Can Touma stop Misaka's Railgun?

or it would torn his hand with kinetic energy?

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She never used railgun on Touma so i guess the latter

Well since you're so curious why don't we shoot a coin at mach 5 into your hand and see what happens?

Pretty sure he did that in the first season

It should fuck him up but he can probably do it anyways because fuck physics

cancel that it was something else

Coming up with an explanation on how he beat the accelator would be more confusing

What would happen if Gunha punched Accelerator?

No but accel can.

IB would block his defenses and make it no different than a normal fist fight, right?

Considering in Raildex Personal Reality encompasses all the shit that's caused by an esper's abilities I'd say yes.

He can nullify supernatural things, the arcade token she uses is not supernatural, so probably not.

if he could punch her hand as she was doing it sure. A fistbump would cancel it. But if she managed to fire it off then no, he'd just subconsciously use his MC powers to dodge it.

half of the raildex characters can block a railgun easily

She shoots him in Railgun Season 1. He seemed fine there.


You keep reminding me of that shit asspull victory. Never have I seen more obvious plot armor.

You do realize Accel can throw trucks at him, right? Tomua a shit that should have died.

Why didn't Misaka throw rails on Touma like she did vs Accel? Would be easy win

>touma can stop millions of biribiri volts
>touma could accidentally drop a toaster in bath and die

how does that even work

One of them isn't magic

Yes. Touna can stop kinetic energy if it caused by magic or ESP.

What the hell ie gunhas power again?

>Accelerator's calculation is fast that can avoid attacks from a supersonic enemy
>loses a fist fight to a high school boy that can only use one arm in the fight

You sure? It just seem like he “reflects” them instead of actually avoiding them.

Doesn't want to murder him.

The Manga actually shows her doing this in the Bridge Confrontation, if I remember right. Touma stops the Railgun cold.

It comes up in one of the few fights where the enemy can hit him

I love Kamikoto
post cute Kamikotos

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>Never have I seen more obvious plot armor.
Read a few of Hamazura's fights, I think you'll be blown away.

God are we sure these characters are level 0?They have the strongest plot armor.

Is it ever explained? If not my guess is the ability to overcome or do anything through sheer willpower?

Touma can stop Mikoto's railgun with his juicy boipussy.

The people that can hit him are not even that fast. They just used some “trick” to bypass his power. I doubt Kihara was moving at supersonic speed.

That's just Kamachi's male MC's, he's extremely bad at writing believable fights with them. Probably except Accelerator but he gets way too many upgrades and Touma's IB prevents him from dying.
In any case you'll have to bear with it in this franchise.
There's heavy favouritism involved.

Bros, I've just started GT1. Should MisaMisa really be fighting still? I thought they became closer in NT.

why doesn't misaka get hit with the recoil of her rail gun?

They weren't fighting, Mikoto just ditched Misaki but she doesn't complain when Misaki clings to her. Moreover in NT12 they both individually thought they would ditch the other but Mikoto predicted her actions. In any case, a buddy-buddy scene isn't the only thing that depicts closeness, they clearly know each other better.

Because she launches the coin, visualises rails infront of her and accelerates the coin forward via electromagnetism.

>Mikoto predicted her actions
Isn't that something she would have done already even if they didn't go through the Corozon arc together?

A magnetically accelerated projectile produces much less moment-to-moment recoil force than one fired by a chemical explosion.
Also, her "railgun" is magic that doesn't even need physical rails

Idk man, she didn't predict Misaki would betray her in 22R and he predicted it here, pretty much goes to show she knows Misaki better.

Have patience MisaMisafag, Kamachi really isn't dropping this stuff. It's just he had to separate Misaki out and focus on the clones, hence he made Mikoto do that in a comedic way. Also certain aspects of Mikoko's abilities, her pwoers had to be showcased, other girls had to introduced and Touma had to be shown to be able to tackle both magic and science side threats, Accelerator's plan. It's an introductory volume so it had a lot to establish


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Hahaha Mikoto's afraid to interview herself while Touma his to interview with someone lmao

Accel is not going to stay in jail for long. But not because he will be forced out of it because of circumstances and shit happening.
He will go on trial and in the end will be found not guilty. Of course the whole cast of the novels will testify for him, he's changed.

Kamikoto heals the soul

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The fuck is wrong with his neck?

Maybe Mikoto didn't want to be a famous celebrity because she's way too dangerous lol

Shit development.

Touma can stop Railgun, including kinetic energy.
t. Railgun chapter 7

Attached: x9.jpg (983x1400, 824.52K) but really, what the fuck is Arata doing? This has to be on purpose.

Yeah, it contradicts the novels.

Fuyukawa's Touma is ugly as sin

Accelerator didn't take into account Touma's unspoken debuff ability, which is the power to lower the IQ and critical thinking skills of anyone he's fighting.
This is why characters who have been trained and/or on the battlefield for years suddenly can't adapt to new situations and beat him.

Accelerator was a moron and tried to fist-fight him,it happens when you have been the strongest all your life. He deserved to get the snot beaten out of him and moreover Mikoto and the clones interfered by rewinding the windmills.

Even if that were the case, Touma could still "redirect it" like he does with many other attacks aimed at him.

He couldn't if it was something like a beam sure, but the coin? The momentum wouldn't be cancelled so easily. Also unless he was 50 metres away the coin also wouldn't melt. She really only used the Railgun on him in NT13.

Hamazura was a mistake. He offers nothing to the story

I'm used to him at this point. He is Kamachi's favorite character so he is bound to get important roles, I kinda skim through his parts, some portions are still tolerable but overall he feels like chugged down your throat.

>He is Kamachi's favorite character

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He did say in one of the interviews that Hamazura is one of his favourites.


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One of his favorites is different from being the singular favorite. Authors can have 5, 10, or 20+ favorites. They rarely ever give straight answers.

Even if he didn't outright say it look at the rest of the cast and how well he treats Hamazura, it's not hard to surmise.

Not really, no. There's no grounds to call him that other than talking out of your ass. Touma, Mikoto, Accelerator, Othinus, or whoever can be his favorite too. Unless there's a direct source, it's a meaningless claim.

I would find it amusing if Accelerator does get found not guilty somehow and that part of his plan is entirely ruined.

> magic

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It was never explained. It's still a mystery, but from observation it's kinda like he transforms his "guts" or "willpower" into kinetic energy.

Even just ignoring the weird anatomy, his covers are all the same "Accel doing a pose" gimmick. This one doesn't even have anything to do with the current arc. Where is Full Course, where is the ship, where is his hospital clothing? It's completely phoned in.

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>Top mage can bend reality
>Top esper is disable guy that can only use his power for short time with hearing aid
How can science side even compete?
Inb4 Anti art attachment cant even close power gap

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Top esper gets bullshit power-ups for free and has plot armor, you can't top that.

Didn't the magical God person say if Gunha knew the nature of his power he would be much more of a threat to him? Know he caught the rail gun with just his teeth casually

I may sound like a fag for posting this, but does it get better with the character interactions in NT? I thought that the later volumes of the original series focuses way too much on lore with the gods and stuff, and honestly, that shit bores me.

It does get somehwhat better but still has a long way to go.

Yeah. He's like a weaker Superman combined with Jean Grey in an otherwise semi-realistic world.

Can you paraphrase don't understand?

Can't really blame Fuyukawa for that one since Kamachi technically did write that it worked on the railgun at the time. Afterwards he just threw it into limbo more-or-less afterwards since it would contradict IB only killing momentum for attacks currently undergoing supernatural power like Maidono's TK tethers.

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Hopefully, in any case having their relationship again build up would feel stupid and repetitive.

Guts based power ups for the situation. His power changes as needed

Actually Misaki and Mikoto haven't really built up a relationship yet. Both of them were collaborating because of common goals, yeah Misaki did travel to London with Mikoto but Mikoto primarily did it to protect her father and Misaki only probably travelled when she heard that Touma was there.
In any case I feel GT is where they'll actually move forward. With GT1 I felt as if Mikoto was breaking that makeshift relationship they had and from this point forth it'll probably be something genuine.


Kakine is dabbing on Shitccelerator with art alone.

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Hopefully, Mikoto's development is so slow, I hope she gets a better deal in GT, her relationship with Misaki actually moves her character forward and vice-versa. So maybe we'll be getting them together as a package.

kinetic force is still a physical phenomena the same as Stiyl's fire, if esper powers created it it can be stopped, as though the coin never had that force exerted on it.

The question is, does it stop the coin from being a superheated, super fast mass of FUCK YOU? It seems to cancel shit like Accel's vector manipulation but would it also stop the coin and cool it down?

That depends if they are still on the electromagnetic rails I think she uses to fire the coin. Otherwise it's no different than Accel launching shit at him. He's just going to move.

The coin is accelerated so it will pack a punch. Which is the reason why LPR was that powerful, Mikoto didn't use the friction as brakes and Misaki coated the coin and kept calculating to keep the coating intact.

Ollerus is the person I think you are referring to. He isn't a Magic God btw, just a candidate to have become one and should have become one.

I've honestly stopped caring about the railgun anime until dream ranker comes around, so this is what I'm looking forward to the most this month.

He can only stop reflection, not vector manipulation itself. That's a good question about the coin though.

Yeah, I enjoyed dream Ranker more than Daihaseisai actually, so I'm looking forward to that one too.

JS06 Biohacker impression:

[Spoiler]A lot more of the Gokusai Sisters than I was expecting.

It's stated more than once that the 1st esper would have been a Level 5 if the Level system had existed in her time. So soon after Maidono, this feels like the start of a trend of espers who have Level 5 powers but didn't get the official rank because reasons. [/Spoiler]

Kamachi just continually shits on all the current level 5's except Accelerator more and more.

At this point Accelerator should be on his own level but the level 5 thing has pretty much been a joke since Mugino was defeated by Hamazura, maybe even earlier than that.

Can't throw a single esper at Touma without it having level 5 output I guess. Assuming she fights him.

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At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if Kimi was also level 5 for some reason or other.
If more show up, it's probably because either they or people associated with them suppressed the information. Something like what Aihana Etsu is doing.

That's fair, but I guess the battle was so stupid I never bothered to take it seriously.

It just kind of feels idiotic, I mean, all the espers struggling to be one and now more and more just cropping up.

>Something like what Aihana Etsu is doing.
Aihana is not hiding that is a level 5, and Misaki (or the Clone Dolly lab) wasn't able to suppress the information for long.

Misaki too, considering how easily she fell for Iruka's trap. Level 5s have always been overrated, all you need is psychological warfare and/or trickery.


I'm pretty he'd lose his hand. Is there ever a case where he touches something that's been affected by !magic and returned it back to its original state even after alterations? If so, then he just stops the coin as if it's never been !magiked.

>I doubt Kihara was moving at supersonic speed.
That's the weird part. Accel's super calculation comes up in one of the more recent novels and raises thw question how the hell did people like Komba, Amata, or Touma land a hit on him if he can pull that shit. It doesn't even require him to have his powers to do it.

I don't think all of them have been overrated, I think only Mugino, Mikoto and Misaki really have. But it's those level 5s that others seem to get the better of. Hamazura for Mugino. Maidono for Mikoto and Iruka for Misaki.

Gunha has never been beaten by anyone weaker than himself, nor has Kakine. Accelerator should have been beaten by Amata but those were special circumstances.

Do I have to be reading the Index LNs before or whilst reading Railgun's dream raker? I can't really be bothered and would rather just subsist on the manga but will do it if it helps a lot

The simple answer to the question is; plot. I think sometimes with the Accelerator fights you have to suspend all logic at times since I think a lot of things are done without any real logic involved. Kamachi has mentioned that it's hard putting Accelerator in any fights because he can deal with things so easily which is why a lot of his fights actually happen off page.

You don't HAVE to, it would just make certain references or characters easier to understand and enjoy.
It's possible to revisit dream ranker and jailbreaker once you've caught up on the LN, and perhaps get a different experience.

No, you don't have to.

It's way better but there is still a lot of focus on lore and God's, but they are characters too so it still applies

The first Esper would have been a proper level 5 unlike Maidono who isn't. It doesn't surprise me that the first Esper would have been a level 5 but the question that is more important is she a level 5 more or less on the same level as Misaka Mikoto or is she perhaps more on Accel's level.

It was mentioned that Maidono wasn't given the TITLE of a level 5, because reasons. She's pretty much a level 5 and her power output is greater than Mikoto, it's not like she used some special trick to win.

nah, it's pretty simple.
Touma enraged him to the point where he wasn't thinking straight or even attempting to fight him at full strength, and he got lucky enough that Accelerator only used his ability in ways that Touma could counter because he wasn't aware of the extent of Touma's power.

It's not plot armor, exactly. It's within the realm of possibility.

Hope they do this scene justice

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She wasn't given the title of level because she lacks versatility and scientific value. She's only classified a level 5 in power output and that alone.

Touma spent most of the fight dodging Accelerator's attack which was later explained was down to precognition and later had Mikoto and the sisters help him out. I think some plot armor was involved but not too much of it. It all made some sense.

that's what I thought, because she was using magical energy to propel the coin and I guess her nullified the energy itsself. It's easier to chalk it up to the power of being the MC though

>Top esper gets bullshit power-ups for free
>tfw you literally need no prior understanding to cross the abyss you don't even need to understand the things you learn
>all you need is a helpful demon
The easiest power up in the world. Never has anything in raildes been so free.

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Thanks, I'll give it a shot.

[ Spoiler alert! ]

Crossing the abyss might not come with any powers besides exclusive knowledge. Every abyss crosser we know has something extra.
>Aliester is in a demon body and already used secret magic he learned from Aiwass
>Accelerator has his own powers, wings, and clonoth
>Anna has taken from the secret chiefs
Nobody is just an abyss crosser.

I never said she did but that's not exactly true since if she hadn't thought of using the tree as a lightning rod she would have gotten fried by Misaka's lightning. So she did use some tricks.

Power out put alone doesn't make you a level 5 which is why Maidono couldn't become one.

I think this is different with Accel since the more knowledge he gains the more powerful he becomes since his powers are more or less based on what he can and can't understand.

I think knowledge power ups depend on the person in question.

The big one is coming

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do levels really matter? Its just the ratings of the unseen "scentiests"/"government"
A group of people who decided to make thousands of clones of a teenage girl and allow them to freely roam the city

It seems Touma is nigh unstoppable, he should be level 5, not 0

They don't mean diddly squat

>Get magic upgrade
Science side is fucking joke
Level 5 = Jobber

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Which one was the best spell?

So? 12 years old Kuroko was gay?

Fix your grammar, ESL.

Kimi is probably copying the 5.3 lightning that the dragon ate

Touma rejecting Mikoto WHEN?

I want Accelerator to impregnate me

How do we get rid of you

Dengeki pussy

I don't think any level 5 is overrated desu. It's just that Mugino, Mikoto and Misaki have situational abilities, if you know about them you can tank them.

The best pussy

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Final phase has passed Roar's viewcount.

thats a question i'd like the answer to myself, but alas i'd have to know what im being rid of or what
men don't understand what truly is their nature anyway, i have no true clue what could make me leave or stay. although i have my own flawed thoughts on the matter

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People forget that Level 5's aren't exactly ranked due to strength, it's mostly due to applications. Only level 5's who are truly strong are Accel, Kakine and Gunha.

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Good joke

It’s not a joke, it’s a death flag.

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>From previous reports about Academy City’s #3, Railgun, who Accelerator had faced off against before, in the rumors associated with the Railgun, there was one saying that an unknown Level 0 existed that could match against the Railgun using only his right hand. This raised many questions.

>For example, even if a right hand that could negate any ability existed, how could the one using it match his opponent’s timing?

>A railgun attack was over three times the speed of sound, and lightning strikes were even faster. Even with a method of defending himself, to be able to time it right was extremely difficult. Even missing the timing by only an instant would probably result in death. In that situation, how could he easily negate every single attack?
>From the current situation, Accelerator could make a rough estimate.

>In other words.


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Tomboy Dengeki sex

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Touma and Misaki date from IF with subs.Includes cute things like Touma attempt to overfeed his loyal cow,escape from low level NTR mobs,dragonboy succumbing to desire to taste honey lips and Mikoto being cockblock king as usual:

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Fairy kicks > precog

Would Xochilt agree to a threesome with Mikoto if it was the only way to have sex with Etzali?

Xochitl, Frenda, Saten, WHO?

Fairy kicks+precog

Mikoto was made for sex

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Atleast precog makes sense. Fairy kicks is just plain stupid.

>Touma has well defined chunky abs
how why


Have we never had a tsundere that went as far as literal murder?

Ohhhhhh I wish I had a Frenda friend a friend of Frenda I would be
I wish I had a friend like Frenda friend ohh she would be!
I want a friend I need a Frenda friend like you and me!

Bum da dum dum dum! So come on down to Frenda town and friends with Frenda you will be and Saten san and Junko chan are waiting by the friendship tree. These friends are friendly and they want to be friends with you too! They’re coming at you one by one and friendship will find you!!

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Tsundere means being outright hostile but overtime shows her/his warmer side. It is a method of character development and no killing people doesn't fall under this troupe.

Odin reads the spell Dorito recalls from his app and pokes Touma in the direction acting as literal 1~second precog.
Light speed targeted attacks, Touma dealt with it before without her but I guess fairy got high of her remote controlled dragon.

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Very cute,they are lovely together.

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It was all a dream.

A level 4 getting compared to level 5s in a positive manner isnt anything new. So far theres several

1-Takitsubo-Stated to be more value than both #1 whose abilities come from bullshit divine sources and proves how she can fuck over either in NT6

2-Awaki- 4.5 statements and the only limiter for her is the disability

3-Maidono-Level 5 power output

4-Junko-Level 5 power output

5- Youbo featswise has almost Mikoto level calcs with the assistance of couple super computers

>become friend of Frenda
>she leaves you forever

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If he ever got enough calories he would look like that, probably skinnier but close enough.

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Haven't read Index since after the Othinus arc due to being busy, but do the Espers in the series aside from Accelerator ever get a buff or something? After Magic God Othinus, it feels like the gap between Espers and Magicians power wise widened so much, even though Espers were already pretty inferior to the Magicians prior to that arc.

I could tell it was included to wank Othinus and there were better ways to do it but I guess it's Kamachi being Kamachi. Writing with less logic and more impulse.

It's probably a bit hard keeping the precog going with a thimble of blood to work with.

Since Shonen Jump showed an actual lesbian orgy in color pages what are the chances Kamachi does so in Index?

Source on the pic? is it Index Manga or one of SS?

No. The only esper that got a buff other than Accelerator is Mikoto but it is just an AAA which is dripping in Aleister's magic outside of the mechanical components.

No they don't. Mikoto gets a god killing mech but she doesn't know how to use it and it's killing her.


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Misaka got the AAA which hasn't really been a buff just yet but could be in the future. She also gets LPR but that can only be done with Misaki. No other level 5 has gotten a boost except of course Accelerator though.

>precog makes sense
>knowing the tells for people you have never seen before
>being able to react to attacks you have never seen before based on muscle twitches
>touma being able to think fast enough for any of this shit
>works whenever it wants
It never made sense you have just come to accept it. At least Othinus can use the god excuse.

Honestly, I don't see why Index and Railgun are monthly when Miura was able to pump out volumes and volumes of Berserk on biweekly schedule. I say switch them to biweekly release

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Fuyukawa is dying user

>LPR becomes hot shit able to pierce the windowless building
>Mathers swats it away in its second showing
Fucking Kamachi.

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I still can't believe (ok, maybe I can) that Youbo was (somehow) able to save Rakko.

>dubs of truth

With the amount of breaks Fuyukawa takes it will seem monthly when you tally up the chapters at the end of the year.

Precog is actually something people develop in real life, ofcourse it's not as outrageous, especially the people who do boxing and such. And since all of the To Aru stuff happens in only 5 months and he has been in battles so much it's not implausible for him to develop. It's bullshit too, I agree but I definitely felt it was better than fairy kicks.

Fuyukawa can barely handle a monthly schedule. You trying kill him or something? I can't speak for the others, except that Arata needs to be fired and replaced with someone who can actually draw worth a shit.

Just like this faggot, right?

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Nah, not even close.

Oh damn that sucks, I'm surprised the magic side hasn't permanently took over Academy City if the espers are so weak compared to the magicians

>Level 5 scientist in nutshell

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Hear me out on this one. Index and Accel become bi-weekly, Railgun bi-monthly, and AB stays monthly.

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Thoughts of possible GT design for Hamazura and Rikou?

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Looks like military recruited him or something.

Cute gymbro combo

I always felt that to be a level 5 you need to tick all three of these boxes, power, versatility, value and Aleister.

Basically all the level 5 candidates are at least missing one or two of these qualities.

*I meant 4 boxes not 3.

>This nigger can’t even by his GF cute clothes.

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Takitsubo's belly isn't pregnant yet, what the fuck is wrong with hamazura?

Meltdowner is the actual eraser tho. That shit atomic level destruction, she just needs to make it bigger. In NT6, she erased the DM sisters into atoms with Accelerator pressing them together.

IB can stop active phenomena but it cannot stop the effects of said phenomena. It’s why he can be mind controlled but cancel it out if he touches IB to his head.

Misaka’s Action of propelling the coin is the phenomena but the resulting energy is real and thus can’t be stopped. The same should apply for people like Meltdowner who use energy blasts that aren’t Thelema based.

Am I the only one who feels Mikoto will at some point go insane and the AAA is genuinely not good for her(not because she can't use it or something) because Misaki had to remind Mikoto to burn Touma's wound in NT22 and ofcourse she forgot to use it to take back AAA's control and the narration stated she probably could have taken back control if she tried , Touma had to remind Mikoto to use her powers to save people in GT1.
Maybe she's just becoming dull in how to use her own powers.

>which is the power to lower the IQ and critical thinking skills of anyone he's fighting.
Touma vs Itachi when?

That subplot was already dropped, dumb Mikotofag.

Meltdowner should absolutely be fair game if he can catch lightning.

What's the point if she is still has the tracksuit under it?

No it hasn't dumb speedreader

Yeah, Mikoto and her pride over her powers has genuinely changed, this was quite evident in NT16, NT18 and in NT22.

So how would IB affect ordinary matter/phenomena altered by DM like the wind and sunlight from OT15?

I feel that if the level fives such as Mugino wasn't brought down due to plot reasons there powers could actually be quite bullshit. Okay maybe not as bullshit as someone who can potentially manipulate anything or someone who can potentially create pretty much anything or someone who can potentially do anything as long as he can think of it.

Mooginos DPS is off the chart tho. Only Accelerator can hit harder. Now in NT she can shoot up to 20 at once, it's gg no re if you dont have survivability or durability

Shit skill has a lot weakness. Long cast time, can only shoot straight, and lmake it bigger just blow away mugino body. Even level 0 Hamazure can defeat her

Lots of Misaki noises,based

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Maybe. It's still supernatural and while it could trick Accel's reflection it might not be able to trick IB.

Accel bimonthly so he has time to polish his art


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This but with Ninjas always never giving a shit about magic when they see it but being impressed with espers

This makes sense since the golem is still applying the action of punching. It would be different if the Golem wielded let’s say a light post and it wasn’t “apart” of what made the golem a golem and it hit Touma with it.

Nah, lightning is being actively generated from Mikoto as a source. Muginos power is to force electrons into both a wave and particle form. Touma at most should be able to stop the creation of Meltdowner but if he’s hit after it’s creation he’s a goner.

It's simple, really: IB blocks his luck, and since his life is pure misery dying would be lucky for him, so the universe will bend over backwards to make sure he doesn't die.
Everything else like how he dodges shit or how accel got too mad to think straight are just consequences of that simple reality bending effect.

same thing dude
try to keep up

well that's the thing, if the kinetic energy was "created" as a result of an esper power does that mean Touma can cancel it?????

There was a pretty idiotic but fun argument last thread and sadly I missed it. But anyway some interesting points were raised.

It's the fact that Mikoto lost control of her ability in NT17, forgot about it in NT22, and accidentally attacked Touma in GT1( to be honest, I don't think she genuinely meant to attack him, it may have been an accident but since Touma cancelled it anyway so maybe she didn't think as much to apologise) I feel it made Mikoto more emotionally unstable overall, not just in more dangerous moments but when she broke free of Tokiwadai in ecstasy she almost crashed into a wall, or when she detected someone using the same method as her she became very scared in GT1, it's like her mind has more range in emotions now and it's starting to affect her powers.

Hamazura is a walking No button, even Aleister doesn't have answers for him user. I dont remmeber beams having long cast time, it's almost instant. The frenda imposter was close to her when she was complementing about killing it

Also she can use it as a shield to metl anything she wants. I wouldn't be surprised if by now Meltdown beams can home.

Touma touches the electron and its pushed back into its normal form. Simple.

Mugino is quite literally doing the same thing but with an extra step. The explosion would fuck him if it didnt hit him but IB would salivate at chance to crush that unnatural as fuck beam.

When in NT17 did Mikoto lose control of her power? Are you mistaking the scene where she's very mad and trying to hurt people as losing control?

Hamazura is fucking plot, I won't hold it against even Accelerator for slipping in Corozon arc.

>Casually raped Level 5 three time in a row
Level 0>>>>>Level 5
And that's a fact

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Hououin Touma

Again it depends. If the kinetic energy creates by the esper power can be released, as in not actively influenced by said power, then he cannot cancel it.

If the kinetic energy requires an espers or magicians influence to continue then he can cancel it.

For what it’s worth I think the panel from railgun showing Touma stopping the railgun was a mistake that slipped through because it both looked cool and offers a very easy explanation as to how IB works. Touma at most should be able to stop Mikoto’s coin from accelerating while it’s still on its imaginary rails but once it’s off he’s getting hit by it.

No shit sherlock.

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That was fucking stupid although it doesn't matter in the end since he would have gotten his ass kicked by Accelerator if his new magic God friend hadn't intervened.

Hamazura gets saved a lot.

>(Eh? Wait, but…if they do that, won’t it be an indirect kiss? Um…)


>She sneezed and a lightning spear flew from her bangs. It was definitely an accident and certainly not a way of preventing an orally spread infection.

>But when it was destroyed by the arm Kamijou had lifted overhead, the brown bottle also flew through the air.

The narration makes it sound like Mikoto did it purposefully but we have already seen Mikoto doesn't make a big deal of her attacks hitting people unless people actually get hurt.

The extra step is why he shouldn’t be able to simply touch Meltdowner blasts without suffering literally fatal recoil. The only super natural thing about Meltdowner is the action of forcing an electron into a wave and particle once it’s in that state it stops being supernatural and a part of nature.

>200+ replies discussing kinetics

And the formulas? Where are the formulas?

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I think the first fight against Mugino was still believable but the second and third fights were just plain stupid.

>Hamazura gets saved a lot
This is incellerator mind after getting ton of bullshit power up.
Hamazura will rape every level 5 if he willing to

>once its in that state its natural
According to who? You?

Fuck off ESL. The adults are talking.

She has been feeling that her powers are "not enough" for a long time now.
That's why she's desperately grasping for magic stuff to try to catch up with Touma.

According to reality? Electrons existing in that state is a real thing and partly responsible for why you and I are alive today. What do you think the sun is made out of user?

>Topic deep in a thread is different from the OP
These images have always been stupid. Threads never stick to the main topic for the entire thread no matter the series.

Messing with the duality and then sending it at him is supernatural at its very base. He can stop lighting from freaking clouds as long as Mikoto is guiding them. I'd be shocked if Meltdowner isn't on the list of IB fodder.

if you broke out the formulas, first thing you'd see is that the railgun itself just straight up doesn't work

Why don't they just shoot him?

Yeah I know, but it's where the path she's taking leading her. I don't think it's positive. Much like how Mikoto herself could tell and how Salome said in NT15.

They do.
Sometimes it works, sometimes he is Snake.

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So it is in fact just you guessing. Gotcha. The sun doesn't annihilate atoms out of existence and you have no basis to assume that the meltdowner beams need no upkeep from mugino and won't dissipate on their own. Mugino would have created far far far more accidental damage than she has if her beams just continued on their own.

That's like saying Dark Matter is natural once it's been created, unless kamachiverse physics differs from real physics even more than I thought.


yeah that's what i thought too, bc if he could cancel an already accelerated railgun, that means he could've stopped the trains and shit accel threw at him on their fight

Kamachi, we need to talks!

>Kamachi is an inconsistent writer
More news at 11.


No user, willing electrons into the dual state is supernatural. I'll give you her power of giving it directional control is supernatural as well but it doesn't matter for the sake of this debate. Once its created its a natural phenomenon.

user meltdowner doesn't annihilate atoms because it isn't anti-matter. Nothing can annihilate matter except for antimatter. Meltdowner is literally just plasma and whatever it hits gets converted to energy the same as the sun.

Its hard to quantify dark matter because in canon its stated as matter that theoretically should exist but isn't proven and is often handwaved away as something Kakine wills into existence.

>give you her power of giving it directional control is supernatural as well but it doesn't matter for the sake of this debate
Seems to be more than enough for IB to nope it.

That Touma vs MH sisters was probably one of the stupidest fights in all of Raildex, it was Shiageluck tier bullshit.

Or it is simpler.
Accelerator never considered up until that point that something could hit it, much less a punch.
Remember he was going through killing lots of clones to get what he was missing: battle experience.
He was simply arrogant. He could dodge he just never considered that he would need it or his fear emotions from what he didnt understand simply blocked him. He is a human not a machine, you can't measure him just through calculation speed.

Its the exact same concept as IB being able to cancel the railgun. He should be able to do it while its on its imaginary rails but once it leaves you're getting hit with the resulting kinetic energy but in the case of meltdowner it doesn't need rails in order to convert potential energy to kinetic. By it existing it already has kinetic energy.

Touma can't negate natural things and Accelerator's ability pretty much allows him to manipulate natural things which Touma can't negate.

Mikoto's railgun like her electricity are all supernatural.

>Meltdowner can't break physics user! It just doesn't make sense!

That actually means folks from X-Men and MHA can fuck him over easily.

>in canon its stated as matter that theoretically should exist
You literally got it backwards

Well of course he didn't consider that because it had never been done before and could only be done by one person. Someone getting through his reflection isn't the head scratching bit though. It's the fact that he forgot he could use more than reflection and wind.

Hamazura luck is twenty times more bullshit than that fight was. The only stretch was that Touma didnt get hit by any stray bullets.

>i-it's Shiageluck

Xmen and mha powers are borne from phase shenanigans. They'll get deleted.

She's not chucking something natural at him, which I know is the basis of your argument but it just doesn't make sense. It's a bunch of electrons that she fucked with, stored up, and fired out. It's silly to think that will get through IB when it is fundamentally something that shouldn't exist being chucked at him. He wouldn't even be able to stop an esper's fireball if a somewhat scientific basis is enough to get through.

>can only shoot straight
when was this ever stated? I have seen this repeated for years with no direct quote or citation. Hell there is a line on OT15 saying shot out in all directions. She has used it rocket bosters and made it into shields and an arm.

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If there powers control natural things than yeah he wouldn't be able to negate them. I don't know much about X-men though. I know they are mutants in marvel but that;s about it. I only know if Jean Grey, Wolverine, Magneto and Professor X.

Canonically, yes.
Logically according to the rules of the universe, no.

Whoops. In any event the core of what I said doesn't change. DM is weird because he is willing something into existence but is it only able to exist because he's continuing to will it into existing or will it stop existing if he releases it.

>fundamentally something that shouldn't exist being

But it does exist. The only thing that doesn't exist is her ability to create it which is the super natural phenomena.

There should have been only one Mugino vs Hamazura fight. I think Kamachi overdid it with the other two. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if it felt like Hamazura had gotten help against her.

Shooting in all directions originating from her doesn't disprove that. But yes with an arm of it she should theoretically be able to curve the beams.

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This is quite interesting, even if it's headcanon at this point.
What if the reason Misaki's powers went out of control in 22R was because she too was using the AAA along with Mikoto, since KnT made her take such a emotionally heavy decision her powers her powers went out of control. What if AAA influenced her head somehow too and hence her powers so easily went out of control?

Hamazura getting help wouldn't really have helped some of the bullshit moments like glass falling and inputting a code to boot up a machine and blast mugino.

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Then let's go back to my point of the lightning he catches from the clouds that was kind of ignored. That exists in nature and he stops it just fine. Even then, if creating it is supernatural then sustaining and firing it is supernatural. I just dont get how of all powers Mugino's would get a pass when it is the weirdest shit next to Dark Matter.

No one expects a frontal attack on a machinegun position in the middle of burning building and they had no idea who came to the Ayu’s aid.
Smoke, fire and sheer stupidity of that action provide enough suspension of disbelief juice.
Amateurs who simply act ballsy have a stupidly high win rate in IRL conflicts simply because of unpredictability.

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They shot and all the bullets missed because he effectively defeneded against them using a car door? A middle schooler? Seriously?

All directions if very different from only being able to shoot straight in front of you. People seem to think Mugino can only shoot forward and only at one target. She definitely has a limit on the number of beams but not where they can shoot.

>A middle schooler?
As a reminder Touma lived as a demon-child, getting chased surrounded and beaten up was normal for him. He was far from normal.
However a basic bitch car door would not defend against bullits.

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No less believable when Hamazura's group shot at him and he defended with just a slab of plexiglass.

He just never needed to. You are forgetting that up until that point he saw himself as invencible. You are looking at it differently, but accel mind is on a different realm, his experience untill that point, he would just cruise to anything and he would win, he never dealt with a different situation, he never had to exert himself, so that is all pretty foreign to him.
The reason he just needs to fight to reach higher levels, his simply because the only thing he lacked was experience. Stopping to see himself as invulnerable and expind his realm of possibilities, as his power os completely bonkers.

That's not what it means to shoot straight user

Do you happen to know what book he stopped lightning from clouds off the top of your head because I'm not remembering this happening.

Also when it comes to creating and sustaining supernatural things it depends on whether or not what is created or sustained can exist in reality regardless of special conditions as esper power lets you bypass said special conditions.

When it comes to firing a supernatural phenomena I'm in agreement that it should be canceled if an esper/magician power is being substituted for natural potential energy which is the case of Mikoto's Railgun whilst its in the middle of being fired and Thelma entirely as a concept. I believe that what Mugino is doing whilst "firing" her meltdowner is supernatural but only for a split second.

If we're in agreement that Mugino's power is the ability to will electrons to become both a wave and a particle as well as the power to have some control over the resulting plasma then its not out of the question that she's simply using the plasma she's already made as a sort of jet to propel it forward and the fact that it leaves green trails behind itself while maintaining a ball shape in the front supports this point.

Didnt it only defend against MH's lady's handgun anyways? Its not like it was used against the mini gun

Any other Railgun dubbros watch T's dub yet?

>I believe
And there you have it folks. You don't need to argue any more.

What you mean beam bending? probably not. Has mikoto twitched electricity that wasn't relatively near her? When they fought they were both able to deflect each other attacks once they got close enough.


Well if Mikoto's powers have gone out of control before the AAA then the theory is bullshit.

I started reading the first novel and I'm pretty sure like 60 pages in it says Touma blocked the railgun.

>we're here discussing a fucking fictional book made to be read by young adults
>he declares victory because I used I believe once
Regardless of that what the fuck do you think a theory is? Did you want me to use "hypothesized" instead even though I believe and I hypothesized have the same meaning in this context?

By that logic you shouldn't have even entertained a discussion with me because for all you know kamachi could post on twitter tomorrow and say "Its magic I don't have to explain shit"

OT1 pretty sure and it would make a lot more sense if she just charged it up and opened an aperture for that obviously unnatural as fuck laser that makes metal explode.

>Puke green
>Socks with sandals


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Nope, even a 9mm handgun would shred a regular door, or any part of the car, outside of engine and mechanics. The volume of material is paper thin.
There are armored cars and even specially made doors with armor plates but regular car doors are about as effective as a hit-me sticker, it only helps with the aim.

I like it but, is that sport clothes?

Iirc in OT16 it stated that Mikoto's power going out of control even slightly was very rare.

I'm not entertaining a discussion with you, I'm pointing out to the retard who's giving you the time of day that he should stop because you've admitted several times now that you have nothing to base this off but your own delusions.

That doesn't say he blocked it


>That Railgun
Meaning the one she used just to show off, she attacked him with other things later.

Dude, it says "he stopped it all with his right hand."

Why don't you guys just ask gouranga if Touma can stop the Railgun?

Should have included that then eh?

Gouranga and Kamachi are non-canon.

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(you). Literally the first sentence.

Because he's just an editor?

Why don't we ask Gouranga the names of Animal Psychometry Girl with the Cat hat, and the wavy haired blonde and black twintails girl that follows Misaki's orders?

No they don't, what people can develop is "tells", just like with Poker, when someone slightly raises they should before try to get inside an opponent may be an uppercut an such, but those are not always valid, a lot of times they just pick them during the fight but the opponent can use them in his advantage like in a feint and such.

But boxing is not even comparable to fighting magical/Esper powers, every one of those opponents would fight differently, Touma's precog is just a poor man's plot armor.

Why don't we take the topic and push it somewhere else?

Because the Railgun manga is where Touma stopped it and thus has created this long-term confusion?

So? He's an editor. Not the author. Why would I care what he has to say?


>Touma's precog is just
High end combat analysis that allows him to thread enemy's intent, preferences, mental state and attack patterns.
Combined with professional psychological warfare it allows him to manipulate the flow of battle and predict or force upcoming attacks.
That’s why Touma can be ambushed, speed blitzed or simply zerg'd but at the same he turns 1 vs 1s into a shit show.
Orsola's sightseeing badtrip should have explained that.

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In other words it's bullshit plot armor + an OP negation power+ talk-no-jutsu

It shouldn't but Touma could dodge it anyways. The more likely damage if he did try is burning off his palm since the Railgun move is slower than most rifles anyways.


now the question is, how would AA MIsaka fare against Sister arc Accel?

The same as always

yah no, it's just kamachi giving opponents single digit iq whenever Touma involved.

He can just ask Kamachi

So can you. He has a twitter.

Can Touma stop misaka's railcum?

he does that a lot in season 1, like with the golem made out of concrete.

That's not Kamachi's personal twitter nor does it take questions from fans like Gouranga does.

It's the official one and is managed by Miki. Why would you seperate yourself further from the source willingly and just hope that he happens to ask rather than asking directly?

>He wouldn't even be able to stop an esper's fireball if a somewhat scientific basis is enough to get through
He wouldn't be able to negate the results caused by the fireball though; which is exactly what the arcade coin becomes once it has been fired. By your logic he should've been able to negate the plasma which accelerator would've created during their first fight.

It's only been a few days since she was getting Morning sickness in London

If already it's yandere or yangire you dumb newfag

Why wouldn't Touma be able to negate Accelerator's plasma attack? He just never got close enough.

A stiff breeze was enough to harmlessly dissipate Accelerator's plasma attack.

>sky blue Mikoto