Tonikaku Kawaii Anime

October 2020

Still no Komi-san anime, huh.

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Is that Hayate and Hinagiku?

No, this is the author apologizing with a Not!Hayate and Not!Hina married

I can't help but think that Hata is wanking his own marriage with this manga.

kind of.

>Tonikaku got anime before Komi-san


between this and uzaki, kominiggers got roasted as they deserve

I cant wait for dork lewd moments.

Hayate and Hithena

I never understood the appeal of Komi anyways.

You mean Not!Athena, because she's a lot closer personality-wise.

I wonder if they'll include the more suggestive extras from the tanks.

I suppose they still haven't consummated their love after 100 chapters of being married and we still don't know more about what she is, except for the obvious clues and speculation?

You're retarded if you think they haven't done it yet

Well we already know that nasa knows that something was already different about tsukasa before they met. (recent chapter)
Tsukasa is probably immortal(to an extent) and i think she has damage relocation abilities and thats why nasa was alive.

I mean before they started living together.
also this.
those two dorks are too god damn horny.

Nah, he just hugged her gently.

No, you are retarded if you assume they had sex without evidence. I only read some early chapters before getting bored of it and just wanted my suspicions to be confirmed or denied.

To think I used to love Hayate many years ago. Was Hata always such a hack and I was just blind?


Why are you so bitter, user?

The one-shot was adorable. I can't stand the series though, dropped it only a few chapters in.

>October 2020


Is it that popular to get an anime?

Post the buffet of handholding

>literally everything getting an anime before Komi

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>announced one day after Hina's birthday
missed the chance

Komi peaked a year ago, both the series quality and sales have gone down.

So, when we can expect Komi's author go ballistic like Hoshino's.

I hope so. I want manbagi to win.

Hayate does missed Hina's birthday, doesn't he?

So you haven't read it but you know better than the people that have.

>sales have gone down
Where are the proofs

Just swinging by to say kohai is best kawaii.

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Unless something happened in the latest 20 chapters they didn't have sex yet. Hata would not show it, but he would never miss a chance to brag about it via some very obvious hints.

Nasa blushes like crazy just over the idea of her changing or bathing. I seriously doubt he's done it yet.

Hata please continue with Ad Astra instead thanks

They have sex in omake chapters since vol. 3 or so.

Damn, we're getting a lot more Sunday anime all of a sudden

She is closer to Hina before she fallen in love with Hayate. Athena is more violent & posh.

This is awesome. Greatest news I've seen today. I am so happy!
Anime of the year here we fucking go!

I wonder if the editor-in-chief changed or something.
>first Maou-ju
>now this
Now we just need Sheriff Evans.


She's more like a mix between Hinagiku, Athena and Nagi.

Feel like she got all the good parts.

They already do the DID. Try reading the omeke

Am I the only one who doesn't like her?
She's too smug for me everytime I see her.

>To think I used to love Hayate many years ago. Was Hata always such a hack and I was just blind?
No, back when Hayate was good, the author wasn't afraid to do silly experimentation that just felt right in spite of being nonsensical. He then flipped to same chapter printer mode completely, across several mangas.

They fuck on the regular. It's implied very heavily and there's a chapter about the first time they have sex even though none of that is on screen, obviously.

I re-checked all omake chapters and while they are definitely lewder than the manga, they still act pretty innocent. They are indeed just hugging/cuddling/kissing.
Hata is taking things slowly. And I agree it probably would ruin the charm of this manga if they immediately started fucking like rabbits.

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HnG was genuinely fun at the beginning. The End of the World was insanely good and showed that Hata could pull a serious arc if he wanted. Finally, the story peaked in Greece arc and it was all downhill from there.
God it'd have been such a good read if the story ended there.


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are you the user who walked her home gently?

You should try fapping more often if sex is the only thing in your retarded brain. Why would a girl be so embarrassed to be seen in her underwear if they already had sex?

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Hayate S1 anime adaptation was superior to shitty manga

>To you, the immortal in October
>now this
Can't wait

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>Why would a girl be so embarrassed to be seen in her underwear if they already had sex?
>holding nips to the same standard as degenerated westerners
Congrats on your retardation, bro

>literally just a manga about Hata bragging about his married life
Utterly based.

You can have sex while being embarrassed.

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Yes, nips are not humans, but elves. Hata repeats this pattern throughout the whole manga.
The last omake was the lewdest one so probably their first sex will be in the next or the one after it.

Boring and uninteresting after chapter 20

Komi is shit anyway
Senryuu is better.

Conan author is dying.
They need a new big thing before he collapses.

didnt Komi introduce some really unnecessary drama?

A love triangle in a manga named after the main girl.

Abe's desperate, and with coronavirus spreading left and right, he can't take any chances with just a romcom.

Juliet did it the best. It resolved its love triangle (and any possible future drama) in 7th chapter.

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>They haven't had sex yet
He was literally licking her pussy in 89.5

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And was groping her tits while making out with her in 98

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But did he penetrate her?

Bet they'll have the VAs on point.

It got dull later on to me, dropped it at 69.

>for years Maria fags were like 'where's the Maria arc you promised, Hata?'
>then came the extras in the final volume and people were suddenly glad Maria arc got cut

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If Tsukasa is voiced by Itou Shizuka I'm going to laugh my ass off.

I will forever remain utterly assmad about Maria getting shafted.

I'm still assmad.

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>manga ended
>hey, guys, did you know that Maria is Hayate's sister? fufu
>also she always knew about it
I dropped that manga long before the final volume, yet I still was angry. I promised to never touch anything from this hack ever again. But here I am. Hata honestly understood his mistakes and now only writes what his fans want to see. It might be a little bit boring, but it doesn't make anyone angry.

This is the correct interpretation of the manga.

Does the manga have any pantyshots?

None. It's still pretty lewd though.

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I think the closest time was when he was sick

Why not when Hayate had some?

>Hata honestly understood his mistakes and now only writes what his fans want to see
We have to wait and see.
The three main problems with HnG were:
>having to juggle around a shit load of characters
>plot became a mess
>harem inherently makes a group of people mad.
He solved the harem part but he can still fuck up the other two.

Is Abe funding this show?

>plot became a mess
It's more he can't stop taking fucking detours in the last few arcs. People call it the doujin namek arc for a reason, the fucker keep making up side quests instead of just getting on with the main plot of the arc. He just need to trim the fat for the last few volumes.

>More hetflops
Third time's a charm

They NEED to cast Shizuka Itou as Tsukasa so this series really can become Hinagiku's Revenge

Coomer detected


Pretty sure after a couple of those cutaway endings where it seemed like something happened there was a chapter where it was confirmed they still hadn't fucked yet and were still embarrassed about even just kissing.

>inb4 Tsukasa is Masumin herself, making the MC literally be Hata's self-insert.

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There's an omake where he confirms he's never seen her naked (in that bath chapter she made him turn the lights off first). I don't think they're having sex, I think the author just likes teasing the readers.


They've had sex but with the lights off, under the bedsheets and with lots of handholding.

I hope it stays SoL and they never reveal Tsukasa's background She's an immortal alien!

They were engaging in foreplay outside during the camping trip. Turning off the lights is just modesty and an aversion to embarrassment. There’s no way they aren’t fucking already.

There's now way Hata would not create a whole arc about them getting to fuck for the first time.

And Hamster was written out with no conclusion to what she is doing at the end of the manga.

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There's occasional nudity and swimsuits but no cheap pantyshots.

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>having all love interests never move on is best


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Those feelings can't disappear in an instant. She gave up, accepted her loss and was slowly moving on.

>is coming up next

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god another disingenuous romcom. author gets married at 40 to a va and then writes about how great life is. an inspiration truly

This shit is getting an anime?

This whole manga turned to crap after Leon's arc.

It's not Hayate. A very essential part of his character was suffering and bad luck despite his talent. Nasa is just fucking boring.
I liked this at first but holy shit, it's been nothing but fluff, and not even the interesting kind. Good for the ones who are tired of dramafagging in romcoms but watching others having a blissful and uneventful happy life is not something you can stand for long.

>Licking pussy is the same as ejaculating in your wife
Did he bang her? No

Dude must have a massively long tongue. That's no where near her pussy

But it ended with multiple time skips. If I remember she became an actor but she never had a spouse or boyfriend.

>Hata got another anime adaptation
How can other WSS authors can compete?

>but watching others having a blissful and uneventful happy life is not something you can stand for long.
Only depressed teenagers can't stand it that's why they like shounen

I fucking know right? It outright said that next chapters would focus on those two but then, it just didn't? I mean all the chapters after it have been very good and plot focused, but why lie?

Yes, Anime are pretty much advertisements.
So either this is super popular (and it aint considering if it was then we would see it on the sales treads) or have reached a point they are going to use a anime to try boost sales.

>If I remember she became an actor but she never had a spouse or boyfriend.
That doesn't mean she hasn't moved on. See 5toubun, now that's an example of heroines never moving on.

Not that user, but the important part in that post is "not something you can stand for long." so is not implying is unwatchable or anything, just that after some time it becomes boring, this manga has 101 chapters and I agree with the sentiment, even then there are people who can enjoy for what it is, but if you have read it, the manga has become stale just more of the same, and is not like a sitcom that kind of works because most people do not watch all the episodes or forgot about them and do not notice the continuos use of the same jokes over and over.
Is not a bad manga, but saying that only depreseed teenagers cannot stand it is stupidity in its purest form.

Okay jumpfag.

>So either this is super popular (and it aint considering if it was then we would see it on the sales treads)
It was at 900k with 7 volumes out. It does sell well.

The first 10-20 chapters were pretty good. I don't even remember when i dropped it.

Tony kaku is kawaii

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I hope we get this chapter

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Do you guys never read SoL or what? Showing mundane, uneventful life is literally the point of these series.

>slow brained

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That's not what the story is about though (it's about the 'cuteness' of young wives). If you don't think their intimacy isn't already assumed then you are daft as a shounen harem protag.

>it was then we would see it on the sales treads
The top of sales charts are dominated by WSJ series, plus another couple of super popular manga like AoT and Kingdom. Regular popular manga only show up once in a while when a new volume is released.

They need to animated the super lewd omake.

But this is a shounen manga.