Dragon Ball Super

Caulifla is a better character than Gohan and Vegeta, discuss.

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Other urls found in this thread:


She only exists to make porn.

Weak bait

Vegeta is better than Goku. Discuss.

>Weak bait
You don't agree, why?

If a character is wearing a tube top she's automatically better than most.

I don’t like her hair.


not so much of a chad huh, dragon tards?

I like Begita gay porn.

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Kale’s better

>ywn be lucky enough to be beaten to death by Caulifla while both of you masturbate

I never noticed how defined his ass crack is, what were they thinking?


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Based Bejitabro.

simp thread


>And then Krillin was the 1st one to be disqualified from the ToP by ironically being blindsided

Who is this? Rule 63 goku? A daughter? Feels like a female clone

based gokubro

Alternate Universe Saiyan. She and Fem Broly are the mongrels these spic a keep posting

forgot the s

Is it me, or is there way too many Namek arc throwbacks in the anime ToP?

i really don't get the counterpart comparison thing

>Kale / Broly
this one makes a lot of sense, similar color palette, same transformed state, same meek personality (in base) and insanity (transformed)
>Caulifla / Goku
both are fighting autists, so are Piccolo, Vegeta and Tien. Goku is a dumb, naive and carefree country boy, Caulifla is a brash and street smart bandit, their personalities are like night and day. Caulifla is a stereotypical sukeban
>Cabba / Vegeta
same color palette and certain moves / stance, but Vegeta is arrogant, rude, unlikeable and a former mass murderer prince. Cabba is well-mannered and modest soldier. Cabba shares more traits with Gohan, they have a similar haircut, similar personality, both have a strong sense of justice and fight to protect people and both are the protegeé of an older, more experienced fighter (Piccolo and Vegeta)

Have you read the manga? Their counterparts are that three girls who fuses

Caulifla gets shit done.
Gohan was a pussy for most of the series and Vegeta is just "muh Goku".

>characters that get shit done
i'll start

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>better character than Gohan and Vegeta
Not much of an accomplishment tbqh

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CHADly won.

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Not anymore, man.

Caulifa should be the fembroly because cauliflowers are just white colorswaps of broccoli

Yes but thats not saying much since he sucks ass

this, whoever picked the names had an idea and then forgot and just went with it.

Buy Caulifla looks like Mia Khalifa.

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Cabba jobs to Freeza just like his counterpart too!

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>caulifla is a much better character than kale
>gets shafted so she can be kefla who is literally just caulifla
kale shouldn't even exist

Shes absolutely terrible be it in the Manga or Anime. The way they trivialized the transformations is just disgusting

funnily enough Caulifla only exists because of Kale

>The way they trivialized the transformations is just disgusting
You're decades late.

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could you imagine how secretly pissed off Gohan must've been that his father had to have his friends killed to achieve SS, he himself doing so also by training for a fucking year in the time chamber, but this lil nigga just does it like nothing?

Super Saiyan 3
>"H-How did you do that?"
>"lmao, I don't know. Pretty cool, huh? Btw I'm super strong!"

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Man, looking at that hair now, Caulifla's hair is fucking wild, if she got a bucket of water poured on her it'd probably reach down to her hips just look at how far away the top is from her head, it's fucking huge. No joke, I can't stop looking at it now, it's like she's running around with someone's house hedge on her head.

>Dabura, remove the weakest ones
>chooses Piccolo and Krillin
are Buu arc Base Saiyans > Piccolo?

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I don't really get the point of Caulifla. Why didn't they just have Kale act like Caulifla instead of the thrash she was in the anime and just have her be a single character. Like Kefla is literally just Caulifla with green hair because Kale's character is so pathetic that she doesn't add anything to the fusion other than power, but Kefla is fusionshit so she's trash by default. Literally just trash Kefla and Caulifla and keep Kale but redo her personality.

Kale was Toei's idea for ToP because they wanted to milk Broly's popularity. when Toriyama saw Kale's concept he created Caulifla because he likes to introduce characters in pairs

>they wanted to milk Broly's popularity
So the movie was made to flop? I mean, why would they foreshadow something so important rather than making it a surprise?


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Only Goku and, to a much lower extent, Vegeta and Gohan

There was well over a year between creating Kale and creating Super Broly. That's a lot of time to come up with a new concept

That's really not enough, we might as well get another reboot before Broly, making 2 LSS is less meaningful than making one appearing out of nowhere, in fact, we could've collected Kale's fanbase if she even had any

Kale was dead on arrival and was botched so it allowed for them to rework Broly. Basically, they had no idea they'd reintroduce Broly when they created Kale and her flopping had no impact on Broly's appearance, or very little. It's more like saying Raditz took away from Vegeta's first appearance even though that had direct ties.
But yes, Broly appearing out of nowhere would have been huge too, but it's hard to say his appearance was lessened in anyway from Kale. Not for me.

reminds me of zoro mask in majoras mask for some reason


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Yamcha is a better character than *insert your favorite here*, discuss.

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Also I spilled your chocolate milk, brother.

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>are Buu arc Base Saiyans > Piccolo?
No, and especially not as of BoG/Super where we learned that Base Saiyans were still weaker than Namek Freeza.

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Because it was mindless “2-0” spam. No better than the “you don’t really believe DBS is canon...do you?” spammer. You can’t start off a thread topic with spam faggotry like that.

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Now we wait for Toriyama to state in an interview that Goten and Trunks also achieved Super Saiyan through back tingles.

That’s Tagoma’s body, your point? Gohan had to go Super Saiyan to beat Tagoma.

Just finished watching Super.
Why does Jiren suck so much?

And this tagoma is stated to be slightly stronger than Ginyu, and he made Kamicolo a fodder

DBS anime is not canon, Kamiccolo fought and jobbed to Shisami (Zarbon-tier).

We're talking about DBZ RoF canon movie, what does Super have to do with this?

I want to lick his hairy ass and chew his shit

>no bulge


Well of course she is. She's a cute girl after all.

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>And this tagoma is stated to be slightly stronger than Ginyu
No, Sorbet states that Tagoma is stronger than the Ginyu Force, no “slightly” included. Tagoma himself even says that he is way stronger than Ginyu.

Tagoma is stronger than Piccolo and base Gohan, but he's not as strong as Super Saiyan Gohan who is still able to utilize some of his potential despite being out of shape. It’s as simple as that.

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Where is he taking Kefla

To his cave

Came her for Caulifla/Kefla lewds, gotta say i'm disappointed.

He will probably eat her

yeah eat her out lol

delivering her to me
it was the only way i could get her to go on a date since i'm not strong enough
luckily broly just wants a few hundred gallons of water and 500 pounds of steak

Based Bejita

>FroGinyu survives and does nothing for over a decade
>suddenly decides to change his body and gets Tagoma's, Frieza's strongest

are you really buying this? Piccolo who is supposed to be as strong as Cell at this point, and stronger than Namek Frieza is being compared to the likes of Ginyu forces and weaker than untrained Super Saiyan Gohan? How strong is this Gohan compared to Super Vegeta back in Z?

It was contrived. RoF didn’t need a retelling at all.

IIRC, this Gohan is weaker than Buu arc Tournament Gohan

You dumbass speedreader; this is the Freeza Force, they only HAVE the Ginyu Force to compare Tagoma to since they were second only to Freeza. Way stronger than the Ginyu Force =/= comparable to Tagoma or Piccolo.

There's 1st form Frieza they could compare no? And what about Gohan? THIS gohan shouldn't even be stronger Cell at this point since he can't even go SS2 and he could still fodderize Piccolo
Well it was a struggle for him to go even SS


My unpopular opinion.
Baby Saga is better than anything in Super by a mile and GT in general actually had good ideas but was simply poorly executed. Goku needed to be nerfed and actually GT feels more in the spirit of OG Dragon Ball than Z does, but in general GT does this poorly, the Baby Arc is still great and way better than anything in Super.

I also think Z gets put on a pedestal way too much, watching all of it again recently over the past few weeks, it really does peak with Frieza and while the Android/Cell Saga is cool, it really is filled with insane amounts of plot holes and requires the characters to go full retard for the most part. Way more could have been done with the Android and Imperfect Cell portion as well.

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Baby saga drops the ball when they go to the nuTuffle planet. The first thing SS4 does against Baby is to job which is a very shitty way to showcase a new transformation (granted, SSB jobs to something that would be perfectly survivable for the cast like an exploding planet but at least Freeza jobs to it at first).


He existed to prove his 'strength only, no gimmicks, final destination' philosophy of power was wrong, and put over ultra instinct as the ultimate fighting style

>'strength only, no gimmicks, final destination' philosophy of power was wrong
>ultra instinct as the ultimate fighting style
Pick one

Kino's back on the menu. Based CHADyotaro.

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>no gimmicks
What exactly are “gimmicks”? And why is it a problem if it helps win fights?

He's talking about the reflex only BS, everyone on their right mind would know that UI is a Angel realm power up

Can't wait until Gohan mops the floor with Saganbo and finishes off Moro after Gokek and Keketa die trying.

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I mean, isn’t it established pretty early on that Goten and Trunks are basically Saiyan prodigys? Also pretty sure Toriyama explained that they were able to go SSJ3 because of Time Chamber training and having seen Goku do it.

Not like it achieved anything in the end. Or any fusion, for that matter.

Become giant, fuse, stop time, transform, psychic abilities, teleportation, sealing, hypnosis, magic, traps, binding, using mirrors to richochet attacks round corners, poison, controlling elements, regeneration, energy absorbtion,
Y'know, gimmicks

According to jiren its a problem because its not 'real strength'
But the point is it doesnt matter what Jiren thought because he was proven wrong by the plot

Those are just powers...like super strength or super speed, both of which Jiren has.

Is that her seiyuu

But Gohan is dead unless he comes back in his Forma Zombie (mierdaposter)

>and having seen Goku do it.
Only in the anime
In the manga they never saw SS3

user... literally every single person on Earth saw SS3

Reminder that Caulifla and Kale were confirmed to be kids so this is cp

>confirmed to be kids
>this is cp

They could only see what was going on if their eyes were closed, but Goten and Trunks had their eyes open when Goku went SS3, so they didn't see him

>Reminder that Caulifla and Kale were confirmed to be kids
They weren’t, without a confirmed age you’re running on borderline headcanon.

Came here to post this.

Re-read (or re-watch, both are fine) the fight again, Goten had his eyes closed all the time, and Trunks was also paying attention, Goku even had to tell Trunks to stop looking at him at move his ass.
Hell, they even started respecting Goku ONLY because they saw he was stronger than both Gohan and Vegeta with SS3

I fucking love female Saiyans


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>The first thing SS4 does against Baby is to job
T. Brainlet


Dare I say...based?

>MVP of the Saiyan arc
>First one to damage Freeza
>Put an end to present Cell
>Ended panda rape forever
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

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samefag filterbitch

Delivering her to Lord Paragon.

No, it’s off-topic and no genuine discussion comes out of it. Characterfags should be gassed.

Good luck proving that theory. Cope.

No she's not, and you don't even think that yourself. You want to know why? Because she exists purely to be waifubait for morons like you who think someone being a good character means "She's cute and she makes me peepee feel funny!" Goku and Vegeta both have characters that have evolved and developed over literal decades. They're not complex paragons of character development or anything, but they do have character. This bland whore was drawn with tits and a top that might as well be a belt and given the personality trait "cocky" in place of an actual personality or character, then paired with an even more dull and uninspired waifubait trash creation to suck in retards like you.

tl;dr: Caulishit and Kale aren't better characters than anyone because they don't have characters, and waifutrash like you should die.

Unironically a better character than any of the garbage introduced in Non-Canonper.

>gets shit done

>Actually believe this

Burden of proof is on you. Oh what's that, you can't uphold it? You lose. I win.

>Caulifla gets shit done
Yeah, she definitely gets the "job" done alright.

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So Piccolo in the Z anime was just half a head shorter than 2nd Form Frieza. Xeno Frieza was just elongated 2nd Form so same height.
Which means King Cold is way taller than his son in the same forms, and Frieza is the shortest of the big 3 Z villains in their tallest forms. Did Piccolo grow in height after Namek too? Super Buu might be way taller than 2nd Form Frieza.
Why is Frieza such a manlet?

>Goku even had to tell Trunks to stop looking at him at move his ass.
Yeah, when Goku was SS2 and Trunks was surprised because he was as strong as Vegeta

Trunks felt Goku's ki when he turned SS3, but he didn't stop nor close his eyes to look at him, he had to retrieve the radar

Goten wasn't looking either. They both felt his power, but didn't know what he looked like, which is why they didn't know what a SS3 was when they transformed while fused

Does Shitren have chicken or crab legs?

Shameel is now a zombie...

No. Fuck off.

I'd be okay with just one U6 SS that has Caulifla personality and Kale's powers, honestly.
On that note, I'd rather have this 1 SS look like SS Kale by default, barring the SS hair.
Talking the design and muscle definition here.

Not a Jirengument.

Yes. Fuck on.


I accept your Jirencession.

Why would you expect explicit lewds on Yas Forums, you animal?

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Is Jiren now synonymous with defeat?
I see the logic.

Jirekneel before me.

This is based. I'm gonna use it. I suggest we use
instead of jobber
>Jobgeta is a huge jirener

Gotenks keeps Jirening hard.

Already does sometimes. I can't understand some of the abbrevations in this thread.

Don't capitalize "Jirening". This can work

Tenshinhan is nothing but a Jirener.

Can't for him and his band of jireners to jiren next chapter so we get to the main fight

Oops, I capitalized it.


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CHADhan should gather Dragon Balls, wish for female sayans to be resurrected and insert them into his harem.

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Jirenhan isn't getting anything but Moro's fist though

When is the next chapter?

Every time I see this picture it feels like I'm looking at some obscene mindbreak hentai.

Two weeks until spoilers

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I like her design but everything written about her and the other Universe 6 sayians in both Anime and Manga is dumb and stupid.

Give her a tail and spur up some bullshit on how by keeping their tail they can transform into something more powerful than a regular sayian or some shit aka pull up a super sayian 4 back from someone's ass.

Thanks, see you guys then
Shallot has a tail and it confirms the tail changes to the same color as their hair in super saiyan his goes yellow,too

Based FOAZ chad

Maybe in DBZ in his own timeline but DBS was a complete waste of time. Even worse than a shitty manga author spending volumes on telling a story and having a high stakes ending when suddenly the main character woke up in the hospital and it was all a dream.

>Jobs to you with a gun

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There's nothing to discuss. Of course she's better. She has a better relationship dynamic with the people she cares about, her development is more consistent and her fights are more entertaining to watch.
Caulifla and the Cutegang need to be the new protagonists of Dragon Ball. I'm tired of the Goku & friends show.

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There's nothing to discuss. Of course he's better. He has a better relationship dynamic with the people he cares about, his development is more consistent and his fights are more entertaining to watch.
Yamcha and the Wolfpack need to be the new protagonists of Dragon Ball. I'm tired of the Goku & saiyans show.

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Based Gokubro!

>I want a show about a comic relief jobber
Thank god nobody listens cares what you want

Cabba is the biggest jiren of U6...

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Is this canon?

same effect. weird


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>nu-Toriyama isn't talent-

I wish Puar was relevant.

he's undefeated against shitku at least.

So he has gone back to his old art style?

That’s old.
It’s from the 90’s.

>seething jirenellfag

How many times are you going to repeat your shitty interpretation, celljirener?

Yes, it was approved by Toyotaro.

I had a feeling. He drew Goku too good to look new.

Enter Vegeta's ultimate outfit

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Zamasu bros, where you at?

Jirening to Trunks rn

jirekneeling to heartschads

Jirening and crying

He looks flustered.

He must have been jirening as he usually does

kek, saved

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Imagine the offspring bros..

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Probably just for that one drawing. It takes more effort and he's a lazy cunt.

Nice headcanon you dumb spic. Can you read?

Where is this from? I don't remember him using super saiyan while on yardrat

Toyotaro's twitter of course

dumb crybaby


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>everyone will jiren hard and force best boy to sacrifice himself killing Moro

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If you fucking ever speak to me in that manner again, dog, I'll kill you.


Canon > Headcanon.

With one image I've destroyed your opinion in an instant.

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Every thread is filled with "X is jirening" and "Y is the biggest jirener"

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>Can you read?
You stupid ass faggot, that video has been on the internet for years.

Do your own research.
Don’t listen to that jackass.

Shut the fuck up, dumb lesbo slut.
With your ugly mutt face.

FOAZ : The Thread.

Don't you ever talk shit about her or I will end you

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Shut up Sonic.

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Hello there, I am Jiren the Gray. You may know me as "the strongest fighter in all the multiverse" or else "the most learned scholar of all".

I'm here today to talk to you all about something extremely important, something that has no place in these threads - something that is nothing but a plague, a cancer, a canker to be cut away, to be pruned at the first chance.

I'm talking, of course, about moeshit.

It is your sworn duty as preponderant Dragon Scholars to eradicate every trace of moefaggotry from these hallowed halls. Cleanse every nook and cranny of the filth that is moetrash. Only then will you achieve true strength.

This has been a PSA by the Pride Troopers and Chadren the Chad.

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>Hello there, I am Jiren the Gray. You may know me as [headcanon]

Hello there, I am Caulifla the Cute. You may know me as "the cutest fighter in all the multiverse" or else "the most adorable scholar of all".

I'm here today to talk to you all about something extremely important, something that has no place in these threads - something that is nothing but a plague, a cancer, a cancer to be cut away, to be pruned at the first chance.

I'm talking, of course, about Jirenposting.

It is your sworn duty as preponderant Dragon Scholars to eradicate every trace of Jirenfaggotry from these hallowed halls. Cleanse every nook and cranny of the filth that is Jirenfaggotry. Only then will you achieve true strength.

This has been a PSA by the Cutegang and Caulifla the Cute.

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Is this a moe?

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Dragon Ball is literally moeshit. The sooner you come to terms with that the sooner we can get back to a tangible discussion.

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No, she's perfect

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Interesting, why is he using blue evolved again? I wonder if his new tricks turned out useless already, Dragonball has a nasty habit of having characters train for something then when it's finally time to use it, it turns out to be fucking useless, I mean first it was the evil containment Wave but it didn't work on King Piccolo or Zamasu, then it was Kaioken, it wasn't enough to defeat Vegeta, then it was Fusion and Unlocked Potential neither were enough to beat Buu, at least in Gohan and Gotenks's cases and then Ultra Instinct wasn't enough to defeat Jiren so I don't have alot of faith in whatever Vegeta learned working here. I do like the combie of his saiyan armor and yardart clothing it looks nice. Always good to see them wearing something different for once. I miss the F arc clothes,too

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She's obese.

I take it back, this is worse

>Hello there, I am Caulifla the [headcanon]

>b-b-but my YouTube boyfriend posted the video and said it's old
Why are you pretending to be retarded?

Did you give her a haircut? Her hair is way bigger than that

Trunks is overrated imo, I love the guy, but he never really got shit down except for Freeza plus the Future Androids and Cell, who no longer were a threat to any of the major fighters by the end of the arc and one of them wasn't even a threat and was eliminated due to a slip-up on his part.

>they took a Shitren post and actually made it worse
So it's official, the waifutards and Cuck Gang are worse than the Shitrenanimal.

Caulishit and Kale are canonically not cute.

I pity you. You'll never know the love of Caulifla and the Cutegang.

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Kefla is better than you or the wimpy lesbo.