Waifu thread

Post your waifu and rate

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Chise unironicly

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No one's gonna bother rating as usual.

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God I derped hard right here

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It's hard to rate when you don't know the show.

Why do you make these threads at 4 am


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Why would you want people to rate your waifu anyway, i wish this faggot would just make a normal thread. I dont need any of you pieces of shit rating her

Do you never sleep or eat or take a shit?

I am eternal

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Slay my heart/10

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I'm not saying I want people to rate her. It's just that people not bothering to rate anyone here is a fact and that the OP is pretty much pointless.

cute and very fun to look at especially her hair

She's great (although the show is not.) I've seen much more flattering pictures of her, though; I'm not sure why you always use that one.

If I had seen her show I would be able to rate her. She looks cheery, though. Cheery is good.

They really don't feature her with her hair down a lot. No figs like that, either.

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I think the first time I realized she was different was when she was willing to just shell out treasures to buy cool magical shit off Xelos.
Kind of a neat mix of pragmatic personality with mystical arts.

She looks a bit scary, but that's probably a reflection on me. I'm sure she's a fine person.

Random thought: when anime girls wear glasses, I'm worried they will slip off, because anime noses aren't big enough to support glasses.


But that is a man.

That's probably why she looks scary.

Good taste/10

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Rating a man's waifu (if she's been posted with a sincere and open heart) is just about the rudest thing you can do, I think. That doesn't mean you can't offer comments though.

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nah, Tanya is a tomboy. That's what we call girls with minds of boys.

female body with a male soul trapped inside by sonzai x-su. its part of the story

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Yes? Like every other genderbender out there. Tanya will succumb to the dick eventually

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itll be vishas dick

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Kill it. With fire. Right now.


Good taste

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this is a man

For me, it's Shana. The best tsundeRie.

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Great taste user! One of the best girls of the 90s and the best of Slayers.

Here is mine.

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I watched Hayate and loved Nagi.
Then I watched Zero and loved Louise.
Then I watched Toradora and loved Taiga.
Then I discovered something.
Shakugan no Shana is next. Can she possibly pull it off a fourth time?

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That looks like her daughter, but I thought her daughter had silver hair? What's going on?

Shana was the first and the rest were her clones with less character than her. You will either love her the most out of them all, or dislike her if you have grown up from your tsundere phase duo to overexposure.

Do you label it vol 5 chapter 5 to make it seem more legit?

nah. you can find it in volume 5 chapter 5

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Nope. I checked.

then youre lying or you cant search for shit

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Based and OHOHOpilled

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Huh her nendo looks really good.

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Someone needs to be neutered like a filthy animal for his own good.

For me, it's Tsugumi

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I feel ya underrated bro

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my wife
annoying brat/10

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shes so perfect

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I rate everyone's waifu a 10/10.

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My wife is perfect for me

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Very good taste

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No, you are temporary, Doom is eternal

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Cute Akki
2004 up to now and I still love mine

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are direct slayers threads still verboten

Why is that?

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used to have weekly threads, then one time it got nuked
only seen tangentially related threads ever since

your waifu is unpure and shit

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