The best quote in the history of manga

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>t. reddit cuck



>t. Cuck. And hes going to change man for CHAD later too

not even fucking close

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Very true. Only a gentlemen would agree.

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Based. Also reminder that if a woman cheats on you, it's your fault for being inadequate and insensitive.

Spoken like a true cuck

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This. I cut the middleman and let my girlfriend get fucked while I’m at work earning money for her. I want her to be happy and taken care of, and if that means her getting a different dick weekly, I would be barbaric to not allow it. I am a gentleman.

That's shit and generic. Chadjis quote about women is something to take to heart. If you spend your life getting mad at women for lies you will be an incel.

If you had 10 girlfriends like a real Chad you wouldn't even notice if one of them "cheated" on you.

Back you go!

Reminder that sanji is literally an incel.

jokes aside, friend of mine legit thinks this is why her mom cheated on her dad

I think this girl sounds a little clingy and she might be misinterpreting the situation. If your roommate suddenly has a kid, you're either going to get out of the house, kick them out, or you'll wind up taking care of the kid in certain scenarios. I don't think that's wrong. And obviously if you stick around that girl and kid when she has no interest in you, you're just being taken advantage of, but if he's babysitting her every now and then because they live in the same house, that's different. He would be cucking himself though if he didn't leave the house when he got a girlfriend.

why are you friends with her?

Chopper Remember one thing, a skull and Crossbones means death you stupid shit.


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Literally a fucking cuck

Sanji has canonically had sex with Robin though.
This is deep lore but all men with leg hair in one piece have had sex.

Fuck off tumblr. No one wants your feminism bullshit here

Absolutely pathetic, Sanjicucks will defend this.

You've either only read one manga in your life, or you have a very limited understanding of the concept of history.

Either way, that outs you as a complete and utter retard. I pity the people who had to raise you.

It was his own fucking fault.


Whoops, wrong picture.

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Nah, what's really happening is that this slimy bitch is trying to establish evidence of parenthood, which will allow her to claim child support in many different states. That guy could just be hanging out with the kid once in a while but this bitch wants to make it look like he's a father figure, which may entitle the child to child support

Before Alabasta Sanji had no leg hair. Then Robin joined the crew. Then at Skypiea Sanji had leg hair. Explanation, Robin took Sanjis virginity.
Look who has leg hair in One Piece
Urouge whose canon hobby is lovemaking
To name a few.
Its Odas way of showing the character has "become a man".

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Do you have any pictures of It?

Of Sanjis leg hair?

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Yes but before and after Robin joining

Here are his legs in Alabasta before Robin joined

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if your woman cheats on you then she's not your woman she's just another person

she becomes a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger

it's because Sanji is a gaijin user

Yeah Sanji, you say that when it turns out the woman you love murdered hundreds of innocents, attempted to murder her peers, was plotting a bloody war, and was being an utter hypocrite with her ideals while parading around in a mask.
You don't know how much my heart hurt you piece of shit!

This is Skypiea Sanji the anime pic I posted is Skypiea too.

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You cannot blame one person for something that involves everyone

Oden, the man whos legs you replied to, is Japanese though...
So is Kyoshiro the head pimp of wano

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I don't understand why people are so mad about this. Forgiving someone is not the same as ignoring their bad behavior. Besides, it's not always wrong to lie.

this is a fun theory

dubs confirm

You can read this as "owners forgive their dog's bad behavior". How is this not based and redpilled

One Piece truly is the patrician manga for us like-minded cucks

>Here lies Ace
>He never got laid

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>his parents named him Sloan

doomed from the getgo

>already married
He has Pudding's prime pussy to take whenever he wants. He's still kinda cuck.

wrong, the only thing she becomes is dead

what a simp faggot. glorifying cuckoldry is the saddest thing ever.

that's because they're yankees.

At least he got fisted

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>Oda had Sanjay defeat that dinosaur jobber offpanel

What is it with people taking life lessons from manga to heart? Are you stupid?

No they arent

What the fuck's a simp? Is this a reddit term?

Sanji is an awkward combo of an alpha and beta dude. Every-time he says some cuck shit it just sounds manly as hell

It's literally just a friend tho

if you dislike this quote you're a ledditor who sucks dick on the regular

Because Oda thinks it is manly, so he make it looks like it, despite it actually being stupid.

She says she hopes he finds someone, but if her puts a girl above her and her kid she’ll be ballistic. But she won’t get into a relationship with him.

But I have leg hair and I’m still a virgin...

Women have the natural right to cuck men. I propose every woman have at least one man for money, one man for sex, one man for emotional support, one man for hobby sharing and one man for chores.

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Not even close.

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>Because Oda thinks it is manly

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Try again

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Papagane is also a cuck.

Simp city

Jesus motherfucking christ

Literally black lingo that zoomers latched onto, that's short for 'simpleton' or 'simpin''. This is akin to them taking a liking to the term 'based' which was a derogatory nickname given to Black rapper Based God, since people used to say he looked like a 'base head' druggie growing up, which he turned into his stage name and a term of positivity. So yes, Reddit.

god toji is such a good character. i love gege

But this is.

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I dont get it, his face is handsome wat the actual fuck

is this shaman king?


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It's a good line but as you get older you'll realize if she lies about one thing, there's no real limit. It's not your job to be a lie detector.

That's a good line. Since it implies women and fuckboys, by nature, are liars and subhumans men should forgive and pity.

What does this have to do with what I said?

>a cuck

>Cuck eats cuck food

>Since it implies women and fuckboys, by nature, are liars and subhumans men should forgive and pity.

That's pretty based of Oda.

He's not supposed to be a chad, he's supposed to be a gentleman. A chad does not care for women any more than they do their holes, while a gentleman puts women on a pedestal.

he's after the loli

Please tell me at least this guy's actually a pedo and after the daughter.

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I love Mizukami, Yas Forums

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He got a way better deal in the end

Goddamn, this page cemented Sato as one of the best villains I've seen.

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>thread full of buzzwords
Sasuga Wan Piss fans.

Ebonics, just like thot and based.

but that's not "the heart"?

This is beyond words.

Ok, Satan.

How is that cuckoldry? Women hates those kind if quote because they imply women are mendacious beings and it implyes men should be superior forgiving them.

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Literally me

I wish I could actually be outraged at this but women kinda prove him right.

This has to be pretty up there

>playing the long game to have the daughterwife
Pretty based

Literally anything Griffith says

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There's a psycho-pass manga so Makishima.png

based was originally african american vernacular language? I never knew that.



This. Never let yourself get fucked over.

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I actually cried after reading that speech. FKMT is REALLY good at inspiring speeches, all of his manga has at least one part that makes me tear up and think about my life choices

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Perhaps, but only a fool forgets.

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>What the fuck's a simp?

Or maybe Luffy sucked him off knowing Robin would get the blame.

Our minds deserve better than to see trash like this.


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To be fair while this is hardly deep I think it probably resonates a lot more coming from this character in particular

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>missing the point
>wan piss
Color me surprise

This so much.

Based. Women are basically animals, you shouldn't take them too seriously.

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based coomers

Checked and blessed

This guy can only be redeemed if he's actually after the loli.

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no you retard it's short for
S uckers
I mpressed (by)
M ediocre
P ussy

No Robin fucked him. When Robin first joined she was still all mentally fucked up and wanting to die. Sanji of course tireless hits on any hot woman.
That shit doesn't really work on Nami but Robin really had no reason not to have some boy toy since she was planning on turning herself in soon.

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Unless she saw him getting sucked off and thought he was a fag.

>half a page of text and no background

never forget who's inside you sanji.

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This manga is so underrated, its easily the best new sports manga.

That's just how time works ffs.

Onizuka is a literal manchild (at the start of the show) so I'm guessing it means more coming out of his mouth

Onizuka wasn't a manchild, he was just having a tough time. But Shonan Junai Gumi shows he was already famous and praised for his strength. It was more of a "fish out of the water" scenario

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Well from what I remember the first episode was about him refusing to grow up, in a sense. I'm not saying he was "pathetic" or something, just that it is indicative of character development for him to be the person to say that, he's basing it on experience

please go back

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holy shit how is jaya so based?

More like whiteknight.

this only looks cool because its delivered in a cool way, but it really is stupid as hell
props to oda for making such a idiotic thing look badass

The reason I hate this cuck so much.

I thought Sloan was a chad name.

this is why zoro is more popular
sanji is a jobbing simp

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basedest post so far

user, I have something to tell you....

Blessed Tomoko

>wan piss fags

take a seat Sanji
learn from a true gentleman

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Nah he had loli pussy every day for like a week

not even close, simpjifag.
now THESE are real men

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I was so mad the first time I saw this. Then, I reread the whole thing much later with a clear mind and noticed what's wrong immediately.

Kurosawa never fucking made the slightest attempt at approaching Magister. Like, never. I was searching for moments where he was making a move on her, like for shifts in their dynamic or whatever. And I found nothing. He was friendly at best and cold and distant at worst, always preoccupied with his own bullshit. The whole relationship was in his head. He lost his chance and it was 100% his own fault, because he did have a chance.

He's a transcendent incel. He is an incel in the textbook sense of the word, but he is so devoid of hatred for women, he wraps back into alpha level.

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He got an angry bitch who used to take dick from delinquents.
He became a fucking faggot by the end and suddenly started to love everyone for literally no fucking reason, fuck this piece of shit manga.

>t. "Bah, I don't want to really hurt a woman", the cuck.

Um sauce??

Even if he did make moves on her, she wasn't looking for an anti-social guy.
He was doomed from the start but didn't realise it.

Post feet

He got someone he could maintain healthy relationships with for a fucking decade before they married

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well, i guess it's would be hard since i crop the page and his male's drawing isn't as recognizable as female's one

Sure, if you think a guy being willing to put up with anything from his girlfriend without getting mad is healthy.
He magicly became willing to put up with even a loud tsundere when he couldn't stand any social behavior before graduating, like he had no reason to abstain from social interaction to begin with.
We never see Sugawa properly apologizing for anything she did and she even thinks she can say "She's gone too far" because Kitahara didn't wish to hear about her circumstances.
See chapter 30.

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There’s no way this is fucking real

Nothing. Let the fag reeeeeeeeeeeee.

I recognize this.
Asanagi is pretty based but his art sucks and has never managed to give me a hard-on

Simp has been a term for a long time, just because you twitter tards just started using it

everyone lies this isnt a gender based thing fucking incels

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t. female trying to deflect from the fact she lies because she's a female

Damn nigga

He is right if you take into account that whores and thots are not women.
A man know the diffetence.

Ace wouldn't have sex. He thought his blood was cursed and that he didn't deserve to live. He was a voluntary celibate.

Can a nonvirgin be an incel?

my thoughts exactly
this guy is a genius