What is your stance regarding Netflix and anime?

What is your stance regarding Netflix and anime?

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Is shit.

a classic anime suddenly being available on Netflix does not make it any worse.

I judge it on a case-by-case basis because I'm not a retard


panders too much to western normies.

it's still just as good

>panders too much to western normies.
japs have shit taste

I don't like what I've seen from their "original anime"


The only downside was the loss of fly me to the moon.
Don't tell me you watch it dubbed?


netflix has HD download function

This except for the last part. Ameriburgers aren't white.

Fly Me to the Moon is iconic, cutting it to save some money when you have more money (and pedos) than the church is an atrocity.

I don't pay for anime. I don't stream. I have a higher quality product for free. If Netflix wants to pump money into the anime industry that's fine by me. I've seen no evidence that they are influencing the type of content being created. I think peopole thought that Carol and Tuesday show was SJW and Western pandering, but it seems exactly like the type of thing Watanabe would make to me anyways, so whatever.

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nobody pays for netflix

except me since I mantain it for my parents and sister

>except me since I mantain it for my parents and sister
Wouldn't it be easier to teach them to navigate the seven seas?
Unless you're fucking your sister of course, that would justify everything.

>>Wouldn't it be easier to teach them to navigate the seven seas?
my sister would stream shit like putlocker

but my parents can just be comfy on the 4k tv... no need for computahs

Seethe harder, tranny lover.

Streaming platforms should all die

>t. watches HS

if you pay for a streaming service then you are a retard

Don't know why they fund so much Pony Canyon CG shit. They should commission Doga Kobo instead.

Netflix anime is just another step for the jews to subvert Japan.

Ultraman was pretty good and Crybaby was alright. Other than that I’d be fine with them if they stopped funding low effort adaptations of popular manga and funded more originals that take advantage of the fact that they’re not limited by TV’s format/restrictions

>Netflix sponsors anime to get it first/exclusive on their streaming service
Okay in my book
>Netflix sponsors anime to change problematic tropes
Kill it with fire
That's my take on it.

I wouldn't hate them so much if they would just simulcast like every other streaming service does. They did it with Violet Evergarden in Europe. Why not here in burgerland? Why would you release LWA as two seasons when it's clearly one. Just because the opening changed? Come on.

They kind of suck, especially their player and their translations. But I appreciate them funding more anime.

What's wrong with streaming?


Kotz is the perfect adaptation of Saint Seiya, all without the homosexuals of the classic

I doubt those eva episodes on Netflix are from the BDs, even if they are I doubt they are at least enconded on a half assed way.

Jews pushing their agenda, tarnishing the last place free of their globalistic influence.

Jews fear the samurai though.

Basically, yeah.

>Literally fund an entire extra Saiki anime.
>The subs are such absolute dogshit, you literally can get better ones by hiring a russian fansubber for $20 per episode.
Netflix singlehandedly keeping the fansubbing scene alive by being imbecilicly incompetent.

They need to die for forcing the bingeshit culture into anime. The format has been weekly episodes for decades in Japan for a fucking reason.


this desu
not like japanese anime is exclusively good, some shit some gold mostly mediocre.

no reason netflix should be different.

Devilman Crybaby is their only good anime.

I dont care, do you hear me???????????

>"original" when they just license a preexisting show

supposedly they have spriggan in production i wonder if its animation or cgi.

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>Jews fear the samurai though.
user I....

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only reasonable post ITT

Honestly a major appeal of anime to me is that it's free from constant jew propaganda. It's refreshing.

The world would be so much better if all amerimutts and western eurofags were put in unit 731.
Your only use would be to be used experiments for a superior race including your children. You deserve it for being degenerate whiny pieces of shit

>take away the gayness
>replace it with incest

I’ve gotten lazy with downloading anime what with my room not being set up with a proper space to place my pc so I never use it. Now I just stream anime on whatever it shows up on. I would have been ok with Netflix releasing their shows week by week, he’ll even right after the season finishes in Japan but no. Those faggots wait for it to finish then they have to dub it/sub it and then months later do they finally fucking release it. Fuck them. My fault for being a lazy shit though I guess.

It's nice they are making anime more mainstream.

It has one of the greatest anime of all time.

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I love Netflix and I love how it makes virgins seethe. Anime has always been mainstream.

they should get kaiji and akagi

by killing it

not in the US

>netflix has HD download function
Please elaborate on this, I highly doubt you

Ok zoomer


>Implying literally everyone doesn't know what dragonball and pokemon are

since the 2000 while anime was long been mainstream outside of Japan in the 80s

Netflix is good because they throw money at anime originals that would never me made otherwise in the current year. Who the fuck else still makes 2 cours original these days? Last non Netflix ones were from IG and PA Works and both flopped.

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dont forget the unwanted live action

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Worth it to get this enchanting woman on the screen

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Is this good?

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