Isekai Meikyuu de Harem wo

Michio has better reasons for wanting to raise his levels than most other MC do. While he should still get a better system for filling the bath, it is good motivation for improving himself.

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The more I think about it, I don't think there is a better way other than inventing plumbing.

Some kind of plumbing would help, and some would depend on how far the river is and if he can build a pipe from there. A good fire source would help too, but spending magic for just heat would be better than supplying the water for everything also.

I don't want this to become a harem

Too bad, we get to see Sherry look like Roxanne did soon: nervous, embarrassed, and spreading her legs for her new master.

If I remember correctly the closest water source was a pump so shit would be difficult to build.

The WN translation has">the water well is far so you’ll need to travel a distance to draw water" but the manga says it's a river. Assuming he doesn't want to teleport constantly, setting up a pipe could still be useful even if he manually dumps water into a pipe. The distance could be a problem depending on how far it really is.

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I couldn't care less. The dungeon part is so dull that the great manga artist can't save it. I went to read the web novel after I read the den of thieves arc in manga and it's the biggest waste of my time. Even the harem part is dull, too. Every girls share the same template other than their races. Hopefully he'll fix it in the manga.

Your shit isn't good enough to have a thread by itself, now fuck off.

I guess fantasy plumbing discussions are not for everyone

>Michio will never smooth talk me

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We don't even get to see Michio design a toilet like some other MC, because he already has one good enough. Maybe he could get a plumber job if he tried.

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That would be cute.

Why not just dungeon walk a few cm below the surface level of the bottom of a well

Good usage of levels, skills and numbers coming through.

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Why does she keep saying kill and not beat or defeat?

One issue would be vertical transportation, no matter if there's a river (and it's below their current location) or if it's a well. Either way an Archimedes pump should be doable - still manual, but no need to go back and forth.
The horizontal digging for the river would be a pain though. This is that kind of project that is better done thinking alongside neighbours, but I bet they don't give a fuck (why bother, if slaves can do the hard work?).

The relationship with Roxanne evolved a bit too fast, without other girls the manga would become boring really fast. Keeping it as a harem is better IMO.
(I also love Roxanne and her dynamic with Michio.)

>The horizontal digging for the river would be a pain though
Depending on the location and how close it is, it might be possible to build it above ground if some manual effort is acceptable.

>The relationship with Roxanne evolved a bit too fast, without other girls the manga would become boring really fast.
Roxanne's relationship speed is abnormal like she is, but with the amount of time that passes even Sherry will seem fast. She will still give more expressions that aren't loving him compared to Roxanne, so we might get to see her take longer to have a visible effect.

Can we get a hentai dōjin from Michio's PoV? Roxanne is whyfoo tier.

It's possible to build something like this above ground, but then the vertical transportation gets complicated - you'd need to put a screw pump right at the river (defeating the purpose of the plumbing) or you'd need to use a water wheel (it's a larger scale project since you'd need a reservoir and a way to deal with overflow - see Isekai Nonbiri Nouka for a good example).

Because of that, depending on the height, I think building the plumbing underground and then plopping a screw pump near home would be the best solution.

About Roxanne and Sherry, LN spoilers: Michio's harem will be five girls, so the overall pacing will take that into account. Because of that 's "I don't want this to become a harem" isn't really doable.

Plumbing should still be able to save walking back with every bucket, or teleporting and risking being seen.
I also would have liked the artist to make some doujin for this also, where we could get it less censored and fully focused on the sex. That isn't going to happen though, probably due to a combination of any contracts and lack of interest from the artist.

>tfw no comfy story where it's literally just the MC, his single love interest, and them having boring love-shit interactions while going on isekai adventures

its crap and I wish the artist wasn't stuck doing this stupid rpg isekai #534543123


tell me more about how you love MC's power of "all the powers" and totally fucking pointless it all is.

Isn't that more or less what this one does?

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I have to admit I like a well-done dungeon crawling (harem) party story but I kinda wish the loot, crafting and level systems were more complex and less obviously made to make only the MC look competent.

>called slave harem
>complain about harem
Roxx still best

Roxx > Vesta > Sherry = Fish-desu

Why can't these damn nips strike a good balance between sex and work? It's either all work or all sex.

It's obvious you either speed reading faggot or haven't read it at all.
No, I love cute and loveable paranoid MC's like Michio. They're so adorable especially their entire thought process in their narration from the WN. He's so damn cute as he tries his best to be subtle but he's such a horn dog. Makes me want to be his slave so bad.

Shouldn't you get bored if all you do is fucking everyday?

I sure got bored reading through it. Dropped it as soon as I realised it isn't going to get any better. If you're reading this just do yourself a favor and read a doujinshi instead, it's more efficient that way.

If you read it then you would know actual fucking is a such a tiny piece of the novel.

As a kissless virgin I cannot even imagine getting bored of just making out with a cute girl like Roxanne. Especially if I can go dungeon crawling whenever I feel like for some other forms of excitement. Not that he actually spends all day having sex, anyway, not sure where you got that from.

He goes down to level 40 within half a year of his arrival in isekai land, and in several dungeons at the same time.
But the story is being told very slowly, and the manga focuses more on the sex than the source.

>you get bored if you play the same game countless hour
>you get bored if you eat the same food thousand times

People can play the same sports all their life without getting bored. If you take into account that both of them are getting physically stronger through leveling up, their copulation is probably getting more intense over time, too.

Far too little time has passed to become bored, anyway, especially after Michio had to frantically earn the money to buy her.

And it's still much faster than normal people can do. The manga is just a somewhat more accurate representation of his average day by showing sex more.

>The manga is just a somewhat more accurate representation of his average day by showing sex more.
He probably spends an hour per day on sex, and 12 hours on dungeon exploration.

On a scale of 1-10, how comfy is it?

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It's worth a try/10 at least.

I don't care man. The pacing matters. The fact that MC has achieved something in a month but we get to see it unfold like it's a goddamn century fucking matters.

Ok boomer, then read something else while everyone else enjoys this manga adaptation.

Only a braindead ape would enjoy this shit.

t. Filtered pleb

Would you?

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I suspect that any woman that approaches me after I attained wizardry is just after my mana.


I still can't believe that this guy is one of the few we'll written isekai male protagonists. I went expecting a bland MC. But this guy actually has a character.


Is this guy better than most isekai MC beside the likes of Kazuma and Eminence of Shadow MC?
We need more proactive protags who knows what they want.

Wasted of time, might as well make continuous chapters of ero-tankoubon.
In the least months all we got is tiny fuck, tiny decoration and tiny dungeons stories.
The manga clearly got no sense of pacing.

>Is this guy better than most isekai MC beside the likes of Kazuma and Eminence of Shadow MC?
Read more isekai, dude.

Yes, Michio is the pinnacle of mcs and slave owners.

>tfw have no loli fetish so can't continue to read it when mc gets a loli slave

What a shame, you'll be missed, user.

Why did this nigga find an OP magic sword in a fukken barn?

>Why did this nigga find an OP magic sword in a fukken barn?
Did you pay no attention whatsoever? The OP magic sword is one of the skills which grants him a powerful weapon while he has points in it.

Why did he get super OP power?

Because god doesn't want user('s self-insert) to kill himself.

Based retard speed reader.

Ok, why did he deserve such OP power?

He spent half a day rerolling his character for it.

Why use that word, he doesn't need to deserve anything. The main characters in any narration don't deserve anything. However, they do end up getting something that is usually framework for the ongoing story. The reason being is simple it's because they are the main characters and the story must revolve around them.
For this story Michio has gets a special system which he can freely distribute points into.

He has some problems too, like being too paranoid in a few situations yet making very stupid mistakes that needed him to be more paranoid and think more. He is a significant improvement over many MC though.

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He doesn't have enough imagination.

I wonder if we will ever hear anything about that god and if there was a reason for sending Michio to a world he chose.

I doubt it. And, frankly, most stories where the god explains why he gives special favors to the mc are worse for it.

There probably aren't many explanations that would even make sense for this one.

he's finally dead.

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>"Fuck you i stole your waifu, i win!"
>Becomes charcoal
It's incredible to see at what lengths people go to prove they're superior than even the gods themselves.

For me Rox > Sherry > Vesta > Miria > Rutina. I like Vesta's body better but Sherry's character is better developed, as of now Vesta is blank slate-ish.

You're underestimating the hormones of a 19yo and the appeal of multiple females.

He's 17.
His girls are 15 and 16.

Even more hormones-driven then.

Vesta being born a slave and trained to serve her new owner don't help with the personality issues she has. Miria has similar issues partly because of the language problem, but I don't think much would change if she could speak normally.

The age limits for buying slaves are probably one reason he's not gone any younger.

>Rutina last
But why

Fantasy Bishoujo?

wouldn't know

I'd put Vesta last, even if I am not sure where to put Rutina within the middle three.

1. put small pipe in river with one end closed
2. use warp on inside of closed end
3. let water fill tub
4. close warp

i'd agree with this, but the manga improved Roxanne so much that this dynamic might get shaken up once the other girls come along in the year 2035

Just like the million year old elders no matter the age everyone has their own heart that trumps rationality.

It won't take that many years now that a new one is added every 2 LN volumes. It's still too many though, and I wonder if the number of chapters per volume adapted will need to increase once there are more girls.

i wish there was a video game like this
where you get a harem and dungeon crawl
too bad the closest thing we have is To-Heart 2 Dungeon Travelers

>MMO Isekai
>There's zero form of grinding involved
>No realistic player names or activities
>No dominant merchant guilds or PvP'ers acting like assholes
Do Japs even play MMOs??

Unlike many isekai, Michio's cheats are more reasonable to fit in a game. Just make the extra difficulty being higher prices needed to buy new slaves.


you get a harem in elona?

Bunny Black series? Kamidori?

kamidori isn't a dungeon crawler

A good thing those issues are fixable, should the writer focus on characterization. Like, if you compare Miria with Roxanne and Sherry, there are a lot of missing spots he simply filled with "fish":

>Trust towards Michio
R: beyond what you'd expect from a slave.
S: even with her trust issues she's willing to trust him.
M: he gave her fish, desu

>Long-term objectives
R: serve Michio to death, Raphtalia style.
S: it's quite implicit she wants to improve herself and her own knowledge.
M: ??? (probably fish-related)

R: fighting
S: reading and drinking
M: eating fish, desu

R: always amazed at something Michio does
S: inquisitive and thoughtful
M: look, there's fish, desu

>Why she was enslaved
R: some bitch's boyfriend took a liking to Roxanne. The bitch got jealous and ruined Rox' family. Rox later fights the bitch and shows the power gap between both, ruining the bitch's family/clan/whatever in the process.
S: she was from a noble-ish family. Her brother was the breadmaker of the family and he got hurt. Financial issues come in, they (her family) decide to sell her and even get drunk together one last time.
M: she was catching fish, desu

As Miria gets a bit more spotlight nothing prevents her from getting new habits, objectives, and quirks. Or even a more fleshed out backstory.

The dungeons suck ass and are short but it still feels pretty close to what Michio's harem crawling delivers, especially once he starts tp'ing in and out of them.

>no PVP'ers acting like assholes

confirmed for not reading/watching an MMO series

For some reason I never can get myself to like battle harems at all.
But at the same time I always look forward to academy arcs in my isekai

As a character she isn't fleshed enough to be interesting. Sure, she wants to be part of the Lord's Assembly, and she was bitchy but mellowed out, and then what?
As a person I fucking hate bitches.
Looks-wise she's just your typical fiction elf, beside the long ears there's nothing interesting for me.

You can if you want. If you go to the Elona uploader you can get some personality scripts for your "harem"(read: pets). I got a yandere one for my Juere Gunner girl and its pure gold.

Whenever the manga gets that far, I hope we see her improved. I didn't like how she was suddenly changed by Roxanne and Sherry, but done well it could still be better than the WN.

Sherry also has to be able to provide for Vesta,
and Miria since Michio left them to her if he dies(Rox chose to die with him if he does).

>As a person I fucking hate bitches.
I really hope this mangaka is going to show us how Roxanne tamed the bitch.

i'm really hoping they play up the Sherry/Vesta boob envy dynamic

To be fair, the sex is most likely the only reason most people are reading the manga. I wouldn't feel as engaged to read a dungeon crawling journal otherwise.

The combination of slice-of-life and good dungeon crawling can work without sex, I believe. Just need to work on the world and game system building to make it feel like something you'd actually want to play if it was a game.

Is this The Thread?

it can work without sex
but i like the sex
so we'll keep the sex too

Sherry is smarter that way.

I doubt we will see that added to the LN or manga, but as a flashback later it would be good. Maybe just occasional panels showing Rutina remembering events when she sees Roxanne looking at her. I really want to see how she reacts the first night with Michio after after she was tamed.

Useless airbags.

I was interested even before seeing the first sex scene in the manga and had already read the WN. It was a very nice surprise to see it not fade to black though.

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I'm a former PvP'er. If I see you in the zone I'm going to kill you, loot all your shit, laugh about it, and then scaddle with the rarest drops.

I wouldn't do all that monologues or stroking my dick or wait for you to ass pull some anime power.

I bet the mangaka is willing to do some changes, as long as they don't affect the story in the long term. For Rutina this might solve a lot of issues if he decides to slow down her "taming", but for Miria we'd need the light novel writer to characterize her better first.

Are those the raws? I need to check them. Now.

New villainess week. What happens when people abuse divination.

I definitely picked it up because it had sex slaves but the dungeon autism is the main reason I am still reading it.

I know Miria was going to be inherited by Sherry, but I don't remember anything ever being mentioned for Vesta. She'd be useful for Sherry if she ever decides to find a new male to replace Michio if he dies. Rutina seemed like she was only planned to be Michio's slave for a couple of years, but I doubt he intends to let her escape.

Snek is going to get fat if he keeps eating ice cream

He's still a babu, and tangoing with Monocleman burns calories like a nothing.

Weak ending, but the story was pretty good.
He gave her Vesta too because she only knows how to be a slave, she's literally never been a free person since birth.

Crop rotation, AGAIN?
Come on. If you're going to show development in a backwards fantasy world, show something else than agriculture. Or at the very least go beyond "muh crop rotashun":
>selective breeding and Mendelian inheritance
>seed drill
>companion planting (e.g. three sisters)
>plough improvements

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They'll be happy together at least.

Meh story, but at least that smile was cute .

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You're cute.

You aren't.

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Well played.

Is this series really just dungeon crawling and adding more girl to his harem? what's the endgame?

Did it have another shitty heroine again?

Also increasing his levels and maybe eventually destroying a dungeon someday and getting a noble status.

What do you think? Yes, but she was barely even there.

Adding a dungeon to his harem.

I hope so. Let him enslave a dungeon instead of killing it, and just have it move somewhere to make it seem like it was killed. Then feed her bandits.

Michio would rather travel the seas on a boat than become a noble. He's still seething from his screwup that got him noticed in the first place.