Re:Zero Director's cut

New episode is out and new scenes are in!

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Re:Zero? More like Re:Kino

I love Emilia so much

>new scenes are in!
What did they add?

Bullshit. Tell us.

I love Emilia.

go back to r.eddit


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>new scenes

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New Emilia scenes? She is best girl and I love her

Roughly how many of season 1's episodes do they fit in each of the ones of this director's cut version?

>new scenes are in!
>new scenes
yeah, right. They fucking censored the shit out of it, that's what they did. top kek, and director cutted.

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What did they remove?

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Based Based

Re:Zero? More like Re:ddit

Rem is so lovely

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ooh nononono


It might have something to do with that "40K Salamander LARPer" a few months back with KyoAni, y'know? Best not show burned corpses on TV.

Wonder if this is gonna play in on the church burning with Rem in it in season 2

Really puts the "cut" in Director's Cut.


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I will never forgive the japanese

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So what I'm getting from all of this is that the director's cut is complete garbage with only added stillframe length and they actually removed things.

Basically BD version + redrawn Julius vs Subaru (significantly) minus charred corpses at the end of episode 14, probably because of the KyoAni fire.

First time re-watching in a long time
I forgot how much subaru does not understand anything

It’s only ever shown from a distance, we won’t witness Rem’s death ever again basically

Dude. That scene never happens in the LN. Subaru never brings her there. Instead of carrying her to Sanctuary, she's implied to get eaten by one of Meili's pets offscreen and Subaru gets teleported.

>That scene never happens in the LN. Subaru never brings her there

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Oh, that's actually surprising. I'll have to rewatch the fight if they made improvements.

fuck the lns I hope s2 adapts wn

>Director's cut
>new scenes

Anime is adapted from the LNs.

Wow, this sucked. First time rewatching this, and these two episodes were fucking horrible. I didn't remember this to suck so hard. Pacing is complete shit. Animation is mediocre at best, bordering QUALITY levels of lazynes at times. Barasu is a fucking faggot. The whole howto negotiation arc is fucking boring. At least Emilia is finally fucking dead already.

Rem is so lovely

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I'm not giving up until post-18.

Whyyy. It was the perfect way to end a run where Subaru had decided to die from the beginning, but couldn't follow up on it. Him trying to save Rem and Emilia, Roswal offing himself, lolibabas dying left and right and everything being a huge clusterfuck was great.

more like REEEEE:Zero out of ten

Wait a second. Does that remove Emilia being Subaru's second choice?

In the WN, Subaru tries to go to Rem's side but as the Cathedral is burning down he realizes Rem is lost and then goes to the Tomb to die during the Kiss of Death scene with mindbroken Emilia. If Rem is already dead then the implications of the kiss of death scene were changed. god damn it.

>Subaru shivers.
>Subaru: “Then...”
>Following that logic, the most dangerous place in SANCTUARY right now is,
>Subaru: “Th-the cathedral! We have to hurry to the cathedral!”
>Roswaal: “It's too late. The instant they appeared before us and our small number, it meant the arrival of those who had failed to already obtain food. —Eeeeeeeeveryone's gone.”
>Subaru: “But! That's where...!”
>Rem is.
>He had entrusted her Lewes, and she took Rem to the cathedral. With the residents of SANCTUARY and all the Arlam evacuees, there would be over one hundred people there.
>He didn't want to think that en-masse they'd been—
>Subaru: “Roswaal! Truce! Okay, to the cathedral! We'll collect the survivors, find them somewhere safe to...”
>Subaru closes in on Roswaal, grabbing his collar and yelling.
>But Roswaal gently pushes Subaru's arms away.
>Roswaal: “Flee? Where? There's a barrier. The people of SANCTUARY cannot flee.”

>Subaru: “But, has Rem alone...”
>been saved? thinks Subaru, putting serial order on the value of life in an act of considerable hubris and pride.
>Mentally, Subaru calls out to the double he had instructed to take Rem to the Cathedral—the main Lewes. But, he finds no conspicuous reaction suggesting that she heard it.
>—Rem was inside that cathedral fire.
>Even saying hypothetically that they escaped, the thought that Lewes could singlehandedly evade the Hare while protecting Rem was not one Subaru's brain was overoptimistic enough to have.
>He bites on his molars hard. Tastes blood. Biting on the taste of blood, biting in the rising bitterness, on his decision does Subaru bite down.
>—He should have understood fully that this world was already done for, yet with repeated failures to forsake it, he had wound up here.
>Now should be, truly, about time to give up.
>Subaru: “—”
>He knows the famished monster is approaching.
>The hares, who had abandoned the prospect of devouring any prey in the burnt cathedral, had noticed the presence of kneeling Subaru and the Lewes doubles surrounding him.
>Standing up, brushing off the snow, Subaru gives a deep exhale.
>He does not notice the feeling of the tears on his cheeks. So, he does not wipe them away.
>Subaru: “Emilia...”
>This world was ending.
To me this change actually makes sense. If I was a Emiliafag trying to somehow salvage their "romance". In the WN this was pretty damning evidence that Subaru does not care as much about Emilia as his words would say. I'd rate this change worse than the 400 years most magnificent heroine

I love Emilia.

In Subaru's defense for being a wavering guy, Emilia could at least run and use some magic to defend herself, Rem is in a coma. Subaru isn't aware how mind broken Emilia is until after this.
Also Emilia's state of unawareness when she is mind broken is hilarious

[Emilia: Subaru, did you get a little lighter?]

[Subaru: I’m trying out the blood-loss diet…. it’s…… like dump the ballast, and get lighter and light…er… something… like that……]

“—Witch Cult Cardinal of Sin, Archbishop of PRIDE, Natsuki Subaru!”

if I remember correctly, Emilia doesn't even cross his mind at the time. I agree you can't blame that way of thinking that Emilia has some semblances of a way of fighting back but the villagers and Rem do not in the cathedral. But he doesn't weigh the scales, the cathedral - Rem is on his mind.

One of the very few things I'm excited for from season 2 is mind broken Emilia and the improved LN version of the Emilia, Petelguese, Fortuna/Sirius flashback.

I just can't hype myself for the dona scenes knowing how much they will change even from LN -> anime

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fuck, I totally forgot that Rem's existence was already erased here, I always thought the "who's Rem?" meme was from the LN/WN spoilers everyone threw around after the final episode failed to deliver the cliffhanger.

I stopped paying attention to the LN after the witch of lust change how did they improve the flashback?

It’s a double meaning. When I ask Yas Forums if they have forgotten her, I’m actually asking if they read the WN yet.

I don’t remember but it’s one of the only things of praise for LN

is Re:Zero worth revisiting for the directors cut? I gave the original like a 5.7

I have not kept up with this series since the anime finished its airing. Is it worth? Was it even good, or do I just remember it being better than it was?

I remember it being alright

fuck no

it's so much worse on a rewatch, and I typically like to rewatch my shows.

The novels are way better, the series was never written for a anime adaption

>he gives his chinese cartoons ratings
>on a 100 point scale no less
no one here wants you to watch it, sayonara

Most episodes simply lack punch. They all fuck around way too much. So "the punch" gets distributed over 3, maybe more episodes, but in reality you just get one "okay" episode every end of such arc. I'd say it's a really poor adaption. More liberties should have been taken to make every single episode count. They just don't. Most of them anyways.

Why don't he just tell them he can see fragments of the future?

can't lie for shit

Subaru is not a very clever boy. Have patience with him, please?

No one would believe that. If they did, it would probably be considered the same as just straight up telling them about return by death.

If he lets people know that the witch of envy is helping him she punishes him. The punishment isn't automatic she decides if he breaks the rules and also decides how to punish him. If anyone took him seriously about that she would take it as dropping hints when he's not supposed to