ITT: forgotten anime

ITT: forgotten anime

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pic unrelated
more accurate would be ITT: faggot OP uhoh poopy

the face of future funk lmao

Yes, it is forgotten, nobody talks about it anymore and I'm sure the fanbase is dead by now. Get the fuck off my thread retard.

based on mal users it's the 9th most popular (completed) pre-1990 show. above things like ashita no joe and zeta gundam. of course 25,000 of those users have it on their plan to watch, but still

haha its funny because he posted an anime that isn't forgotten at all. truly OP is the funniest man on the internet and not at all a faggot.

I literally see no one ever talk about this series at least not in recent times. I know it was once widely popular in its heyday when it first premiered but that was almost 40 years ago. People have forgotten and they need to remember.

On Yas Forums people talk about it all the time. Stop posting your retarded perspective based around other websites here.

Forgotten is Mama is a 4th grader or Raijin-Oh, this is the most well known for a popular anime series from the 80s that ended 30 years ago, it still gets some discussion.

pani poni dash
haven't seen any mention of it in years, despite it being on par with azumanga in popularity back in the day

Anyone remember this?

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that's impossible, I made three ppd threads last month myself

I see it mentioned here and there but havent seen it get its oen thread in years

Jesus OP that was the first thing that came to mind? My wife loved that show just a few years ago

Nanaka 6/17.

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guess i missed them, then

ur a faget

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I just started to watch it a few days ago and I have no doubts that it's from the creator of Ranma 1/2

Truly a forgotten anime incoming.

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No one rember

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The american community isn’t the majority of the anime base.

it's ok, I'll make more

I dunno, there’s still merchandise being made and a themed cafe.

Urusei Yatsura is a cultural touchstone and is one of the three most influential productions in televised anime's history.

Outlandish claim. What would the other two be?


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Can I ask what it was like for the older a/nons who watched this show in the 90s or early 2000s?

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Hard to forget since I own the DVD

Didn't watch it back in the day but Yawara a CUTE


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This on the other hand...

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This show was so underrated this season I swear.

This on the other hand - best isekai still to this date.

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i miss this show....

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I got 3 episodes in before my hdd shat itself.
I should get around to torrenting it again.

This show got rebooted this year or late last year I think

this too....

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yes, but in my opinion the reboot show directed very bad than the old ones.The animator do the hard work making this i can't just complain for just bad directing so....thanks for the hard work~

It was huge in Catalonia, Spain

This a week a go.
And we had another one, way longer, before.

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Which Pani would you Poni though?


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All Panis are best Panis, but if I have to choose... Ichijou.

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They're not 3 but I agree that it's one of the most influential anime in history. Some of them aren't known in the west like Golgo 13 for example. Astro boy, Gundam, Hokuto no Ken, Akira, Cowboy bebop, One piece and Haruhi Suzumiya are the other ones.

She definitely does femdom

Did you have a stroke while typing that out?

Yawara is super cute, to bad she is surrounded by scumbags.

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Let's say she's kind of a challenge.

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Nobody talk about this one.

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Rayearth was pretty good but the OVA was utter shit.

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It was not very interesting

It is not. Urusei Yatsura is a highly celebrated show with a devoted cult following.

And today, once again, OP is a faggot.

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Est, palla and catria? I guess fire emblem really *is* anime after all.

how the fuck is one piece influential?

but it's still an ongoing series? how is it forgotten?

I'm actually currently watching it.

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we have at least weekly 'bully me samantha' threads

She's a treasure!

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One Piece is the Simpsons(at its prime) of Japan. It literally dominates a whole country

but it's neither more influential nor more iconic than any of the big battle shonen that preceded it. at least you could argue that there really wasn't anything quite like urusei yatsura or haruhi before and they were actual trend-setters

One piece's influence spilled into Japanese normie culture, like user said it's the Simpsons of Japan.
Urusei yatsura and Haruhi had a greater influence in the industry but they were not as popular as One Piece with the general population

>One piece's influence spilled into Japanese normie culture
and dragon ball didn't? come the fuck on now. there is nothing special or culturally significant about one piece besides its sales

I want more like these

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One Piece is pretty different than Dragon Ball, having a naive, hungry main character who gets multiple super forms are the main similarities, but One Piece is an adventure on top of being a fighting shonen and is generally much more focused on world building than Dragon Ball was.

The latter two were popular in their decades and still are. There’s a reason they’re called classics.

One Piece is not the Simpsons because it's a continuous story, not episodic stories. One Piece's influence is through the manga. It's closer to Spiderman than any TV show, and Dragonball is Superman.

og dragon ball was especially adventurous and that aspect only took a back seat only during the cell saga
one piece world building isn't really anything noteworthy and hardly the main selling point of the franchise, and again it isn't unique in this nor is it the first.
one piece is a successful series, but hardly a special one, let alone of the top 3 of all time

Fuggin ayy
(pic related to thread)

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>tfw Urusei Yatsura came out 80 years ago

Stfu you faggot

We have them frequently, there’s still merch, and the fifth translated volume just came out. “Forgotten”, my ass.

Anyone remember Neo Ranga?

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There are multiple Urusei Yatsura threads on Yas Forums every week.

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This was fucking huge in europe. No idea why the US never really bothered with it.

>le country of europe meme
It was only aired in the UK and Italy you fucking mutt.

No, I've been trying to torrent it for months now to watch it for the first time.

I've seen it and I still can' remember shit about it.

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What happened to those? I remember both of them being lauded as masterpieces when they came out.

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how is texhnolyze forgotten? it's babby's first 'deep' anime along with lain

I heard it's good

Cool beauty and funny genki girl, this was good.

>being lauded as masterpieces when they came out.
They weren't, so hopefully now they will fade away.

I will post in your thinly veiled rec thread.

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op said nothing about good forgotten anime to be fair. of course people are more likely to post things they like that no one talks about, but still.

You win.

I remember watching the OVAs before getting into the anime and dropped it before reaching the 3rd and last one. piece of bullshit boring romance.

No surprise it was forgotten so early. It will be forgotten in 10 years, and it will be one of those "hidden gems" in 20, just like lot of bullshit 80s OVAs

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I tried watching it, and spent the first like 10 episodes waiting for something to noteworthy to happen.
Like they don't do ANYTHING with the Ranga at all. I may be wrong since i dropped it, but still it felt like i was being lead on.

how about some REAL forgotten 80s slice of life romance

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I actually watching this

urusei yatsura is not forgotten at all, it's still very popular in italy and latin america, there's threads about it here all the time, and it's funny that im seeing this now becauce i just re watched the first ova movie earlier today.

Whang just made a youtube video about it too so all types of people who never heard of it are checking it out. not only is it not forgotten or no longer talked about it's being talked about more as i type this more than it has in recent history and not only is the fanbase not dead it's getting loads of new members for the first time in decades

even people who don't watch anime know who Lum is or at the very least have been bombarded with so many references of her tiger print bikini that they would recognize her instantly if you showed them the show. people know her without even knowing they do, that's the opposite of forgotten

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Not in my country, at least for a good portion of the 00s and early 10s. It was all it was on on the main anime channel

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