Shingeki no Kyojin 127

Also spoilers soon

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Other urls found in this thread:

Imagine the meltdown

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No, snktards are confirmed brainlets

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he is the father

Based plotchad


It is edited.

>JM confirmed cute and canon
>EH next
Can't believe it's really happening

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reminder that Jean is useless and can suck a dick. hope he dies soon, he doesn't deserve someone as special as Mikasa

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Jeanfags are cancer

>EH still has the final panel
EHsisters, not like this.

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your failed thread will never take off loser

What chapter do you think Eren loses? I say 132

Jean repeating his old friend's words "You're free" also perfectly fits with this. Holy shit, I'm starting to believe this


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>the baby looks like Eren but the man in the final panel is Jean
>Jean loves Mikasa and admires Eren
>tells the baby Eren's catchphrase


But I always loved him?

Keep the SEETHING user

there there, doggie

user, it's Jean. You have to move on.

It's JK alright. Has nothing to do with final panel so far though


Well, time to self insert as Jean so i don't end up being a cuck.

Jean is in the final panel. Concede.


Jeanbros we fucking won, from chapter 1 I always had faith in /ourguy/

>Jean will inherit the AT
its over

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god i wish i were there so that piku could stare at me with those loving eyes uwu

Some nip summary translated claims. so Hanji gonna doublecross marley? Or could this just be shadis

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>narutards on fucking Yas Forums
Literally neck yourself then gas the hole

For me it's Irene


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I just want to knock up Hanji honestly, who cares about shit like EH or JM.

Nips mess up names obviously It’s eren just as levay is obviously Levi

Indeed, I hope Jean gets over his pity for the mentally impaired Mikasa, and focus on what is truly important.

Holy shit please tell me this is real

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It is, boomer Jean soon.

it is. supposedly its Jean dreaming, which indicates he will inherit the attack titan



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This, the vision is too clear.

U guys are ridiculous you know people can have dreams without future sight titan powers right?

I liked memes based on chapters content, now we get chapters created from memes.

You are finally getting your time OP? kek

Even if JM doesn't happen in the end I'm glad we can finally put to rest the argument that Jean doesn't have feelings for Mikasa anymore.

keep seething shipper fag.
Isayama doesnt do this shit out of nowhere. Tell me when was the last time in the 10 years of this manga where a character was actually dreaming.

>Siblings or not you gotta admit that they look cute as a couple and have an interesting chemistry. I don't hate Mikasa but I don't find her interesting either because she's too possessive of Eren. Isayama should have given her a different personality ; something like Hinata.

>Levi; hes still not over Erwin and the other scouts dead and wants to end this bloodshed of eldians for the last time by making a free future for the next genertion
>Jean; From moralfag to ultranationalist, the spririt of marco is still haunting him, he wants revenge on reiner

vs the peacecuck avenger alliance of Armin, Annie, Gabi, Connie, Falco, Hanji and Mikasa

This would make the non Eren chapters way more interesting, but instead we only got armongwank since 124

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>I am so stupid and lack awareness that I think greentext and a wojak wins an argument

So it was you who made the retarded comment kek

How the fuck am I a shipper for calling ur theory bs. I think eren most likely plans to get rid of titan powers.

>gets defensive about being called a shipper
>doesnt respond to the argument about dreams in the series
my almonds are activated

I still cannot fucking believe they just forgive annie, reiner, and pieck for what they've done and decide to work with them.
Who fucking cares if you don't want war anymore, these people massacred thousands for no reason other than to kill eldians for being eldians.

>no Emfag is actually posting besides Ohnonono im gonna kill myself now falseflaggers and that one guys sockpuppet accounts
Can you at least wait until we get the full chapter?


>I still cannot fucking believe they just forgive annie, reiner, and pieck for what they've done and decide to work with them.
Where and when did they forgive them? They need they help so the world isn't destroyed. Yes the concept is a bit retarded but you are being irrational.

I dont think anyone besides Armin IM COOMING ANNIE, forgave them

Bert had nightmares over that guy that hanged himself, Annie had nightmares over Marco, and Reiner had nightmares over RTS

127話: 黙示録の夜







ジャンを座った。 ジャンは死んだ。

Can't wait


Most Jeanfags were the ones that hoped that so he wouldn't have been a virgin simp all along during the timeskip

HoAD won't even happen here, all the real EMfags will go silent, everyone will just falseflag into oblivion to pat themselves on the back.

you know the difference between a dream and a nightmare right?
if anything you are helping my argument, as you stated, the writer clearly uses nightmares for guilt in AT. Now dreams...

>Isayama should have given her a different personality ; something like Hinata.
What? Even less of a personality than Mikasa already has?

>Isayama says "DONT"
and who is Zhang?

I’m angry u fags make every single plot point about revolve around shipping. There’s been 0 evidence supporting ur theory that someone who doesn’t even have the attack titan yet can see future memories, it’s more likely that eren is implanted it into jeans head then it meaning he will get the attack titan

these chapters suck so much

they kinda forgot that annie did all that

Oh boo hoo, a cunt had nightmares over the man she MURDERED, who also happened to be the single nicest guy in the entire squad. Aww, poor little Annie is the REAL victim here, guys.

>There’s been 0 evidence supporting ur theory that someone who doesn’t even have the attack titan yet can see future memories
possibility of chapter 1 depending on how the series ends.

>t’s more likely that eren is implanted it into jeans head then it meaning he will get the attack titan
now this is funny. Jean, I NEED YOU TO FUCK MY SISTER

Did you miss the other thread?

Also u realize dreams and nightmares are the same fucking thing a nightmare is just a bad dream..


what matters is from a writing point of view and the writer history over 10 years


Manlet is going to lie on that cart until the epilogue right

>127話: 黙示録の夜
>ジャンを座った。 ジャンは死んだ。

I'm pretty sure last line reads as "Jean is sitting ducks. Jean dies."
JMfags on suicide watch

Endings that are fine:
>Avengers stop or beat Eren and the rest of the world uses the chance to genocide the remaining Eldians and history gets rewritten to the humans beating the "monsters"
>Eren wins and the ending is the world being in an EoE state

Endings that are not fine
>Avengers stop Eren and get hailed as heroes. Because of their deeds they figure out a solution with the other nations to achieve peace with the Eldians
>They figure out a way (read: asspull) to stop the cycle of titans and every newborn will be a normal human again.

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endings that are kino:

>Jean wa shinda
Link to the source? No way is Jean dead.

Fake news

Maybe he dies in the dream?

Did someone translate ryokutya's spoilers?

>Male prize YHfag was right
FUCK Isayama

Are you the snk bro that posts on feg? I want to be your friend

I rabu smug piku

A few threads ago. Basically didn't say much. Alliance doesn't get along and it's a solemn chapter with flashbacks or something. Hange shows growth.

I literally sent it in this thread already..

so is that it for the spoils? can we just get the effin chapter?

nah, he's very clearly EM.

>TWO spoiler pics
>multiple text leaks
>still no cover leak
What is this sorcery?

>No mag cover yet
Wait that's right, what the fuck.

One look at the ban and warn history tells otherwise.

If Hanji or Jean is included on the cover, death flag for either one is confirmed.

Three full threads have already come and gone since this first went up, and the fourth already has double the number of replies. People really don't want to post here huh

On the other hand this is the cleanest thread.

more leaks when?


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why are you posting last month issue?

Number 4 won. The one with a scarf.

Im a genuinely EMfag. While I'm baiting for (You)s I am genuinely upset. This seems to blatantly to not be Isayama foreshadowing a new direction for Mikasa's character. Jean will help her finally overcome her slave complex theyll fight and beat Eren and have a happy family kinda thing. I know it's been set up like that but I hoped there would be more complexity to it.


wtf is wrong with Jean, Mikasa literally looks like a man

>Implying become a mother won't make her stacked

>Black hair
>Now Blonde
It fits.

>Set up since the start
>Set up since the start
Pissu bros???

Isn't orihime a redhead?

>Isn't a dog
>Isn't a dog
Uhh, EMsisters?

please chadren save us from this alliance cringe fest

Actually only hinata was set from the start, orihime's tomboy friend was the one lusting for ichigo at first (but later kubo kinda forgot of her and the rest of human cast)

>the most uncomfortable campfire they ever had


come back Eren

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Annie's too young to drink


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4 garbage chapters in a row. Let that sink in for a moment. Not even the leakers care at this point

whenever Eren appear it's the most kino scenes
Armong, on the other hand

Annie was raped, took some punches to the stomach and left without shirt and trousers

Why do you make these retard tier ship comparisons if they don't even favor you?

>Hinata always liked Naruto
>Sakura always liked Sasuke
>Orihime always liked Ichigo
>Rukia never showed a single hint she liked Ichigo
Never in the race in the first place.


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No, Orihime always liked Ichigo, retard-kun. Tatsuki didn't.

Dies from what? Nothing happens this chapter.

JMchads... we won

Guys, i can't wait for JM sex chapter.

It was inevitable.

Uh what

JM would be less of an asspull than EH unironically.

Still can't believe that Eren went from the worst character in the early chapters to the best character.

EHbros n-next chapter, r-right?

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You might have won, if the beta really confessed

EH is a shitpost that went too far because of mental illness.

he was born into this world

The only acceptable ending is EoE rip-off

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>Heh hey Sash-
>oh right...

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t. illiterate.

EH only appearing in a single chapter/panel would feel so unrewarding that Isayama might as well just sideline Historia for all eternity.

Can someone post that one pic with Eren and Historia where Zeke comes in to kick them both?

>Im a genuinely EMfag
>overcome her slave complex
Try harder.

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The woman is Eren

With each passing chapter, my hatred for this series grows.

t. Butthurt faggot who cant accept EH

Must suck being you honey

We know, Isayama.

But EH have had multiple meaningful interactions with each other.

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how can anyone NOT be EH


We know, Yas Forums

wasn't around very much for the last two months, but I don't recall anyone shillling JM the couple months before that

I miss Paths chapters because the threads were freed from shipping cancer.

Jean is a cuck simp.

Predict the final page of this chapter

He wasn't that really concerned for Mikasa when Eren called her a slave. No whiteknighting, nothing...

this is a SFW board


I'm laughing after all the EMfags spamming these months and now they are crying after a few hours of JM


>not shipping cancer


lmao emtards subhumans got btfo so fucking hard
hope they kill themselves btw

Prove you're an oldfag, or else.

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BASED Jean chapter

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Most are just shitposters and EHfags shitting on EM. Even most actual Jeanfags didn't seem to like JM anymore for how underdeveloped it has been for so long.

Can we really compte zero requiem to this? If I remember correctly Lelouch made sure he became the "symbol of hate", and died in public by the hand of the "symbol of Justice". Meanwhile Eren's plan doesn't have that kind of setup since it relies on everyone else dying.


in a weekly manga they will be 16 chapters in a row.

Getting his tits groped by molester-kun doesn't count

>how underdeveloped
everyone in this manga is underdeveloped except for Eren, Zeke, and Reiner. Hence, no one gives a shit about it anymore - at least in the Western world.
Don't think there was ever less hype for chapters than recently

Not a shipcuck but Jean liking Mikasa is not new info.
Just made unclear post timeskip.
Ruins his character for me since he's grown so much from his 104th days.

Holy shit, how long are they translating? Where is the cover?

truly depressing

How does Isayama even plan to "hurt his readers"? More like, he's planning to anger them


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Nice lamp

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I have complained about samefagging EMfags for over a month. I'm just explaining our current situation

Orihime was set up since the pilot you cretin. She was in love with Ichigo from the start just like Mikasa and Rukia teases Ichigo for being in love with Orihime in the pilot.


the fuck does Bocco mean

He has a loving wife with whom he's consummated his marriage

Why is Annie even allowed to breath

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Better no chapters than seeing one of your favorite manga slowly turning into a rotten corpse with each passing chapter.

No ome is shitting on EM, EMfags did this to themselves and even getting cocky over people explaining chapter 123

at least HxH has more well developed characters than SnK, so Togashi was able to just swap out the mc and the group around him

Goddamnit. Jean deserved better.

Tell that to the normies that love manlet, and now the Jeanfags waking up from a 5+year slumber.

Or else what?

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It's already done, they're just teasing you dummy.

They held the chapter hostage to get muh likes on twitter until the chinese drops it.

This happens every month.

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Why is only Reiner getting punched in the face while someone like Annie gets a free pass? That doesn't sound fair to me

Why is Pieck still in her titan form?

bet my ass Jean and Mikasas name their child Eren
even in his death Eren cucks Jean

Maybe Jeanbo fucks Mikasa this chapter?
Take a look on the leaked Cringevengers spread, the general trend seems to lean towards getting shitfaced.
Calling it, yearning to make his dreams a reality, Jean gets a courage boost from his best friend and wingman - Bottle-kun. He makes a move and Mikasa is too mindbroken to care, and is like, yeah whatevs, at this point, why the fuck not?


Please tell me that isn’t Jean and Mikasa

Because he is Armong's wife, notice how Levi is conveniently sleeping even though he barely sleeps and much less in that situation.
You are not going to get Levi ever getting mad at Armong

Annie has a vagina so she gets special treatment

how does it feel to have both?

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A classic.

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Zekebros, I don’t think we will win this one

because Isayama needs her in her Titan form to climb up Eren or some shit.
It makes no sense at all, so the only possibility is that it's relevant for the plot

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I bet that's EH's kid desu

Reiner probably omitted Annie's involvement probably so Jean can kill him and end it all

Because Isayama is Oda tiers of "MUH WEMEN ARE PRECIOUS"

Pussy pass

'cause her titan form is hotter

Jean is a white knight faggot
Armong is Armong
Mankasa is MUH SCARF
Hongo is useless

So Ymir will cuck Eren?

Imagine someone trying to make small talk
>So Mr Magath... You were the one responsible for the mission of capturing the founding Titan a decade ago? I lost most of my friends that day you know.

It's Jean and a dark haired qt who


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Ok why hasn’t any Warrior mentioned anything about the queen of the island?

Eren already cucked himself beyond belief

No one’s allowed to lay a finger on Armin’s waifu.



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Is literally the main and only useful part of her titan(outside from her high mobility, speed and stealth)


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>spent months shitposting and fighting others
>cry for only a few hours of people shitting on EM
This is karma

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Is Isayama really that big of a self-inserter?

Because Annie is phisically able to destroy his ass. She was literally able to defeat even Mikasa in a CQC fight

Armin's waifu is safe at home, waiting for him to return victorious and reward him with love and snuggles.

Is Manlet really going to spend the rest of the manga sleeping


No. At least SnK is soon fucking over. HxH will never ever finish.

he himself is a sadistic Japanese nationalist
now think about what the manga is like

>five hours since the last update from the reddit frog girl
Is the chapter really that bad?

>notice how Levi is conveniently sleeping even though he barely sleeps and much less in that situation.
This bugs me the most. You just know Levi wouldn't keep his mouth shut in Annie's presence, so Hackyama conveniently puts him to sleep just to avoid this confrontation. Shit like this just proves time and time again how much of a safe writer he is, never really risks stuff.

I would love to say 'the good old times' but these threads have always been terrible.

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It's Jean and Mikasa in Jean's dream.

He is saving his strength for his final fanservice fight against Zeke

They doesn't even know that historia became the queen (based at least on their informations), since the last informations they got from the island were before BRA got revealed shifters.

They're holding the chapter hostage until the gooks release their typeset just like every month.

She's holding it hostage for max attention whoring

He literally woke up last chapter.

>they needed to spoil the final page first
Yes, the chapter is bad and uneventful, Floch will be the best part as always

Hey, why isn't Annie avenging Bert and kicking Armin in the face? BAbros?

Holy shit that was literally the worst.

Don't do to others what you don't want for you. We had what an ErwLfujos and an LHfag fighting and discussing for 10 minutes and then stopped? AA shitposting against BA for 2 posts? Meanwhile I don't know what kind of autism do EM provokes and even if I don't ship JM for the first time I'm unironically thinking some may hurt themselves if Isayama confirms Eren fucked Historia

God damn these threads move fast on spoiler days.

Yes, and now he's sleeping. lel

Ok why didn’t Armong’s gang mention anything about her except that one time in 125?

She always drops some spoilers about the end and beginning and then stays silent until the full chapter.

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A couple of days have passed since he woke up though.

I'm not an EMfag and I even agree with you you retard. Just don't lie and stop hiding behind Zeke.

I would love for a fight breaking out between them. Eventually Annie and Reiner transform, and Armin has to transform as well to protect Mikasa, Jean, Hange, and Manlet.
Heh. Alright, if the cringe alliance ends like this it would've been worth it the shitty previous chapters

This, the moment someone drops the gook chapters the typeset will casually appear 5 minutes later

Annie only cares about her sugar daddies.


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last two chapters were so shit that even I didn't hang around here past release, and I have literally nothing to do all day

You wouldn’t hit a lady, right?

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Why? Gooks already went to sleep, not even they care

They are F5'ing the chink/gook sites to see if they uploaded the chapter yet, if they do, then they will immediately upload their own translated chapter. They probably had the typeset ready few days ago

Shouldn't he be in an hospital? I don't know if fake but apparently Hange abandons that place, makes me think if she is going to use a serum and that's why she is nervous. This would be interesting as Armin would be against it

I like these threads a lot when there aren't really any spoilers and some time has gone by after the newest chapter release. I've had a lot of fun in them. First time I was even inspired to make some OC as well.

I'm sure Levi would.

Why should they talk about her to the warriors.
If they don't suspect anything from her, why should they inform the warriors, mostly if the one that would slightly care about her is reiner, who stopped his crush on her since Clash (he used to like her fake persona)

>chapter starts out with his day dream
>punches Reiner in the face
Ahhh... feels good being a Jeanbro. More Jean chapters to come in the future.

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Because Reiner has a benis

Hange is poisoning the food

>hiding behind a reaction image
mental illness x tourism

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Why did he fucking punch Reiner. He's the one that let him go.

I'm starting to think that it's less about attention whoring and more about preferring to have the gooks as a meat shield in case Kodansha ever goes against leakers.

Month ago they released the typeset earlier than gooks

Reiner probably fessed up about the Marco thing.

>Dinner is ready, Jean. Also Dinner is ready

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>you know what, fuck saving the world and let's just kill each others!!!
Wow, smart and deep writing I see. It would be unironically WAYYYYY more stupid than trying to create an alliance in order to don't let the world being destroyed

Hange’s or Mikasa’s mother and father?
Guess Annie said some downer shit and those are Jean and Hange’s reactions.

Mikasa is Eren or nothing.

I think she will die with the foreshadowing in Lost Girls.

>I should call Oyankopon up, Mikasa deserves some loving after all

>EH and EMfags battling it out
>images of turds in toilets
yeah, those threads are fuckin great

Shouldn't Jean be mad at Armin for hiding what BRA did to Marco?

Well too bad, he’s crippled right now

>mikasa please call me eren tonight

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Yes, I used to beat the shit out of my gf

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Jeanbo, Mikasa and their unnamed quarter-gook spawn.

>not being familiar with that
Ok tourist

If there's no Levi's reaction to Annie (which I doubt it will have) I will be f*cking pissed. She's literally the one who massacred his squad, if it isn't getting addressed then it's just a very bad writing.

No one's allowed to be mad at Armin. What if he kills himself again?

Mikasa looking kinda cute with the baby tho
I'd be massively surprised if that scenario plays out tho, Isayama usually shows wholesome shit like that just to crush it in a very violent manner

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kek this one is perfect

Annie deserves rape.

It would make more sense than they suddenly becoming friends. The scouts have nothing to gain from helping Magath, and there's A LOT of bad blood between them. The first wrong word from the marleyan dogs could be enough for a discussion to start.

Nah user.
That's the light beyond the forest.

We don’t know if Armin even received that memory from Bert.

>Manlet is on a cart
>Pieck is next to him
>Pieck is the cart titan

>Wall Sina Goodbye made it clear Marco's death was the worse thing that ever happened to Annie
Jobner and Bert deserves more suffering just like Eren promised

Things are looking bad for Jeanbo user. I haven't been this concerned since 102.

> imagine boying a bland, irrelevant character like jean
> getting your hopes up because of a dream
> just so he can be killed a few chapters later

you are a fucking retard
everyone on here is "hiding"
it's an anonymous imageboard

>at least HxH has more well developed characters than SnK


>tfw was a Jeanfag years ago
Damn. It feels like I've been asleep for years and have finally woken up. Feels good brehs

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Annie just got out of coma, while Reiner was attacking them 5 mins ago.


scriptfags like you made gets so soulless

search your feelings, you know it to be true

Holy fucking shit

What is she cooking?

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Jean is cucked and will soon die

But no one is searching to kill the other right now.
MP have no other way to save their country but accept the conditions, RA have nothing against the 104s and kinda forgiven already since RtS. While the SCs have their reasons that rare going to be explained in this very chapter.
Looking for a fight would be the stupidest and OC move ever from every side of the cast (maibe except for Levi against Annie, but at the moment he isn't able to start a brawl because of his injuries)

He's a disgusting tranny


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But Mikasa is also irrelevant and bland

>Momji in charge of cooking

>This whole crew + a nation leader can't stop this CHAD
We will win, Flochbros

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Zeke's ass.

Food mixed with poison to backstab the Warriors


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Don't bother Isayama has some terrible shit planned

Someone edit Sopa de Macaco Zeke there

Why the fuck would it be Jean and Mikasa at this chapter? It’s like an epilogue thing.
Though looking at this the man doesn’t look quite like Mr. Ackermen, so I’m guessing it is Hange’s parents.

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Hunterbros... I think we lost...

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Mikasa's asshole.

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sopa de macaco

I dislike both hope jean dies and mikasa gets cucked by historia

Why the fuck would Hans look like Kiyomi

A nice, fresh bat soup.

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The reason why humanity wasn't united was because the govern wanted them to be divided. This got literally exposed during Uprising arc and marley arc, were unironically humanity unite against a big threat (titan Rod and the warriors from the paradisians side and the terror of the CT army from the human side)

Your hype.

Sopa de titan, uma delicia

This should be done when we get better resolution scans so the joke becomes great

Man Floch really kept things interesting in those past 4 chapters but I doubt he will get away with all he has done. I would certainly be impressed if Isayam actually lets him live.

>Alliancefags sitting on the camp
>No one talks
>Naked Zeke suddenly comes out of the bushes
>"My friends! I've found a way to stop my lil brother"
>"manlet my friend, don't be silly, you can't catch me with only one leg"
>Everyone sheets hard

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It's Mikasa, look at the scar

I hope it's Jean in the final panel

low effort, at least get the look right, this looks like shit

No one of them has the nose

The scouts helping to genocide their own country is the dumbest thing to happen in this manga.
It's even dumber than Ymir letting the warriors take her to Marley.


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Brainlet here, what do they mean by ''leaving the forest''

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always found it weird how 99% of manga and comics spoonfeed people like his

>Historia hijacks Mikasa’s pregnancy subplot
>Muh Scarf gets shit on
>Jean confirmed winner
Holy shit how are EMfags not killing themselves yet?

Are you sniffing glue or something? Kiyomi doesn’t have a white dad, she’s full not-Japanese.

>Finger, Magath, Annie-chan, Reiner's cousin, Colt's brother, Arnold, Gin, Mikasa-imoutochan, black person, Helena, Commander's time to attack on titan. Also Levi and Johnny, no hard feelings okay?

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So are we getting ants today or tomorrow?

At least Ymir died instead of wanking others

Don't give attention to the forestposters.

The Yeagerists vs the military government. The enemy in that situation is the world's forces preparing to invade.


Based Conner

To be fair to them, they have no fucking,clue whats going on. They don't have Eren's knowledge. All they know is that Eren is trying to commit genocide.

Father is literally Jean

It's Mikasa because of the scar and Jean with the hairstyle. It's all Jean's dream anyway

They died out long ago. It's literally several people shitposting ironically.

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Maybe that's why she died in the first place

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Why has this leaker fag suddenly stopped leaking stuff since hours?

He has said Falco, Gabi, Pieck and Yelena's names before

Chapter when

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Oh no no no

What happened to her? I remember her being active since 2013

>Can hunt
>Can cure while freezing
>Can cook
Is there anyone that can stops Hans?

They always do this

They are trying to breed the smallest angriest human possible. A human chihuahua if you will

Why do you think they're being extremely quiet right now. Usually they're in full spam mode.

Isayama actually cares for Reiner. I thought he will be in jail until he dies when this is over but it seems like Isayama is retarded enough to beleive this kind of punishment is enough.

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Gooks, chinks and leddit all forsake us because the chapter was that bad


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She got bullied by angry EHschizos

Maibe there is juicy staff that happened during the Campfire between warriors and 104s. I expect a good dose of kino between their interactions (mixed with akwardness and spongebob's campfire song)

Started getting cold feet about EM not being canon so latched on to AM as a lifeboat. Other EMfags shat on her a lot so she deleted her accounts.

So what is more edgy? The fanbase watching this for the world ending genocide, or the fanbase that turned this manga into one big episode of Maury?

no, this is how it's supposed to look like

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A cheap drama death to make manlet more pissed and so Armong or Jean can be in charge

rent free

They know Eren is destroying the world for their sake.
The peaceful life Jean always wanted is finally within his grasp. After it was all done he could probably have his own state in the colonies the Empire would have overseas.
Jean would take with him a few families to help build his colony, and probably a few women for him to marry and procreate as much as possible.
Now he's going to lose all of that because he couldn't let go of ONE little thing.

I thought she got bullied by that lunatic EMfag named Onyadikmon or something

Prepare your anus zakefags

Jean is dying too so Armong can be the new commander

Isayama is not to be trusted

Definitely Mikasa, so what’s the context here? Mikasa or Jean having a paths moment?

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Sopa de Bato

That was actually an EMfag, a legit mentally ill one, called onkyleodonyk or something, who bullied her over not being EM enough for his tastes.

someone post the watchmen comic with endless text on it making fun of hxh please that shit was amazing


>just noticed the scar
holy kek


Jean daydreaming


"Eren's going to kill millions of innocent babies across the planet for my sake? What a cool guy!"


On 5ch, they're talking about a certain "traitor". Take this with a grain of salt.


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No it's literally Jean's day dream, unless Eren gives him the attack titan or something and he can see the future as well.

It's probably just a dream. Jean hasn't eaten any shifters recently.

Wait, who's Berwick?

This is a sign...

But he's backstabbing Eren for those shitty babies

>The ending panel could unironically be Jean
What the fuck. Didn't expect that. Guess the only possible contenders are now are Jean or Eren.



The title of the chapter is “night of the apocalypse”

Last page is Floch holding a gun behind Kiyomi

Jean punched Reiner in the face until he’s covered of blood

Fist page is Jean daydreaming he has a baby with Mikasa

They still haven’t reached an agreement but they all blame each other.

Hanji went somewhere everyone talking about their pasts.

Someone is watching them, Levi has troublesome nightmares .

the ones gathering one after another vs Eren Army
there's no way they can come to an agreement but I feel bad for everyone ganging up *cry*

Hanji sure has grown

They're still going on about talking it out...

Also a chapter where we look back one by one on the pasts up to now so it's a very serious/solemn chapter

but they're still ganging up/completely beating up

Laughed at the question and answer this month. Levi looks like he's having nightmares

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Levi looks like Rorschach now, the only thing he's missing is a hat


Sounds like a good exposition chapter

>6 hours since leaks
Just fucking release it already


Marcel's original name before Isayama changed it for the volume's release

>Hanji went somewhere everyone talking about their pasts.
She went to get the poison.

Millions of babies who would grow into adults who hate eldians and wish for their destruction. There's no space for emotions in this matter of life and death.

yeah because we need another 10 of these bfore anything decent happening

so everyone talking about their feelings and beating each other up like in reality tv? Great

This is the most fun I’d had with leaks since chapter 123

>Volume 32 literally starts with Jean dreaming about settling down with the girl he likes and starting a family with her

Hmmmm I wonder what other similar scenes we might get in the next 3 chapters. Maybe something long awaited for the titular Chapter 130?

Yeah we need them, otherwise you fags won't shut up about how "underdeveloped" the cast is. Isayama is covering this right now, have patience.

>I wonder what other similar scenes we might get in the next 3 chapters
death and destruction

The fact that Isayama is actually addressing the Jean/Marco stuff gives me a bit more hope for this chapter. I like that they aren't fucking easily unified behind "fuck ereh".

The next couple of hours are CRITICAL for Shingeki no Kyojin.

based floch trying to save another shit chapter

Why the fuck is the cover not out yet

>death and destruction
...of EM.

Don't worry they will all fall in line behind the mong.

>Jean punched Reiner in the face until he's covered of blood
What the fuck
>first page is Jean daydreaming he has a baby with Mikasa
>they still haven't reached an agreement but they all blame eachother

who would say this lmao

Eren is Femto and the Alliance is the Band of the Hawk


I'm semi-hyped. Just hope that there aren't many art errors and that the art is good in general.

Probably something involving a certain character we haven't seen in a while. A character we KNOW will have a flashback...

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How come Reiner gets punched in the face until he's bloody and Annie gets "le silly pie face xD"?

I told you to belive in the yams since the last chapter ended, you miscredenti.

>Jean still likes Mikasa
Fuckin lame

no, of families and innocents all around the globe

Will EHfags ever stop living vicariously through other ships?

Vol31 on sale 4/9

Eren and Levi's sub story 16 ep published booklet included in special package

Cover is profound/suggestive/pregnant (with meaning)....

No idea

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But user said that would be too cringy and soap operaish for this series

Girls don't like Connor

Annie is a girl.

The worst part is Reiner is actually feels guilty over his actions while Annie had no problem with them

fuck off, reddit

Hey "Peace" Faggots,

My name is Eren Jaegar (Emperor of New Eldia), and I hate every single one of you. All of you are s*y addled, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day cucking for fake refugees. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any FREEDOM? I mean, I guess it's fun betraying your race because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off girls frozen in crystals.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was top 10 in training camp , and current holder of the attack, warhammer and founding titans. What titans do you have, other than "brush your teeth to naked cart titan"? I also get straight PATHS, and have a banging hot babymomma (She just blew me; Shit was SO Ice-Burst). You are all faggots who by your own principles should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my wife

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4 YEARS OF PIE user!

>Hmmmm I wonder what other similar scenes we might get in the next 3 chapters
Historia POV about dreaming of having kids with Dykemir and living together on a farm brough to cruel reality having to settle for donation from Eren or farmer for her own safety sake as the kid goes for the plan.

Because Jean is actually scared of Annie, since she was able to decapitation people in human form withe her kicks (and also she is the main reason why he and Connie didn't died horribly in Trost arc)

She shouldn't be able to turn again right? Ymir was the one building the titans and she seems to have fucked off with Eren or whatever.

>Hanji sure has grown
>Hanji leaving when others are talking about their backgrounds
Whose betting, secret Ackerman, secret Eldian Marleyan, or secret bastard royal?

There's nothing wrong with hitting women

I like Isayama's covers. I hope it's an illustration from him.

This. Hopefully it's the exposition chapter that we desperately need. The fact that it seems to be focusing on Jean/hange instead of Armin gives me hope.

>Eren and Levi's sub story 16 ep published booklet included in special package
>Cover is profound/suggestive/pregnant (with meaning)....
Thanks Isayama for again sucking off fujoshi cocks.



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I'm not from reddit. I just like "YAMS" as joke name addressed to isayama

Because it was literally his fault speeders

only faggots brutalize women

Odd though that Mikasa’s eyes are hidden like Ymir’s in those flashbacks.
Guess he doesn’t specifically say he’s thinking about Mikasa, but you the audience can tell from that hint alone.
Pretty neat to get a glimpse of MILFkasa.

Female Titan has female privileges

What killed the hype?

The Marco shenanigans, he got killed because Reiner had to speak out loud about him and Berthold being the two titans like a retard, otherwise he wouldn't have gotten the beating.

Levi should hate Pieck as much as he does Zeke
Also the scouts have no way to hold Magath or the Warriors to any promise.

>Maybe something long awaited for the titular Chapter 130?
We already had a titular chapter dumbass.

It should probably worry you instead

alluka looking baby

oh wow, Eren better not save this traitor's ass this time

Fuck the world, you dumbass cuckold.

It's out

Because they're defenseless like children. But Annie isn't.

Floch is carrying the manga on his back after Eren is missing.

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Isayama needs to pleace everyone not just you egdetard.

Trost part was anime filler but I'd buy him assuming she can kick his ass

>baby only Mikasa's features
why does he hat himself so much?

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>kills those two so Armin can be commander

Jean is gonna sympathize with Eren when he tells them that he's the father and he wont stop the Rumbling because of what it would mean for his family. Screencap this

This more looks like female Eren x Jeanbro than Mikasa.
Jean idolised version of Mikasa has nothing to do with reality and is as cringe worthy like Reiner's Christa waifu.

Marco's death is 99.9% BR's mistake and Marco's death was 99.9% of the reason why Jean didn't join the MPs.

Bad writing

this. Annie isn't your average women, she could literally murder Jean bare handed

So chapter should out in 3 hours?


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>Jean's dream life is getting fat again

>she has long hair because of jeanbo's fetish
kek also literal boomer

Is this Falco's own Astrid?

Alliance is going at each other throats, suddenly Historia show up riding on a cart lead by farmer and horses.
She tells them they can't stop and they need to confront Eren for everyone sake and Eren wants it himself for the good of all Eldains.

Mikasa would never let Annie do anything. She's literally stronger than peak Manlet at this point. And Mikasa is armed.

you fucking piece of shit.

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Don't look into it too much, it's probably nothing anyway. Although, being a Jeanfag, it's nice to finally see him get some screen time.

That's just girly Mikasa, not the manly twink with a Bieber haircut she mangled herself into, in hopes of some Ereh attention.

>gets to have a baby with his asian qt oneitis while growing into a fat balding boomer
Based Jean.

not even the same eyebrows

Because of this speedreader

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Gabi already loves him more than Astrid loves Armong

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wtf hisusisters

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And mindbroken.

Only Jean can make Mikasa smile?

>Hange went somewhere while everyone was talking about their pasts

Post link faggot. All I see is talks about Grisha.

Is there any """"fanbase"""" as insecure as EMkeks? It speaks loudly for the average EMkek tho, these posts scream leftism.

I didn't see Reiner eating any pie so...


I bet she has some pent up rage accumulating and is eager to kill something.

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Post link

Nice try,

Pls no. Killing Jean or Hange to prop up Armong would be absolutely horrible.

I thought the ones that said that were YHfags

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Wtf. Fucking hell Isayama, at least you should have made them interact a little.

Please give me Zeke back, I miss him so much.

You are all disgusting fagots for daring to water him with dirt now suffer with these shitty characters and shippers shit.

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Did she drink the wine? She didn’t turn right, and we still don’t know any shit about her past, possibly a marleyan.

Oh annie being sad here makes up for all the scouts she happily murdered and the thousands of paradisians who died thanks to her bringing the pure Titans on the day they broke the wall.
Oh poor annie. Oh,she misses her dad too.

With that thinking we should have killed all the germans after ww2 for fear of another hitler.
You don't go killimd millions just for fear

Neither of those would make sense in my opinion. Maybe she just hates her past and we will hear her sob story without her showing to the others.

Is Annie supposed to get away scot free because she felt bad about it? She participated too.

Hanjo's design looks marleyan to me. Maybe her dad was a spy and impregnated an eldian

No she isn't but the whole Marco thing is completely BR fault.

There are far more reasons to be pissed at both Reiner and Annie than the Marco bullshit. If Reiner is getting beat to a bloody pulp then so should Annie.

>it's another Jerry Springer chapter

She's a secret Reiss/Ackerman

>Jean daydreaming
This is fucking pathetic. He’s even more pathetic than Reiner now.

She will get away with it because she ate a pie, ok?

Bit Jean is beating him up just because of Marco, why would he beat Annie?

She is Xaver's daughter


Manlet should fucking break Annie.
Or Eren, since he was also part of the Levi squad when Annie wiped them out.

For also taking part in the genocide that nearly destroyed their homeland? For killing half the SL in his first expedition? For not regretting anything she did despite the fact that they are about to undo Eren's genocide also for their sakes?

Germans can't turn into mindless man eating giants.

Germans don't have a SUPER giant impossible to tell him apart from the others who is literally a walking nuke a town, especially considering if he dies another at random inherit it the nuke.

Germans don't have a god-like entity who can transform and command every German into these giants at will.

And you're an impaired moron.

Jean just cares about Marco, who cares for the who's.

Annie gave Manlet's veteran squad a quick, painless and honorable deaths after a decent life. Meanwhile BR's mistake gave good kid Marco a slow, painful and pitiful teen death

>entire chapter is the cuckliance sitting around the campfire talking about their feelings
For the love of god this is beyond gay, please switch to Eren, Historia, Floch fucking anybody except these losers, even old man Leonhart just not this gay shit.

>thank you, Annie for only slicing my neck while horribly killing me. You deserve pies!

She just saved zeke, basically she did what he did alwais with eren since Trost arc (lol piek is basically zeke' s Ackerman in that way), plus I don't see reasons why the warriors should betray the SCs, RA have literally 0 reasons for do that, piek just want the eldians in the mainland being safe in Magath have literally zero problems with the eldians (he canonically consider them as humans) and only accepted Willy's plan because at time was the only way to protect Marley from any kind of aggression from military stronger countries, but he would accept any other possible way to allow that, even siding with Paradis.