Why haven't you started a family, user?

Why haven't you started a family, user?

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because its all a lie

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Because it's gay

I hate women.


Jokes on you, I did.

Because it's recklessly irresponsible to strap other people onto my misfortunes and bad decisions.

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based on what?

Im still $5000 in debt because of student loans. And i just started working 3 months ago

Because I'm afraid they'll all die.

Attached: ID Invaded happy family.png (1000x743, 771.81K)

women hate me

A true story

Easy. Just get a girl that isn't as old as you, you will die before them.

>get married
>woman will divorce you and take half of your shit and the kids

lol no thanks

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Concerns regarding genetics.

I don't hate anyone enough to force them to stay with me

What about your parents?

Too late for childhood friend

I believe this sums it up neartly

Isn't that like a baby loan?

Because I will create it from science.

With what girl? You can't start a family without a wife/husband and i'm not gay or a woman

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Go outside? The sun will not kill you.

You guys are my family.

This pic needs the fatso crying behind them.

Because it's a burdensome responsibility. Also I don't want to take care of other people, I need time for myself and my hobbies.

Marriage with little girls is illegal in my country.

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>The sun will not kill you.
says you Ningen

Women hate me/don't care about me and I can't be bothered to change that.

Also I can barely support myself, let alone a family.

but fatty got over his rejection and settled for a cute NPC girl.

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y-you too

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I know, but it's more funny that way.

What a shitty family you have.

Age of consent is 9 in Yemen as long as you're married. Move there temporarily, convert, get married, get cunny, then claim refugee status in a real country.

Here's your family, bro.

Attached: it hurts.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

And women hate you.

Because my fetish does not make my people go hard for 3dpd.

My mom confirms

>wanting to have children

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What happens next?

Leave the house user, I don't want faggot sons.

is this a eugenics or an incest reference?

What you really need in your life is a therapy

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>What happens next?

Sounds fun can I join you?

Do you enjoy fapping with other guys?

Sick fuck.

He realizes that the world he's been living in for what seems like the past year or so where he can use his prior knowledge to stop the serial killers and his wife and daughter are still alive and well was is just another serial killer mystery mindscape which starts to unravel then he wakes up.

>and the kids
You seem lost, this is the place that would beg them to take the kids

Don't worry, you're just going through your edgy phase. It will end when you stop being a teen.

Only if we finish each other at the end.

You're a sick bastard but if it makes you feel any better, no one in Yas Forums is fit to reproduce.

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Not everyone here is an incel pedo.

Alternatively, date a chick with cancer.

>raping them alive
Probably better than the alternative.

because no woman will want have a family with me and i'm smart enough not to make an idiot out of myself thinking I have a chance.

And to those people, we say "you have to go back".

Just like real bros.

And the common answer is "make me faget".

The fun part about living in denial is you're almost always aware that you're doing it.

We all need a real bros to masturbate with him.
Would you want to be mine?
plz i'm alone and i want a bros :'(

>he actually thinks the world is a dream
The "real" world is the dream, buddy. Asukai projected the entire world, years into the future, in order to create someone capable of killing her. Everything would've been fine if Narihisago wasn't such an omega-brainlet, because killing her would've closed the loop.

That's up to you. You guys may be faggots, but I still love you.
I love you too, dad.

>You guys may be faggots, but I still love you.
Haha he loves faggots.
What a fag.

I agree. Children are gross. We should spend our money on vacations, expensive consumer electronics and avocado toast. If a lack of biological children leaves a void in our lives, we can adopt furbabies and imported niglets.


It's better to have nothing than to have had something and lost it. I think.

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Make sure to raise the niglets as gender neutral like that south african bitch did, otherwise it's bigotted.

I'd be fucking awful as a parent and my kid would either be as autistic as me or fucking hate my guts.

>either be as autistic as me or fucking hate my guts
Why not both?

I think Yas Forumsnons would make great fathers, all you need to do is make your kids do exactly the opposite of what you did.

He went to shoot the guy that killed his daughter and got jailed for murder afterwards.

Bad genetics can't be fixed user

But I really like the idea of watching anime with my children, and yelling at them when they like the wrong girl.

>implying your children won't just watch shounen shit and have homosexual tendencies towards worst boy

Women are plebs with shit taste who don't get how fucking amazing and based I am

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Pump them with growth hormones then.

That's why all shit anime will be barred from the house, of course.
Only good shows about incest are permitted.

Pretty much this, I told a woman to fuck off after she told me that she don’t watch “cartoons.”

Too old


Why would I?

The Challenger said he didn't kill his daughter.

Too much shit happening in the world, I wouldn't be able to deal with the fragility that is life and have everything taken away from me. Besides, there's no need for a prison cell; this miniature room I've been in for decades already serves the same purpose. It keeps me safe from the world.

This series is a fucking train wreck

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Because I'm not a dirty breeder who wants to spend $100,000+ on an unpredictable human that's my responsibility

I don't know how I'd support a kid. I'm not in debt but I dont have any savings. I'm 23 still live at home, looking for a real job in my major. If I had a kid odds are they would end up wishing they were never born like 99% of people. Also I doubt it would make me happy, I'd just be a whole lot more stressed.



Why would I waste my money and free time on building a family? I do want to build a family but not a this day and age.

>spending money and time to raise something that will steal your food and later your job

You need a person that likes you for that.

This. Even by some miracle I would be able to get someone.

>Go outside?
I jog every day.
I hope there is a special place in hell for people who unironically give this advice.

>Children are gross
They unironically are.
The only reason to have them is a prospect of having an adult offspring.
Anything below 20 is usually(but not always) a barely functional arrogant subhuman.

A midget tricked me into making out with her in front of my long-time girlfriend. Didn't end well.

sounds like bullshit still would like to read the story

You don't need to be legally married to be a family. It's having a child that truly ties two unrelated people together. You just need to hide her away for a few months and you'll be family.


Based. Unironically based. And it's not for the cartoons part, but because nobody should change or adapt their tastes for another person.


So it all started back when this girl I liked's mom an hero'd. Gave the poor girl a horrible fear of commitment even though it also made her really emotionally clingy. Anyway, I wanted to protect her, so I kept working my way closer to her. We always kept a comfortable distance, though, so a family was a long ways away. Around this time, I god kidnapped by this ugly son of a bitch who tried to kill me with a drill. I heard he got caught later, but that didn't fix the scars I got from the experience. Fucked up my mind real good. I should also point out that the girl I liked had developed a snuff fetish because of the whole dead mom deal, and at this point I was pretty much out of it. I decided if someone can do it to me, I might as well do it to other people too. So I grabbed some kids off the street and filmed some snuff porn for the girl. She was pretty happy about it and we were getting along swimmingly until this little girl who also got caught by the drill guy developed this weird obsession with me, I guess because we were both survivors or something. Anyway, she tried to shoot my girlfriend and used the ensuing chaos to kiss me. She wouldn't stop gloating about it later (I'd never kissed my girlfriend) and the whole thing fell apart after that.

tl;dr short people are crazy.

Too much effort for a gag that already worked, 0/10.

You should've just called him a retard.

I do not feel affection for other people. I am repulsed by them. How could I start a family when i despise women, detest children, and have little regard for myself?

I'm fat, ugly, and socially retarded. Also I wouldn't want my daughter to be murdered.

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Why would you expect someone on Yas Forums to have seen a currently airing anime?

You can't impregnate anons

What about femanons?

Yes, you are very cringe my boy.

They are not interested in you.

Why do they need to be interested?

I wish I could have 2 daughters, a son, and a loving wife. I would feel complete and have a bond of sorts tethering me to this earth.
Except it's not going to happen since im mentally ill.

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Because I'm infertile and the older I get, the happier I am about that

No vampire loli to impregnate and form a family with.

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>extremely introverted with weird hobbies
I could go on but we all know that's not necessary.

Because if they aren't, they run the moment they notice you carrying your chloroform-date kit.

Fatty still seething so hard that he had to one up Kokoro by having one more kid than them.

Femanons are obese fujoshi, they can't run anywhere.

My sibling is married with two kids and even though I visit and babysit I don’t think I’d want to deal with everything that comes/is lost with having kids


I know a femanon that has a pretty slim body and goes to the gym.

Don't click this

I see in me the worst things about my family and if I die, they will die with me and no child will be as shit as we are. Also the girls who liked me were the worst pieces of shit in body and soul so I don't want to bring more shit to this world mixing my genes with shit womans.

What are they watching?

kill yourself moshe

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Besides inability? Long history of sad boi in my family.

This is Yas Forums

Everyone watches "cartoons" here

That means that the only other reasons why she goes on Yas Forums is either because she was abused in the past, has a single parent, daddy problems, or retarded/autistic

Because having a good career and money make me orders of magnitude more happy than 3D women.