Kaiji sometimes spends like 4 chapters analyzing
Yeah, that's kind of the problem with Kaiji after part 2.

It's absolutely a good thing, because it means there's actually a lot to unfold by reading the opponent's discards and deciding on the better defense possibilities. Minefield mahjong is a game where Kaiji can actually reason things out rather than going "I read that you thought that I'd think X" like in E card.

Today i went over to fkmtkrazy blog after a year and wtf happened there? Eerie.

No, it means that Fukumoto has a bad habit of dragging every little thing out as long as possible. You don't need 4 chapters to discard one tile.

You would if you weren't a brainlet. Every single tile can kill Kaiji, of course he'd reason as much as possible, and there's a lot to read in a game like minefield mahjong. A lot more than in any other Kaiji game.

>Just because you can't understand it past "LOL DEMONS" doesn't mean it's not one of the most well written FKMT gambles, in which he delivers most of his philosophical views.
Doesn't mean his manifesto was delivered well or eloquently.

You're also keen to call others brainlets while remaining vague in your responses. I highly doubt you're any advanced in mahjong yourself and can only follow what the narrator is leading you to.

>Doesn't mean his manifesto was delivered well or eloquently.
Didn't find anything wrong with the delivery. Most people seem to love it.

>You're also keen to call others brainlets while remaining vague in your responses. I highly doubt you're any advanced in mahjong yourself and can only follow what the narrator is leading you to.
I'm actually 6dan and played Minefield Mahjong IRL a couple of times. The core of the game is building a mangan hand with a decent wait without having your opponent be able to predict it. Depending on what you end up with, you might have to make hard compromises, like waiting on a single tile (e.g. chitoitsu hand). A lot of hands will go towards honitsu/chinitsu, which is easy to predict by looking at the discards, but you could also fake a hand like that to have a more conventional pinfu tanyao wait. You could also discard in order to make an area look safe despite it being dangerous. Finally, there's the question of whether or not to trust sujis. It's pretty hard to answer.

He wanted to put the "krazy" in FKMTkrazy

I find people are pretty split on it myself. It could easily be cut down by an order of chapters. You have chapters that are almost copy paste of each other (Ohgi and Washizu seething, Akagi looking nonchalant, one side's minions looking concerned as fuck saying MURI DA when we all know what's going to happen), and wasted pages that just reiterate everything all over again.

>waiting on a single tile (e.g. chitoitsu hand). A lot of hands will go towards honitsu/chinitsu, which is easy to predict by looking at the discards, but you could also fake a hand like that to have a more conventional pinfu tanyao wait. You could also discard in order to make an area look safe despite it being dangerous. Finally, there's the question of whether or not to trust sujis.
You get all this shit even in ippan games, hardly anything special on its own.

Sure, you could cut a few of the reactions, but it hardly matters. The important part is that the majority of chapters either have plot development, character insights, tactics/analysis, or FKMT philosophical speech. There's a lot to unfold there.

>You get all this shit even in ippan games, hardly anything special on its own.
Not really. The way regular jong is played and minefield is played is very different. Regular mahjong is mostly a game of speed and tsumo. Minefield incorporates defense and hand planning in a much different way.

Can someone give me a quick rundown

>plot development
Yes, the glacial development of two chapters for one tile draw.
>character insights
I kind of got the picture within the first 150 chapters. Akagi is someone who will keep struggling until the end, that is his "self". Washizu is almost the same, but from the angle of never wanting to submit to anyone else for he is a natural born leader and that's why his underlings love him so much.
Only as convenient, and a lot of things revert to Washizu's heart of the cards.

>Regular mahjong is mostly a game of speed and tsumo.
If you play IRL then you know that's not true. Efficiency alone won't leave you positive.