Already 28 years old

>already 28 years old
>not married
>no kids
>no friends
What was her problem?

Attached: 1581011234507.jpg (1000x800, 291.04K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She is too hot, thats why.

shes a cunt

look at the numbers for high functioning women that either don't get married at all or remain childless compared to the average woman.
At 28 she's just hitting mother nature's panic zone

Why would she? she barely acknowledges her own teammates as equals, why would she lowered herself to someone beneath her standards

Literally me

>why would she lowered herself to someone beneath her standards
and why should men lower themselves to someone beneath their standards
women are fucking retarded

Literally me. I wish I can control things with telepathy.

let's be real about this
>easily top 5 strongest being on earth
>possibly top 100 strongest in the know universe
>fiery personality
>likely wouldn't give a fuck unless you were strong enough to keep up or surpass her
how many humans are on her level? blast is missing, bang is too old, samurai is too weak, emperor is too young, zombie is zombie, pig god is a fat nigger that would gross her own, king is too much of an otaku to ever touch a real woman, drive is an android, genos is also an android and metal, tanktop and puri are far too weak to get her attention.

her options are:
1. samurai
2. darkshine
3. watchdog
4. flashy flash
5. saitama

looks like a kid and a bad personality

Sexy bare-legged kid in heels with a bad personality

it's a struggle for dominance, if you can't prove yourself to be remotely as powerful as she why would she take you?

This is why fat old men are so popular in doujinshi. Watching men who women consider beneath their standards obliterate them sexually and turning them into submissive sex pets is satisfying as fuck.

>samurai too weak
didn't mean to write that

because as a human her only purpose is to get a child to keep her dna going?

probably a virgin too

>Why would she?
She would end up like pic related and die alone.

Attached: 1582712358636.jpg (1080x1341, 359.41K)

>it is okay to marry down as a man
>it is not okay for a woman
The double-thinking.

says who again?

Welp, you could ask yourself the same question.
At least shes not shitposting in an anonymous imageboard.

These are popular because of self insert.

Maybe she is

Attached: 1533487608909.png (254x405, 135.09K)

Stop projecting, user

>already 28 years old
>not married
>no kids
>no friends
That's literally me.

Attached: guavUEAEEcZC.jpg (375x667, 34.73K)


Mob didn’t go after the strongest people or very specifically high standards to develop relationships. From the beginning, he was considering on marrying down for a girl who had no fucking powers.

You mean popular for self-insert otaku cuck who will never get pussy?

saitama will be hers soon

Attached: 1560282330970.png (1441x735, 802.09K)

If you are a guy, that’s normal. Guys gain shit at age thirty.

maybe she doesn't want any of those things

You have hundreds of women to choose from, but you pick the one that has no reason to acknowledge your existence and get surprised when she shoots you down? really now do you think life is a cheep doujin?


fundamentally men select for fertility and mothering ability.
women select for general ability to succeed

Exactly. In other words don't waste your time competing with men and then wondering why they don't want to bother with you. Women like project thinking that because they want a successful man, career-wise, a man would also get a hard-on for a career woman.

>Hundreds to choose from
Okay then chad, now get the fkc out of here.

If that were true then women would never cheat on ugly rich guys.

There's that old idiom that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach"

Women divorce and cheat on hot, rich guys, too. Women are just immoral and never can be satisfied with anything.

what's with the projecting? am i wrong or is she the only woman on the show?


Fucking yes. A guy who doesn’t think with his dick!

I can literally smell the cheetos from this one

>already 28 years old
>not married
>no kids
>no friends
Unironically me

No one likes smol girl with a bad attitude.

Attached: 155616.jpg (2546x1800, 2.96M)

>body of a 12 year old

She won't hit the wall soon, why waste time raising a family in a chaotic world?

>28 years old

Attached: 1551662395400.jpg (1365x2048, 201.79K)

Indeed, if you have to walk on eggshells around someone all the time or they will casually injure you with their super powers, it's probably better to stay away as far as possible, no matter how attractive she is.

Fuck you tats, you have a nice ass

I do.

She sounds like most 28 year olds.

>wide hips
>plump ass
>toned body
>defined waist
>huge thighs
>body of a """""12 year old"""""
She's just short.

Attached: 1557685461993.jpg (800x1138, 300.02K)

>pig god is a fat nigger that would gross her own
That’s not what my doujins say

No man wants his offsprings to inherit midget genes.

Attached: q44SGnJ.jpg (608x613, 112.45K)

you're just a pedo user
She is build like a 13-15yo/a loli

>OPM vore doujin

Yeah, totally the body of a little girl.

Attached: 1582305612459.jpg (763x1193, 693.34K)

It's surely due to her rough childhood and Blast's advice to become stronger and trust no one

She still isn't in illya level

Attached: 1579088974239.jpg (4298x3037, 871.84K)

Illya is a featureless stick in comparison.

Attached: 2ea247ef0c563396bf43696da7221601.jpg (989x1200, 128.68K)

> loli
I refuse to believe that it isn't a bait.

Wrong, how can a 11 years old be more sexy than A 28 Years old ?

Attached: 20.jpg (1500x1028, 142.61K)

Wow, that's literally me!

You're not hot.

>He doesn't know

Attached: 1579564001852.png (1287x242, 120.73K)

>I'm 28 as well
>not married
>no kids
>no friends
I should marry Tatsumaki we're a perfect match

Yeah, but Tatsumaki is not Mob. She's not settling down with a weakling if she was interested on a relationship.

Attached: tumblr_862730415a0f8f3cbd070674eba6fe1e_e30eebeb_540.png (503x810, 266.74K)

You need to have a pair of a brass balls to even approach her.

>135 cm

Attached: 87b671e38d49adae4096cca8372ae333.jpg (733x1051, 185.12K)

Women also settle, user.


All psykers are socially retarded misfits.

you don't even have to imagine, she can levitate user

except for the friendless thing,you are a very smart man by not being married or having kids

Tatsumaki, sleeping around? With her ego she would rather make a clone and fuck herself before ever letting a man touch her.

Artificial wombs would solve pretty much everything.

King seems the only person she more or less respects.

Attached: ajEov5w_700b.jpg (700x510, 58.44K)

Only incels unironically enjoy bald fat ugly looking ass old men gangbanging one women.

Watchdog is a furry faggot who should yiff in hell. Darkshine I'm half convinced must be dickless from all the steroids, and the bulge we see is just a flashlight he stores in his undies.

>yiff in hell
It would be Doom, but with a bit more fur.

Just a reflection of reality. Most men can't handle strong women. Majority of Yas Forums would be scared and wouldn't be able to handle her. I love bitchy and confident girls so she'd be a perfect match for me.

I bet that you thing that his is a loli too.
It would've been hilarious.
Which board?

Attached: 1561010109862.webm (1280x720, 2.67M)

>same age as tatsumaki
>haven't railed her brains out yet

why the fuck do i have to be a human>


Not him but tatsumaki is a loli ,she135 cm short and Flat the only thing that she has developed is the Hips and many lolis have developed hips too

Attached: 7ec2ec9b7606e4ff0e4a18f36e8b9dd5.jpg (1188x2128, 680.93K)

Nobody deserves her.

I think you're just projecting.

>strong women
Usually it has nothing to do willpower and everything to do with having a bad character.
Try using

sure reeks of tumblr

Look at OP's image again.

She looks pretty Flat most of the time

Attached: _tatsumaki_by_naguidonkey_dby7zyo-fullview.jpg (1024x951, 230.99K)

She only mates with the strongest.

She has a clearly defined small bust.
Reminds me of my sister before she had children.

so, no new chapter yet?


Attached: 0d1f9d6c246f65337f0fb065ef04d0fe.jpg (1027x1120, 169.36K)

>What was her problem?

That's not what "flat" looks like, retard. You can see the shape of Tatsumaki's tits under her skintight dress.

Attached: 1559404631914.png (534x810, 581.3K)

Literally me next month

Anyone who treats Tatsumaki like a loli is just retarded or a projecting pedo.

Tatsumaki has loli body of 14 yo girl. Facts.

Attached: 1572889318182.jpg (1280x720, 96.37K)

Not just respects, full on impressed after the hotpot battle as shown in ch93.

Attached: hotpot 2.jpg (716x684, 199.95K)

Not all lolis are Flat
Then Murata is a Retarded or a projecting pedo?

Attached: 1534872832840.jpg (1000x1200, 242.1K)

>Not all lolis are Flat
This reminds me of a duck test.

Because men are horny and desperate and will screw literally anything

Murata draws actual little girls differently.

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and begs me to release it from my basement so she can see mommy again like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Give them a rest. Yas Forumsfags just reached cognitive dissonance. Just imagine being one of them. They probably shitposted everywhere about lolis and pedos. But now their favorite masturbation fuel is in loli zone.

Attached: 1570452845216.jpg (1365x971, 243.06K)

>begs me to release it from my basement so she can see mommy again like a duck
Chernobyl is one hell of a place.

Me except I'm 31


...Wait, was that your question?

>I swear, officer this 135 cm girl is not loli. She's 28 years old cunny.

There are 28 year old girls that looks just like her.

This is why passports is a thing, no?

All lolicons say that.

Seething manlet rage

So you're moving the goalpost now?
Tatsumaki is a 28-year-old WOMAN
She is not flat.
She has wide hips that can pop out multiple children.
She has huge butt.
Her body is pretty toned for a small chick.
Her torso is long and has an hourglass figure.
She has a defined waistline.
She has fat thighs and long legs.
And you're retarded.

We're not talking about women vs men, we're talking about Tatsumaki. She must despise everybody else, men and women equally.

I'm far from being a lolicon. I most of the time like big titties but I can appreciate petite women.

How many heroes are in a relationship?

Tons of lolis looks like her.
Keep coping. Even bald man in called her child.

I would take the chance for the psychic genes. Also, isn't her sister extremely tall? She might inherit those, kids sometimes look like their uncles and aunts too.

That's the spirit. Good taste

t. Australian

And what, she doesn't deserve love just because she doesn't look like an old hag?

Also, if you get her pregnant, she would probably stop being flat

my 28 years old sister have even less bust but she is at least 30 cm taller so no one is confusing her for a loli

Your point being?

No, you're just retarded and a projecting pedo.

So, the problem is how she looks? Does that mean that you would fuck a prematurely developed 14 years old girl that looks 20? Would that be alright, just because she doesn't look the part? What flimsy, superficial morals. She's 28, she's alright no matter what you say.

i wander off but my point was that there are adult womans with that kinf of boddy

None. There's like zero romance in this manga.

>n-no she's definitely a loli and not just a short petite woman!!!
>y-you're a pedo just like me COPE!
Sounds like you're the one who's coping, honestly.

Webcomic when bros? I’ve pretty much enjoyed every recent chapter

It's over. You're one of them. Go to police and reddit. Admit your virtual crimes.

Attached: 1576372414584.jpg (2560x1440, 807.53K)

I never argued that point.
It's just we have a retard who wants to pigeonhole Tats into his personal definition of loli.

>Tons of lolis looks like her
Murata drew actual little girls in the manga and none of them have Tatsumaki's body type.

>bald man in called her child.
That's the joke, next non-argument.

Go back.


You arent orginal you cracker

This is not loli, just short petite 5 heads tall woman with proportions of loli.

You can call her petite woman if thats make you feels better but i will continue to call her loli because that is what japs and murata call her.

Attached: 1502493440993.jpg (3507x4960, 2.33M)

>Try using
shit doesn't work


So according to idiots here in this thread petite women are lolis now?

No, I'm pretty sure it's a one spreg. Maybe two.

If they look like lolis they are lolis.

Attached: q.jpg (720x912, 39.33K)

didn't work for me

You can continue to be wrong.
Keep your pedocope to yourself, though.

Is there anyone in a relationship in opm world?

Maybe you're just a normalfag from Facebook or R*ddit who love to joke about "lolis" with Chris Hansen memes.

It's one seething pedo trying to find company by insisting any character that isn't a tall titcow has to be a loli.

it's a drawing, its whatever age the autor told us it is, so Tats is a 28 patite woman

Pic unrelated?

Got I love petite woman.

Attached: 1553895355924.jpg (800x600, 237.18K)

Not sure if bait or some really weird problem, but please stop pretending to be retarded.

Attached: 1565048238307.png (1754x672, 530.15K)

All heroes are pathetic manchildren. That's the point.

You sounds a lot like LRD

WTF bros? S-she is...petite woman.

Attached: 1561933361936.jpg (800x600, 306.81K)

Like it or not, but they are defending humanity from monsters.

are you Afraid to find lolis sexy?

Attached: 326425.jpg (1019x576, 48.28K)

What do you think about male valkyries?

No I'm being serious, I tried the thing and it gave me nothing
Probably just a weird problem

Most monsters are also manchildren gone off the deep end.

>bang is too old
Don't underestimate the old man

Nope, but since I don't like loli characters, I don't want non-loli characters to be conflated with them for the sheer purpose of cope.

I only fap to oppai loli

Dude's just a moron, even cunnyfags from Yas Forums know Tats isn't a loli.

So? They are menace.
Hero association members are still at least as heroic as firefighters or policeman.

>cunnyfags from Yas Forums know Tats isn't a loli.
The state of toursits.

True enough.

The only crime I would admit is falling for your bait

Nope. But you seem to be.

Tats is damaged from her childhood and literally being sold off by her parents and kept in a cage. Blast kind of pushed things even further, by basically inspiring her to become super strong and never rely on anyone else. So she doesn't trust people at all. It's part of why she's insanely overprotective of Fubuki too.

Thats sound like Cope for me because you are afraid of being called Pedo But whaterver.

Attached: 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f62746b59753145517a5f637173513d3d2d3233373333303334332e31343366623938363431.jpg (576x720, 65.08K)

being short doesn't make a character a loli

You can't hide truth LRD.

Attached: c005cb7e43c93a350b0534f6fdc2ae37769cf2f9v2_hq.jpg (720x780, 82.22K)

>It's bait!
Sure thing bro. She's petite woman after all.

Attached: 1569757614449.png (1158x755, 1.11M)

She doesn't look like a loli. She is simply petite. Thats literally it.

Seems like cope to me because you crave company so you conflate anything you can with a loli.

There is an old addage that rings true even in this modern age:
You cannot marry what you compete with.

Saitama is the only person who could realistically put up with her

Short, petite women that are of age exist.
Tatsumaki is 28, is small, petite by developed.
There's also oppai lolis, does that mean any short woman is a loli, even with big tits?
Stop being a coping retard.

I'm not saying that, i love Tatsumaki but im pretty tired of the missinformation of Yas Forums

Attached: One-Punch-Man-Saitama-vs-Tatsumaki-Small.gif (600x420, 1.16M)

You're just an idiot who cannot differentiate short women from actual little girls.
Even cunnybots have higher IQ than you.

All lolis are short petite woman. Picrelated is petite woman. She's old hag. She's called loli ingame. She call herself loli. Cope.

Yes, misinformation is claiming Tatsumaki is a loli.

Why not use Murata's art for a fair comparison?

>You're just an idiot who cannot differentiate short women from actual little girls.
How about you go back to your Yas Forums friends my little lolicon in denial?

This looks like a loli or Petite woman to you?

Attached: 0b (1).jpg (700x992, 98.64K)

Chomusuke desu

I'd rather believe them than ironic weebs like you.

>Most men can't put up with bitchy women.

Compare her to Fubuki? Yes Tats has proportions of loli. Her head is too big. Her height is too small.

itt: pedos seeking company

>ironic weebs
That's pretty ironical, because you use Yas Forums invented term in Yas Forums. Now everything make sense. You should go back.

Is megumin a loli or a petite woman?

Attached: DsWPX_gUUAAbmHy.jpg (526x1200, 117.57K)

>smaller than a child
>acts like a child
>'she's just petite!'

Is illya a loli or a petite woman?

Attached: 1485698772597.jpg (2500x3472, 3.52M)

TIL short women with a huge rack are loli too

No, those doujins are for men of culture who do the cucking.

she's my lovely daughter-wife

Compare Tats to actual little children drawn by Murata in the manga.
Let's see if one of them has Tatsumaki's curves. Give me just ONE.

are you a brainlet or is your brain smooth?

Except for "no friends", where is the problem?


Truly pathetic

Sounds like average Yas Forumsnon few years back.

I just want to know what is a loli and what is a petite woman.

Attached: 1503598268007.jpg (1158x2048, 380.57K)

I prefer rape doujins where the dude at least looks decent and in shape. Seeing an ugly fat fuck is not aesthetically pleasing.

petite and funny

Attached: 1555092449331.jpg (650x960, 124.09K)

And I want you to cope.

>tfw no new webcomic chapter for 70 centuries

Attached: 1310411252924.jpg (500x500, 23.23K)

I will stop coping if you aswers me, is this a loli or a petite woman?

Attached: 1483568734467.jpg (910x644, 60.1K)

True. Oppai loli exist, so there are no short women who aren't loli.

Most people can't put up with bitchy people.
Including bitchy people.
I think we need something like this.
By the way, Albedo from Overlord is a loli and Ainz is a pedo because he grabs someone who is a few minutes old.

Attached: 1559894196876.png (699x560, 437.37K)

But women are above you by default

>I think we need something like this.
Hold one. I have seen one

She's actually 14, not 28.

Fubuki and Psykos have attitude problems too though, they aren't any better in this regard. The only difference is that Saitama's "acquaintanceship" treatment has made Fubuki act less of a clingy bossy esper later on.

It's a cope.

user...she wants a man who's better than her
that's why she measures everyone against blast

Looks just like Tatsumaki.

Attached: little girl.png (790x851, 482.03K)

How is “no friends” a problem?

Of course the retard didn't deliver because he cannot find one.


Probably because he doesn't even read OPM.


Attached: 111.png (1242x636, 800.85K)

Inferiority-Superiority complex. She assumes she's too good for anyone to make up for her insecurities. Deep down she's troubled at the fact that no one could love her for who she is and instead only approach her because of their fetishes so she prefers to don't bother with love at all.

>zero curves
I'm so sorry you're a brainlet.

Clear sign of personality problems.

>Compare Tats to actual little children drawn by Murata in the manga.
Why I should?

I was being sarcastic.

I want a show acknowledge the overpopulation no problem for once. Humanity is screwed because people don't make any efforts to keep their feral urges in check and keep fucking like beasts.

>Tats is not loli if you compare her to 6 year old children
This is weakest cope

You, shouldn't. Otherwise you would look like a retard, and we can't have that, aren't we?

Seems about right.

>flat as board
>no ass
>no hourglass figure
>no thighs
>zero curves at all
Thanks for proving my point.
This is how Murata draw actual little girls in his manga.

Attached: 20200305_015101.jpg (253x584, 89.4K)

Best hero

Attached: justice spear.png (912x1406, 1.12M)

>N-NOoOOO you can't just use actual evidence to BTFO my baseless copelet assertions

It is. If you can hold a conversation on Yas Forums, you can hold one IRL.
In the Age of Greta, autism is no excuse.
Go out there, and make good friends. I believe in (You).

Psykos ranted about that, no?

We can't yeah.

Attached: 1570446775802.png (1280x720, 1.1M)

Because you will out yourself as a moron which you already did anyway.

But user.
Most people here can not hold a conversation.

We would have to put her in tatsu dress if we want to know if she has curves or not.

My bad.

Keep coping.

That's at least not been my experience.
>inb4 no reply

How do I learn this move?

She looks like a 8 years old
tatsu body looks at least 14.

Just look at this thread.
Do you think most people in it can hold a healthy conversation?

post more petite woman
lolis are 5 years old only

Attached: 1571375600342.jpg (600x900, 134.98K)

i fucking hate you all

NOOOO You DON'T get it! They're both short and have a big head. They are both loli, obviously!

Attached: 142131232.png (358x485, 192.16K)

>Lolis can't have curves

Attached: 1566590122656.jpg (1060x751, 101.15K)

Murata would've done that already and flaunt it all over the manga if she has Tatsumaki's curves.

>We would have to put her in tatsu dress if we want to know if she has curves or not.
W-who would want to see something that horrifying, r-right bros?

>still not using Murata's art
You already got btfo.

Everything can be sexualized and exaggerated for eroticism. That's not an argument. As mentioned 100 times here before, there are oppai loli. Does that mean short women with big tits are now also loli by default?
Seek help.

petite woman

Attached: 1579753742715.jpg (1000x1000, 178.2K)

Why is a pedo sperging out because he doesn't understand that petite women are a thing?

Probably even male valkyrie-tier lolibaiter would be able to do it if he tried.

You are shifting the point of the question.
Yas Forumsnons have been decent people in my experience IRL.
Haven't met many of us, but enough to think we are mostly good fellows.
We also really don't shove it into other people's faces that we frequent this hellhole.
Takes some time to figure it out.

>Does that mean short women with big tits are now also loli by default?
if she looks like a loli then yes.

Attached: dc5350c5dbc62e258a7a975380a72fac.jpg (813x744, 169.2K)

she's just stunted

Not an argument.
Use Murata's art to back your statement up to prove that a 28-year-old woman like Tatsumaki is a loli or else fuck off.
You're just damage controlling at this point.

And who is the arbiter of what is loli?
You? The projecting pedo?

I love petite women but i just call them lolis.

Attached: 1579200327520.jpg (1848x1403, 343.63K)

Pedofag has lost this battle so stop replying to him.

Why is a Yas Forumstard sperging out because he doesn't understand that lolis with curves are thing?

>I love petite women but i just call them lolis
Case in point

I have no problem with you lolifags so long as you don't harm anyone real, but fuck off and stop co-opting womanlets.

Your LRD is showing up.

B-But user she looks exactly like Tatsumaki!!!1!!1!1!!11!

Tatsumaki is a LOLI! Ignore Murata's art. Look at this random art of a loli who had their proportions exaggerated for sexualization reasons. I decide what a loli is!

Fubuki is for Saitama
Tats belongs to the Emperor

Tats belongs to Darkshine.

>Look at this random art of a loli who had their proportions exaggerated for sexualization reasons
So? Tatsumaki?


She needs to learn how to cook first


Attached: 1573792737120.jpg (857x1000, 511.1K)

>shipping anyone with depressed baldy
That's a no from me senpai.

Post more petite women

Your cope is showing again.

it's not a problem in economically developed countries it's the shitholes that breed and export them over here

Fubuki and Tatsumaki are both for Saitama.

>this damage control

and Psykos?

So why is the faggot still ignoring Muarata's art himself? Is this his form of coping?

Another user, and I will humor you, shitposter-san.
When two people argue about something, one must be able to disprove it, at least in theory.
For example: there is no such thing as a black swan.
It can be disproven by demonstrating a swan with more than 90% naturally black feathers.
Otherwise it's faith, and one cannot argue about faith.
You tell us that Tats is a loli, right?
What would it take to disprove your statement?

Attached: 1572635242237.png (575x848, 421.54K)

>Is this his form of coping?
Well, he cannot provide any examples.

What I hate about these articles, is that I have to read the same things 3 times in a row. Okay.
Sex and the City writer Candace Bushnell, 60, admits she regrets choosing a career over having children as she is now 'truly alone'.
Cance Bushnell, 60, says she regrets choosing career over having children. Sex and the City creator said after not having children she is now 'truly alone'. But Sex and the City creator Candace Bushnell, 60, has admitted that she regrets choosing a career over having children as she is now 'truly alone'.

Journalism in 2020.

Picrelated is loli.

Attached: 1564816172941.jpg (1396x780, 186.62K)

Forever traumatised after Tatsumaki tried to kill her in prison, probably going to spend her life alone.

>not drawn by Murata

He's been damage controlling for a while now.

Attached: 1416084940020.png (227x284, 9K)

Tats gives off this weird impression of being a cranky old woman and a bratty little kid at the same time
I'm not sure what to think but I wish we had more than a handful of panels of her interacting with Saitama, they're pretty entertaining as is

Attached: [AnimeRG] One-Punch Man - OVA 06 - The Murder Case That Is Too Impossible [1080p] [x265] [pseudo].mkv_snapshot_01.53_[2020.02.25_07.24.36].jpg (1920x1072, 845.25K)

But this is not loli. It's her petite from. Why? Because her loli form is

Attached: 1572702425934.jpg (1600x4919, 1.81M)

>weird impression
Her hair. It's obviously a Medusa reference.

Anime when?

>draw kids like adults
>draw adults like lolis
>bro they're not lolis look how he draw kids!
This is pretty good excuse for lolicons in denial.


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Unironically advocating for people to breed like lowly sows instead of rejecting your preprogrammed purpose and not contributing to the suffering and insanity of this world. Disgusting.

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>not drawn by based Murata
And besides, we're talking about Tatsumaki here. So dumping artworks of different artists don't mean shit.
Get lost.

How does the s o y taste?

Why is everyone on Yas Forums a pedo ?

>literally living the life of a factory beast, eating, breeding, to one day be slaughtered, never thinking
>b-but soi

It's just one or two coping pedos.

>missing entire point of post
Your cope level is something.

Been on hormones for a while?

I don't care but claiming Tats as a "loli" is retarded.

We are petite lovers

How does Yas Forums never get tired from having the same argument ad nauseam? It's obvious that everyone involved would rather eat horseshit until they choke rather than change their stance/admit that they're wrong, and everyone knows this.
Why can't you just post cute little girls without having it devolve into inane and fruitless arguments about their essence? Does this festivity of shitpost amuse you?

Self-insert more fucking loser


Not everyone has to take growth hormones, cattle.

Everyone who use word "pedo" in Yas Forums as insult is crossboarder. Post election tourist. That's why lolis are hot topic for them. Especially in their shonen generals. Its' favorite Yas Forums genre.

Sorry. I don't take the middle ground between something objectively correct and objectively wrong just to seem "reasonable".
But yes, the argument over something that is self-evident is a bit silly.

>Everyone who use word "pedo" in Yas Forums as insult is crossboarder

Attached: 1575290319739.jpg (1273x1000, 459.3K)

Pedo claims.

>The coping pedo is calling to other coping pedos

Are your titties starting to grow yet?

>Cute little girls
In a thread about an old hag?

Over 300 posts and you still haven't provided the example that we're asking which you blatantly refused to do so because you just can't accept the fact that you're in the wrong here.
Get lost moron.

I just want to love lolis in peace I wish I could.

Ive seen that work both ways.

Oh, so you're a dairy cattle.

I call lolifags pedos because they are.
But I have no problem with them posting here until they start claiming short girls in an attempt to cope.

It infuriates me that no one has made a compilation of every single Tatsumaki hmph! yet.

Attached: rueVV6k.gif (500x281, 1.47M)

I'll be your friend user

There is only one loli on this pic. Can you find her?

Attached: 1567396873875.jpg (1600x900, 197.42K)

Hey fag. Maybe stop replying to somebody who has no argument and hasn't had one for the past 8 or so posts.

It's just one retard who can't accept the fact that he's wrong.

>look at me i am a man of great intellect because i cant feel natural sexual urges

I'm just bored.

Why are petite women so similar to lolis in the anime style and how can we know the difference petitebros?

Attached: 1575663257219.jpg (624x884, 38.05K)

There are 6 lolis in that pic.

Especially a blonde oppai loli. Now that I think about it, her sister is a loli too

>arguing against overpopulation which only works on people with already low fertility rates, leaving more room for people who don't even comprehend / care about that problem to breed even more

Okay I will explain you. Your point
>there is kids in Murata's manga
>they don't look like Tats
>that means Tats is not loli
This is absolute nonsense. Its the same as claiming curvy loli from loli doujinshi is not loli because of presence of 5 years old kid in one frame. Mental gymnastics is strong.

STOP posting these loli sluts. I want Tatsumaki lewds

it's end game for women. Men live without women, women cannot.

Empty egg cartoon

Alright for the last time, Tatsumaki is a loli, mainly because of her small cute body.
She's not 100% loli but that doesn't mean she isn't one, that's why you fags keep arguing over and over, you think the word loli has to mean 100% true loli.

3/4 of Yas Forums

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Here you go.

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Blame that one retard who ruined this Tatsumaki thread with his coping mechanisms.

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Literally me, but I just turned 29 and made friends with internet perverts.

What the fuck does loli even mean? I understand what Lolita from the book would be like, but every retard is using loli as "a woman who looks too young and you're definitely a pedo if you like her"

I, too, would like a show about africa, china and south america being purged.

The way Murata draws her face definetly makes her seem older.

She's verging on crows-feet in pic related.

Attached: x14.png (800x1138, 1.35M)

>She's not 100% loli
Ok, so it's safe to assume that these are two lolis too, right?

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>5 minutes per episode

Attached: 1574904638511.png (1468x1080, 2.25M)

Can we stop acknowledging pedocope? Thanks.
More Tatsu appreciation, or any OPM girl appreciation. Fubuki is good too.

I love how trannies feel insecure around lolis


>antisocial due to childhood events
>big ego
>not everyone likes petite womanlets or lolis or whatever people are shitposting about ITT
>psychic powers

Attached: 1535869624519.jpg (588x552, 86.17K)

Tatsumaki looks way more sexy when she looks like a loli

Trannies are the ones trying to make short women out to be loli.
Really makes you think.

>Already 25 years old
>not married
>no kids
>no friends
What was my problem?

Go back to Yas Forums

I hope it's less and most of these people are larping unlike me.

you cant be a pedo for liking 2d girls


Seethecope, pedofag.

but what do trannies really want?

Attention and daddy's validation.

>age 10

>Yas Forums
>not full of pedos

>>already 28 years old
>>not married
>>no kids
Hasn't found a cock big enough
>>no friends
Hasn't found anyone with enough power.

Women have arms.
Loli have arms.
Therefore all women are loli.

>3/4 of Yas Forums are failed normalfags who dreams about kids and marriage
Absolutely disgusting. The entire Yas Forums should be purged.

Attached: 1578824474845.jpg (1920x1080, 152.4K)

Actually Yas Forums is full of trannies and gays, of course the pedos are there as well.

This man's logic is impeccable.
After all, when I look at art of loli characters, they have arms.
All women are loli.

>armless women are the true straight hetero choice
At last, I truly see.

Attached: 1567250721445.jpg (750x750, 56.97K)

Stop right there.
There are also men with arms and boys with arms.
Therefore men and boys are also loli.

Is Shinobu a petite woman?

Attached: _02f9b47a7389c7c2855dd4a6e02079ba.jpg (850x1259, 772.81K)

First, OPM is not a loli h-doujinshi, it's a fucking superhero manga. Second, Murata draws Tatsumaki differently to present her as a 28-year-old womanlet and distinguish her from actual kids in his manga. Third, your example is absolutely retarded, literally false equivalence. Fourth, you still haven't provided shit and just ruined this thread with your autism.

Based user's taste in armputee women and not disgusting loli trash.

OPM is an okayish manga with a really obnoxious fanbase.

Look at this picture of an unrelated h-doujin where the artist has a loli with big tits and a big ass therefore all short women are loli

Japs call Tats ロリババア. Now you need to unironically dilate.


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it was probably written by a woman

Fuck off already or start talking about Tatsumaki.

The coping pedo is not an OPMfag

You can enjoy sex without shitting out children like you've diarrhea. Just one is bad enough though.

Who cares about overpopulation? You're forcing reality onto an innocent being without his consent, which is the single greatest sin you could possibly commit. You don't have to continue this endless chain of madness.

Attached: acertaincuteloli.gif (498x449, 3.73M)

>Second, Murata draws Tatsumaki differently to present her as a 28-year-old womanlet and distinguish her from actual kids in his manga.
The same way how Raita draw background schoolgirls with oldhag faces right? She draws her like this because he's jap and they don't care about hot lolis like tourists in shonen threads

Now we just need somebody to draw a tall loli to go full circle.


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She's petite woman. She has 4 forms. Only her first form is loli. Second is petite woman even when everyone in japan call her loli

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but why daddy and not mommy?

>EOP lolicon in denial
Of course you are. West is cancer.

So you are saying that only girls that look 8 are lolis and girls that look over 8 are petite women?

Attached: Slp8PjpKXEgdJj6wPdDS43bJNAh_obKJwCNe0.jpg (1517x1019, 219.39K)

>shonen crossboarder general

>Japs call Tatsu lolibaba
Tatsu confirmed for loli.

Yes. So you can distinguish them from actual kids.

Attention, get rid of social media and megacorporations that promote tranny shit. That 40% will go down.

Japs always wrong.

>west is cancer
then why post here, pedo


I.. I kneel..

You're not digging deep enough, user.
Some dors also have arms which prevent them from closing too fast.
Therefore some doors are lolis.
Sometimes more than a hundred people per day. Fucking sluts.

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Would you prefer to be called an incel or a virgin then?

I love short christmas cakes like Tatsumaki.

You say Tatsumaki isn't a loli?
Haha, right. She's actually like a 2000 year old demon king from another dimension instead, huh?

Well, she has arms

>no kids
But she's a child. It's physically impossible.

Japan created lolis


Claiming every random nip has knowledge of and can accurately define a loli because loli is a japanese concept is like saying all Americans are experts on guns because Americans are legally allowed to carry guns.

I know thats why I said that tatsu would never sleep around.

This is the most normalfag post I've seen in a long time.
Please go back.

This is the most normalfag post I've seen in a long time.
Please go back.

Such can be said the same of several other manga.

>jap artists have no knowledge of lolis
west is plague

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cope more

What does pic related has to do with this topic?

I'm sorry you lack reading comprehension.

We'd prefer not having any brainlet tourists like you.

Nothing at all, really. He's trying to conflate the post with twitterfags trying to harass Japanese artists because he wants to save face.

To show how your cancerous kind distorting meanings of things.
>japs don't know shit about lolis but Yas Forumstard knows

If anyone here is distorting things, it's you distorting the argument, you dumb spic.

>argues like an emotional child

Reminds me of Tatsumaki. She's really cute loli.

She's going to end up as a cat lady.

But what if she decides to go to some kind of seedy depraved club in the weekends in "disguise"?

She's disgusting

Disgustingly cute and pretty.
Best petite.

Attached: 1576548272633.jpg (709x1181, 106.7K)

With her body she can only attract pedos and they're all fat and ugly.

>liking wide and well-developed hips and a nice butt
Hmh.. I see..

I love Tatsumanko!

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Yes. And I love oppai lolis. I hope you don't think lolis looks like toddlers

the shit opinion suddenly makes a lot of sense

ONE's art is the canon Tatsumaki and she doesn't have a well developed body like in the manga.

Big booty Loli are pretty good

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Fuck off Diogenes

This looks like decensor. Meh

>someone ITT reported this pic

More like 14-16 years old vs 10/9

MC of Bishoujo Mangekyou was called being lolicon for lusting over this

old Yas Forums will never return, its dead, finished, a relic of the past. Fun will never be permitted on this board ever again.

what do you think hypergamy means?