
Now that anime is at its low point, do you think it can recover?

Helicopter theme:

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A Hind-A?

>not even the right hind model
I'm glad I didn't stay for this shitfest. Reading the manga was enough for me.

Shut up and post Nana.

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It's up on HS

Damn, that QUALITY cgi.

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For some reason we didn't see the kid in the helicopter.

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>low point
railgun T , dorohedoro , fate adfb. and last year kengan ashura, mob phsyco 100 season 2, Kimetsu no Yaiba

thats more shows than i watch on american tv for either year. maybe your a americas got talent guy or a prices right guy idk you could be a fag eye for the straight guy person for all i know but anime is doing better than it was between 2013 and 2015 which was the low point in recent years

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Ah yes finally Sonohara

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I dunno about you but this seems like top tier wife material to me.

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That second guy look to happy pointing a gun


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They're really happy about it

I mean I get it, it's kinda bad in taste. Plus they will never animate the part where it actually becomes relevant so whatever.

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This episode was nice. But I am waiting for one moment in the manga. Which was a perfect page turner I have ever seen. That sent chills down my spine. Btw the anime is gona pick up steam now.

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Well, they are sadistic bastards.

Sonohara probably loves giving out CBT.

I'm going to shoot.

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Of course they didn’t top this kino panel

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>I am the Plunderer™
Bravo. I want to plunder this crazy cutie.

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My god it's night and day

dat HIND tho

What you mean, the ROFLcopter has made its return

Me too

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>red/blue flashing
But doesn't that cause seizures?

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ill give them credit, they know how to make antagonists like how they supposed to be, unlikable dingbats that we cant wait for the protag to beat the snot out of, or in this case, kill off

hehe we got a mention of the title of the series

Sonohara was his ex-girlfriend

Enjoy it while it last. She becomes a spineless fucking coward after this fight.

Everyone still watching this must be rewarded with a chance of epilepsy.

Is he ok?

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It´s a Mig-28.

is this a jojo reference ?

What is this kid's power level?

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Whoa, them black suits have guns and tech?

No. RIP Jail.

Really sad.

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I think the anime could recover if they all went to military high school with star chips bullshit straight out of Yugioh determined whether they stayed or not haha wouldn't that be funny

Man will the animators ever live up to his art?

You're going to be disappointed so hard.

Kill Hina

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Glad I didn't drop this but fuck why did they have to make 8 shit episodes before they made this one?

>Didn't show the helicopter pilot.
What's the fucking point.

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seriously. instead of being awesome or even just explaining the deeper fundamentals of the number system, no lets have stupid fanservice and scooby doo chases. lets have dumb drinking games and wrecking the town.

the count system is almost cool, but it doesnt make sense. at what point in your life do you acquire a count? can you ever change it? why cant you game the system for stupid high counts (agree with someone to say "your food is delicious" on repeat thousands of times)? if the count for walking distance is limited by 1 per 5km, are other things limited? there isnt enough explanation. additionally, what the fuck is up with the magic of it? fabricating iron out of nothing? super speed and strength? we even just saw lyne stomp the ground to make a crater and kick a boulder at the sky. seriously, how is there not a way to game the system to get thousands/millions and be absolutely godly?

also what the fuck is the white/blue shit sticking out of the sides of lyne's head? is it hair? why is it like that?

I'm assuming they'll reveal it next episode or something

I haven't read the manga, but it seems to me like the number system is supposed to be obviously flawed, and the show might just be bad at conveying how fucked up it is. If the music would've been just a little bit more ominous through the first few episodes then we could've had a good start

This episode was fucking amazing. I have not had my eyes glued to an anime episode in a very long time. Probably since watching Shingeki no Kyojin season 1. I'm hooked on this world and story now, for sure. I had so much anxiety watching the boy being held hostage, I was legit pleading for him to survive.
Licht is not playing around at all anymore. Sonohara awakened a part of him that you can tell he's been suppressing for a very long time and it looks like next episode is going to be even better. Also, she's really hot.
I'm working with a theory that Licht and Sunohara are actually from Japan and the "abyss" is like a portal between worlds. The modern Earth is trying to "plunder" resources from this world? Would explain why Licht calls himself Plunderer and why Sunohara is on the side of the helicopters.
A lot of people wrote the show off because of the pervy comedy and what not, but honestly that's all just a plus for me. Ecchi just enhances shows IMO. Once the series gets going, it looks like it really gets going. Definitely one of my faves of the year.

Those guys are from the times of War, which happened 300 years ago.
Quick deduction and connecting two dots will tell you it took place in modern day and destruction it caused pushed back civilization into medieval ages. Similar thing happened in Shinsekai Yori.
I'm anime only and it baffles me people fail to deduce that.

At least we did not had the repeat from Symphogear XV ep 2.
PTSD still clings to me.

what the fuck is even happening in this show anymore
what a goddamn mess

who the fuck is licht

It's a good show they just put all the cringe and filler first.

9 Eps in and we still don't know...
- what is a ballot holder
- how do you use that ball?
- why does it say 10000 on it
- where does Hina keep her ball? heh

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>who the fuck is licht
Licht's real name was Sakai Rihito (坂井離人), Sakai Tokikaze's childhood friend and adopted brother. It is also shown that he was shorter and even more perverted than he was 300 years before, but despite this he still cares about others.

After becoming the Red Baron, his appearance slowly changed and his awareness was slowly controlled by the power causing him to go beserk. He sliced Mizuka's left arm and killed his childhood friend, Tokikaze, which is causing his regret 300 years later..

His "Ballot" count is 5700 and stands for how many heads he had cut off. In chapter 10, it states that he is acutally hiding his true power. During his battle, his count increases by 10 times, reaching the amount 57000.