Kanojo, Okarishimasu

Chapter translations OUT!!!


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Other urls found in this thread:

desuarchive.org/a/search/text/she is just a kid ruka/

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And Done

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He's a good dude. Hope he gets happy end.

The first time Kazuya’s eyes were like this, big eyes, right?

>”embraces the stuffed animal her grandma gave her” a fish / grandma / crying after Kazuya almost got himself killed / Kazuya asking himself “just... how did she do it?”
Nothing is coincidence.

>call girls who wont take the D
Whats the fucking point?

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We TRULY were Kanojo, Okarishimasu

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He will, he must act. It’s painful to see him self-deprecating what he is.

To make you mad.

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He will end up inheriting his family's store and being Chizuru's husband as well as her manager.

Kazuya got over Chizuru

Lads, I'm in love with Animezuru's huge tits.
Can somebody make a stitch of that swimsuit scene?

Still spamming are we, spic?


Ordinary people can't marry celebrities.

Nah, they can. Especially in Japan where actresses/seiyus often marry commoners in private.

And Kazuya owning a Liquor store and being her manager wouldn't be an ordinary person anyways.

Chapter fucking skipped.

I don't know.
Hopefully the anime team will kick Reiji in the ass and tell her to bring her back already.

There's very little of her in this chapter actually.
Most of the chapter is Kazuya trying to kill a bug and then him looking at Chizuru.

Nah, one of the guys who helped me with the first one beat me to it.

>Chizuru will never lie on your bed
Also what did Reiji mean by this?

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>finding a job
It's a story about Chizuru, but not really, isn't it?

I'm going to marry Sora Amamiya.


the real main villain of this manga: a cicada


She really grew into the job.
At first I wasn't completely sold on her but she nailed it in this latest trailer.

He chose the script because it resembled Chizuru's life.
This is a little bit too much though.

That was abrupt, at least he died a virgin.

>It might come back!
Imagine if it did and his dumb dangerous stunt was for nothing

>I always do stupid shit like this!
At least he's aware


>timeskip is approaching
Maybe he is hinting that Chizuru is moving from her apartment.

>Still no colored chapter cover uploaded by Miyajima

Yes, he risk his life or at least health again, this time because of a cicada, definitely he have grown.

We've had hints of him growing as a character multiple times, and each time he grows a little bit but then his character regresses to the status quo of him acting retarded when the plot needs him to act that way.

He is been growing several chapters ago, shrieker user. Welcome back from your slumber.

>he have grown.
dumb esl

What is she saying here, Dekinai Scans-user?

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Not really. It's a thing he pondered before. Chizuru has her dream, she'll become an actress and will move on with her life. He doesn't seem to have anything like that, there is the liqueur store he will probably inherit and possibly will run, but he doesn't really feel it's something for him, He never found anything he would want to do with his life. For the last year he was wasting his life chasing after Chizuru, but if she actually becomes an actress he'll need to stop. He can now realistically look at it for the first time in a year.

Damn, user, are you writing a doujinshi? It’s somehow a misery view of everything that just happened. It’s like the magic suddenly has a hellish and boring transformation.

If I was doing that I would bring up Ruka and how she always stayed by his side.

>It's springtime! Isn't that great?

Well, you’re missing Chizuru’s feelings. At this point only a big catastrophe would separate her from Kazuya. Your interpretation is an awful view of everything. However, can you tell me what is the name of that catastrophe?

wouldn't that just be Chizuru's granny actually dying? (I know she won't)


Cringe Rukaspic, shoo shoo.

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>Miyajima still hasn't uploaded the colored cover

No. I think it’s ok you like Ruka, user-kun, but Chizuru is in love with Kazuya. She will have a hard time admitting it, partly because she thinks Kazuya doesn’t have any interest in her as a WOMAN. But if her granny dies, which person do you think she will have in her life? In her real life, not her performative one, not Mizuhara Chizuru, but Ichinose. Who is her future? Kazu, of course.

>Still no colored cover

Don't engage on conversation with the spic.

Fucking saved

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Ruka a best
Chizuru a shit

>Who is her future? Kazu, of course.
No one you fag. Kazu would have moved on from Chizuru at that point.

Mami is never coming back. She's gone just like her singer namesake.

I saw it as Mixuhara channeling this scene, not because Kazuya was in danger

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Chizuru a best
Ruka a shit
Mami an overrated

No, google translate says "I'm taking off my tights"

Jp was probably "Baka" which is cuter though

Calm down, spic.
Ruka a shit.

I still want Mami back though.
I miss her kino ways.

It feels so wrong for her to disappear for so long after what he teased in chapters 77 and 78 man.

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Kazu is completely in love with Chizuru. Do you think he will moved on without telling her how he feels? Plus, granny is about to die.

>samefagging your own post
pathetic spic

There were other images. Reiji said that Chizuru “moved” to his apartment. Then, she left.

Yeah, it can be true. But too much things to see it just that way. Hugging a fish, grandma, just after Kazu is about to die doing his stupid overacting. I know she is acting, but Kazu asks an important question: “how did she do it?”

So Chizu is a mouse and Kazu a cat... can someone put the image when Kazu was the mouse and Chizu the cat?

Finally, the colored chapter cover has been uploaded.
Mouseyzuru a cute. A CUTE!!!

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What was that about him taking off his tights though?

Not him. There were at least three images.

Is this what you're referring to?

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Yeah I know about all the other images.
Was he referring to Chizuru taking off her tights then?

I think he said something as “she came to my house”

No, i found it. Chizucat and kazumouse

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So I was re-reading the manga and I had forgotten about this...
What did Chizuru mean by this?

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The same Reiji style, but the newest is simplified. As if he was drawing faster.

I'm referring to his mobile.twitter.com/Miyajimareiji/status/1231153042231218176

タイツ脱いだ translates to "I took off my tights" according to google translate.
Is google translate wrong?

His art-style just changed a bit over time.
Still looks good though.

Hahaha, she is masterfully acting. First chapters, full Mizuhara mode. However everything that happens before will happen again.

Technically the twitter image is a rough color/sketch version.
See for the final version.

That’s what I believe was a hint or maybe not.

Nah dude, she didn't need to do it at all since by then the Grandma had fallen for her act.

This scene always struck me as kinda weird since she clearly looks Kazuya in the eyes and asks him that.
Maybe it was just Reiji fucking with us?
Who knows?

That’s why I believe she is acting. Every time she isn’t, she cannot make eye contact with Kazuya. It’s impossible at that point she said something like that for REAL.

I get that, I translated that message through google too. I get that each message is a part of a full sentence but I don't get the "tights" part.

Ok, really, how much of a weakling is Kazuya? I remeber me and my cousins crossing from one room to another through the balcony (until my aunt caught wind of it and scolded us) and it wasn't some physically demanding stuff

I thought that maybe she kinda wanted to see his reaction.

>Every time she isn’t, she cannot make eye contact with Kazuya.
I wouldn't say every time.

I believe Reiji made two images, one with stocks and the other without. And he said she wanted to took them off. I don’t know.

That's a bridge not a balcony.
What are you talking about? Anybody would think twice before they pull what Kazuya did.

Also if anything when we were kids we did dumb dangerous shit because we don't know any better.

Oh I see. I didn't notice the images were different.
I think he meant that Mizuhara came to his house and then she took her tights off....lewd.

Well, he slipped because of the bug, one leg with all the weight, and the other shaking. He is holding from the upper part, he should hold himself from the bars.

>ban evading
Enjoy your ban

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Chizuru's breath smells like old men cum

>They didn't even bother to animate Ichinose's braids when she walks past Kazuya and Co.
Jesus, at this point I'm convinced that the anime will only serve to shit on the manga

Wasn't Ruka the cat?

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>Is google translate wrong?
>implying it's that great with Japanese to begin with
To be fair, it's assuming the subject is "I" here since it doesn't have the context from the first tweet which establishes Mizuhara as such. I think it's something more like this.

From the first tweet down:
>Mizuhara came over to my house.
>She took off her tights.
>Please stay.
>She's entering the bath now.
>Good morning. It's a great day out.
>She went home now.

>User commenting on the, "please stay," part: What is this NTR feeling? *vomits*
>Miyajima: She said she wants to go drinking with me next time.

Doesn’t Ruka have a slightly larger rack than that?

I think her chest looks fine.

Think it's got something to do with the lack of actual shading and coloring but I think it looks fine

>Miyajima: She said she wants to go drinking with me next time.

Ribbonless Ruka is really cute.

I didn't even notice that.

To be honest I shat on how the anime look when it was first revealed...it looked like absolute dogshit to me.
But this video looked a lot better.
Though it could be just them cherrypicking the best stuff.

If the anime is consistently as good as 80% of that video though I'll be satisfied.
Nowadays even massive successful series that sell millions and millions of copies receive pretty crappy adaptations so don't expect Kanokari to receive a top-level adaptation because it barely even happens at all.

In fact I'm honestly surprised it's looking as good as it did in this video. Even the music kicks ass compared to that crap in the previous trailer.
But like I said, it could be all cherrypicked bullshit and not even truly representative of what we'll get in a consistent basis.

She looks even worse with those lame ass twintails.
She should just let her hair free, she looked passable at least.

That one chapter where she slept over was peak Rukahair

I agree

Why you guys hate Ruka so much? She just Kazuya to keep her heart palpitating.

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Braids are cute.

>w-why do you hate a shitty selfish blackmailing bitch?

Those aren't braids.
Ruka's hair aren't even long enough for braids.
She looks dumb and childish with those laughable mini twintails.

Ruka a shit.

>samefagging again

Don't talk shit about Kazuya.

stop spamming and stop ban evading you autist

>Don't talk about the manga you autist

Hallelujah praise the lord. Chizuru is perfection.

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Her and Sumi are the only ones that straight up love Kazuya. Chizuru just "likes" him.

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>loving him
No she's in love with him loving Mizuhara and she's in love with her retarded heartbeats.

Idd Chizurubro, idd.
Did you see the latest anime trailer yet?

Ruka's rukas are massive in this image.

They don't seem that big desu.
There's been other images from the manga where she looks bigger.

She's second to Chizuru in the chest department...although there's only 4 girls so yeah.

She loves him but for the wrong reasons.

>denial-kun shits up another RomCom series
Is there a shittier poster than him?

Yup, last night. I just fell asleep and found the former thread dead

No she doesn't.
If she loved him then she'd trust him.

Yeah, South America should be rangebanned already.

What did you think of it?
I personally was surprised by how much I liked it after how much the December trailer disappointed me.
Kazu's voice actor was much better.
Amamiya was amazing.
The animation looked better and even the designs looked quite a bit better(clothes still look shit though)
The music was good.

I hope the anime is at least this good on a consistent basis.

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To be fair Kazuya isn't trustwhorty, he lied about his birthday party.

>What did you think of it?
It looks good, at least relative to the other romcom last year. I hope it's as good as Kaguya's animation or even better. So far I feel that the art can still be improved.
>I personally was surprised by how much I liked it after how much the December trailer disappointed me.
I was actually disappointed by it as well. Thankfully this one's improved.
>Kazu's voice actor was much better.
I still think he's a bit too young sounding.
>Amamiya was amazing.
I agree. Chizuru's VA hits her tone so well.
>The music was good.
So far, I agree, the music is good.
>I hope the anime is at least this good on a consistent basis.
I hope it is too. It will cover the beach chapters right? It has one of my favorite spreads in the manga, when Kazu jumps from the ship to save Mizuhara.

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This argument only applies to two people who are in love with one another

Which she had nothing to do with you idiot.
That was his grandma who organized that shit and she wanted to celebrate it with Chizuru and Kazuya not with Ruka.
Ruka invited herself like the bitch she is.

You don't understand what love is, much like Ruka.
Also, you can't force somebody to like you.

>I hope it's as good as Kaguya's animation or even better
I've barely seen Kaguya outside of that Chika dance meme. Don't expect the animation to be that good.
Like some user pointed out, they didn't even bother animating Chizuru's braids when Kazuya met her at school and she was leaving.
From what I've seen in that trailer though I like the coloring quite a bit, and I'm picky as fuck with coloring and think 99% of digital coloring nowadays looks like shit.
I think it also looked like they kept the filters to a minimum and the CG in certain scenes also didn't stand out like a sore thumb like it does in most anime nowadays.

>I still think he's a bit too young sounding.
He's 20 and a jap. I think he sounds right on point.
Not as good as Jun Fukushima though but he's doing his best and he's shown more than in the first trailer.

>It will cover the beach chapters right?
Ichinose was at the beach with a green top on in the trailer so yeah.

So yeah, I hope this trailer isn't misleading and I hope it at least looks this good consistently.

>enite life

Shun Horie is just 20?

>Don't expect the animation to be that good.
Yeah I won't.
>He's 20 and a jap. I think he sounds right on point.
>Not as good as Jun Fukushima though but he's doing his best and he's shown more than in the first trailer.
We'll further see once the anime comes out.
>Ichinose was at the beach with a green top on in the trailer so yeah.
>So yeah, I hope this trailer isn't misleading and I hope it at least looks this good consistently.
Then we'll see Mami too. It'll be nice.

Entire probably.
They made a typo I'm guessing(which is ironic considering they assumed Miyajima made a typo with scene 178 in the same page)

Kazuya is just 20.
Learn how to read tripfag.

>Then we'll see Mami too.
Dude, what are you talking about?
Of course we'll see her, she's in chapter fucking one.
Are you drunk or something?


No I mean in the beach chapter. She was nice there. I really liked her in the beach chapter and bar chapters.

Well of course she'd be there.

Read the manga dumbass.
Literally the first page of the series.

Well I guess he's more like 21 currently since a year has passed and he had his birthday but at the start of the anime obviously he'd be 20.

Yeah and I'm looking forward to her. I really wanna see her in action.

>no mami
I sleep.

He could have told her that instead of hiding it.

She'll come someday soon...maybe.
It's officially been 52 chapters(1 year's worth of chapters) since he last appeared

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mami has a dick?

Are you still ban evading?

Fuck *typo

Let it go user, it's clear that Ruka is the rival now.

Again, it wasn't her business.
And Kazuya was actually about to tell her but she freaked out like the autistic bitch she is.
He was even gonna make it up to her on Sunday.

No matter the case she had no right to invite herself to the party and she again was behaving like a passive-aggressive bitch who was about to blow up and reveal everything.

This is why anybody who isn't autistic dislikes the bitch.

Chizuru has no rival and never has had a rival.
Even Mami was never a rival.
I just want to see her fuck shit up and I just think it's bizarre that one of the starring members has gone this far without appearing.

I even think Mini not appearing in the Filming is pretty damn weird.
Sumi also doesn't make much appearances lately either.

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And Kazuya was actually about to tell her but she freaked out like the autistic bitch she is
Liar, Ruka was glad that Chorizo wouldn't be there but Kazuya had a guilty silence.

My wife Chizuru is so cute.

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Because she somehow like the crazy bitch she is knew about everything.
Ruka is shit.

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The fact that Ruka can't trust him means she doesn't love him.
It's not that hard to grasp.

Meanwhile you have Chizuru who trusts him and always is able to silently understand him.
You know, because she fucking loves him unlike Ruka.

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Sure, that's why Kazuya apologized for hiding it.

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Kazuya is a loser, he always apologizes even when he's not in the wrong.
Ruka was the one in the wrong to invite herself like that when his grandma didn't invite her.
Ruka is the one in the wrong when she doesn't respect the ground rules and constantly stalks him.

My wife Ichinose is so cute.

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>Ruka is the one in the wrong when she doesn't respect the ground rules and constantly stalks him.
They have a deal, Kazuya should treat her like a real girlfriend and he clearly doesn't do that.

A "deal" that was forced on him by her blackmailing him.
That's not how you get somebody to like you, and neither is by trying to get his grandma to like you instead like she did in that arc.

And even then she constantly goes on and on about how she's his real girlfriend which a real girlfriend wouldn't feel the need to do.
Kazuya also only ever agreed to her being a trial but this psycho bitch has deluded herself into thinking otherwise.

Really, Ruka is like a fat american soccer mom who thinks her shit doesn't stink.

>that was forced on him by her blackmailing him.
Blame Chorizo since she was the one who said that he should date her.

Ok let's get this down straight, who's better Ichinose or Chizuru?

Ichinose always looks angry.

Ruka >>>> Shitzuru

Maybe she's frustrated...that way.

Ruka instigated the shit though.
And Chizuru's reasoning made sense seeing as Ruka could have gone and exposed her as a rental gf to everyone.

They are both the same person.

>Ichinose always looks angry.
Not always.

>defending Ruka of all characters in this series
I have never seen anything done by Ruka in this series which isn't annoying as shit/borderline bullshit.

Ruka a shit.

It's one insane spic that is obsessed with her.

It takes a high IQ to appreciate a character like Ruka.

>Ruka instigated the shit though.
But she didn't, it was Kazuya stalking her that instigated everything, she wasn't planing to do anything knowing that Chizuru was a rental girlfriend
>And Chizuru's reasoning made sense seeing as Ruka could have gone and exposed her as a rental gf to everyone
That was the risk, Chizuru should have know that she is a public person and everyone can browse the app.

At home, sipping her coffee and planing her revenge.

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>But she didn't
Yes she did.
She always put her nose in other people's business from the moment she appeared.

>Chizuru should have know that she is a public person and everyone can browse the app.
It's not Chizuru's fault that Ruka is a psycho.
She didn't want her job to be found out so she did what she could.
Kazuya relied on her before so now she relied on hi.

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It's crazy that this was her last appearance.

Ruka shouldn’t be hated. You can dislike her, it’s ok. But she is just a kid. Everything points to the fact that Ruka will understand her position and redeem herself. Even Reiji in his last interview said that Ruka will have a happy ending. (No, she won’t end with kazuya) He even has a shirt with Ruka saying “hug me” COME ON S-IZO user stop being a Ruka hater.

g-guys...I think i'm falling for KazuCHAD too

>Ruka shouldn’t be hated.
>But she is just a kid
desuarchive.org/a/search/text/she is just a kid ruka/

Has anyone here read Mononote by Reiji?
Hag in the upper left looks like Kazuya's grandma.
Apparently it only had 20-something chapters but only 19 of them were fan-translated.
I should probably read it at some point.
The art looks even better than Kanokari's. I don't understand why this didn't succeed.

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God early Kanokari was great indeed.

Chizuru doesn’t even like him, she only doesn’t not like him.

will Reiji pull a 22i and have ghost granny tell Chorizo to FUCK the shit outta Kazu-kun????

>Chizuru doesn’t even like him,
Go away Yuipollfag.

More like Chorizo's ghost grandpa will do it.

Yes, but she'll tell Kazuya to fuck best girl Ruka

No because this is not Kusoben.

go away spic

indeed, it is something even worse

Who’s Yuipoll?

Now shoo off to Niggerben threads.

You are Denial-kun aka THK aka Rukaspic

KEK. And 0 romantic tones or fluff and no kiss no nothing only
>"do you remember that one time I """"kissed"""" you when we almost drowned?
> Yup that's me!
Thankfully Reiji aint an idiot.

Chizuru wants to marry Kazuya

Kazuya and Chizuru have had plenty of romantic development.
This is Kinokari after all.

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Yeah and I hope Reiji goes full overdrive once Chizu goes full dere while Kazu goes full CHAD

I don't see him going Full Chad but what does that matter when you have Chizuru?

Why is this faggot in every RomCom thread?

Because he's an insane faggot who always picks worst girl(like he did with Ruka here) and always insists on shitting up threads by claiming the main girl doesn't like the MC.

And legends say, she is still sipping.

Mami will murder everyone.

Dubs confirm.

His arguments are basically the same regardless of the series, and even other Ruka/Uruka/Yui/Maid/whoever the fuck he roots for hates his retarded opinions. He even talks in third person at times. It's better to never argue with him seriously.

Yeah I know, he samefags a lot too.
I wish South America would just get rangebanned already.

Though really
>Ruka/Uruka/Maid fans
They only had one fan here and it was him.

Well, see ya guys next week.

She can murder my dick with her lower lips, if you know what I mean.

>takes a dangerous experience to realize hes a fucking simp

LMAO the absolute state of this dumbass

Chizuru is a miracle.

Not even the first time he's done this.

Kazuyabros, that can he do? He can't rent her anymore and afraid to openly asking for a date.

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You think Chizuru would accept of he asks her for a date without being a rental girlfriend?

Not while she still works as a rental girlfriend.

Since Kaz associates rental girlfriend with Mizuhara the date should be with Ichinose.

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So...would she accept?

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She'll find a way to refuse, probably will make an excuse that she doesn't have time for things like that, or straight up will use the same explanation she used when Mini asked her about a boyfriend.

Cuck shit

Come on give him a bone.
What a tsun.

feels like the author wants her to face up to what kazuya means to her though

Based on her encounters with Mini and Umi it doesn't seem she has figured out that yet though. I am unsure she can see him as anything more than a friend that encourages her to achieve her goal for now.

He is nothing but a tool to be used to achieve her goals and will be cast off as soon as his usefulness is at an end

The girl choose her dreams instead of love. We are truly Kinokari.

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If it were bokuben she would have both .

He could have reached with his hand through the bars or bring a stick.

It's been long since Ichinose.

Bokuben is complete shit though.

Ichinose is so hot.

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Lucky rich old men have an exclusive access to this.

Screencap this: KusoKari's ending will be just like Hoshino, me wo tsubutte's one. Kazuya will reject Ruka first, then, he'll tell Chorizo to fuck off in a really rude way, all his development will revert back to square zero and will lose everything in the process. His few friends and family left will beat him up to a pulp and cut ties with/disown him.

Hypothetically, if Chizuru steps down from winning the Kazuya bowl, who would be next in line? Who would be the most likely to win?

Best girl

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Are you legit sitting here for a whole day making sure to bump this from the lower pages over and over even though clearly no one wants to discuss the series? Genuinely pathetic.

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That's normal. It's rare for an Yas Forums thread to even break a hundred nowadays.