Healin' Good Precure

Why is Hinata so forgetful compared to Nodoka and Chiyu? Is she dumb?

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Hinata probably hit her head as a baby.

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Low IQ

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Imagine the joy, passion and care put into an opening for little girls. Actually you don't have to do too much imagining because it's all right here, from the visuals all the way to the lyrics.
God, I love Kirakira

Attached: [CommieRaws] Kirakira Precure A La Mode - NCOP 2 [BD 1080p AAC] [EE663349].webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Cure Earth leaks?

Mai is so cute and I miss her.

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It's Hugtan.

She could've been the best part of the season but it wasted everything.

>Future Harry gets to fuck this every single day.
Mom is dead, dad nowhere to be found I can imagine how busy they get at night.

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It's super adorable but
>no Ciel

This is a franchise where they put focus more on the EDs than OPs, strange when you think about it.

Anyone have that Tsubomi disgusted game comic?

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She was so hot in the ED.

I want Ciel to walk to my bed like that.

this is otherwise a touching moment, but this shot is making me lose my shit

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Fantastic taste

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Ready for the best love story ever told in Precure?

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I already watched yes5

But Happiness Charge already exists.

Aoi and Himari Kirakira sequel series?

Maho sequel?

Have you watched Hugtto?

It's shit.

I am sorry, I am sorry please, it was a small joke that went over everyone's head

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Take your meds


What for?

Why is Lala so pathetically short?

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don't be rude

And then you imagine Hikaru's voice, and the coolness factor is ruined.

First of all, all Samaanians are manlet and womanlets.
Second, why are young Hikaru and Lala drawn like you're watching a 3D movie without 3D glasses?


Sorry, I subconsciously use both he and she while talking about Akira

That Bunbee? Nice

Stop posting this shit.

This is very cute.


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What an ugly shit eater. Rin is so much cuter.



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Why is Hikaru suddenly so dreamy?

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Stop posting this shit character.

This pic does things to my heart

Those baits are getting weaker by the day.

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Is she shorter than adult Himari? This is important?

Yes, it's important.

Himari is probably taller. Lala didn't really grow after her timeskip, Himari was very short but grew some during her timeskip. It either equaled out or Himari's slightly taller.

How tall is Kirara again? 185? 195?

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It blows my mind that Himari is older than Kirara but still looks like a 10 year old.

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Audible kek

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do chinks have some new leaks?

What is different artstyles

>I love Kirakira

Me too dude

Attached: [anon] Kirakira Precure A La Mode - The Movie [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.51.36_[2020.02.27_00.21.16].jpg (1920x1080, 307.55K)

This episode was great.

Oh my.

honestly, it's just kinda depressing how absolutely useless pekorin is in kira, but she still gets to be precure unlike waffle

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Nothing gets me quite as hype as new opponents being introduced.

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He could have been the first male cure, but Pikario was not a massive Faggot like Henri

Uglier than Rin.

pekorin >Literal trash>Dog shit>>>>>>>>>>Rin

After this week's precure episode (and kamen rider), is there a new super sentai? an user wrote it was ending last week

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Ichika doting on human pekorin was cute.

Himari and Ciel are about the same height as Emiru. Different artstyle or not, they're short.


And she's so damn ugly. At least she looks better after the timeskip.

No way. Pekorin is an abomination.

starts next week

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She's cute and I'd fuck her.

I agree. It's the only thing that I didn't like in Kirakira.

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You must have zero standards

Pekorin is cute. Cute!

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What a simp

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her older design is cute. child one is la creatura

Its hard for me to tell if this little scene is cute because we see Ciel trying to do right by her Brother, or creepy because shes clearly ready to BANZAIIII!!! Toei's offices before Kamen Rider Zi-O was even a thing.


Yes, Mashin Sentai Kiramager. It's a good moment if you want to watch a Sentai daily.


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Yellow Cures the past few years have been so great. Hinata, Elena, and Himari each have completely different personalities and each are some of the best Cures in their seasons.


Towa is my dorkish wife

So which one of you was it that bought this?

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I dropped off on GoPri around the time she joined the team, is she really that dorky?

remember when a show for 5 year old girls completely and utterly blew vegans the fuck out?
I enjoyed that quite a bit. When will they ever learn?

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You think they did it as soon as she revert back to her teenage self?

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I figure that wasn't Precure. Is too edgy to be

I wish that was me, but sadly i'm poor.

Rin and Pekorin are both very cute.

Small moments like those are what makes GoPri my favourite (among many other things). I laughed when they had the first ocean-related episode where they were all cuddly-comfy with the ocean while essentially killing and eating its inhabitants, but was pretty surprised when had this much more mature take on it later.

If Time skip Nodoka doesn't have huge milkers like her mom we riot. You are ok with showing someone give birth but not giving a 30 year old some breasts? Come on Toei this is not Discovery Kids

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>Rin and Pekorin are both very cute
It's not good manners to lie like that.

As the royal teacher, you think it's her duty teaching the prince and princess about sex?

Fuck off

>Saying hetfags
>In a fucking Precure thread
We are not in /u/ buddy

What does that even mean? I'm not into yuri ships but there's barely any romance in this franchise to begin with.

Most to least beautiful
Yui > Kirara = Haruka > Towa > Minami


Contrarian tier.

I saw this pic on Pixiv today and thought to myself: 'I wonder who'll be the first tasteless idiot to post this trash on /pc/'.

Girls with glasses > girls without glasses

Objectively wrong.

Hope not, flat is justice and if Nodoka grows breasts I'm dropping HG

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You're a retard.

But there is

Not nearly enough for obnoxious hetshippers to think they're welcome here.

>He doesn't like flat chested girls
Talk about shit taste

Look where you are retard. Go back.

It is true though. All pretty cures are pretty. It is in the name.
We need a precure who keeps her glasses after the transformation. Are we expected to believe that being a Precure not only gives you superpowers and incredible endurance but also magically improves your eyesight?
>Late at night in the castle
>Kanata: Okay I will start now
>Haruka: Please be gentle, my prince
>Kanata: Here goes nothing... not literally, I mean
>Non, non, non!
>Kanata jumps up so high he hits his head on the chandelier
>Lights go on
>Miss Shamour (accompanied by Pafu and Aroma) stands in the room
>You are doing it all wrong, Prince! Here let me transform into my human form and show you! Let us begin the lesson!
>Everyone in the palace, including Towa who is just next door, the king and queen, whose room is just above as well as Minami, Kirara and Yui who stay overnight are forced to listen to all this

Yui = Kirara = Haruka = Towa = Minami
They are all beautiful

You say that as if Yuri was welcomed here when it doesn't belong in Precure

Yuifags are weird.

Ah, i see it's just autism. Carry on.

Yas Forums is known for believing flat > Monster tits tho

Go away Erika

I personally love flat girls as much as the next guy but my ideal size is medium.

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But that's true tho.

You seriously lack awareness, it's time to step away from this place.

What would their rat-children even look like? Can humans and fairies even conceive?

If she's anything like her mother then yeah.

Now that I think about it, Hugtan must have inherited her non-dork genes from her father.

>This line
See this is how I know she'll be the mid-season cure

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Why does she have dirt on her cheeks?

She should see a doctor.