How not to write Anime girls 101

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya MC - A mean cheerleader who gets away scot-free after forcing the computer president to grope her friend Mikuru, in order to blackmail him into giving their SOS Brigade a computer. And yet, we are expected to find this funny, or see her as a flawed teenage girl.
Asuka Langley Sohryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion - The Queen of Tsunderes who drives her friends away with her childish temper tantrums.
Misa Amane from Death Note - A Yandere Nice Girlâ„¢ who suddenly becomes subservient to Light Yagami, because of Stockholm Syndrome.
Hinata Hyuga from Naruto - A quiet doormat girl who literally exists for little to no reason, other than to get together with the blonde MC.

It's your call Yas Forums, on who do you think out of these four, gives anime girls a bad name the most.

Attached: Haruhi Suzumiya Asuka Langley Sohryu Misa Amane Hinata Hyuga.png (2036x1116, 2.1M)

>Asuka Langley Sohryu from Neon Genesis Evangelion - The Queen of Tsunderes who drives her friends away with her childish temper tantrums.

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>Generic LN romcom shit with "sci-fi"
>Generic haremshit with robots
>Weekly Shounen Jump shit
Didn't read your post. Don't post on Yas Forums until you have at least 1,000 anime completed.

>Didn't read your post. Don't post on Yas Forums until you have at least 1,000 anime completed.
The anonymity of this place must have given you the illusion that the average poster is anywhere near your own powerlevel.

They're all hot so none of them.


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Thank you, Writer-sensei. Very cool.

All 4 are good characters

based Rei best girl

Imagine trying to apply the concepts of good and evil to Haruhi characters. You're retarded and completely missed the point of the series. Get back to complaining about endless eight faggot

>>Generic LN romcom shit with "sci-fi"
>>Generic haremshit with robots
You're the one who needs to lurk more user, being contrarian and pretending to be retarded won't help you fit in here.

>all except one memorable either in a good or bad way, because of themselves and not only their role in the series
>bad characters
You're a fucking imbecile.

You're a dumbass if you think Haruhi is a bad character. Now a bad person - that's debatable.

Misa Amane wasn't Stockholm syndrome. It was pure worship.

hey there is literally nothing wrong with rape

asuka is not a tsundere

Asuka is not a tsundere. She doesnt try to deny her crush on Kaji.

yeah shes just an irritating brat for the whole show

Calling Asuka a tsundere is a dead giveaway that your opinions are borrowed from another moron. Learn to think for yourself for once in your life.

Okay Yas Forums how would you write an interesting anime girl?

Write a boy, call it a girl.


I hate Asuka, but Hinata and Misa are worse. Complete embarrassments who exist only to crave dick. Asuka is the most realistic of the bunch, and the most unbearable. Haruhi is funny, but pretty unrealistic.

She's tsundere for shinji.

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god why is she so fucking perfect

Hinata was written to show that the MC who was despised by everyone still had someone who did love him but he couldn't notice because of how desperate he was on getting acknowledged by others. Also, someone going after the "popular one" yet not noticing the one who's after them is something that happens quite often at that age so it's meant to be relatable.

>we are expected to find this funny
It's hilarious.

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>do i fit in gaiss XD

The question is wrong.
You write an interesting character.
Or not.

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Approximate descriptions. Apart from Hinata the others are well-written.

Someone post the "who waits for Asuka" screencap, I'm a reifag and even I have to admit it gave me pause
maybe I don't like asuka because she reminds me too much of myself

Hinata is a fine character conceptually. The issue is that Kishimoto is a terrible writer so he botched the execution

This bitch.
One of the worst girls in years.

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Anime is literally made for autistic nip teenagers, many of them dysfunctionally autistic, like most anons here. It's always shit writing.

>denies her feelings
This is just tsun, where is Asuka in deredere mode?

When she blushes.

Hinata pretty much ruined most shy characters for me for nearly a decade, so probably her. Why anybody ever tried to emulate her for any reason other than profit or obligation is beyond my comprehension.

Every anime girl blushes, she still denying in this scene. She's only really in deredere mode around Kaji.

I have no problem with any of them except Asuka, because she's a black woman of color matriarch african queen who don't need no man.

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>Every anime girl blushes
Only when they're being deredere.

Her interaction with Kaji is an act, her interaction with Shinji is sincere.

An untrustworthy yet charismatic young woman who travels the world in search of adventure. She loves material possessions and casual sex with handsome men.

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>posts the right Asuka image
>then invalidates it by saying Soryu's the generic tsundere
I can see right through your shitpost, user.

op is super buttmad

Haruhi is garbage I can agree in that rest didn't read

Anime girls sometimes blush when they are angry, embarrassment over things that have nothing to do with romance and when they eat food/sweets.

>Her interaction with Kaji is an act, her interaction with Shinji is sincere.
Nice head canon.

Intentionally make them unrepentantly awful until it loops back around to making them best. Also this

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>Haruhi is garbage
Look how this place change from worship her to full hate boner

It's just the site's demographic changing.

The movies gave us the dere and they are canon sooooo...

When she kisses Shinji.

Asuka is a colossal fuckup of a person.
She is defined by her trauma.
Most of the time one cannot even talk to Asuka, one is talking to her trauma.

Asuka seems cold the entire scene right before they kiss. That's not dere/love struck.

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They're blushing because they're tsundere for each other. I'm sorry that you're too autistic to even understand the most basic kind of visual storytelling.

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Just a reminder that Haruhi is a really bad series only drive by nostalgia and memes, and the movie didn't achieve anything but appeal to the already brain-dead "fanbase" of the series, you are welcome.

Evafags don't even understand their own characters.

Shinji is passive aggressive towards Asuka.

Basically, just don make then annoying

Shinji being self-conscious around Asuka doesn't make him a tsundere. He's always apologizing and making her meals. Asuka bullies him and he doesn't take it personally.

>And yet, we are expected to find this funny
I find it funny
