One piece

>50 chapters in and bored out of my mind
When does it get good?

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After the timeskip.

oh god that's 600 chapters in

It doesn't. You've already been pleb filtered.

From chapter 322 to 597

It's already good. You've been filtered.

Drop it, you are clearly homosexual.

Arlong arc

that's when it gets bad

Stop reading.

Then don’t read it?

Lol why do people keep reading/watching something that they don’t like from the beginning? Are you that desperate to like something mainstream?

If you don’t like One Piece it’s not a big deal. You’re lame, have no taste, and are probably a Nartuo fanboy. But who cares, no one is judging.

It gets good starting at chapter 1. Reread it


>someone critiques an anime you like
>brings up Naruto out of nowhere
Why do betas always do this?

Arlong Island is when the manga really picks up, so at least get to the next arc.



it doesnt

Felt that, read for about 200-300 chapters more and finally dropped it. It doesn't get even slightly better.
Just drop the trash.

But it already did, user.

>its fine if you dont like it
>proceeds to insult
Look at this pathetic nigger.

You should stop already if you don't enjoy the first couple arcs its safe to say you have been pleb filtered

I started liking it around the time Buggy returns and Smoker shows up. That was chapter 90 or so.

Never. Read Chainsaw Man instead.

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volume 1 chapter 1 page 1

Chapter 1

Currently reading OP, and I can say confidently that skypiea is fucking boring!! No matter if I watch or read this arc I just can't seem to care about it. Literally the only interesting thing about this whole arc is Enel powers. Which is sad. I like the whole sky island set up and world build but damn it's boring. Definitely Enel henchmen, they suck and aren't memorable.

got hooked when he got to Zoro

Drop it faggot no one cares if you think its boring lol

Isn't that one of the most well loved archs too?

But literal fags love OP

Yes! People act like it's good into cause of Enel and the shitty hype around him. Like people still take that whole invincible devil fruit thing serious like it's actually the strongest logia fruit out there or something, and not just the over hyping of someone who barely has experience fighting people as it is. Anybody who's reading OP for the first time just skip this arc. Honestly nothing of true significance happens this arc.


>people falling for these bait threads every single time

That's not a good thing.

chapter 1. it turnes into shit after 60 volumes

what if at the end its all one big flashback

if it doesnt inspire you, dont read it i have droped a lot of mangas too
MHA, black clover etc


Ah my child. I remember back when I started the series and thought it was bad. It's a slog and has the worst side characters in series. But one day you should reread it and you'll get it. The themes, the sense of advanture, the history of the land... It's not perfect but it one hell of gem.
Also no joke a really good pleb filter

Every don't listen to this. He obviously has brain damage.

Anime when?

Nami mom dieing was the point when I thought it was good

That's the joke tale.


>Black clover

Black Clover is trash

It gets good in the along arc, then goes to shit on dressrosa and still hasn't recovered

back to your basement

Seems the npcs are bugged and can no longer type in proper english.

Best ongoing shonen

You are an absloute soulless pleb.

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>Reddit Clover

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>Anything I don't like is reddit
>Phone posting
You will never fit in here newfag.

but most plebs like it just like water 7 and ennies lobby because of le epic fights


Just skip to Wano
Editor was right.

your average wan piss fag, everyone


Oda is stinkin pedo enabler. Fuck him.


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if you don't like at Arlong park, you'll never like it

chainsaw man is dope but denji is just a simp that never wins. imagine the kind of shit that would happen if makima decides to reward denji for killing the gun devil. it's gonna go fucking awful quick.