
should have ended after he wiped his memory

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no way. the autor should have avoided the revelation that it was a gift sent from godlike ayylmaos and that all the bullshit they went through was all entertainment for rich people
that shit was so dumb

Kino series for kino people.

The series chainsawfags think chainsawman is.

It was great from start to finish.
Only retarded part was vampires. That shit was never explained.

Last arc was definitely a dip in quality. You can probably cut it in half you remove Kei and Tae shouting each other's name while crying.
The stakes we're also lowered when they introduced the Resurrection reward. They should have added a clause like you can only be revived once.

>all the bullshit they went through was all entertainment for rich people
that's also fucking dumb

It had Reika and Lara Croft, so I don't care.

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should have stuck with alien parasite vampires and cut the space horses and space commies

It was shit though, it's not actual revival but more creating a clone of that person. The dead one is not actually coming back to life magically.

How do you know that you didn't die each time you wake up?

I agree and disagree. The lore behind GANTZ and the catastrophe should've never happened but I don't think it should end when Kei chose freedom. I think the last few arcs should've been about Kato. Kei was the protag but Kato was the one we felt sorry for because he had a reason to live. Kei was just a NEET with a gf.

Cut the entire plot with the giants and never truly reveal what the Gantz balls are.

God its so good, I almost failed ochem spending so much time reading it, but it was worth it. Has there ever been an mc with a character arc as dramatic but natural feeling as keis?

I've started Gantz, read up to second ayylien fight so far.
It suuuucks. I'm so bored reading it I have no desire to keep going at all. The chapters are short af, the art sucks, it feels like a shovelware weekly kuso manga.
Why do people like it? Does it get good eventually?

it was fun and fine

plebbiest opinion posted on this board yet

Its one of those series that changes directions multiple times. Lots of people enjoy it from the beginning, but if I were you I'd read a little further, to the buddha fight, lots of stuff changes there

If you don't like it now, you won't like it later. Just drop it.

The main char keeps doing this "lul ur all stupid" "woops tiddies naked vagina hehe" shit and I cringe every time. There's nothing pulling me along here.

Gain testosterone


Is it odd I got hard over the human processing segments?

Honestly, the whole invasion arc and the aftermath were such a black hole levels dip in quality.
And the "21 grams of soul? is this what you're asking about? yeah it exists and is traveling through different dimensions to reincarnate back into human, no idea why that's such a big deal for you guys" was the last backstab to the plot. So unnecessary.
Any kind of other ending would've been better.

Yeah i thought vampires were originally planned to be main antagonists before OKU decided ayy's would make little bit more sense.

>Protagonist is selfish faggot who doesn't give a shit about anything that doesn't pick his fancies like big tiddy girl
>Characted development makes him more and more sympathetic with each chapter.
You didn't read enough.

Mc was the virgin chad

> Yas Forums
Not really

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He had sex pretty early though. I did like Cherry boy though

The chad virgin then. he acts beta despite slaying puss

remember that Gandhi god shit lmao

Something nanomachines. Only thing they did was kill the katana edgelord dude and mcs brother then fuck off.

i totally forgot kei had a brother, what an unnecessary character

Just avoid watching the anime, it sucks BBC.

Yeah there were a lot of wasted characters for some reason

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idk at least the osaka team established the threat and a different way to look at the whole gantz game. I cant really see how they wouldve been integrated into the main story anyways

Osaka = best arc
great opening though

I suppose so. Would have much rather have one of the main cast take on the alien in the hard suit though instead of a guy that dies off screen but thats just me.

That's why Temple fight hurt.
It had a lot of promising characters like Karate man and Sniper-bro.
They were just unlucky that they had a lot of newbies, lots on non-suit wearing dudes and a strong boss to fight that mission. Had they were given the time to grow they could have been a strong group.

Although I'm glad it happened. The stakes were established as anyone could die, even protags friends and love interest until they introduced that anyone can just be revive lol

>boss that just wont fucking die

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I still think he wrote himself into a corner with the 100 point alien's regeneration power so he made this really weird rule about the alien somehow not being able to regenerate if he can't see the attacker. That guy was a fucking puddle and regenerated but then he just gets shot until he dies.

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>And the "21 grams of soul? is this what you're asking about? yeah it exists and is traveling through different dimensions to reincarnate back into human, no idea why that's such a big deal for you guys" was the last backstab to the plot. So unnecessary.
Yeah it was so fucking gay.

For me, it's Cherry.

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>Introduce a fuck ton of pro Gantzers
>They all die
It was shit.

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The MC's girlfriend had some of the strongest plot armor ever in the final story arc. Everyone she runs into dies but she always gets out somehow even when captured. I remember getting really annoyed every time she survived.

she reminds me of my gf so I liked her

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I thought the ESP came outta left field but sensei and cherry got some good endings.

>skipping parts like the mass shooting and Italy

I mean yeah the last arc is incredibly mediocre, but its not worth skipping some of the best parts

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I need to reread italy, I dont know if I wasnt paying attention or missed some chapters but I remember it lasting all of ten seconds

God, what a slaughter that was. I still have nightmares.

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