How did this silently become the best SoL ever made?

How did this silently become the best SoL ever made?

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That’s not Tanoshii Moomin Ikka

Can you loudly become the best x ever made?

enjo kosai

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Does the anime end well? I ask because the manga is still ongoing, however last Autumn, another anime project was announced.

that's not puchimas

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It has amazing animation direction and photography, only becoming better with every new season

post poor loli

Aoi is appearing in Apple ads on buildings in Japan.

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Aoi is a sellout!

Sataniaposters on suicide watch

As expected of the dumbest Susume

The cash flow explains the smug look here.

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Aoi's Apple bucks bought this.

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, plus ignoring the retarded screeching on Yas Forums and just silently doing its thing.

With all the government funding they have been receiving from day one and now this Apple ad I expect big improvements in the production values this time.

I didn't really like the third season. I still can't put my finger on why.

Aoi also acquired Holy Light.

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Too much dumb drama, too little mountain climbing

Quite possibly. Also I don't really like the new addition.

It didn't, but it's very, very good.

The best SoL ever made is either ARIA, Non Non Biyori or K-ON.

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Imagine just having a loli's feet on your wall

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It seems you have misspelled yuru camp user.

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Shima Rin uses a Surface at home and a Droid phone. Wouldn't it be great if Microsoft hires her now and we get a golden age of CGDCT from their rival ads?

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it lacked a bit mountain climbing but the production and directing was the best it's ever been and I can't help but love the characters even in silly drama plots

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Why can't we get ads like this in the US? I'd be 100% more inclined to buy something if it was advertised with cute girls.

>canonically technologically retarded
>becomes apple's poster girl
itoddlers btfo

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>satania not retarded

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I went to see if /g/ was talking about this but all I found was a thread about a butthole controlled robot with some dude's ass as the OP image.

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Hannou city is peak comfy. I would live there if I had a wife and daughter.

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Realistically what’s stopping somebody from walking up and yoinking the loli cutout

Unless you have a car and already live in the city, you have nowhere to go and you'll be caught immediately.



Japan is a nation of good boys.

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Realistically whats stopping me from walking up and yoinking a real loli? There like 40 lbs

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shut the fuck up idiot

y-you too

I love boys.

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God I want to kiss Aoi.

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Sawano OST, perhaps

S4 when? I need my hiking melodrama.

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I convinced my friends to climb mount fuji because I saw it in this anime
We even stayed in the same lodge and I didn't tell them

I, for one, liked it. The drama was pretty low key and it had nice and sweet conclusion. But I may be biased because I'm a wuss who gets moved by these things easily.

Fuji arc was top tier
It wasn't match since

Made for Onii-chan.

why is this the only good doujin?
why isn't there a sequel?

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The hinata /ss/ one is better.

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I guess I'll trust you in that satan even if I can't read it

It's also by Jido-hikki.

>tfw my daughter's wife is an iToddler

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Just give me season 4 with return to Fuji-san already.

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Is the manga just as good as the anime or is this another case of K-On!

Why coconut poor?

Single mom working at eight dollars per hour

If you like a ton of info dumps and more focus on mountain climbing/hiking then you will like the manga. The art isn't as cute as the anime.

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"I have masturbated thinking about you"

Uhh I'm pretty sure all of the animators and directors and people would have had to talk to each other while creating it so clearly it wasn't made silently. Hell the voice actors in particular definitely weren't silent, they're voice actors for god's sake. Honestly what a dumb thread.

I feel like I should be able to see her nipple from this angle

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Stop lewding the Yamas and post something wholesome for a change, you pervs.

This beautiful cinnamon roll?

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Wasn't expecting to fap but okay.

Cute feet

Post Hinata ripping off Aoi's top

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I like when she eats that sub.

I mean, it definitely could've been done way worse. It's not like it ruined the season, just makes it weakest one.

You glorious bastard.

kys faggot.

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I wanted to pick up the manga while waiting for S4 but it seem the translation hasn't updated in years.

Will Yama no Susume ever be free from the feetfag menace?

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Just filter the images.

All smiles here, I learned moon exactly for this reason.
I guess I will check it out.

>naked pictures of Aoi and pictures pandering to feetfags

>thighhighs and a sliver of ZR
Went straight into my lewd folder.

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>silly drama
i like it. it's funny as fuck. in the karaoke episode you see aoi's anxiety all only exists in her head, and then you see the same thing slowly happen to hinata too. kek. also her tantrums during that are funny, like she's a low-key yandere.

She needs to be bullied again next season, the sun doesn't shine all day long.


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You're missing gochiusa in that list.

Where do you find the raws?

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I dropped this show in the most recent season. The plot shifted from mountain climbing to more generic high school SoL content. Also, Alps no Shoujo Heidi is still best SoL of all time.

I buy them.

Oniichan is into 70's rides

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I wonder if anyone dares to publicly display coconas pillow!

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Is that a fucking headlamp on her leg?

Yea I left it there when I slept by her leg.

It didn't. Only sakugafags who don't even understand what makes a good SoL writing overrate this trash.

Well you shouldn't go to bed wit headlamps on, user.

I would totally steal this cute little stand if I see it.

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what's wrong with doing this?

dressed like a faggot

Imagine actually believing that fluent character animation is a malus

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I would kidnap kokona and keep her safe in my house.

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What's a Rinse?

>thirty dollars
She could've just used my tongue for free.

Have an extremely strong urge to touch her now...

its loli juice shampoo.

Aoi's fluids are worth a lot.

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we do, it’s just disgusting plastic 3D hags eating carl’s jr in commercials

No it isn't, you're garbage.

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I wanna buy kokona's bathwater.

I just want to buy kokona.

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You don't have to buy, you just have to convince her you are her real father.

I think you have me confused with someone else. I don't post that doujin every thread I only posted it because someone else posted a jido hikki doujinshi and I personally prefer the one I posted to the other.

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You can by her, kokonamom and their entire house, and still have cash to spare.

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Don't reply.

maybe easier to say that you're her new dad!

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I want to marry Kokonamom and spend all my time doting on coconut.

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>How did this silently become the best SoL ever made?
But that isn't Tamayura.

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Come on stop fooling around user, we all know NNB is the best SoL anime and YKK the best SoL manga.

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Unironically based.

I liked Tamayura more and Hidamari is my favorite.

I still think oniichan should have been otoosan so coconut and her boyfriend could become stepsiblings.

>How did this silently become the best SoL ever made?

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I think you missed the part where I said
>if it was advertised with cute girls
That's not cute, it's disgusting.

Aria and Hidamari are better.

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Does hidamari have as much loli feet?

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Gochiusa is low-tier and, aside from its production value, representative of everything that is wrong with CGDCT. It is shallow and vapid as fuck. See also: KinMosa, which is only slightly better because of Karen and only because of Karen.
t.guy whose favorite genre is CGDCT

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Oh boy, is that time again?

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Actually I'm lazy today, so gonna leave it like this.

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It has plenty of feetservice, and Yunocchi is pretty short. The first season is SHAFT to the max, you will either instantly love it or disregard it. In the later case you can begin with the second season but I don't recommend that.

Is this pedo?

Cute feet

it's mountainsexual.