ITT: Characters who live lives of nothing but pure suffering

ITT: Characters who live lives of nothing but pure suffering

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Literally me.

GTO anons
is there a character in GTO called something like Mikiti?

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>spends childhood being mocked and bullied
>works his ass off to amend this but neither his wife or daughter respect him
>goes down in flames as a peeping tom while flashbacking to the above

Yeah; pretty much. What a meaningless life.

Anyone who enjoys anime because they usually peak in their first episode

He brought it upon himself honestly. He is a sniveling conniving business man.

Have been ages since I read the manga but wasn't he introduced as a molester or something?

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He is the rock on which bunny girl built her temple.

He's literally me

>shit on by the authors self-insert

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Are you scarred?


>Wife doesn't give a shit about him. Only cares for his money
>Daughter is a slut
>Lives his entire life by the boomer mindset and the status quo like everyone else and has got nothing in return
>Become increasingly more jaded after working as a teacher for 30 years.
>"Theres blood in my urine!!"
>The only good thing in his life is destroyed every episode
I'd be an asshole if I were him too honestly.

He did nothing wrong.
He not deserve all the suffering.

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he should've won the yukino pussy and not some loner creep.

A true human bean.

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Based confirmed.

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Bernie, I....

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There’s a girl in GTO Shonan 14 Days named Miki, that’s the closest I can think of

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The president of Nintendo after Iwata and before the current one reminded me a lot of this guy.

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At least he got to spend eternity with his sisterwaifu by the end.

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You still have a long way, kid. At least you now have a good relationship with your dad.

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I love Pekora.

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he only deserved 15% of all the bad things done to him tops

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As far as I remember, he was just seen as creepy by the girl students. He didn't do anything overtly sexual, otherwise the whole story about him trying to get his family's adoration and respect wouldn't make sense.
Could be wrong though, GTO was a while ago.


He tried to molest a girl in the train but onizuka stopped him

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Can Homura even remember happiness? When she ascends to godhood she's still miserable and hates herself.

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Looks like the guy is about snap and do a mass shooting any time

This man. Jesus christ.

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He was introduced as such, but the manga kept introducing more shades of his character through his backstory, painting him more as a living relatable tragedy than just a creep, by the end of the series he and Onizuka didn't even get at each other's throats like they used to.

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He is to Onizuka what Frank Grimes is to Homer Simpson

fucking friendless loser

Surely he'll get over it with the help of Fukuda

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who's this douche bag

It hurts

That's your real father. You should now be recognizing the resemblance.

To be fair it's his own damn fault

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God I hate him so much.


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w..what happened

I cried for 50 minutes straight over her

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I want to hold them and pet them and tell them "there-there your doing your very best""

Though, what if he slips out of your hand?

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a guy who has done multiple mass shooting

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what the fuck are you talking about? the universe bends itself backwards to allow him to develop interpersonal connections with how autistic he acts. the only bad thing that ever happened to him was kaede getting her memories back

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I was just popping into post this. That stupid fucking song they played over his memories is tearing into my heart

His family does care for him, even his dog loved him even if it doesn't show it, his arc in Paradise Lost was the only good thing in Paradise Lost. He gets a promotion and everything he suffers prior to Urumi's arc, he deserves them all.

The sad thing is that he's a good guy. He's got to do some tough things, but they were necessary as things were getting fucked.

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That was my favourite Onizuka moment in the manga, and a line I personally try to carry in my work

>inb4 she deserved it for not knowing how to act in a literal warzone

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>At least he got to spend eternity with his sisterwaifu by the end.
Nigga as soon as they got together at the end, they either died or the movie ended.

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might be a repost

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Wife was still cheating on him. Daughter implied to not be his

What's this from? Looks kinda gay desu

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>literally fixes everything only for the protag to kill his future wife because only the protag is allowed to solve problems
>at fault

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Some schmuck.

He was actually one of the good guys by the end, instead of some one note antagonist

At least he had the chance to choke a bitch before dying.

>you have no idea

Tell me more.

don't think light fucked anyone's life up more than his dad's

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>3 husbands
She's the envy of women everywhere.

>Kino Punch

Ronnie James Dio

>tfw tried to reject Hondomachi and reality before he gave up
It hurts.

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I felt for this motherfucker.

i dont get it

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getting dumped was a blessing in disguise

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>Survive your part, get your legs back, grow as a person and meet a cute Japanese waifu.
>Die less than 10 years later anyway
Johnny had a hard life

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There's his mental suffering and then there's Kiki's suffering caused by physical pain

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Fuck off back to whatever cancer you came from.

Wheres the faceapp watermark logo?

He deserved 105% of what happened to him. Meaning there's a 5% he still deserves to get.

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What was his deal again?

But it ends now


Scrolled way too far down to see this

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Imagine having to live with such a shit-tier imouto.

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He's approaching Suffering Hall of Fame desu.

X Lesbian: Embryo's Rape Dungeon World

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I'm not gay, but look at that bulge, damn. Kokoro missed that. What a waste.

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he just privacy man

Who's this guy? He looks like LITERALLY me

lol faggot
me too

Getting a job without an outside help for the first time.
I barely can, so I'm positive that it's a meaningless word for her.

Took me something like ten.
Is normal that I find a woman drinking like this to be extremely arousing?

>not giving a girl with a life of pure suffering a brief bit of peace and happiness then taking it away

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Someone post the suffering-deserved chart.

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this really needs to be reworked a bit though.
>guts at 100
>megumin at 45 suffering (???????)
>the memegirl from emergence at like 60
it's fine more or less but a few placements are obviously due to popularity

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He was still a neglectful father so at least Ninurta deserves to kick his ass.

Nagato not being on top row is a joke

Wife wasn't cheating on him and the daughter is his. All the implications were just him being very insecure and becoming more and more paranoid after Onizuka came into his life.

Look how fucking low they have Subaru ffs.

He made a whole province suffer as revenge.




Could you even imagine having to suffer like this? Haha, wouldn't it suck? Haha

Eh, doesn't really matter.

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So you are saying that
Sakura is on the same level of suffering as
>Mr Braun
who was a homeless orphan living by eating rats and sleeping on the pavement, saw his pregnant wife kidnapped and then got blackmailed to get her back and then found out that she died. He then after finishing his mission by having to get an innocent girl killed proceeds to kill himself and being forced to leave his young daughter all alone, which caused her to turn psychotic?
And that she has suffered more than Korosensei or Reigen?
There are tons of more mistakes, who the fuck made this chart?

>Stocking at 5

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at least have picture that makes you tell what fucking character it is. I would never been able to tell it was Bondrewd if it wasn't for the fact that I know the original artwork

Hayato should've have all females in that anime be in his harem. Now that would be a good anime.

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didn't even suffer as much as felix

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>implying Guts doesn't deserve 100 suffering
I have a real problem though with Killy at 40 deserved. The only bad thing he does is kill the astronomer. Personally I would swap him and Guts.

This. Also checked.

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What always bothered me about the "MY CRESTA" guy is his fucking anger issues. The guy spirales into a fit of rage when he just thinks about Onizuka, and I don't understand how you can live life like that. He's such a toxic person that he realistically wouldn't be able to keep his job. I actually know people like that IRL and they constantly get fired every few months because they pick fights with the wrong people.

It took me way too long to realize how similar I was to Uchiyamada in his bitterness and stubbornness for all the wrong reasons (minus the molesting parts). It's probably the only time I've ever been influenced by a manga to change the way I do some things in life.

He gets over it after Urumi's arc.

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Guts is definitely 100 in suffering though. I would change other things though.
>Grimmer, Punpun, Asuka, Black greymon, Kurapika much lower in suffering
>Kaneki, raped girl, Nishmiya higher in suffering
>Cut Suguru, Mumen rider, Mr Satan, Yamcha
>Goku much lower in deserving
>Add Casca, wolf guy cast

Just an ordinary old man. He's from Gilgamesh (Hwan Daeng)![/ spoiler]

>haha he guts from berserk™ he suffer
>haha he griffith from berserk™ he suffer and he deserve
>haha he skull knight we know practically nothing about him but he from berserk™ so he suffer lol
i won't get into the other garbage like megumin (why the fuck is she even on this chart? because she was some anons waifu?) but the fact that touma is below guts is disgraceful.
but that meme chart will always be posted despite people pointing out how shitty it is every time.

Free Akane and Mika from the Sibyl System in Psycho-Pass. They both deserve a better place to live in than those evil AI dictators.

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I was there for it's creation.
I could barely get Szayelaporro to 95 and that poor asshole spent like a couple centuries relative to himself getting stabbed in the heart very slowly.
And yeah, Touma should be 100. Only reason he's not is because people are retarded.
EMIYA should be higher too.
As should Sakura Matou.
Fuck me, there's lots of people who should be higher.
Also, why is Sakura so high on the deserved rank?

Sigourney looking hot here.

Happy Birthday Maeda!

Just imagine all that hand holding pure loving moments and sexual intercourse, imagine climaxing countless times and loosing yourself in the excitement of cumming inside your cute loving little sister in her ovulation day with consent, surely and fate worst than death.

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Thankfully it gets better for him

You did not understand his character at all.

it's funny because they both protags deserved it

Most of it is just fat.

> don't think light fucked anyone's life up more than his dad's
To be fair, I am pretty sure him never being home played some part in Light's fragile psyche. I mean the faggot couldn't handle that he - ideal son of the policeman - killed a person and his weak mind had found no other solution that TO TRIPPLE DOWN AND BECOME NEW GOD OF THIS WORLD!
Spend time with your kids dammit.

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fuck Amarti


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>umaru hater


Does anyone come close to Diavolo? I feel he should be above the chart.

The Madao Spiral makes me feel a little unhappy everytime I think about it.

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user. Look at the upper right corner.

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Table-kun didn't deserve it

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did he deserve it though?

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who is this cutie? want to touch her tiny boobs :3

What's happening here? Is right some abomination about to kill left?

Took way too long for someone to post him

Low key self felating desu. Oh muh poor poor antisocial 24/7 internet poster.
Don't wanna spoil anything, it's a great manga, how the fuck haven't you heard of it? It pretty popular.

He probably bonned Fujiko more times than Lupin.

The whole main cast really

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He tries to molest a woman who coincidentally is interviewi for a teaching position at a prestigious school where he's the Vice Principal. He's promptly stopped by Onizuka and gets beaten up by him but as the story progresses, his life is shown to be very miserable. He buys a car which is constantly destroyed throughout the show, his wife and daughter despise him and his job is constantly threatened by Onizuka's antics. He tries to get back at Onizuka but fails everytime

Someone post the gif. I haven't laughed today

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You could argue Megumin in the LN gets to 45 suffering at her most unhappy but it's kind of a stretch.

I think if someone normal went through her life (crapsack world, poverty, malnourished, subpar parents, have to kill the person they most admired etc.) then it kinda gets there but it's a comedy series so what the fuck ever.

Sorta, whatever his intentions or background originally he had long since become a monster consumed by pain who would stop at nothing to "save" himself. He had a shitty childhood and didn't deserve the hell he unwittingly entered but he is well beyond forgiveness at this point.

What are you talking about user? Its just two friends taking a selfie.