SEVENS is right around the corner. Which character from the ones shown so far is your favorite? Luke gives me MC vibes.

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I haven't watched YGO since Gx ended because they started becoming too complex for me to follow. I'm happy this new one will have a new game that should be easier to follow.

Romin, of course.

Zexal is literally just DM (except with black cards) in the terms of complexity.

Ah, Zexal. Now that was a great show.


He's the one with 2500 ATK ace, make out of that

flame wingman had 2100 atk points.

More fanart of the new Magician girl when?


I wish these would be animated.

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They won't because sevens is about rush cards and not this shit.

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>not this shit
Are you implying there's a difference?

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So he DID manipulate Ai after all, right? S3 quest happened only because of Lightning showing him the futures.

of course there is a difference, rush duels is a different format with new cards.

Same basic game though.


New VRAINS characters are:

>Go Season 2
>Blue Maiden
>Blue Girl
>Revolver Season 1
>Revolver Season 2
>Blood Sheppard

So pretty much every important character in VRAINS except for Kusanagi and that one Shota in Season 2 who nobody gives a fuck about.

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I can't wait for her cameo.

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No Haru? FUCK

no, rush duels feels and plays like a different game. it has it's own rules too.

Hikokubo, NAS and Konami are gonna mess it up somehow.

She was the BEST! Yusei is so lucky.

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>She was the BEST! Yusei is so lucky.

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All those iterations with slightly different rules aren't a reason to call it different.

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>a game being different
>is not a reason to call it different
>draw 5 every turn
>versus draw 1 every turn
>continuous summon
>not pendulum zones or the Emz
>versus 1 normal summon per turn
>3 monster/spell and trap zones
>versus 5 monster/spell and trap zones including the emz
>rush cards have different layout
>cards need to resolve requirements to activate
totally not different.

hey even forbidden memories is still called yugioh.

forbidden memories is not a separate format. duelist of the roses and all the other weird "yugioh" games like capsule monsters are just console games. they are called yugioh games, not yugioh.

What does Sevens Road Magician have that I don't?

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would you rather not have Master rule 5 for exchange of an actual yugioh anime ? which also means accepting to be restricted by links for more years.

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We already have SEVENS which is a YGO Anime so nah. Plus no MR5 kills Yugioh videgames

>ygo anime
but it doesn't look like one.

I can't remember, did Yusei had his own Dark Magician girl expy?

You're both lame bro

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Pokémon looks different every season and no one bats an eye

The change is gradual most of the time.

>bring in Spectre, Bohman, Roboppi, Blood Shepherd, Lightning and Windy
>don't bring in Kusanagi
He is like the one character in that fucking show who actually has his deck printed. What the fuck are they going to use for the rest of them?
Better yet, the video claims that the game has over 10,000 cards yet the TCG doesn't actually have that many yet due to the sheer amount of imports still needed from the OCG and I assume TCG exclusives not in the OCG are also not counted so the amount the TCG has is even lower

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A spellcaster typing instead of cyberse?

Cardlist shows we are getting cards from the OCG too so it won't entirely be TCG only cards

I wish she was that age in the show.

I'd wait until their Decks are out.
Vrains was a chess game between Ai and Lightning without neither knowing it desu.
Five-Headed Link Dragon Turbo.
>Blood Shepherd
Mecha Phantom Beast.

Junk warrior is kind of lame.

well he is junk but has a cool scarf

Why are YuGiOh anime so badly written?

The only two that escape this curse but are flawed are DM and 5D's. All of the rest vary from mediocre to horrible. Why can't YGO get a decent story direction for once again?

Hey there, I may not like it but Zexal is widely considered to be good written and with a better last half than 5D's.

Also why are YGO fags bitching about how Sevens looks when Zexal, ArcV, Vrains looked more horrible than it character design wise? Those were a literal insult to the og 3s style.


It is considered as such only by newfags who grew up on it and are old enough to use the internet today. In reality Zexal brought nothing new to the table and was a bland rehash of the original in all of its ideas. It was a literal regression of the first three as it wanted to pander to children, but kept the dark stuff in for the older fans, only thing is it was still a children anime. I consider Zexal the period when YGO killed itself and lost its soul. Only reason people think of it as some kind of a good show now is just because of what came after was much worse.

When was yugioh not a children's anime?

Did you actually watch Zexal, fag? Your zexal is DM with children is so fucking dumb it screams that you haven't watched it.

Are you implying the others weren't for children? Also, you may consider it a bad season but the hard truth you have to live with is that is is more popular than 5D's.

If you've seen the sub of any of the first three, or even read the first manga you would know that YuGiOh was a battle shonen for teens and young adults.

Zexal and Arc-V made it a kids show by b8 them with the colorful visuals.

>Lost is soul
How so? It had a nice cast of characters, SoL episodes, great animation and a good message. Not to mention it was the last YGO Kazuki Takahashi worked on. The only bad thing here is your opinion

Wow, talk about shit taste.

ARC-V is a season about literal war user. ARC-V is a children's Anime just as much as DM, GX and 5D's

Fuck off Zexal fag, we used to make fun of your kind back in the day. Too bad most dropped out of the franchise and Zexal fags spreadt heir faggotry around.

Yes Zexal 2 was dark, yes Kaito and 4 were great, but it still does not make the show not a kids show. Zexal 2 was only dark by kids show logic, while the first three had that mature tone at all times (except GX s1).

Not him but if you were an actual oldfag you would know everyone made fun of CARDGAMES ON MOTORCYCLES and lot of people dropped there only to come back in Zexal and mostly ArcV.

> Kazuki Takahashi worked on
yeah, by designing a few designs that weren't even utilized as he in-visioned them to

Zexal had no direction and Kaz had no hand in it aside from making some great designs in an otherwise shit show.

fuck off, kid.

>He fell for the "le zexal le bad" meme.
Fucking kek.

It was a meme we still loved the show.

The only ones that dropped it were nostalgia fags or GX fags cause no pandering to the first one to keep their interest, guess why they liked Zexal more?

>Confirmed for not reading the Duel Art Book.
Educate yourself before coming to sprout shit kiddo

it is bad

I watched all of it and sucked
It never got good. That ending was fucking horrible. You guys are the reason YGO got so shit as it is now.

>It was a meme we still loved the show
Yeah keep telling yourself that

As if some anons in an imageboard have any power in the quality of new seasons. Take your meds and fuck off

>It never got good
Way to shit your own "argument"

Ofc normies hated it because there were nostalgia fags and the motorcycles were too much for them to handle. Real YGO fans loved it.

We did, though.

s2 is literally battle city all over again, and half of the barians sucked ass

Vector was an inferior Bakura, while Shark and Mizael were alright. Don Thousand was freaking horrible. What was I supposed to like here? Ryu?

>Vector was an inferior Bakura,
Are you legitimately retarded? Fucking lmao.

>Above anything
Go back.

fuck off Zexal fagget. You are the real retard here. Zexal looks like trash and any normal person is making fun of you because you like such garbage.

Nothing will ever top Zexal s2.

keep telling yourself that until Don Thousand shows up kiddo

You guys memed me into watching that shit. I hate you Zexal fags!

LMAO from what time did you came user? Seriously asking

from the og timeline where YGO ended after 5D's as it was supposed to

SEVENS of truth

Luke should have been the real MC Yuga looks like a silly friend tokunoske style. His voice sounds pretty nice though and him being a genius of sorts sound like fun.

Daily reminder that every season sans ARC-V and VRAINS is more popular than 5D's. I wonder why is that

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This is Dr.Stone with cards

MC will be inventor kid but blue haired big bro boy will be his duel muscle

It was supposed to end after Zexal, newfag.

please don't make this like Yas Forums where they say things with no proof.

At least the MG isn't derpfaced.

best girl

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Maybe because the internet and social media weren't as big as they are today

And who cares about popularity when considering if something is good or not, if you are not a normie that is.

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Nice trips but ArcV was an explosion of popularity on both sides of the globe and its being more popular than 5ds is impossible to deny.

It was popular only because Zexal killed interest in the franchise and ArcV looked more promising and had nostalgia b8 and all the summoning methods present.

Don't you get tired of acting like a retard?

Also DM is king, suck on that Zexal-fags. DSoD was more popular than both Zexal, ArcV, and Vrains combined.

when you argue any of my points instead of resulting to name calling zexal-fag. Are all of you that immature? I bet you found Yuma relatable too, wow.

>DSoD was more popular than both Zexal, ArcV, and Vrains combined.
The Box office would like a word with you

did you miss all the bitching when SM was announced

>any of my points
Get a load of this guy.

Zexal III will.

There will be a time when Seven fags will shit on your show. Remember that.

Zexal was unironically the most popular YGO series after DM. Also, ArcV was peak YGO until nthe nostalgia pandering. Get your shit together before talking out of your ass.

>Zexal was unironically the most popular YGO
only in Japan because it was a kids show
5D's was not popular in Japan only because kids didn't like it and questionable cult shit happened

ArcV was only peak in its first season duo to it rabid fanbase on ship fags, until it got so shit people in Japan even hated it. Only reason westerners kept up with it was because of the nostalgia pandering and ship wars.

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I can respect Vrainsfags because they ain't as cancerous as zexal or arc-v fags, and you guys gangup on them all the time so I can relate.

Hope Sevens fags will be the same.

There aren't ship wars in ARC-V tho

you forget the Yu-boys and Yu-girls? Well yeah they did end up becoming one, ehhh

Still no ship wars because every Yu had their respective Ruri. It's not like say Yuya was fighting Hugo over Rin.

I'm ready to love SEVENS and shit even more in VRAINS. April can't come soon enough

Sevens will probably be more like vrains than other series just due to the nature of time.

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Vrains is pretty decent, faggot. No amount of autistic memeing will change that.

The cast in SEVENS already has more soul than VRAINS so really doubt that

>vrains pretty decent
>implying it's good when it has shitvulva

Poor girl, she gave up as soon as Yuya went full muh Yuzu in the Duel with Reiji

>Pretty decent
>When is the most monotonous YGO yet

Yuya was a fag and did not deserve her anyway. Fuck Arc V!



Is that nothing word the best support for your claim?

but will it be kino dou