Why was it so good?

why was it so good?

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because you enjoyed watching it


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It wasn't

it wasn't
see OPfag, trigger is shit

It's not you triggernigger

It just was.

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It didn't follow any of the standard plot points we have seen over and over again. And it was still decent regardless.

The first half as the anime Harry Potter with slice of life episodes was a great concept.

As much as I think art school is dumb, I like the way people compare this anime to going to art school because you were inspired by some artist.

Art schools are massively overdecorated elaborate buildings with a staff of eccentric weirdos who will spout nonsensical things most of the time. I can kind of understand how someone can translate their art school experience to going to some weird otherworlldly wizard school.

it had Yas Forums

I was disappointed that we never got a Team Akko vs Team Diana

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The tv anime actually soured me on the franchise. I love the OVAs and Teri Terio manga so much and the show was so mediocre that it made me not want more LWA stuff.

Enchanted Parade is the worst entry in the franchise, we've been over this.

Why was akko so lewd? Shouldnt she be focusing on her studies?

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I'm disappointed they made a tv show instead of more ovas

The tv series is basically done and cannot really move any further forward. Seems like the only thing they can do now if hey wanted to make more would just be more random OVAs

Any new show might have to star someone else, or another new student.

production wise you're probably right about the state of this series being able to make anything more but fuck you I still believe ;_; but definitely not true just from a purely story perspective. just one of many ideas would be dealing with new unintended consequences of reviving yggsdrasil and tied to this bigger plot would be seeing what happens when the witch world and in particular LN gets a huge resurgence that they aren't ready for. and could do stuff about Akko's anxiety about her last year and not being able to cope with her best years of her life (to her perspective at the time) and how that would interweave with the other plot threads

Its fun pure and simple

I never found Akko all that attractive.

Honestly the only way I see a sequel series happening is if it worked out amazingly well on Netflix and they decide to find another season.

The other idea of a new series starring a new character could be good too. Hopefully someone that is not a 1:1 copy of Akko. But maybe the school started taking in more non witch family students.

Are you talking about the OVA top tier master piece or are you talking about the shit that was the TV series

It had a lot of problems, but it was still a lot of fun.
Plot sucked bad.

>if it worked out amazingly well on Netflix and they decide to find another season.

fucking this

They barely got the money together to make what they got now. If someone else does not come along and order more episodes this franchise is done. And I doubt the broom riding VR game is going to bring in the big money and mainstream attention.

The slice of life stuff was good. The evil villain plot was dumb. Should have just kept to Akko fucking up in classes.

I'm burger so I don't know whether you're talking about a sequel show or second season, but for me I definitely want a second season keeping the current cast because goddammit there's more to do with them, whether it be Hannah and Barbara or more with green team or bring some favorite bg witches like Avery and Sarah more to the forefront. I wouldn't completely turn down a new show but to me there's definitely more that can/should be done with our current witches before that. I do think though Akko should step aside a bit more often from the front and center of everything all the time, in second cour it did get to be a bit much at times

What if they return to the original monster hunting, dungeon crawling class concept of the first OVA? Luna Nova is a private school that trains adventurers that clear dungeons around the world and takes care of magic monsters.

Amanda is best girl.

Yeah, no way they replace the cast now.

>being this gay

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Is there a single case where Red Oni is superior to Blue Oni? Because I can't think of any.

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Diana fucking sucked, dude.

Yeah, LWA, where pretty much everyone but her dicksuckers were better.

Something very new would need to be introduced. Since at the end of the series Akko learned to fly, is friends with Diana, found Chariot, lost the shiny rod, saved Not-England, and has become a celebrity after doing it.

True the main plot of Akko being the one normal girl getting into witch school, sucking at magic, and hoping to meet Chariot some day is over. Now they could jump into the area of the first OVA where they are being sent on adventures for classes.

It would just be Diana carrying her team and soloing Akko gang. I hope we will get dueling class next season.

All the stuff you mentioned though is already ripe for direct continuation, yes it's true it all works to be conclusive if one wanted but the nice thing is it's also not any less able to be followed up on unlike lots of other endings where a followup would need to be really contrived. Already mentioned some of the potential earlier with plots that could easily come immediately after the end of season 1 what with approaching graduation and things happening from ancient things being awoken from that shiny arc

You assholes tricked me into watching this garbage saying that it was going to be like Kill la Kill and it ended being MLP but with humans and in japanese Im still so fucking mad like holy shit

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movies are good, series is trash

Some of that we saw in the first OAV. Akko could fly, was okay with magic, was competent in adventuring and stopping monsters,

its wasnt bad but people expected blockbuster kino
its was just some fun things waifu anime

>its was just some fun things waifu anime
It wasn't even that because they decided to add some nonsensical plot halfway through it.

should've have just as much if not more fanservice than KLK

>its wasnt bad but people expected blockbuster kino
That will be Yoshinari's next project, BNA

She's not the worst, but also not the best.

Even Diana's dicksuckers were better than Akko.

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Straighter than you.

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t. Diana's dicksuckers

It was decent at best but it had that something that made it stick and not be forgotten.

Shes cute in her own way. I'd fuck her in a heartbeat

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Because I watched it with you all

Ass not big enough

This Barbutt is for abuse.

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It wasn't directed by Imashi

Because it was fun

it's your average trigger work
mediocre, but incredibly overhyped

It was average.
the croix finale was bad, especially forgiving her. that whole plotline was like filler, and the episodic episodes were the real anime.
also Charlot not being able to tell Akko who she is due to random junk all the time, bad trope.
My post is negative but I did enjoy the anime.. somewhat.

The best part of the franchise was.

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But she went to wizard jail.

Akko is for hugging

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>There are people who didn't find the show enjoyable

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Constanze is for hugging

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Sucy is for hugging but she'll punch or turn you into a newt for it if you aren't Akko and even then that doesn't buy you safety.

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Comfy and filled to the brim with SOUL

I wanna hug Ursula-sensei.
Then fug.
Then marry.

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You can't, she belongs to Akko now at least until her autistic friend gets out of jail.

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I'll fight a 16 year old girl for my waifu. I don't give a fuck.

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