ITT characters who did everything right

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If anyone here says they wouldn't betray everyone else for some prime vampire loli pussy, they're fucking liars.

fuck off commie

He did everything fucking wrong.
I'd do the same exact thing by the way.

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The ending literally ruined the show, made 0 sense

No. it was the doc who made everything right.
The shiki could have just drank blood from one person, then let that person regenerate blood and meanwhile drink from a next. they could have coexisted but instead chose to murder the whole fucking village and this retard would just let it happen. And even if they couldnt have coexisted he would still sell out his fellow villagers just because the shiki didnt choose to become what they are. He watched his village get slaughtered by outsiders but didnt do anything about. Isnt a priest supposed to help his people? It was the Doc who did everything right.

>had only one goal in mind, to become a demon so he could be with his kitsune NBR sister forever
>went apeshit to achieve it
>unlike goody-two-shoes Senya he's happy with his waifu for 200 years now

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Guess again faggot.

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Doc was a true hero of the people.

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He did everything wrong but i cant blame him, loli vampire pussy game is too strong. Doc is the one who did everything right.

These guys get it.

the only mentally stable girl

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>btfos butthurt autist who stole super powerful mythical gundam by tricking him into using forbidden weapons then retaliating with an OP as fuck forbidden weapon railgun squad
>effortlessly blows protag's army away from orbit, has based monkey girl score the glory kill on protag
>takes good care of his loyal comrades as they recover from their injuries and move on with their new lives as heroes
>bans child soldiers, ensures orphans are well cared for, reformed the government to make it fairer and more democratic, giving peace princess everything she was pointlessly fighting for anyway
>an undisputed great leader who bought peace and liberty for all

The moral of the story is don't join some shitty rebel space yakuza PMC.

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It sounds like I should finish IBO.

except for like two scenes, you really should watch it all


(except trying to NTR Welkin in the anime adaptation)

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We hate him for two reasons. One because he's a filthy traitor who's treachery was rewarded with not just pristine ageless loli puss but immortality as well so that he basically gets to slam said loli puss raw every day for eternity if he wishes, on top of getting superpowers with no drawbacks or weaknesses at all. The second reason is because we aren't him because most anyone would kill to have a setup that perfect.
This man right here gets it.

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>no drawbacks or weaknesses
So he'll be able to be a vampire and be out in the sun

>no drawbacks or weaknesses
Losing the privilege of going out during the day. He can't do it anymore or he will die.

Only if the vampire in question is not a fucking retard that intentionally violates the masquerade, gets all of her ghouls and kindred killed and then has to spend the rest of her life running away because she couldn't stand to play the long game and instead wanted to bruteforce human compliance. Sunako was a fucking idiot, if she wanted a big vampire family she should have gradually introduced her influence into the human society and contacted those on the verge on death or afraid of dying to have them become the prime candidates for turning first. Instead she set herself up as the obviously most suspicious entity, sired a bunch of confused newbloods that had no idea how anything works, fed them lies about their family members becoming converted after death to encourage unmitigated predation, even though a vampire didn't need more than a glass of blood, encouraging them to drain their victims until the point of death and predictably causing a fucking sea of blood in the end.

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Weren't the werewolves allowed to go out during the day? It's been a while since I watched it. The loli still has vampire weaknesses but that's easy to work around as long as you can get about during the day, evidently she fits into a briefcase so you could just do the Nezuko thing with her during daytime.

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They were, but the werewolves weer an incredibly rare mutation and your chances of becoming one instead of a regular shiki were slimmer than winning the lottery.

Who said we were allies in the first place?

My dog

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>incredibly rare mutation
Wasn't the implication that the vampires just needed to not drain the prey of blood and the virus or whatever would do the rest to transform the living body into a "werewolf".

Weren't Doc, Faggot Monk and Ritsuko childhood friends?

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I'm not a disgusting pedo so I wouldn't, but besides that everything this user says is true.

Are you people only pretending to be retarded, because you're not doing a very good job.The villagers and especially that psycho doc were the real monsters. What kind of normal human treats everything and everyone different than what and who they know with such hatred? Doc was a prime example of a sociopath. Everyone in that village acted like some culturally/mentally stunted people who viewed everything outside their small world as something illogically bad, while they themselves were no better.

Ozaki, get the stake.

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I think it was established that you have to willingly give the vampire your blood to become a "werewolf".

And what the hell do you think you're gonna do to me with that little wooden toothpick you Heihachi wannabe?

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Select all images with tractors

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Too bad for you. I'm a werewolf. Good luck with that. I'll give you a head start so you better begin to run. I haven't had a good workout in centuries.

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He was unironically based, fuck normalfags.


Fuck this fag for killing he based old guy

The villagers had a right to defend themselves since they were being slaughtered indiscriminately by the invading vampires. And it's very normal for distant closed off communities to be wary or even hostile towards strangers, they are a remote village and not some urbanite people. I can't see how they were the real monsters for defending themselves once the situation reached critical mass. Sure, some shiki were innocent and were simply misguided, manipulated people taken advantage of by Sunako and her idiotic scheme, becoming collateral damage when humans turned to violence, but majority of them simply transformed into starving bloodsuckers that had to be put down. Ozaki suffered a breakdown after feeling completely powerless to stop the vampires from invading his hospital and gleefully preying on his patients, he was a doctor first and foremost and a doctor's duty is saving human lives, not vampire lives and to save those lives he decided to go any distance. As far as he was concerned his wife was no longer a human being, but a dead body inhabited by a host of parasitic species and his medical experiments only served to prove him right.

Neither villagers nor vampires were monsters.
They just couldn't exist together.

The Shiki started it first. They could've done it non-lethal way but they decided killing people.
Most of the Shikis are evil except the nurse and MC's boyfriend.

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And it's very normal for distant closed off communities to be wary or even hostile towards strangers, they are a remote village and not some urbanite people. I can't see how they were the real monsters for defending themselves once the situation reached critical mass.

Sure it's good to be wary of strangers and that's fine, it happens everywhere, but outright hostile? It doesn't matter where they live in the least. That behavior is not normal. They remind me of that one tribe from North Sentinel Island or some kind of sect.

Maybe you also missed the part where shiki were being found in sewers among all different places? Just tie them up with ropes or chains, lock them up sowehere where they can't escape from and try to figure out if you can cure them. If you can't come up with anything then the most logical thing to do next would be calling the government. Case closed.

Ozaki was just mentally unstable individual. Do you think every doctor has a breakdown when he or she can't save patients assigned to them. They just accept that since that's how life is, deal with it and move on to do their job. He breaks under some serious stress where he shouldn't and starts acting like Mengele along the way losing his humanity while claiming he fights with monsters who were once, but are not human anymore. Both humans and shiki were at fault here.

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But the monk chose the bourgeois side
True communist reporting in.

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>Just tie them up with ropes or chains, lock them up sowehere
That's easier said than done given their superhuman strength and immunity to tranquilizers and sedatives of any kind as well as minor powers of hypnotic suggestion. They should have called the government, true, but then the plot would have collapsed.

I don't think there was a doctor in history that had to deal with fucking vampires outside of the hospital building taunting him that the has no hope of stopping them and winning against them and that they're going to keep killing people and then kill him. It's not like his breakdown happened out of the blue. Both sides were at "fault" but the instigator was Sunako and the blame for everything lies on her.

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Doc did the right thing. The shiki weren't simply "just different", they were a hostile species preying on human. While they were sentient beings, no exactly because they were sentient beings, they had a choice. Only a very few of them chose not to hunt their former friends and families.

what the fuck is this gets edging, best dads deserve gets.

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>They should have called the government, true, but then the plot would have collapsed
I think there was a reason why doc thought calling for outside's help wouldn't make it in time, but yeah it's been 10 years so I might be wrong.

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Rage beard is unironically best boy of the decade.

Fuck off reactionary

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>Crushed by machines of labour
Every time.

Truly best girl

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You guys realize that both him and the Loli have to kill in order to survive? They pose a threat to humanity and will eventually spread the virus like they did before is it's better to kill them now than risk the future of the human race.

You do realize there are places like blood banks right? Who's to say they can't fake some papers and write that the girl needs to have blood transfusions at home. Blood will be delivered meals will be had and no humans will be hurt.


They don't actually, a single shiki needs no more than a glass of blood per day on average and in a big city you could easily rotate bite victims without having to kill anyone. People were being killed by shiki because Sunako was retarded and told them to kill them because obviously if you drain them of all blood they will raise from the dead and then you will live happily ever after with your immortal family!

Is that sanitary?

They're immune to pathogens, the bites themselves cause no more than a minor inflammation that such perforations usually do. Ozaki had difficulties even finding the places where the old woman admitted with severe anemia was bitten in.

Well if its good enough for Ozaki its good enough for me. Living with my family forever here I come!

Comrade Vasily, get the tractor.

If they won't try to create another vampire village and will just live for themselves everything should be fine

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>The villagers and especially that psycho doc were the real monsters.
Yeah, fucking psychopaths, who in their right mind tries to protect his own life and life of his loved ones, right?
I really hope your shitpost is bait.

Are you really that stupid user. Most vampires didn't have to be killed. Besides they would have risen up anyways so that doesn't really count.

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Gay Priest got fucked over by Emporio and the Ireneverse wasn't the universe he wanted. Valentine on the other hand managed to achieve his goals even after dying.

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>What kind of normal human treats everything and everyone different than what and who they know with such hatred?

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>Say that humans aren't different than animal so they can drink their blood.
>Get buttmad when they act like animals and kills them.
Every single time with those villains.

>Besides they would have risen up anyways so that doesn't really count.
Are you sure you watched the anime? Not everyone rises.

They were 1% out of the remaining 99%

Least Senya has a mistress to fall back on

I will not deny it. However, the way he obtained that vampire pussy is still bullshit.

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I like how this guy realizes he wants to be a traitor after Kaori comes to him having a mental breakdown about everyone she knew being hunted by the shiki. He was such a cuck to the end where a big burly werewolf wants some blood, and he's on the verge of death, he happily extends his arm to give some of his final drops away to his potential killer. He's the type that would have his mac book robbed by a black and then be happy that such an unfortunate soul is now able to enjoy a computer.

Doesn't look like he has much of an interest in her
1 visit in 20 years

So you're saying it's okay to treat everything and everyone new to you, no matter if it's new things or people you meet with hostility without learning about said stuff or getting to know new people? Do you really think that everyone does that or is that common only for you?

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