Which is best: watching one episode per week or watching all episodes in one go?

Which is best: watching one episode per week or watching all episodes in one go?

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Binging is the way to go. This is true for all anime bar a handful in total. Those anime require genuine analyses to comprehend their genuis, hence bingewatching only provides a fraction potential experience.

Depends on the show. Shows like ID Invaded are fun to keep up with week to week for the discussion and threads but I'm holding off on Eiozuken and kyouko suiri until they're done because they seem better to watch at my own pace plus the threads for eizouken are god awful

Part of the fun of watching weekly is (shit)posting in the threads and experiencing everything at the same time with Yas Forums, and once in a while there are certain shows that are so bad but are so fun to watch together. Mayoiga was an absolute shitshow that I don't think would work without having experienced it with Yas Forums.

I think it depends on the show. I can't imagine binging Sailor Moon. It works perfectly for me at one episode per week. I could go up to one per day I think, but no more. The repetition would start being annoying.

OTOH I watched both seasons of Spice and Wolf over two nights.

Once per week. More discussion. More mileage on a lot of shows.

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For good shows, taking longer and longer breaks between each episode until your expected watch time exceeds your life expectancy.
That way the show never has to end.

Otherwise weekly so you can watch it with Yas Forums.


Have you ever deliberately timed a show the other way? Starting slow and gradually picking up the pace?
(It doesn't count if you just get excited to see the end and do it spontaneously.)

I sort of did it with Toradara because from what I'd heard about it, I thought that would be best, and it worked pretty well.

Depends. Weekly watching to me its fun though specially if the episode its really good, I get to think about it and enjoy it for a week.

I've never tried. There are some shows that I've watched a few episodes of, dropped for a couple years, and then come back and gotten hooked on such that I binged the rest, but that goes against your caveat.

I'm curious, why did you try that with Toradora? What are the benefits to watching that way?

Just because to begin with, there are more digressions, and you can/should enjoy it as a SOL, but then later on the romantic plot gets more urgent and it would be painful to take it too slow because you need the resolution.

As you grow older (as in having less free time) you won't be able to stomach the weekly experience any longer. Having to wait 7 days for some 20 minutes that could be a complete waste of your time will just drive you away sooner or later from consunming shows in such a manner. Manga is different though.

I guess that makes sense.
I try to go in to stuff mostly blind though, so I wouldn't know to try that with any given show.

One ep per week, sometimes 2.
Binging is for faggots who will get burned after 3 months of watching anime.
Like, nigga how long do you plan on having this hobby? I've been watching animay since I was like 8 and plan to continue for the unforeseeable future.

>he doesn't follow weekly shows while binging his backlog
Low power level. Never gonna make it.

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I don't even watch anime or read manga. I have no idea why I'm on Yas Forums.

>I have no idea why I'm on Yas Forums
Sure you know.

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You need time for what you just watched to sink in for a bit. When you binge you just go episode to episode without any time to really let the one you watched sink in or give it any thought. When binge watching everything just kinda blurs together.

Imagine watching the Kaiji pachinko arc weekly

Its the exact opiate. I don't have time to binge watch now that I'm older because I'm busy all the damn time with responsibilities, work, family, etc. Binge watching is for the young or for the people whom's time is worthless. Anymore the only free time I have to shit post on Yas Forums is while I'm working.

1x 50min episode a week.
Theres a reason hbo uses that format so much. Its the best.

>You need time for what you just watched to sink in for a bit
No you don't, this is anime, what you see is all you'll get. Every time people get disappointed about a show being about nothing ended up being nothing is because they kept building nonsensical headcanon.
>When you binge you just go episode to episode without any time to really let the one you watched sink in or give it any thought
If you're painfully retarded, maybe.
>When binge watching everything just kinda blurs together
That's some miserable attention span you have here.

During the 6 years that I have watched anime, I have maybe watched 5-6 shows while they were airing. I just don't see the point in watching an episode per week. I always have stuff to watch anyway, so waiting for a show to end isn't a problem for me. Once a show ends, I instantly marathon it in a few days. And nobody can convince me that doing so is somehow wrong.

Missing the point entirely but whatever

I usually watch the first half of a show over the course of a few days and then finish the rest in one go. Though there are some anime that I have been watching for years now so it always depends.
Watching ~20 seasonals can be rough if you have to catch up after skipping a week or two but it's also fun in its own way. Especially if the threads are nice and small. Too bad most of them are shit.

Never said anything about binging anything in one go, the way you manage your time is your issue, I'm only refering to being slave to scheduled, weekly release getting shittier as you grow older.

Go fix your ADHD if you can't watch a couple of episodes back to back without "having everything blur together".

Then you're not talking about binging, you're talking about time shifting, which is implicit watching anime outside of Japan. Basically no one here watching it live.
But I do agree about timeshifting when watching media. Its impossible to be available to watch shit when it's on when you get older.

You're still missing the point of the post user. Its about giving yourself time to mull over events, their impact, story archs, the ability to talk with others about that given episode, etc. Watching an entire show in 1-2 bursts is just consumer whoring, not really taking the time to enjoy and take it in and just consuming to consume.
I like to watch 1-2 episodes of something at a time and bull shit with Yas Forums or my friends about it.

I couldn't watch more than 20 episodes of the original Sailor Moon in a row, as nice as it is the repetition is brutal.

>Its about giving yourself time to mull over events, their impact, story archs, the ability to talk with others about that given episode, etc
>this episode was shit
>mai waifu is cute

If you have those problems then you watch shit shows user. You should value your time more.

I think both approaches have their merit. Watching a ton of episodes in rapid succession can really immerse you in a story, but with shows that expect you to reflect a lot its better to give each episode its time to sink in.
... And arguably there's also shows that simply aren't the same without the seasonal hype that accompanied it (Re Zero for me as an example, I don't think I would've enjoyed that show without having to wait and speculate for a week after each episode)

Watching one episode per week is better for your long term memory. Binge watching makes you more likely to forget the anime.

Reasonable take on it user
Not my thing but I get ya

Just watch the YouTube "critics" and Reddit certified reviews.


also getting unnecessarily hyped about stupid manga like Tomo-chan is good fun

I kinda don't want to discuss stuff with Yas Forums, because most of the threads I have been in for airing shows, have been complete garbage.
>Binging is for faggots who will get burned after 3 months of watching anime.
Not true.
Not true. I have excellent attention to detail. I remember every little detail. And once I finish binge watching a show, I give it some time and let the whole big picture sink in.
I agree so much with this. The biggest reason for weekly watching is the headcanon, which in my opinion does ruin the show for people. You spend 7 days trying to imagine what will happen next, and when it doesn't, you sperg out that the show didn't meet your expectations.
>Its about giving yourself time to mull over events, their impact, story archs,
I mull over it as I am watching, on breaks I take between watching and once I am done with the show.
This too. It really breaks the immersion, if you have to get into a a show all over again every 7 days. Also, it's alot easier to see the big picture when binging. Like if some important plot details happened 9-15 weeks ago, it's alot harder to connect all the dots.
I almost never forget a good anime, even years after watching it. And if it does get a bit hazy, rewatches always exist.

Was it autism?

No, just sharing my thoughts.

Taking jabs like a top lad then


Used to binge watch things but not any more. It's just not as enjoyable. One episode per day at most.

But doing so lends you some form of perspective. You won't be running around with rose-tinted glasses and pretend for it to actually be good.

depends on the show, I remember when I binged Nichijou I was getting sick of it by the 20s even though I was enjoying it a lot before then

to coom.

It was meant to be watched one episode per week. (Hence, "Monster Of The Week".) And at that rate it's very enjoyable. Saying it's bad because you can't binge it is like saying salmon is a bad food because someone once ate 200 salmon in one sitting and burst.

But of course you knew this. You just wanted a (you). That's OK.

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Every single seasonal anime ever released was made to be watched weekly. In theory, at least. In practice, homevideo exists and has for a very long time. Japan even airs marathon reruns every now and then. Anime aren't airing on a weekly basis cause they are "intended" to, but because it's the financially intelligent thing to do.

I watch meme shows as it airs to shitpost with Yas Forums and then binge watch potentially good shows after they air. Keeping the mood from episode to episode while binging is great.

Binge watching is actual cancer and batch releases a la Netflix are far more harmful than anything else in the industry right now.

What current meme shows are you watching? The last show I watched "with" Yas Forums was Darling in the Franxx. that was already 2 years ago. Time flies.

>Darling in the Franxx. that was already 2 years ago
...I thought it was like 1 year ago
I don't like the flow of time

I started watching it with my mom on Sunday. She can only do 2 episodes per sitting, so that's just what we do. We're liking it a lot so far. More fun than Shirobako, at least for us.

I enjoy it once a week, especially because I get to talk about it on Yas Forums after. Some people like watching at their own pace and I get it, but I like the structure of a weekly broadcast, it gives me something to look forward to every week, and time to mull over what's been going on

you're in the majority

Shows witha mystery or heavily focused on plot are good to watch on a weekly basis due to the discussions it causes

Attention! Unpopular opinion: watch six episodes a day, and watch the rest the next day. This does not apply to 13+ ep. anime.

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Attention! Unpopular opinion: you're a fucking niggerheaded cunt go crawl back to whatever rotten hole you oozed out of you fucking faggot

Watching 1-3 episodes a day until you finish it is objectively the best and the most comfy

What's wrong, user? Are you having a bad day?

All the tourists and other mongoloids post in seasonal threads though

>love weekly discussionshitposting with Yas Forums
>hate not being able to watch it all at once
mixed feelings

As they come out, with a monthly re-viewing, for the best
As they come out, for the good ones
Backlogging for slow days for appealing but non-compelling ones

> he need to discuss every show he watch
Zoom zoom

I just get physically repulsed when I read garbage, I have enough normalfag friends in the real world

Basically this, before a season I comb over what looks good and plan to watch them all as they come out, but some inevitably are boring or not great and they get benched until I feel like getting around to them

Watch it the way you watch other shows, moron

One go.

They should be released weekly so discussion can be held but binging it afterwards makes you understand the work much better.

For me it's 2 episodes per day.

>Attention! Unpopular opinion:
He probably means that this is something only a redditor would post.

Anime is meant to be watched weekly. Your brain needs time to process what you have watched. Same goes for Manga.

All in one go will give you nightmares of that god forsaken face

See, your problem appears to be that you think anime discussion begins and ends only on Yas Forums. Nobody comes here for anime discussion as the threads are usually full of toxic faggots and circle jerkers enjoying their protected safe-space bubble known as a "general".