Isekai Quartet

last thread hit bump limit


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Can't prove otherwise, so this is a fact. Kazuma can have literally any class skill or ability after all he probably has at least twenty that rape Ainz, he's just being a gentleman and not doing that though since the Albedo puss is too good.

W-where is my Shieldbro?

>Kazuma x Albedo is now canon
best part of the whole episode

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At the craft shop, which honestly was a kind of nice touch.

You just know Tanya schlicks every night while she thinks of Kazuma.

How come Isekai Quartet plays Tanya as pleasant (if uptight) when her most recognisable trait is being a grinning maniac?

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Tanya belongs to Kazuma!

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>si hay presencia de bello púbico, no existe crimen alguno.

Is Tanya attracted to men or women?

>buenos dias tanya

What would Megumin/Darkness's reactions to this be?

Muh dick.

neither, Tanya's asexual

darkness would be very turned on i imagine.
playing third fiddle to a succubus and a loli is very humiliating

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Nothing interesting since they were taken from season 2 of konosuba and no real character development has happened yet.

She doesn't have anyone to be a lunatic towards here. She follows rules and the rules currently say don't be a huge douche, she still willingly sent off Kazuma to the roach pits.

She has actually thought about it before and concluded that if she were to enter a relationship with a man she would be physically heterosexual but mentally homosexual and vice versa with a woman; ultimately she decided that it wasn't something worth thinking too hard about and would rather focus on practical things

all three of the girls seem pretty close to Kazuma desu

Just put this in place of the food in that group shot and everyone's reactions are probably about right.

I also had this very same thought. What's happening to us, bros?

Disgusting savages.

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god I wanna fuck kazuma


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Yeah, but they don't start getting interested in him till later in the books, Kuzuma would actually ditch them now with no problems instead of just saying that because he's a tsundere like later in the books.

>Ainz goes tsun when CHADzuma calls him cute
Another one enters the harem

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Didn't know Kazuma wanted to get boned.

Here you go.

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>Kazuma watching himself get laid
He must have the smuggest fucking facial expression right now

Based Kazuma has learnt how to clone himself to better service his harem. is there no limits to his power?

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One of those is actually an overlord doppleganger.

Is that supposed to be Ristarte at the meat shop scene?


What does it take to get more screentime of best girl

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Wait, what the fuck.

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at least she said more than one sentence this episode. poor Yunyun has not had a single word this season

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Dopplegangers don't get enough attention, considering they can be every girl and can even act perfectly how they should act with psychic powers they are literally best girl.

That's the joke though.

>Shalltear getting genuinely turned on

Subaru > Kazuma

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not gonna work senpai, she dosent care who carries her when shes done her explosion

>Shallchair is awake
Yes that's correct.

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Welp, looks like I'm going to watch Cautious Hero now that it's potentially in this show.

She also doesn't care who fucks her after she's done with explosion. Subaru fucks her after that for sure.

It's hilarious, certainly the funniest show from IQ.

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>Doesn't even have time stop immunity
Aqua > Kazuma

>megaman was in almost every isekai squad for a short period of time until they kicked her out again because she's useless
dude, almost all of isekai town did the megaman already. while she was asleep. one more or less doesn't change anything.

Rance > Kazuma

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Haven't seen duckface the anime, but Tanya's goals are

1. Surviving/thriving in War World


2. Destroying Being X

In Isekai Quartet there's no reason for her to be hostile. There's no real enemies to fight if she obeys the rules which she's a natural at.

Rance is just an older version of Kazuma

Nah, Rance is based. Kazuma is a cuck, can't even fuck a single girl.

This. Rance is endgame of Kazuma

imagine being this wrong

Way too different.
Rance Chad > Kazuma Virgin



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Yes, everyone knows Kazuma is future Rance.
As punishment for all the rape, he was reincarnated into an eternal cherry boy

Yeah okay retard.

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Kazuma can't fuck his harem because of story structure. Once he fucks them, the magic will gone. Rance in this case has entire world to explore. Fucked by Whale world tho. Punished Kazuma can turn into Rance.

Plot and Comedy is better than Konosuba. Not a bait.

>better than konosuba
it was completlely forgotten like the mediocre third rate show it was fuck off with your bait

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>everyone knows Kazuma is future Rance.
Kazuma can never be as based as Rance. Even if he get isekaid a thousand times.

It was unironically a good watch, not a masterpiece by any means but definitely worth watching.

>completely forgotten
>still talking about it
Ok retard, plot is still better.

>completely forgotten
>Imagine being this wrong
Even kadokawa are already putting them in IQ because of the popular demand the series have in Niponland

>arts and crafts
I guess. Though remember that his thing isn't clothmaking, it's accessorymaking.

Konosuba Tanya and Overlord are dead, its pretty much official now, with them adding more shows its over for them

Still lots of events and shits in Jp
Still going strong in Jp in terms of LN, collaborations, and Ads

t. Figma maker based here in Nipon

Do dubs confirm user? Are Japanese high schools the finish line for all isekai protagonists who don't complete their goal?

>Highly anticipated new LN in a month
>Fighting the Platinum Dragon Lord
Not even close. Can't wait to see how Evileye dies by the way.

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how is tanya less dead than konosuba thats retarded

>shieldshit and cautious shit got added in before ngnl
it's just not fair bros

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ngnl Sora and Shiro are too much of a NEET to even come to school. They can't fit in there

Believe it or not the demand for Tanya here is damn insane. Lots of nips especially chuunis like the western german shit it portrays.

Nah. Chinks and normies who comments in Kadokawa videos made the show popular enough to potentially be in IQ

>konosuba unpopular

Nah. The sales of the LN sores higher than before even the figmas that were just made have been pre-ordered until sold out.

you are talking utter bullshit and you know it

It isn't that popular outside the circle, it's losing it's popularity more and more here. Even Re:Zero are more popular than Konosuba.

FUCK tania makes me so hard

>This series I hate are popular therefore it's bullshit! REEEE

This desu. They'd only ever find one of them going out for the rare gamer refueling trip.

Konosuba will get its season 3 youll see. something will be said this month and it will be glorious you naysayers will be blown away

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>very turned on i imagine.
She's everything but turned on about being the second fiddle to a loli

Why HASN'T Konosuba gotten a S3? I thought DEEN was shit and that was their big moneymaker. With how popular it is and how much content is left to adapt, I'm genuinely curious as to why we only got a movie.

I told you faggots, Nabe best girl

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A funny way to say Shaltear

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So wait did Kazuma take those pictures?
Or did someone else give them to him?

because Kadokawa, the way they govern things is a mystery. they will kill a popular series for seemingly no reason. they could run with konosuba easily for a few more seasons. also desu a movie was the best way to adapt volume 5

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>here's your new transfer student

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There's no competition Kazuma ftw

Albedo sent them to him. their relationship is now canon

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Why have they still not made a No Game No Life season 2?

Holy based.

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Kadokawa doesn't care enough for it to commission one, probably.

ok so if you had to cut 5 characters from the main cast who would it be? personally i find it is a little bloated.
i would remove betty, the 3 stooges, and the twins from overlord.

Once you zoom in, you realize that's probably not the case. He looks dead tired. He's probably just relaxing against the girl who has no body, Tibia honest she's the best girl anyways.

Who is this lolimancer?

Nabe can only turn into one girl form though since they min maxed her racial skills.

Diablo should be in the anime rather than Shield Hero

The movie was really good

Probably sneaked while she was changing or something, or sneaked while she was wearing bathing suit.

The army guys other then duck and girl-chan, and the little cat and drill haired girl from re-zero

Emilia, Puck, Betty.

Not Kadokawa.

Rather than cut the cast it'd be nice if the focus wasn't the same 9 or 10 characters every episode. You could cut out half of the overlord characters and nobody would notice. At least last season there was more balance.

And Subaru and Rem.

>all these betty haters

S2 will make you ashamed of your words and deeds.

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these threads have gotten to the point where i recognize some posters, like that fucking suicidal Aquafag always shitting himself konosuba is dead.

Does Megumin prefer Subaru's strong muscular back?

Don’t kid me like that user give me proofs I want to believe too

>third drill
Is it clockwise or counterclockwise? What's the diameter on the threading? 24x1.5?

Rem, the Shield Hero cast.

They would probably cut Subaru before they would cut Rem.


It's just one pube, the only one she has.

The one and only Isekai'd Ojisan.

Looks worth checking out at least.

nut somewhere else

Considering most of the shows are dead it wouldnt be suprising if they removed the four and replaced them desu. I dont know who would watch that but who knows

Konosuba and Cautious fags shouldn't fight. We should be friends in having good taste in comedy isekai.

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>Kemomo Michi artist draws this
Genzo, Dumbpire and Jew Cat cameos when?

Dont be so naive user. Competition is not good and never is. Konosuba is on the brink of death and kadokawa will kill it at the drop of a hat if another show gets popular. You can only choose one to survive

Ahhh, no wonder they were getting so mad at Rista's hilarious scenes.

Kazuma is the more entertaining character for sure. Ainz is ironically at his best when he's separated from his supporting cast.

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Aren't they both written by the same author?

The thing is that the best jokes in Overlord take a bit of build up, such as when Emperor Jircniv has a mental breakdown.

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Narberal is for BCH (Big Cold Hugs)

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Daily reminder that Aqua best goddos!!
Remember this!

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He doesn't love Emilia, he loves Rie Takahashi.

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Reminder: Do not give trip/namefags any (You)'s.
Report (if applicable), hide, ignore and filterlist their faggotry.

Nice one brother.

Is this a shield hero fag?

She's saving her voice for Rista.

Unedited version

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No, but the furry wrestler isekai is from the writer of Konosuba.

Oh, is that why that show sucked so much? The entire show was cringe.

>3d disgusting Albedo version
Why god, why?

Overlord is going strong since its actually at the peak plot since since it's ending within a few volumes.
Tanya just had a successful movie but I doubt it will last without S2
Konosuba without S3 and them trying to cash in with it with a gacha kusoge even though it's setting doesn't fit in a gacha format plot is killing it slowly.
Re:Zero, well yeah, S2 hype is coming so it's more popular than Konosuba right now.


I wonder this about Ainz, too. I'm surprised he isn't trying to maintain his haughty image.

The last thing you'd want from her is in fact that she was a useless goddos lol

Oh shit

Ooh, we are getting closer to the big 2's. I wonder if hiroshimoot will just lock the board at and post 3 epic troll threads, then call us all fags.

>I wonder if hiroshimoot will just lock the board at (Dead)# and post 3 epic troll threads, then call us all fags.
No way. He won't even notice it happen.
He's not moot.

Is Chills narrating about Konosuba?
And that foot lettuce thing?

Welcome to Yas Forums, Aqua.
It's a nice pleasure to see you.

I'll see you in hell

Reinhardt destroys the whole Nazarick together low difficulty anyways, Overlordfags are just in eternal denial.

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>His power is that he has whatever power he needs to win
No one cares about any of that garbage writing you faggot, my five year old cousin literally says the exact same stuff.

What? Why, tho?
Aqua is sometimes good.
But sometimes a little dumb in her brain, tho.

>literally has hype and popularity at peak since it will be getting another fully fledge 24 episode season that's animated by the studio who actually gives a shit about it.
t. seething Overfaglord, enjoy your shit 3dcg, low effort, chinkoid quality,12 episode flop ''anime''

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what the fuck lmao

Peak hype for that garbage is clearly not very hype at all, the show sucks, the writing sucks, the main girl doesn't even like Subaru while Rem is going to be unconscious for the rest of the anime. Enjoy being a cuck.

"t." is a dead meme you faggot


Nice but based.

Kadokawa is shitting with isekais, user. But I miss that fucking Nichijou.

Slip yourself in.

>Forgotten series is forgotten

What a surprise

>the main girl doesn't even like Subaru while Rem is going to be unconscious for the rest of the anime
I swear the author is a troll who literally hates his readers.

literally language used by fucking kindergarten toddlers. How the fuck can a 5 year old overfaglord post in 4channel?
Seethe more sameoverfaglord

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You know how the hell she sucks as a goddess, right?

If you are going to troll the least you could do is be good at it.

JonTron really fucks up with anime.

He's based. Destroying the dreams of self-inserters by putting in coma their perfect waifubait.

Highway to the Aqua Zone lol

A based troll is still a troll.
Not any self inserters, but ones who managed to insert into one of the most pathetic and despisable MCs ever written. He must be simply full of contempt to deliberately bait them in before kicking them while they are down.

>Shield hero was introduced in isekai quartet season 2.
>Naofumi's family is rarely shown in this show only for single gags.
That makes me mad because actually Naofumi, his wife and daughter have more potential than that.

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The hell
This is too relatable for a post in 4channel

>actual shieldfag
So they do exist after all.

They do, but they mostly worship the tree loli now.

Post MFW the newcomer at season 3 of isekai quartet will be Rance

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>But I miss that fucking Nichijou.
Sure, Kadokawa must be proud of this comedy shit.
>Slip yourself in.
Based Black Flag fag.

Who let that dog out, tho?
Anyway, it's in denial for an actual shieldfag.

>Not just one new broken and OP skill, but two in a single episode
She can't keep getting away with it bros.

When did Kazuma become such a chad?

He was always kind of a Chad.

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He only acted that way because he felt he could get away with it.

>The last thing you'd want from her is in fact that she was a useless goddos lol
But as it turns out, that might be what you get.
This is just Aqua attempting to be cool.
But that's even worse.

>useless goddess aqua

He's still learning

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Just as planned, user.

Indeed Kazuma performs better in isekai quartet than in his own show. But he is still not a chad. He is the same lazy fuck he was. His skillset just provides better utility there than in his own world.

You think Luna masturbates at night while thinking about the only time that a man touched her lips?

Yeah, in that way the end of Isekai Quartet S1 makes no sense. Tanya attended military academy because she wanted a comfortable position behind the frontlines, but was sent to the front instead with a borderline suicide squad (RISE UP GAMERS). In Isekai Quartet she gets exactly what she wants: a peaceful world where she gets to cruise by on easy mode because she's learning high school tier subjects when she already finished university in one life and military academy in another. Why does she want to go back to a world where SONZAI EKKUSU can bully her when she can live out her days in Slice of Life Land instead, where her biggest threat is Aqua being a retard?

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>But he is still not a chad.
Isn't he still a virgin anyway?

What's the deal?
I'll go watch Re:Zero instead.

He frequents the Succubus store. There's a non-zero possibility that one of them provided a little extra service.

He is still virgin. He is literally too lazy to lose virginity.

Saying the truth is not trolling seething overfaggot

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S1 or S2, which has been the best so far?

Oh fuck. Oh hell no. Kadokawa has been shitting on Konosuba, but they're still shitting with IQ. How the hell that would be possible if they should include other fucking isekais? That's it. The last thing I'd from Aqua is to shit on her.


No ladder to climb in Isekai High, just councils and weirdo shit. Also, this could be yet another trick of Sonzai X, better the devil you know.

Meh, the game developers are literal retards anyways, can't even balance shit.

>Aqua's desire to climb the ladder turns the setting from a slice of life school into a shounen battle harem school where the student council has near-dictatorial power

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Drain yourself, Aqua.

Man. Imagine if Aqua was good as hell, not just being a dumbass goddess.

Wanna play dead, Aqua?
She's savage, isn't it?

Pls send help

Who will be more interesting newcomer at isekai quartet?
Senya, Rimuru, Diablo or Genzo?

Senya - His very careful nature has great potential in IQ, not to mention imagine Rista meeting Aqua.

Genzo - There are so many targets for our Furry/Scalie wrestle.

Rimuru - All powerful slime able to take form of cute boi has unlimited funny scenes possibilities. Including fact that one of his companions is literally a demon lord.

Diablo - Introverted guy trying to act like demon lord also has potential.

I need to drop this shit just gimme konosuba season 3 fuck

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If only to have another sexy blue haired character that powermogs the overlord cast.

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>Rista meeting aqua

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Yes. But the real last thing I'd want from Aqua is these:
Based Aquas.

>Rista meeting Yunyun
>Rista becoming Yunyun's only friend

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Genzo will never happen because furries are disgusting and that show failed hard. Seiya is already going to be next since Rista has already shown up, he's pretty funny too.
Diablo doesn't offer much, loser who pretends to be a badass, he is basically Ainz except with a dick.
Slime is popular but isn't very funny

>powermogs the overlord cast.
Only if you are a retard who has never read either story.


Attached: God Blow (season 2).webm (854x480, 2.88M)

Man, it sucks ass at me. But the fact that she was a useless goddess Aqua herself is she didn't deserved anything but Kazuma.

Literally the weirdest shit ever.

>still failed to kill him

Well it couldn't even scratch a frog, what do you expect?

Tanya's is always his own worst enemy. He never stops to have the foresight to not screw himself over because he's too busy being autistic about da rules.


Go back to your brain.

Yeah. Get used to that.

Iris and Wiz would disagree, Kazuma would loudly object if anyone dared to call their relationship as not friends, Megumin would bully her yet again by looking away, but coming to her aid if anyone else tried bullying her.

>they are not funny

You do realise that they added shield fag

Thats Natural 1, baby

>adding a show to directly compete with konosuba
Why do kadokawa shit over konosuba all the time. All this does is take away screentime for them. Why dont they just have balls and say they are gonna kill it instead of this bullshit

But isn't Rance just EndGame!Kazuma?

That would hurt LN sales, so even if it is dead they are not going to come out and say it.

Okay, so, literally, it was just her endgame.

Play dead, Kadokawa.

No screentime though. I expect Cautious Hero will actually get some decent content.

Guys, Aqua has officially confirmed this.

We're so close to volume 14, the suspense on how good the new TL will be and the quality of the book is killing me

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You're except me for that?
I don't think so.

Why are you so mad about Overlord, though?

>the suspense on how good the new TL will be
Don't insult Nigel-sama. There was nothing wrong with his translations.

Alright we all know he is going to kill Evileye, but do you think the rest of Blue Rose is going to die too?

That is a horrible thing ever I have in my mind.

Just havoc, user.

She needs to blow Kazuma

See Aqua. Hear Aqua. Speak Aqua.
Shit on her.

>he's not moot

I need this to happen. If they don't fuck it up, it will be glorious. For the love of Aqua, do it.

Attached: Kachou Fuugetsu.jpg (1000x1000, 147.38K)

>it's losing it's popularity more and more here
It's increadibly popular in nipland and that's all that matters.
Quit projecting your gaijin nonsense it's disgusting

t. completely missing the point

>Indeed Kazuma performs better in isekai quartet than in his own show
You just haven't gotten to volume 6 of his LN yet.
He isn't even at his highest power level and yet he gets an entire Royal Guard Squadron backed the fuck out

For fuck's sake I've seen these:

That's what I'm worried about - that the new TL won't match up.
Maybe. He might actually decide to spare her because killing her is so obvious at this point too. As for the rest of Blue Rose, it depends how Renner executes the plan™

That's a dead meme and you are a faggot.

Am I retarded? I can't understand shit these posts and most of the replies are trying to say.
Is this just a bunch of samefags who can't into english, or am I missing something?

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>He might actually decide to spare her
I'll take things that are never ever for $500 Alex.

>who can't into english
You are obviously correct.

Well it's incredibly unlikely but he might pull some shit like with Neia.

If Albedo and Kazuma had a baby would Aqua or Eris try to exterminate it?

Why is it that literally any time Aqua is mentioned the post quality of a thread immediately declines in one way or another? Fucking unselfaware waifuspamming autists or broken English spics. Literally DBS thread tier posting.

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But the ones with broken english are clearly trying to shit talk the Goddess, they are anything but waifufags.


This is Chills narrating about the useless goddess Aqua lol

Holy shit lmao
Janny do your job

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Number 15

That's rude user

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Get out and go back.

What? Did you misfire user?


>Number 15
Aqua is crying lmao

I can't wait for kazuma to knock Tanya up with triplets while his wife Megumin pouts about how shes only carrying twins

>shit up catalogue with new threads
>shit up Konosuba threads
>shit up Overlord threads
>shit up IQ threads
I see Aqua stuff on Yas Forums literally everyday, it's low quality waifuposting with fucking screenshots slightly edited in photoshop to be neon and obnoxious. 90% of you are anime only scum as well who haven't even read the fucking LN.
Kazuma and Aqua posting is annoying and those horribly edited gifs you niggers spam every single thread aren't funny either, and neither is the guy who refers to Kazuma as Konosuba. You fuckers are genuinely mentally ill and spam any thread related to the above shit.

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>It's a proven fact that generosity makes you a happier person.
So if you guys were generous enough to make these posts, then, good job.



Aaaaand another thread ruined by discord trannies


Lol. Even Kazuma was good, tho.

Trust me when I say that most Aquafags like myself dislike those retards. I've stopped going to the Aqua threads because of the sheer autism that runs through there. It's just 3 or 4 of them but it's enough to ruin our image.
Sometimes I'm even convinced they're just falseflaging as Aquafags to fuck with us.

Isekai foot lettuce lmao

>Sometimes I'm even convinced they're just falseflaging as Aquafags to fuck with us.
I doubt it, it's been happening for years now. A false flagger probably couldn't go this long without being caught. I just want to talk about Overlord or Konosuba in the designated threads without bait and fucking spammers everywhere. They might as be a general, and we all know how shit and cancerous those are.

Is that why they are "pretending" to be retarded?

>Sometimes I'm even convinced they're just falseflaging as Aquafags to fuck with us.
It's probably a discord with no endgame beyond shitting up the board honestly.

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>blaming the Aquachads for shitting up the thread when barely any Aqua posting has happened.
Niggers blame the completely unreadable broken english google translate shit I see in the thread. Two thirds of the thread is unreadable and it has nothing to do with Aquaposters

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So what? You've been obnoxious in every other thread, just because some spic is besting you in shitposting you think you deserve a free pass for spamming previously?
Both sides are cancer, how exactly do you think you are any better for spamming the same pictures and fanart everythread and derailing threads that have nothing to do with Aqua?

>blame the completely unreadable broken english google translate shit I see in the thread
But it's literally the same group. Obviously not all Aqua posters are them but see . Notice how the posts are less than a minute apart, so it's not one person, and they all got into the thread right after its creation. It's a discord.

Either way this shit is just wrong, posting Aqua is fun and all, but lately they've been taking this to the extreme.

Ok, but you've got to admit that some Aquafags are being too obnoxious. It's legitimately taking all the fun I had with these threads from me.

Also literally this very thread has bait in the OP.

Nigger im an Aquafag and I have never used discord and ive never heard of some secret Aqua shitposting club

Well it wouldn't be a very good secret if you had heard of it now would it?

Only 3 more episodes for the shit to end.

I will never apologize for posting my waifu on Yas Forums but goddamn some of you niggers take it too far im convinced a good few are falseflaggers. That being said this weird thread with the unreadable english is a new kind of shit that I hate

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My god look at how perfectly flat Tanya is in this pic.

>this weird thread with the unreadable english is a new kind of shit that I hate
Great, now that you said that they're gonna keep doing it.

But not before blatantly thinking about Visha.

>Konosuba season 3 announced
>It covers Megumin's spin off
>Aquafags kills themselves

It would actually enhance konosuba more dumbass, as they will actually have actual characters that has comedic potential to bounce on, not to mention the possible gags with Overlord characters as Seiya would treat them as demon lord army with Ainz as the demon lord, Aqua and Rista's double retardation combo is an awesome dynamic as long as they're decently written.

But I'm still skeptical that Cautious hero would actually come, at best they will be like Shield Hero since I don't have any high expectations to the writers, even though the latest episode was actually cute and comfy. It seems like SoL is the current writer's forte, while sprinkling some gags here and there.

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Honestly better than volume 6 and 7.

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Normal Mode.
Hard Mode, but with infinite resets. Psychologically extreme mode.
Tutorial Mode
Easy-Normal Mode, but the other side has the occasional cheat for that difficulty spike.
Hard Mode.
Nightmare Mode

I'll take constant aqua thread over constant 5toubun thread

Based Top15s.

What the hell is Aqua being a useless goddess in the world of isekai lmao

yeah this. Only way they'd make it in is a cameo where spider machine destroys part of a house and you see Sora and Shiro sitting inside

For her to not be 'plot' relevant. She seems to know or suspect what was going on but can't do anything about it since she got forced to comply with the world.

When does Genzo show up to do this to Lupus?

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>as they will actually have actual characters that has comedic potential to bounce on
They already do, they just aren't doing it.

you know i was thinking the same thing desu, also even as an Aquafag i will take any konosuba as long as it still has the same charm and soul as the show and movie

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exactly. adding new shows will just make it worse. the problem with the show is just how half assed the interactions seem. i swear there are characters in the main four that have not even spoken to eachother yet. They sprinkle some good interactions though just to give you hope.
The Vanir/Demiurge debate was great Megumin/Pandoras Actor stuff was great too.
i swear this show should just be Kazuma Ainz Aqua and Tanya walking around talking to people every episode about stuff

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Konosuba is more popular than Re:Zero. The novels sell a lot more.

Fuck that is a perfect endcard. whoever drew this understood all these characters perfectly.

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Did I stutter? Be quiet, you spiritual homosexual.

This is a girl.

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You need to accept what you are. Your faggotry is on par with an OP.

>posting that video in reverse
you think you're funny?

Aquafags deserve the rope.

Are you stupid? That's a kitty cat.

Tiny peepee

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I kitty cat I want to work under

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Lol. It's from someone's foot aquafag.

b-bigger than yours


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Isekai Quartet S2 - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_08.20_[2020.03.03_23.54.27].jpg (1920x1080, 877.78K)

A stands for Aqua, who is the greatest
Q is for qt pie
U stands for Uranus, the guardien of Aqua's Anus
A stands for Aqua, who is.. wait, we had that line already

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duck with the broken arm.

>Si hay pelito no hay delito.
fucking gross man, would never touch a furry girl.

Based spelling bee champion Aquafriend

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Cocytus deserves better.

cute duck

Best duck.

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Aqua is smrat

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>Ep 6 English dub is out
>still using "chicken wings"

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my bad, the thumbnails look similar

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I know the subs are wrong, but why should I care about the dub?

You cant stop us

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dont associate Aqua with dubs ever again

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Kazuma belongs to me.

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Dub Aqua > sub Aqua

Deal with it.


I have never seen such heresy in my life.



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Would you take advantage of this poor knight?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Isekai Quartet - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.00.861.jpg (1280x720, 131.47K)

Absolutely heretical, you have fallen from the light

Attached: 1582475362747.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)

They have to fry it 1000 times because the fowl found on Japanese soil is of exceptionally poor quality and would just fall apart otherwise.

>No Shield hero in sight

Espero que nunca hagan esto.

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That's better. Thank you very much, Aqua-sama.

what did alpha mean by Mysterious Subaru?

The 4 army guys, Aura, Mare, Emilia, Puck, and Darkness.
Upgrade Pandora's Actor to the main cast.

>Si hay pelito no hay delito

This must a new motto for Latin American countries.

They're not Army. They're Aerial Mages, of the 203rd.

At the end of the day, she's still being fucked with by mysterious entities. Even if it isn't necessarily Being X, something is at work that is choosing her destiny for her, and she doesn't like that. Besides, Being X still has to pay, and Tanya can't do that from IQ world.

Based Eleventh Goddess.

holy shit, worse crossover since Avengers


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Demiurge and Cocytus practically don't exist already. Just officially cut them and get it over with.

Ahh, to be young again.

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When will it end?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Isekai Quartet S2 - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_08.14_[2020.03.04_11.56.35].jpg (1280x720, 82.61K)

this was literally their best moment. Also Demiurge had the little moment arguing with Vanir about personal freedoms, that was an interesting show to show interaction desu

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How did all the Albedo and Kazuma posting start?

an episode in season one where they interact if i remember

Who's more popular? Subaru or Kazuma?

you mean in the show? or with the fans?

They're literally made for each other. Any idiot could see this one coming from miles away.

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When she gets replaced by Rista.

Unless you get it from Nagoya.

She should have a lot more friends if she gave away those "friend's choco" to others like Visha or Weiss.

Attached: choco.png (1920x1080, 1.07M)

This show should've just been the four main characters doing stupid shit with each other.

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>just been the four main characters
How dare you cut Visha.

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A hungry dog snatched and ate them before she was able to.

Attached: 1.jpg (487x425, 144.17K)

Stupid fucking dog.

Fuck you too buddy.

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>Almost every single girl is better than Shalltear and Albedo in Overlord
Can't wait to see them get cucked.

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